Mod Removals

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UPDATE: Mod Removals

Stealthy Takedowns, Advanced Needs 2, Crime and Punishment and Gun For Hire are no longer available to download on the Nexus after successfully being removed by request. Originally, the plan was to leave the legacy versions here, unsupported, without updates, but the language in the Terms of Service did not sit well with me, where mods I no longer had any control over distribution could also, per the terms of service, be altered and redistributed without my consent by Nexus or those they appointed to do so. These mods are not the kind of mods that anyone, bar a HIGHLY select few users in the Fallout 4 modding community could ever hope to modify successfully without breaking them. And you know? I do not wish for people to come to me, asking me to help them sort out problems with versions of my mods that I was not responsible for updating, aside from the ethical situation wherein someone could, under the terms of service, attempt to highjack these highly complex pieces of software.

That said, I opted to remove all of my files rather than leave them here. They will be rehosted and the information on the hows and wheres will be made more public at a later date, but I can tell you this much: THIRTY of the TOP mod authors who have left here have banded together to create something new; a new home for our mods where we retain 100% control of them, always. More information will be made public the closer we get to the unveiling (which, last I heard, is a little over a week or so away).

Stay tuned... more news will follow and you WILL continue to get updates to all of my mods on the new platform.

Thank you to all for your support over the years. I appreciate you all.



  1. J4ckH4mm3r
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Another waste of time.
  2. Globbud
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I couldn't find the addon for mcg for the crime and punishment mod
  3. Splaetos
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    So if you are here looking for an answer to "what the hell is this mod I downloaded a couple years ago right before I stopped playing?"  I would advise uninstalling before starting your new playthrough. Not saying it's a bad mod, but there are several instances of unconfigurable and/or strange behaviors that will either have to ignore or search through game data to resolve, or discover cannot be resolved.

    It's balanced for weak vanilla games, the adult content seems to be tilted towards people who want to roleplay getting knocked up(?) and it's pretty easy to enable a scenario that leaves you unable (locked out of any option to fight because you were wondering who these douchebags rolling up on you were) to shoot it out with some bounty hunters looking to hang you in diamond city for shooting a disciple raider in nuka world before they were red.

    Wait, I think I am saying it's a bad mod, and nexus aint missing it. It has wasted a lot of my time while adding very little value.
    1. Nietkopf
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I'm just annoyed that I can't download it and try and fix it, sounds like it just needs to have some bloat stripped out and some stuff simplified, the Nexus should require the source code for any scripted mods be included with them, especially for f4se plugins. If he thinks his code isn't readable and maintainable, he should be ashamed of that and recognize that means that he shouldn't have published it in the first place.
    2. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 862 kudos
      You have the right to play the mod in your game. You do NOT have the rights to my source code. Its that simple. You wouldnt be able to understand it anyways. There's literally only three mod authors on this whole site that could, me being one, and the other two wouldnt tackle it because of its complexity. So... there's that.
  4. UmartheArmsman
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any news on the new platform?
    1. Randomizergamer
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Apparently, it's

      EDIT: the site won't open until October
    2. Bersark93
      • premium
      • 219 kudos
      It's nearing the end of November and that link doesn't work
    3. awesomezombi
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      December now here in Canada at least. Americans are an hour behind in some parts so ¯\_(?)_/¯
    4. yokhanan
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I keep getting an Error 1020 Access Denied error from the domain.

    5. CiaraRayne
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      It's alsmost like building a website like the nexus is hard. :) 
  5. Algau1
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hey JoerQc, is it possible to have a discord link to the server where you are hosting the mod download (especially of Crime and Punishment)? Thanks!
  6. dark32a
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    All that this has proven is that mod authors shouldn't have the ability to remove their mods, because they will happily use threat of it to hold the community hostage and attempt to force it to comply with their politics.

    This is the same reason why no-one likes unions. A company starts cracking down on unions, so the unions grind everything down to a halt and people spend 3 weeks without power or water because of union politics. Now the company is even more incentivised to get rid of them, and public support is completely behind the company.

    You lot have proven you will tear apart the community for even the most asinine of reasons, and this is hardly the first time. The paid mods fiasco comes to mind. I do wonder if this new site will be selling mods or at least google analytics data, and i wonder if that has factored into certain creators' motives.
    1. dumbassmike
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey Joerqc, I’m sorry that you’re going through all of this.

      Are the Gun for Hire docs currently posted online? I’m into my first run though and have some questions. If they aren’t then please don’t go to any trouble. I can easily wait for the new website. 

      Thanks for all your work on this stuff. I hope you can get back to the things you enjoy doing soon.

    2. FlashyJoer
      • premium
      • 862 kudos
      Thank mate. The only thing I am going through Mike, is the inane entitlement of some users who think they have an unalienable right to MY work (not referring to you however).

      All documentation will be back online once ModSanctum is live. You can always drop into the discord and ask - hundreds upon hundreds of users there that can answer questions if I am otherwise occupied. Newer versions of the mods will be posted there as well, on go-live day.
    3. yester646
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I am not sure what your idea of a mod author is, but you can not force someone to host it there were you like it. Understand the reasons.
    4. DragonDrop1997
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      He can,
      I think you might mean "It is inconvenient for the community", right?

      And it shure is, but nothing we can't handle.
      Better switching the platform than leaving the community. ^^
    5. blkwolf999
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      only reason weekends exist is because of unions. 
    6. FlorisVI
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      seriously one of the rudest most entitled and selfish things i have read on this site. There will be another place to find the mods literally 85% of dev leave some sort of update in their bio or you can find their s#*! somewhere else, if you put in any effort of finding them or maybe had a little patience for the FREE content you consume and treat the people that make it available to you putting countless hours into the content you use as humans there would be3 a much stronger community.
      These modders is what makes our community possible in the first place and large amounts of people like you is exactly what ruins any community, be decent or leave others alone.
    7. Saber57Draxus
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      LMAO "no one likes unions" speak for yourself fam: mine takes care of me and all of ours - i feel your experiences w unions maybe tainted.  

      But you aren't wrong in your overall message: idk if thats the case here but the point still stands strong 
    8. Gemoll
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Where do you get off with that entitled attitude towards hobbyists providing you something for free as a labour of love? They're "holding the community hostage" by no longer making hours of free entertainment accessible on your preferred platform? Really? Fits right in with the dumb tangent about unions, though.

      Unions are popular with working people everywhere except the US, where, after decades of government-funded union busting and propaganda, factory workers think they're temporarily embarrassed billionaires and solidarity of any kind is considered communist subversion.
      The most comprehensively cucked working class on the planet. Even they are starting to catch on again, though.
    9. TheLoreSeeker
      • premium
      • 38 kudos
      Imagine being so pissy about a modder deciding to rehost their work somewhere else that you go full "Pinkerton Union Buster".

      Some people man.... SMH.
    10. Splaetos
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      I know man, who says a child can't work 13 hours a day locked in a 4th floor sweatshop with no fire escape? They are adaptable, that's why you conscript... err hire them.
  7. Houseofthewolf
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    No! God please no! Joe! You're my favorite modder! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!....

    Ok, I'll head over to Discord. Cheers.

  8. FlorisVI
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    man this whole situation is really s#*!, i hope the site you guys create will make a great place to host mods in the future, i hold absolutely no loyalty to nexus
  9. aufisch
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    All I can add here is that I sincerey hope that no single modder has stopped modding out of frustration over this whole incidence.

    Keep up with what you like doing best even if you just do it for yourself. 
  10. Techmaster7032
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Damn! I loved your mods! All this crap with Nexus is just out of hand! 