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About this mod

Fixes vanilla Miscellaneous Items to have real-world weights and consistent scrap breakdowns, with support for Valdacil's Item Sorting, DEF_UI, and Functional Displays.

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This mod alters most scrappable miscellaneous items in the game to have real-world weights, consistent component breakdowns based on those weights, and fully supports Valdacil's Item Sorting (VIS), DEF_UI, and Functional Displays.  This mod restores vanilla weights to many objects whose weight was reduced by the 'Val's Picks' version of VIS, alters weights, values, and scrap breakdowns for realism, adds VIS and DEF_UI tags to all names, and adds their Functional Displays keywords.

FO4 did a pretty good job at making objects have realistic weights, but was less consistent with their scrap breakdowns.  For example, how could a Tin Can (weight 0.1) and a 5-pound Tube Flange both scrap to 2 Steel, which weigh 0.2 each?  Also, broken down components such as Steel and Glass all weighed 0.1 or 0.2, which is unrealistic given the weight of things containing those components.

VIS fixed these mismatches by lightening many scrappable items, in order to match their breakdown weights.  However, this means that it made many items unrealistically light.    While a boon for packrat players, especially in the new survival mode, it offended my sense of realism to have things weigh so little.  As a backpacker, I am all too aware of just how much stuff weighs when you carry it, and want to bring the same level of 'what stuff do I actually NEED' decision making to FO4, while also fixing other inconsistencies.

So, I created this mod as a patch for my own playthrough.  However, given the number of hours of work I put into it, and it's general usefulness to anyone using 3 of the most popular FO4 mods, I decided to share it.   Here's what I changed:

Crafting Components:

  • Steel, Glass, Ceramics, Wood, Bone, Leather, Acid, Oil - these crafting resources now weigh 0.5 per unit (up from 0.1, or 0.2 for Steel and Wood).  Objects made of these components break down to 2 units per 1 weight, so (for example) a 0.5 weight bottle breaks down to 1 glass, while a 1.0 weight vase breaks down to 2 ceramic.  I have left the vanilla prices on those components, which are 4 caps for oil, 2 for glass and acid and leather, and 1 for everything else.
  • Fertilizer - now weighs 1.0 per unit, rather than 0.1.
  • Lead - now weighs 2.5 pounds per unit, rather than 0.3, but still is worth only 1 cap.  This is the same as in VIS Val's Picks.  (in the real world, you can get $1 for 3-6 pounds of scrap lead)
  • Copper - still retains its weight of 0.1 and price of 4 per unit.  This means copper is now worth 40 caps per pound, or 2.5 caps per ounce.  (in the real world, you can sell copper scrap for about $2/pound, but I assume it's more valuable in the wasteland).
  • Silver - still weighs 0.1 per unit, but each unit is now worth 30 caps, rather than 6, so silver is now valued at 300 caps per pound, or 20 caps per ounce.  (In the real world, silver goes for about 20 bucks per ounce, give or take).
  • Gold - now weighs only 0.01 per unit (rather than 0.1), and has a value of 100 (rather than 9).  Gold is now worth 10000 caps per pound, or ~650 caps per ounce.  (In the real world, gold is worth $1500/oz, give or take).

Major object changes based on these new component weights and costs include:

  • Auto Parts (tube flanges, gears, etc) - now have weights based on breakdown values, so items producing 2 steel weigh only 1 pound (not 5), and so on.
  • Bags of Cement - were way overpriced (15 caps) and underweighted (8 pounds for a bag that big?) for a breakdown to 5 concrete.  Since concrete can be hard to find, I upped the breakdown to 10 concrete, which means they now have a weight of 20 (yeah, they're heavy) and a cost of only 5.
  • Bag of Fertilizer - still has vanilla weight (4.0) and breakdown (4 fertilizer + 1 acid), but is now worth 5 caps instead of 25, to match scrap value.
  • Barbells and gym weights - have vanilla weights (have fun moving that 160 pound barbell in Survival!), but break down to way more lead and steel, about equivalent to VIS, but I replaced some lead with 5x the quantity of steel to represent the bar.  Values are now more equivalent to breakdown values, not substantially less.
  • Bobbleheads - are not touched by this mod.
  • Bone Cutters - now weigh 2.0 (not 3.0), and scrap to +2 steel over vanilla.
  • Bottles - beer bottles weigh 0.5, cost 1 or 2, and scrap to 1 glass.  Wine, Whiskey, Vodka, etc bottles weigh 1, cost 2-4, and scrap to 2 glass.  I actually weighted bottles on my kitchen scale, so this is quite realistic.  All bottles have sound effect changes from UFO4P, same as VIS.
  • Boston Globe newspapers - broke down to 'Cloth' in vanilla, which makes no sense whatsoever.  I made them [Trash] items that cannot be scrapped.
  • Cameras - weigh 2.0 (not 3.0).
  • Cigars - are 5-10x more valuable than vanilla.  taking a cue from how valuable tobacco is in barter economies, I have upped the values of cigars from 1 to 10 (or 20 for San Francisco stogies), and made boxes of them contain 20 cigars (now worth 200 or 400 caps per box).  They are marked as (Valuable) and cannot be scrapped.
  • Cigarettes - keeping the base value of 1 cap per cig, and the real life weight of 0.5 for a carton of 10 packs/200 cigs, I have set corresponding prices and weights.  A pack now contains 20 cigs = 20 caps, and a carton contains 10 packs and is worth 200 caps.  As in VIS, they are marked as Currency or Valuable, and cannot be scrapped.  (Seriously - vanilla had 1 cig give 1 cloth?)
  • Clipboards - no longer give wood when scrapped (at 0.2 weight, they're just too light), just a spring.
  • Copper Bars still have a value of 200, but now weigh 2.5 pounds (not 0.5), and break down to 25 copper (not 10).
  • Dog Tags - still have 0.1 weight and are worth 1 cap, but now break down to 1 aluminum rather than 1 steel.  Dogtags have been aluminum since WW1.  Unique ones are unscrappable, as in VIS Val's Choice.
  • Duct Tape - a whole roll gives just 1 adhesive and 1 cloth?  Gimme a break!  They now break down to 5 adhesive and 5 cloth, and weight 1 lb, not 0.1.
  • Fuses - no longer produce glass when scrapped (they're too light at 0.1), just 1 copper.
  • Giddyup Buttercup is now worth 400 (not 177) and scraps to 11 steel + 5 screws (1 per leg + 1 for head) + 4 springs + 4 gears (1 each per leg), to match the value and scrap breakdowns of each of its parts.
  • Globes - now weigh 2.0 (not 3.0).
  • Gold and Silver Lockets, Watches, etc - now have values close to the value of their breakdown components, which are often substantially higher than vanilla.   Those few that have special significance or price well above breakdown are tagged as 'Collectable' or 'Valuable'.  Unique items cannot be broken down, as in VIS Val's Picks
  • Gold Bars still break down to 10 gold, but now weigh only 0.1 (not 0.5), and are worth 1000 caps (up from 450)
  • Hides (Deathclaw, Yao Gui, Molerat) weigh the same as vanilla, but provide way more leather - 2 leather per pound, same as the component.  An 8 pound deathclaw hide now scraps to 16 leather, not 5!  (v1.1+)
  • Institute Tools - being high tech and breaking down to aluminum, I used the lighter weights from VIS Val's Picks.
  • Lamps - now weight only 1.5 (not 3).  They still almost all break down to 2 glass + 1 copper, as vanilla.
  • Makeshift Batteries (3 lead, 1 wood, 3 acid) now weigh 10 pounds, not 8.  (Note that real car batteries weigh ~ 40 pounds)
  • Magnifying Glasses - now scrap to only 1 glass and 1 crystal (not 2 and 2), as they only weigh 0.6.
  • Pencils - are now [Trash] items, with no breakdowns, as there is no way they have enough wood to matter, and pencils don't actually contain Lead.
  • Pool Balls - now weigh 0.35 (not 0.5), as real pool balls weigh 5.5 oz.  (v1.1+)
  • Shopping Baskets - now weigh 0.7 and give 1 steel + 1 plastic (vanilla was weight 1.0 giving 3 steel + 1 plastic).  in v1.1+
  • Silver Bars still have a value of 300 caps, and still break down to 10 silver, but now weigh 1.0 pounds (not 0.5).
  • Silver spoons/knives/forks still weigh 0.1 and scrap to 1 silver, but are now worth 30 instead of 4.
  • Teapots - are no longer bonanzas weighing just 1 but breaking down to 4 ceramic+1 asbestos; they still weigh 1.0, but now break down to 1 steel + 1 ceramic + 1 asbestos.
  • Telephones - still weigh 3.0, but now scrap to and additional +1 screw (as in VIS) and +1 copper.
  • Toasters - now weigh 1.5 (not 3), and scrap to 2 steel + 2 spring + 1 screw + 1 copper (as opposed to 2 steel + 2 spring in vanilla, or the additional +1 screw in VIS)
  • Tin Cans - weighed only 0.1 in vanilla (very realistic), but broke down to 2 steel.  Not wanting to make them into trash (I support recycling!), I upped their weight to 0.5, and let them scrap to 1 steel, with the logic that each can you collect actually represents 5 real cans.  Aluminum cans still weigh 0.1, but now scrap to 1 aluminum, not 2, the same as in VIS.
  • Tools (wrench, hammer, spanner, etc) - still have the {Tools} tag from VIS, but have their breakdowns restored.   Most now weigh 1-2 pounds, not 3.
  • Toy Cars - now weigh 0.5 (not 1.0), and break down to 1 wood + 1 screw (not 2 wood + 1 screw).  There just isn't much wood in those things. (v1.1+)
  • Turpentine - still weighs 1.0, but now breaks down to 1 steel + 5 antiseptic (not 2 steel + 2 antiseptic).
  • Typewriters - now weigh 10.0 (not 5.0), but now scrap to an additional +10 steel.  (Real world typewriters weigh 12-20 pounds, so this is getting off easy).  The rare Carlisle Typewriter still only weighs 5.0, because it uses aluminum instead of steel (now scraps to 10 Aluminum, not just 2).
  • Unique Items - are weightless and unscrappable, as in VIS.
  • Vases - most vases break down to 2 glass or 2 ceramic in vanilla, and I kept that.  However, many weighed 3.0 pounds, which I reduced to 1 pound.  Also, many vases have values WAY higher than the cost of their components (e.g. 26 caps, whereas 2 glass is only worth 4 caps).  In those cases, I changed their VIS labels from '{Scrap}' to '(Valuable)', as you probably want to sell them rather than scrap them.
  • Weapon Mods - are not touched by this mod.
  • Wooden Blocks - still weigh 0.1, but are now Trash (instead of scrapping to 1 wood)

Dependencies:  The main download for this mod currently requires Functional Displays, as the items contain keywords from that mod. There is an optional version that does not require or support Functional Displays.

This mod does NOT require DEF_UI or Valdacil's Item Sorting to be installed.  However, the add-on tags for DEF_UI will be annoying text suffixes unless you have DEF_UI installed, at which point they will become beautiful icons in your inventory, or nice meta-data when you look at things.  Things will also look a little odd if you don't have VIS installed, as only the misc items touched by this mod will have categorization prefixes.

Load Order:  This mod should be loaded after all VIS, Functional Displays, and DEF_UI esps.  If you have other mods that alter the same MiscItem records, it's up to you which one will be loaded last.  I strongly suggest using FO4Edit to see if you have any conflicts, and to create your own custom patch if you find any.

This mod is a total replacement for VIS-PatchFunctionalDisplays-Misc+Junk+DEF_INV.esp and FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Vanilla.esp.   With this mod installed, you may disable those esps in your load order, and thus free up two slots for other mods.