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AKKWard Mods

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About this mod

An improved Sanctuary root cellar with a fuse box and workshop bench linked to the Sanctuary workshop.

Permissions and credits
Buildable Sanctuary Root Cellar 
by AKKWard Mods


This mod will make the root cellar in Sanctuary buildable and linked to the workbenches in Sanctuary. It won’t make the root cellar a true settlement for the Minutemen, so you won’t be able to send settlers or followers there or have a supply line, but you’ll be able to make it homey!


·      Adds a working player-owned workshop bench tothe sanctuary root cellar
·      Workshop will be linked to the workshop/workbenches in Sanctuary and share inventory
·      Adds a power connection with 2 power (it is thenode above the mattress)
·      All items in cell are now owned/safe storage
·      The root cellar is now darker, has more realistic lighting, and has diminished dust effects

This mod works great with mods that add to or change the workshop menu, allow players to place items anywhere, or allow scrapping (e.g.
Place Anywhere, Place in Red, Scrap Everything, Homemaker, etc.).

This mod will not conflict with Campsite (which places a book in the root cellar, on the mattress) BUT if you install this mod and then
download Campsite having built where the mattress used to be then the book that Campsite places might end up in a strange place (under or clipped into

If you notice any conflicts please let us know.

Works great with our other mods Buildable Red Rocket Mole Rat Den and Automatron Robot Faction Paint Jobs!
Load Order

This goes AFTER scrap/build/placement mods and AFTER Campsite. If it is placed before Campsite, Campsite may partially reset
the cell when you first load it if you’ve built in the root cellar.