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About this mod

Your very own personal Medic. The US Navy has medics called "Hospital Corpsmen." HM1(SEAL) Chris Fathom is a Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman (SARC). Basically a Special Forces Combat Medic. Now you can recruit one of the Nation's most prestigious field medical personnel, the 'SARC'.

Permissions and credits
"Welcome back to the homeland, Hero!"
                 Robert House | President & CEO of Robco Industries

                    "It's damn good to see you alive, Fathom."
                                                                      Edward Grath | Rear Admiral, USN

                                        "Doc, it's an honor to have you back with us."
                                                                                        Constantine Chase | General, US ARMY

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The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender or submission.

~ John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963)
35th President of U.S. | 1961-1963

| | | | | | | | | Table Of Contents | | | | | | | | | |

[01 - Introduction]   
- Story]             
- Summary]       
- Requirements]
- Features]       
- Planned]        
- Compatibility] 
- Installation]    
- Credits]         
[10 - Tools]            


The United States Navy's enlisted medical personnel are called "Hospital Corpsman (HM)." Corpsmen can serve in a Special Warfare position, such as a "SARC" - Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsman.

   * BASICALLY * - a Special Forces Combat Medic. (though, even that doesn't do it justice.)

---"What exactly does a SARC do?"---

Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsmen are United States Navy Hospital Corpsmen that provide the Marine Special Operations reconnaissance teams and other USSOCOM units with advanced trauma management associated with combatant diving and parachute entry. The Special Amphibious Reconnaissance Corpsmen use their paramedic skills to provide advanced medical support and other emergency medical procedures related to the hazards of swimming, open and closed circuit SCUBA diving, and military free-fall during amphibious reconnaissance operations. They also instruct and advise the recon Marines in the prevention and treatment of illnesses, whether in combat or training.

02.Chris Fathom|The Story

Hospital Corpsman 1st Class Chris Fathom was born 18 May 2035 in Chicago, Illinois. He attended Curie Metropolitan High School in Chicago, Illinois, and enlisted in the Navy on 19 June 2054.

HM1 (SEAL) Chris Fathom was a decorated member of SEAL Team FIVE, until losing his security clearance, and made to ride out his contract as a CHEF inside Vault 56. He struck his C.O. (Commanding Officer) after two of his SEAL teammates were killed in action due to poor intelligence during the 2066 invasion of Anchorage, Alaska after they were sent to disable Da Jiang (Senior General) Li-Zheng's private jet at Elmendorf Air Force Base.

When the bombs dropped, his actions saved 47 people -Securing them inside the vault just seconds before the initial blast wave cleared the area. For his bravery in the face of imminent death, his former position was given back to him in a short ceremony held by Rear Admiral Reddington (a Pentagon official aware of the incident at Elmendorf Air Base in Alaska, also living within the Sanctuary Hills area). At the conclusion of the festivities, the new residents were directed to proceed downstairs to living spaces for further in-processing. Under the assumption they would settle in and begin their new lives underground, they each proceeded downstairs---completely ignorant to the fact they instead were heading deeper underground into a proprietary Cryogenic Facility, becoming test subjects in an illegal top-secret research on extended stasis.

Each resident was escorted inside the facility and into their individual pods---told by their assigned staff that this was necessary in order to be decontaminated from any outside residual radiation, and forcibly underwent stasis.

Meanwhile, at the overseer's station, Chris - led to believe he was being led to his personal quarters was escorted to a much more luxurious chamber designed by the Vault overseer himself, away from the all the rest. Chris stepped inside but noticed it was pretty enclosed and had no furnishings to indicate this would be where he'd stay. It was too late. Just as he turned around to question the overseer's motives, the overseer sealed Chris inside and activated cryogenic stasis.

Fast-forward into the not-so-near future -The chamber holding Chris captive ran out of life support, activating a fail-safe emergency release function - a costly modification the overseer did not install into other chambers at the time citing: "It is an unnecessary expense since research staff would be monitoring everyone at all times".

Emerging from stasis - Chris left the pod, attempting to piece together what happened to him. He soon discovered that nearby life support systems for all test subjects' pods had failed some time ago (likely due to a lack of maintenance for almost 2 centuries). Of the people he had saved earlier, none had appeared to have survived their stasis.

:: Accessing a nearby security terminal (surprisingly still functioning), only a single log entry had been created:

July 3rd, 2078:
FROM: Roving Security Watch

The overseer is fried. Our attempts to convince him that no one from Vault-Tec was coming for us and that we can't be expected to just stay here and wait to die, have failed. The staff has become separated into 2 warring sides - between the Overseer side: Those that got brainwashed into believing the overseer's ramblings that we will all be taken care of by Vault-Tec "Soon enough", and the rest of us. Those of us who have FUNCTIONAL BRAINS and see right through what's happening here - Crazy Talk. On a more personal note, things are getting worse day by the day and it's looking more and more like we're trapped here. I don't even know who to trust anymore either; Some of the few people who publicly voiced their opinions have mysteriously been disappearing the very next day. A body was found last night in one of the bathrooms - the poor guy probably got up to take a leak and was followed by one of the overseer's goons, before meeting his end. That's pretty scary! You can't even go to the restroom in the middle of the night without taking a few people with you, just in case. This has gotten completely out of hand. Oh, and to top things off I know of (2) "Secret" meetings the overseer has held in the armory with his ruthless officers over the past few days. This is not good. I have a feeling that something very bad is gonna happen soon. I just know it.


As Chris ventured deeper into the vault, skeletons were littered everywhere. Some with knives and household tools embedded into various places of their bodies. It appeared no one survived the internal struggle as there were no signs of life in the vault.

Chris geared up - Taking whatever clothing, armor, weapons, food, and medicine he could find inside the desolate vault, and unsealed the entrance to Vault 56. His journey began at this moment, on a mission to discover possible survivors and what remained of the outside world after the war.


Chris Fathom is a medical follower that can be found at GoodNeighbor - inside the Old State House. Currently NOT voiced - until I buy some more equipment and record his voice files professionally. He fights as you would expect from a Navy SEAL; accurate and just a little OP in survivability. (I tried to kill him in-game and had a hard time unless I shot him in the head, lol). He awards a custom perk, and he has his own custom armor and weapons (based upon Vanilla models) but can be outfitted with additional armor or have his armor/weapons replaced altogether.


    :: For players who prefer a "Pickup and Play" game style with the companion; you can approach your companion in-game, immediately recruit him, and Chris will be your personal Corpsman right there and then.
    :: Still in development.


:: NOTE: This mod was built with the intention of only requiring the BASE game. This may or may not change as development progresses.
:: LOAD ORDER: Place mod as close to the BOTTOM of your load order as possible, BEFORE any speech mods.

  • Fallout 4 BASE Game.
  • No DLC Required.


  • Equipment:
    :: CLOTHES - Chris Fathom wears a custom-made Armored Drifter Outfit; Featuring an Anti-Radiation Exposure Lining, and a built-in Medic Pump attached to the main chest plate underneath ----- Automatically administering a stimpack whenever Chris's health drops below (50%).
    :: WEAPONS - Chris carries a fully-upgraded Combat Rifle, 10mm Pistol, and his trusty SEAL Combat Knife.
  • Perk:
    :: Awards "Field Medic" perk while a companion: If Player's health drops below 25% Chris Heals the player +100 life points.
    :: *Occurs only once every hour.
  • Switchable Gear
    :: Can equip any armor or weapon the player chooses for him.
  • Fights SMARTLY
    :: Fires upon hostiles within reason but also takes cover (to avoid taking fire himself.)
  • Applicable Benefits
    :: Companion Perk and Companion Magazine Perks.
  • Tactical Training
    :: Chris will not break stealth and will maintain a low profile (SNEAK).
  • Can Be Stimpacked
    :: Player can use a stimpack on Chris while in combat.
  • Exits Power Armor
    :: You just have to ask him.


  • Affinity/Relationship System
    :: Dependent on Player's responses and choices.
  • Quest Line
    :: Revealing more and more of Chris's background and experiences as a Navy Seal during the war.
  • Multiple Companions
    :: Can have Chris IN ADDITION to other followers.
  • Voice-Over
    :: Recorded with quality equipment and expanded voice lines: Idles, Combat Dialogue, Companion-switch comments, etc.
  • Dialogue Expansion
    :: Through excellent voice recordings, expansion of dialogue to Vanilla-Companion levels.
  • MORE!
    :: Through updates.

07.Compatibility|Known Issues


    This Mod is NOT compatible with other mods that alter:
    :: The Old State House/INTERIOR, in Goodneighbor. (This is where Chris Fathom is found)
    :: None.


Download and install this mod, using a Mod Manager:

09.Credits|Honorable Mentions

  • "Seddo4494"
    :: Fallout 4 Creation Kit tutorials / Guidance
    :: Bug Fixes
    :: Helpful Revisions, corrections, and improvements
  • "65andhappy"
    :: Beta Testing
    :: Bug Catcher
    :: Troubleshooter

10.Programs|Tools Used

  • Official Fallout 4 Creation Kit (FO4CK)
    :: Primary mod development.
  • FO4Edit (xEdit)
    :: Cleaning miscellaneous entries not removed by FO4CK.


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