About this mod

Ah yes, the Frying Pan. An elegant piece of pre war technology whose murdering capabilities have survived for hundreds of years.
This mod is available in my larger mod called MCAM, a huge melee weapon mod that adds quests, NPCs, and lots of new melee weapons to the game.

Permissions and credits

Ah yes, the Frying Pan. An elegant piece of pre war technology whose murdering capabilities have survived for hundreds of years.

The Frying Pan spawns on low level raiders, just like pool cues and batons.

The Frying Pan has one modification you can install on it, a heat damage mod, which is a hotplate taped to the Frying Pan.

The Frying Pan does not enjoy being cuddled. If it wants cuddles, it will come to you.

The Frying Pan has custom sounds when you whack your enemies, that I recorded my self, through means of whacking my own knee with a Frying Pan. They sound pretty good.

The Frying Pan is not for children under the age of 5.

Silly anecdotes aside, this is a low power weapon used to spruce up your leveled lists (aka the weapons people spawn with). I plan on adding more to this guy later, like another weapon mod, but for now this will suffice.

I used scripts to add it into the game, so yes, it is compatible with your favorite fur suit mod.

I'll probably add a new mod for this weapon eventually. No binding promises, I might die next week. You are not allowed to sue my family if I die and there's still only one mod for the Frying Pan.

Please report any issues you have to me in the comments or bugs section right away, I'll fix it I swear

Also, user submitted screenshots are always welcome! I love getting this, and I'll pop your name in the bottom right and put them in the official mod screenshots if they're really pretty. 

Please don't ask where to find shit. 

- I can't find ___ anywhere and I've killed 8000 raiders

- Either look harder, or stop twiddling around your mod order with 3 new melee weapons every day. I advise installing this at the same time as you install a whole bunch of mods, and just running the game once. 

- This weapon isn't showing up, raiders don't spawn with it, but they spawn with another weapon. 

- Yes it is. 

- i cnt fnd the weapin pls giv me code so i can spawn it in gaem

- help [weapon name] 0 weap
- player.additem [code from above]

- This texture is too clean, I require dirty.

- This is literally a texture from the game. Blame bethesda. 

- I love you so much that I want to support you in every way I can, but I also am poor. 

- Check out my other mods, or my twitter/youtube pages, it's much appreciated! :)


- It's on beth.net. Just go look

- What script did you use to add these to leveled lists? I'm a mod author and I would like to do the same.

- Here's my script, I put it into a quest that runs when you install the mod so it only runs once. 
You will have to change the variable names and items they're attached to if you want to make it work with your own items. 

I have no desire to keep this a secret. It's super simple, and I would prefer everyone used this method, as it would eliminate the need for bashed patches, which consoles can't use.
