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About this mod

Ever wonder why we leave so many dead things laying around? Tired of those dead bodies that won't go away? Want something that won't scrap the living bodies as well? here's my solution. The Corpse Cleaner. Scrap dead bodies all across the commonwealth!

Permissions and credits
If you like this mod, and use it, please endorse it so that I know to continue its development to include the DLC's

Looking for some testers to test the Combined version of Corpse Cleaner, it needs to be tested with existing games as well as new games with different mod combinations to make sure everything is functioning properly.   If you'd like to help test the combined version, please send me a private message here :) Thanks.

Feel Free to make suggestions for improving the mod, All suggestions are taken into consideration when given.

If you find a bug, please report it, I don't always catch everything myself, and the quicker you report the bug, the quicker it will get fixed :)

Optional Addons:
Corpse Cleaner - Atomatron Addon
Corpse Cleaner - Far Harbor Addon

Corpse Cleaner - Nuka-World Addon
Corpse Power Armor Scrapping - Changes Corpses in power armor return chances (see below)

Ever Wonder why we leave so  many dead things  laying around? Tired of all those dead bodies that just won't go away after you kill them? Don't want to accidentally scrap a living person (like the current corpse cleaners allow)?  Well this is my working solution for this very problem.  I thought it would be nice to be able to clear the dead bodies out of the settlements, and this originally started as just a settlement cleaner, but after numerous efforts trying to use the workshop to get it going, during a conversation with Poppay55 a idea popped into my head, and I gave it a go, and what do you know, it sorta worked, so after a complete rewrite of my original  idea, this evolved, making it so you can not only scrap  corpses in settlements, but everywhere in the commonwealth, and  not worry about scrapping the living.

A "All In One" Version will be compiled and set as the main file once I'm sure there are no more major bugs in it / critters that can't be scrapped. The Individual versions will still be available for users to download as well once this is done. So please, if you find any problems, report them no matter how small you think it may be, Thanks!

In order for corpse cleaner to function properly without causing interference with the Cannibalism perk, In order to harvest a corpse you will need to be in the standing position,  likewise, using the cannibalism perk you will need to be in a crouching position in order to feed off a corpse.  This was a required modification to be made for this to function properly. Uninstalling the mod will return the cannibalism perk back to its normal state (feed on corpse while standing or crouched).

Before installing CorpseCleaner 1.06 or Higher, If your using the Corpse Cleaner Power Armor Scrapping Addon -  Remove all Power Armor Scrap pieces that you have, and Deploy any Power Armor deployment Crates you created using the addon then Uninstall the addon.  As of 1.06 the Power Armor Scrapping addon has been added in as a Optional Feature (see description below under recipes).

The Per books can now be purchased from various merchants across the commonwealth.   You will be able to purchase them from the following merchants:
Butchery Books - Polly (Diamond City Butcher), Penny Fitzgerald (Convent), Trudy  (Drumand Diner)
Mechanics Books  - Daisy (Goodneighbor Junk Dealer), Myrna (Diamond City Junk Dealer) and her Robot Percy.
Atomatron addon - Trashcan Carla (Caravan Trader), Deb (Bunker Hill), Supervisor Greene (Gray Garden), Tinker Tom (Railroad)

If there are other merchants that you would like to see carry the books, please let me know and I will see about getting them added in.

Each merchant is assigned their own unique quest to add the books to their vendor inventory,  If one of the merchants does not have the books on hand you can restart the quest to put the books back  into their inventory, you would open the console and type in setstate questname 10  where questname would be the corisponding quests:

Corpse Cleaner:

Atomatron addon:

Far Harbor Addon:
No Quest - You will find the books in the Mariners Sleeping quarters, in a locked toolbox in the fridge. 
This is a dynamic toolbox, it will not interfere with mods within the area.

Nukaworld Addon:
No Quest - You will find the books in the Nukaworld Transit Center where you power up the subway car to head to Nukaworld,
they are under one of the consoles by that terminal.

Each perk book allows you to 'butcher' or 'scrap' a specific set of critters, they are broken down into the following:

Corpse Cleaner:
Butchery - Insects
Butchery - Small Animals
Butchery - Large Animals
Butchery - Mirelurks (and Goo Piles)
Butchery - Humans (and Ashpiles)
Butchery - Ghouls
Butchery - Super Mutants (and meatbags v1.06)
Butchery - Behemoths
Butchery - Death Claws
Mechanics - Turret Salvage
Mechanics - Robot Salvage
Mechanics - Synthetic Salvage
Mechanics - Power Armor

Atomatron addon:
Artistry - Craft Rust Devil Totems and Braizers
Mechanics - Advanced Robot Salvage (*Requires Robot Salvage)

Far Harbor Addon:
Hunters - Fog Crawlers
Hunters - Hermit Crabs
Hunters - Wolves
Hunters - Small Animals (Rabbits & Chickens)
Hunters - Anglers
Hunters - Gulpers

Nukaworld Addon:
Monstrous Compendium - Insects ( Ants, Swarms, Stingwings)
Monstrous Compendium - Small Animals  (Rats, Bloodworms, Brahmiluff, and Gazelle)
Monstrous Compendium - Large Animals (Gorillas, Gator Claws and Nukaworld Deathclaws)

Same as Canniablism, to harvest a creature,  you must be out of your power armor.

Each creature will give you unique items for their salvage, some creatures giving you random amounts or 'perk' items (like deathclaw eggs)

Items unique to the mod include:  CyberActuator, Cyber Brain, Cyber Pain Inhibtor, Ash Piles,  Radiated Human Meat, Human Meat, Ghoul Meat, Rotten Meat, Super Mutant Meat.

Atomatron addon adds the possibility of getting a brain from humans, ghouls, and super mutants.

Graves - Act as salvaging stations, the assigned actor will pray at the grave (1.06)

There are several unique recipes that can be crafted at the cooking station, each recipe having its bonuses and downfalls, Human Stew will cure Dark Hunger for Hard Core (survival difficulty) players:
Bits of Atom
Mirelurk Chowder
Green Soilent
Ghoulish  Porridge
Human Stew
Mutant Mush
Sweet Ribeye Steak (Nukaworld Addon)

Corpse Cleaner 1.06 Added Recipes:
Both Recipes will be found in the Chem  Station  under Utility.

Corpse Cleaner Utility Holotape
- While you have this in your inventory it will make this scrapping mod purely a utility and you will not get any return from the items scrapped.

Corpse Cleaner Immersion Holotape - While you have this in your inventory any corpses you scrap wearing power armor have a chance of giving you power armor scraps rather then power armor suits  depending on your game  difficulty.

Corpse cleaner - Added to the Workshop menu, you will find several vault crates with "Power Armor" printed on them, these are containers that can be crafted  to store items in, mainly thought to store salvaged power armor in.

Atomatron addon - Craft glass jars that have a brain inside to use for storing your meats :)

Power Armor Deployment Crate - This is a crate that can be crafted and placed into a settlement, it requires one scrapped power armor suit, after being placed in to a settlement, it can  be activated by the player and will deploy a power armor frame where the crate was placed.

After the victim is dead, walk up to them like normal for the search, and you will see a  additional option of "Butcher, Salvage, or  Store" depending on what it is, choosing this option brings up a confirmation window, asking you if your sure as any loot on the creature / robot / power armor will be destroyed.  Click Yes and the corpse will be salvaged, and the appropriate items for the corpse type will be added to your inventory, then the corpse will vanish from existence.

If the corpse does not vanish, you will not be able to harvest it again, corpses that don't vanish are directly tied to a event, quest alias that has not been completed,  or the creature is required until that quest/event is complete, dead or alive.

Scrapping power armor will place a note in your inventory, on reading the note, you will  be prompted asking if you wish to deploy the armor, if you click yes, the armor will be deployed at your current location.

If you have the perk for butchering humans, humans who die  wearing power armor will give you a suit of power armor when you scrap their body.

If you drop the power armor note you recieved it will appear as a vault crate that you can pick up and move around and place whereever you want in the world, additionally grenades and rockets will not move theses crates, so no worries  about them being sent off into limbo after placing  them in your world.

As of 1.06, If you have the Corpse Cleaner immersion tape in your inventory, any corpses wearing power armor you scrap will have a chance of giving you power scraps rather then power armor that you can use as spare materials at the workshop workbench, or to craft power armor deployment crates  (additional materials needed).   This  is purely a immersion feature.  Removing the tape from your inventory returns it back to giving you a full suit.


As of version 1.02 - you can now  scrap power armor workbenches the same  as power armor, they will put a simular item in your inventory  as the power armor does, these can be deployed  anywhere in the world.  The workbenches you can not scrap include the ones at key locations, i.e. goodneighbor, prydwen, diamond city,  atom cats garage.  You can use this to get both the small or large power armor workbenches.

You can not scrap turrets from their base stand,  you have to scrap them from a various blown up piece instead. The base for the turret doesn't seem to be counted as a actual 'part' of the turret and can't be helped, this is how the game handles them itself.


You can Scrap skeletons, molerat holes and goo piles from the workshop menu if you are in a settlement.

Remove the  above three files from your game, and the mod is uninstalled. (remove any addon files as well)

The main mod, and each additional addon has 3 files each, the esp, a Main.ba2 and a Textures.ba2, all three files for the main mod is required, as well as all three files for any of the addons you use for it (atomatron, far harbor, nukaworld).


Corpse Cleaner:
SettlementCorpseCleaner - Main.ba2
SettlementCorpseCleaner - Textures.ba2

Atomatron Addon:
SettlementCorpseCleanerAtomatron - Main.ba2
SettlementCorpseCleanerAtomatron - Textures.ba2

Far Harbor Addon:
SettlementCorpseCleanerFarHarbor - Main.ba2
SettlementCorpseCleanerFarHarbor - Textures.ba2

Nukaworld Addon:
SettlementCorpseCleanerNukaWorld - Main.ba2
SettlementCorpseCleanerNukaWorld - Textures.ba2


I suggest putting the addons in the following load order with the main mod to prevent any issues that may arrive, if your only using 2 of the addons, make sure they are in the same order as well:


This is the load order that I use on my system for them, ordering them differently shouldn't cause any issues, but just to be safe, I'd suggest using the same loading order.



macneisd, Poppay55, Robboten and The Lapdragon.
Acescolar, Devonapple - helped with finding the problem with some of the scrapping recipes.

Update Information:[spoiler
Fixed Utility Tape and Emersion tape to show up on the Chem station instead of the cooking station.
Minor Script Optimization.
Upated all Addons to support the Utility Mode Holotape.
Final Version before combined version.  Combined version will be getting all future enhancements only once its created, Both Combined and Split versions will be getting bug fixes.

Fixed bug where some stingwings wouldn't have a loot menu.

See below description under Optional Files for details.

Fixed condition on RadStag scrapping that was causing the loot menu to vanish.
Added missing Gazelle's for the gazelle scrapping.

UPDATE 1.05:
Renamed scripts to prevent any possible crosslink naming issues.
Fixed bug with ash piles where some would not scrap.

Fixed a bug where it would cancel out the butchery options for the main corpse cleaner.

UPDATE 1.04:
Merchants now assigned their own quest so incase alias failure due to death or deletion, the other merchants will have the items.
Uploaded optional file - Atomatron Support

UPDATE 1.03:
Mirelurk Hatchlings now give mirelurk softshell meat.
Super Mutant meat recipe now gives super mutant mush
Added compatibility and optimization for making addons for the DLC's for corpse cleaner.

UPDATE 1.02:
Brahmin - You can now scrap the dead purple brahmin like the ones at taffinton boat house.
Power Armor - When dropped now looks like a vault tec steel crate instead of a piece of  paper.
Power Armor - When deployed will now be deployed facing in the direction the player is facing.
Power Armor Workbenches - can now be scrapped like the power armor.
Power Armor Workbenches - When deployed will be facing the direction the player is facing.
Recipes - Fixed, they  now produce the proper item
Perk Books - Now avialable at different merchants across  the commonwealth,  these include polly, penny fitzgerald, trudy, daisy,  myrna,  and percy. The books are dynamically added via a quest to the merchants and should not interfere with any changes made by other mods to them.
Some minor optimization.
Corpse Power Armor Scrap Modification
-  This modification changes it so that when you scrap corpses in power armor you have a percentage chance of getting a full suit or power armor scraps instead based off the game difficulty level as shown below:

1 Very Easy mode: 80% chance for suit, 20% chance for scraps
2 Easy Mode: 50% chance for suit and scraps
3 Normal Mode: 34% chance for suit, 66% Chance for scraps
4 Hard Mode: 20% chance for suit, 80% Chance for scraps
6 Very Hard Mode: 17% chance for suit, 83% chance for scraps
7 Survival Mode: 15% chance for suit, 85% chance for scraps

The scraps can be tossed into a workbench to gain additional resources (steel, circuitry, fiberglass, screws) or you can save up the scraps and use them to construct a power armor deployment crate from them,  This deployment crate is located under the 'special' category.

Atomatron  Addon: Can scrap Atomatron Robots and get additional robot parts when scrapping.  Same as main mod, scrapping quest robots will not make their bodies go away if they are still linked to a Quest Alias or tied to a event and you will only be able to scrap their bodies once.   All other bodies will vanish when scrapped.

Far Harbor Addon:  Can scrap all Far Harbor Creatures to get additional resources.  You'll find a toolbox in the mariners sleeping area inside the fridge, this is a dynamically added toolbox, it will not interfere with other mods in the area.   Same as the main mod, butchering dead bodies will not make thier bodies go away if they are still linked to a Quest Alias or tied to a event that is still running, and you will only be able to scrap the bodies once. All other bodies will vanish when butchered.

Nukaworld Addon:
Can scrapp all the Nukaworld creatures to get additonal resources.  You'll find the books in the nukaworld transit center under a console near the computer you power the station on with to head  to nukaworld.   Same as the main mod, butchering dead bodies will make them and anything on them go away,  unless those bodies are  directly tied  to a quest or a running event, in that case you  will be able to scrap them but their bodies won't go away and you won't be able to scrap them again.