About this mod

Aim of the mod is to provide small shelters most settlements. Also to provide a little more loot to get your settlements started.

Permissions and credits
- Settlement Shelters -

- Description -

Aim of the mod: To provide bomb/radstorm/rain/raider attack shelters to most of the settlements, like the root cellar in Sanctuary. Just somewhere safe you can duck into when the need arises. Or loot, whatever. Actually, that has now become a smaller aim, to provide a little more junk for your settlements, gives them a nice little influx of mats and desk fans.

Each shelter is companion friendly, though some are quite cramped, companions will inevitably send crap flying by their sheer presence alone. Or they looked at it funny. The containers are NOT SAFE, some will respawn. I'm not sure how long the respawn takes, but please don't put anything in them. I don't want to get shouted at. They aren't really meant as player homes, but if enough people want safe storage that may change in the future.

QUICK NOTE: Due to the nature of buildable settlements, it's possible some entrances will be blocked by something you may have built where I put the entrances if adding into an existing save. Solution is to use at the start of a new game, or move whatever it is that's in the way. I'll try and make each entrance to the shelters as out of the way but accessable as possible. Not easy in some cases though.

- Settlements added -

1. Red Rocket - Entrance is at the side of the building.
2. Startlight Drive In - Entrance is inside main building.
3. Sunshine Tidings Co-op - Entrance is on the silos.
4. Hangmans Alley - Entrance is on one of the buildings.
5. Egret Tours Marina - Entrance is one of the buildings facing the water.
6. Tenpines Bluff - Entrance is near the destroyed house.
7. Outpost Zimonja - Entrance is on the square brick building.
8. Graygarden - Entrance is next to one of the overpass pillars.
9. Jamaica Plain - Entrance is on the house directly opposite the nearby church.
10. Taffington Boathouse - Entrance is in the house.
11. Kingsport Lighthouse - Entrance is at the bottom of the lighthouse, near the pier.
12. Warwick Homestead - Entrance is in the shed where you fix the machine for the Atom Cats.
13. Spectacle Island - Entrance is on the shipping containers on the ruined barge.
14. Oberland Station - Entrance is on the main building
15. The Slog - Entrance next to Arlen's hut.
16. County Crossing - Entrance is a hatch inside the ruined house.
17. Somerville Place - Entrance is at the back of the house.
18. Greentop Nursery - Entrance is between the shack and the house.
19. Nordhagen Beach - Entrance is near the bridge on some rocks.
20. Finch Farm - Entrance is just next to the shack.
21. Croup Manor - Entrance is in the vanilla basement, to the right.

- Installation -

Install: Use NMM or just pop the esp into the data folder.

Uninstall: Delete or remove.

Also check out Railroad Redemption - Life of a Secret Agent by chakka. A fun mod designed to be played alongside the main storyline and requires Settlement Shelters to run. It has good rewards, well written notes and he may make more parts. Check it out!

- Bugs/incompatibilites -

Will obviously be incompatible with mods that add/move or remove/blitz/annihilate things where I put the entrances.

As with any mod that edits settlement spaces, this will DID cause the cell reset bug, until that is Beth pull their finger out their arses and fix it. Containers that you build will be ok, though items may appear in them every time you go back to the settlement, but all the items you placed in there will still be safe. Worse though will be the power armour frames, the pieces will reset on the frame. Until the cell reset bug is fixed, I advise you to use a mod that allows you to build PA frames using the workshop. This one for instance. OR, buy the frames from some vendors. Hell, even if you don't use mods that edit settlements, I advise you to do that anyway, as the cell reset will happen eventually. Also check out Cell Reset Workaround Patch.

I just read on Beth.net the cell reset bug has been fixed, so...I don't know. Your mileage my vary.

Recently I finished a full playthrough with a set of PA left at Red Rocket the whole time, and it stayed as I left it. So, touch wood, the bug is squashed.

Xbone version available on Beth.net, link in mirrors tab