Beach House Mix

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  1. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 149 kudos
    That house looks fantastic, so that two great things in one set.
    I have a score of 9 out of 10  ,  is that bad ??
    1. arghTease
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      no, that's greeaaat... thank you Erwin 
  2. Bernt
    • premium
    • 388 kudos
    To me anything that Cormell does is worth visting - this one is no exception. (Especially knowing - and using- the original) Adding Lachina into the mix is like adding something extra to an already exquisite chili. The chili's already perfect as it is. But once you've added - in this case lachina- you don't know how you ever went without
    Thank you for the laughs - again And a happy - though belated - 4th
    1. arghTease
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      thank you my friend for the kind words, love the chili analogy   and so happy you got some laughs.  Indeed so true on Cormell! 
  3. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    A (belated) Happy 4th of July, R.T.  Hope you and the fambly had a wonderful day.   Got lots of chuckles from your set here.   And Cormell did an outstanding job on this place, I know it took him a long time and lots of headaches. 
    1. arghTease
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      thank you and it was a very nice day.     glad to send some cheer your way and yes it is a really cool mod well done. I like you know it had to have been a headache at times  and a lot of time.  I myself would not know where to begin  LOL 
  4. CuteAsDuck1
    • supporter
    • 285 kudos
    1. arghTease
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      thank you!     you too 
  5. Radsweeper
    • member
    • 62 kudos
    Nice beach house there. Would be a shame if a women with an attitude walked in and claimed it. Ooops. Too late...

    1. arghTease
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      LOL     too late
      thank  you 
  6. SnowVillierz
    • member
    • 146 kudos
    The amazing Lachina in that excellent Beach House. She's better than fireworks. She's got a great bikini and awesome jacket. Happy 4th of July.
    1. arghTease
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      Thank you much Snow, yep better thank fireworks  LOL 
  7. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Fantastic set. Thanks so much for featuring the Beach House. And for testing the mod. I see that we still have a little bit of work to do. I'm thinking we'll release it -- but, maybe as a modder's resource. It's not your usual easily installed mod. There are just too many mods that interfere with the landscape and some of the specifics at Spectacle Island.

    Yeah, Lachina always dresses a place up.
    1. arghTease
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      you are welcome.  As for interference yes, I still haven't figured out some but I think Vivid Landscapes it the culprit.  there are tops of landscape floating in areas along with some weeds albeit it's not supposed to do more than "enhance" the vanilla. 
      Anywho my pleasure and thank you  
  8. Blass1912
    • supporter
    • 119 kudos
    I watched, read and listened with great pleasure! Wonderful, my friend, I got a good mood :))
    Everything is fine and thank you and our friends!

    (A magnificent statement by E. Hemingway )
    1. arghTease
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      thank you, glad you enjoyed 
  9. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,125 kudos
    Looking fab! as she always does RT :))
    Very cool looking house from Laird and captures :))
    1. arghTease
      • premium
      • 209 kudos
      thank you Izzy, yes Laird and Pat have done a beautiful job on that house  
  10. freya79
    • supporter
    • 111 kudos
    1. arghTease
      • premium
      • 209 kudos

      thank you 