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A fully customizable armor set based on my roleplaying story following the dark event known as "The Hour Of The Reaper", a story which is a direct prequel to my Assaultroness roleplaying story.

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In the year 2270, rumors started pouring from the distant lands of the west about entire raider encampments turned into mass graveyards, decorated with flayed and dismembered raider remains without a single bone in them. The leader of the Minutemen, General Becker at the time and his wife Eleanor as his right hand and the most prominent battle commander, found the reports quite disturbing, despite the fact that these were raiders being butchered. Still... Eleanor advised her husband to act upon these rumors and reinforce the western entrance to the Commonwealth, as a precaution. The General took her advice to heart and placed a garrison of 50 Minutemen to guard the west entrance to the Commonwealth.

On 19th of June, as the General was discussing these reports with the leader of the garrison via a radio transmitter in the middle of the night, the radio transmission went silent. The sudden disruption of communication disturbed the General on so many levels, hoping it was just a technical malfunction... but he knew better. The recent sightings of the mass graveyards were suggesting that whatever was mass-killing the raiders, was heading this way. He mobilized 100 Minutemen and marched them to the western garrison. The outpost was only one hour away at a regular pace, but the General did not want to take any chances, so he marched his force on the double. 30 minutes was all it took to get to the outpost, but it was already too late. The trees were dripping with blood, the ground was a crimson river and all 50 Minutemen were found as a single pile of corpses in the center of the outpost.

Eleanor gasped from the terror of the sight and stood by on full alert as the General walked very slowly towards the pile to investigate, but something felt wrong. She could smell a lot of gasoline where she stood. The General was at an arm's length from the pile when suddenly a dark figure covered in skeletons emerged from it and stabbed the General's right leg with a bone spear. As soon as this dark figure emerged from the pile of the dead, so did a few dozen others from the forest 500 meters away from the back of the Minutemen. The General wounded and now paralyzed due to the special rad scorpion poison that the spear was coated with, dropped to the ground as his leg felt like it was being roasted alive. The Minutemen forces outraged and terrified, immediately went to open fire at the ambushers. Eleanor stood for a split-second to notice these ambushers were not using guns of any kind, but spears and bows and quickly took notice of the gasoline she smelled earlier. She immediately shouted; "DO NOT SHOOT! THE GAS! DO NOT SHOOT!!!", but it was too late. She dropped to the ground in haste as soon as her men opened fire. The horror of the mass graveyard rumors, corpse piles and the sudden appearance of these dark figures terrified the Minutemen and fear got the best of them. With no rational thought other than to defend themselves, they opened fire and in an instant 93 Minutemen perished in a huge explosion. The explosion was so big and loud, it even made the dark figures stunned for a few minutes. In all that mass confusion and massacre, Eleanor survived the explosion with medium wounds. She crawled to the General and dragged him away before the dark figures finally arrived to the scene, where the surviving Minutemen were flayed alive.

Eleanor and the General managed to escape and hide in an abandoned place known as The Lonely Chapel. She laid the General on the pew to treat his leg, but as she was treating his leg, the radio on his coat started transmitting. The radio grabbed their attention because of the screams of the dying Minutemen who were being flayed alive, when suddenly the screams stopped and a woman spoke.

"The Hour of the Reaper comes, General.", the mysterious woman said. "Look to your sins for the reckoning is here..." and the radio went violently silent. General Becker started coughing tremendously because of what the voice said and soon passed out due to the excruciating pain in his leg.

It was early in the morning when the General finally woke up and at his side was Eleanor. The General asked what's the latest, but the reports were disturbing. In only 7 hours, they lost another outpost and three raider encampments were wiped out. All turned into mass graves. Eleanor asked; "What did she mean with that ? The Hour of the Reaper ?". The General looked clearly disturbed at the mere mention of whatever it was and for a moment was quite reluctant to talk about it, but eventually he explained. He made a deep sigh and started talking;

"No matter what you do in life, the past always catches up. You know General McGann had a son, right ? A young lad, ferocious heart... but hot tempered and foolish like his father. Acts impulsively rather than rationally. It happened exactly 20 years ago. It was a cold night, 19th of June 2250, also known by our men as "The Hour of the Reaper". We received a distress call that night in the western region about a raider encampment very close to our border. My taskforce was too far away to make it in time, so I sent a message to Richard McGann to respond to the call, but only to maintain distance and observe...but the boy however, disobeyed my orders. Hot tempered and looking to prove himself to his men, the 8 of them went inside the village believing it was full of raiders, but it was not. It was a decoy set up by raiders to draw our attention from the border so they could sneak across.

Upon arrival to the village, there were about 30 slaves in there, most of them injected with extreme doses of jet and psycho with wooden boards looking like guns,  wrapped around their hands with sharp barbwire. Under the cover of darkness, because of the wooden boards in their hands and the torn rags they wore, he mistook them for raiders and opened fire. 28 innocent men, women and children were mowed down in a matter of seconds. Once the massacre was over, they entered the village and soon realized what they had done. In the middle of the village however, among the bodies was a young couple. A father and a mother, crying and screaming as they held their dying son. Once the son drew his final breath, the father screamed in rage and lunged towards Richard to kill him, but Richard so fearful and full of stress because of the grave mistake, shot the father with a shotgun, blowing off the head from his neck. The mother pleaded for her life, crying and grabbing their boots, telling them to stop this madness and help her, but Richard wasn't thinking straight at that point anymore. Had he just stopped right then and there, I would have just exiled him, but he was a coward that tried to cover up his mistake. He ordered his men to hold the woman as he took all the jet and psycho he could find and injected the woman with a such extreme overdose that at first she was calm as a stone, but he didn't know that mixing jet and psycho manifests the users greatest fears and hallucinations. She was calm as stone at first, but then she went berserk as the hallucinations kicked in.

Meanwhile we were on route to the village when we noticed around 20 raiders sneaking through the woods across the border and we simply could not ignore them. The raiders killed 13 of my men, but we managed to defeat them and even capture two of the survivors. I interrogated them myself right there on the battlefield, where the raider survivors told me all about their decoy. I executed them right there and we eventually arrived to the village, where we found McGann's 8 men, all butchered with a knife. In the middle of the village was a woman, full of blood, breathing sporadically, talking nonsense, holding a knife to Richard's throat and screaming at him something about "the Damned". I figured it was a raider, so I took a shot and brought her down... or so I thought. Once I got closer and Richard told me everything that happened, I was in shock. I shot at an innocent women who turned into a monster only because of that boy's stupidity. He didn't want to leave any witnesses to the mistake, so he pumped her with jet and psycho, hoping she'd go insane. We tried reviving her, but it was all to no avail. We figured she was dead and buried her along with everyone else accordingly. I found a letter on her which I didn't read until the next day. Halfway as we were marching home, I was pondering on the entire incident and most particularly about the mix between the drugs. I then remembered that an overdose between jet and psycho slows down the heart tremendously and only makes the user look dead, even though they're very much alive. I buried a woman alive without realizing it and immediately turned the other way and ran toward the village. At full sprint, it took us 1 hour to get back to the village to dig up the woman, but once I arrived, she was no longer there. The grave was open and near it was a leg bone, probably what she used to get out. We also noticed that her husband's head and son's body were missing.

We searched extensively for her, but we never saw her again. The only trail were bloody footprints leading into the nothingness of the desert. We marched back to the Commonwealth and the next day I read the letter I found on her. They were peaceful farmers recently caught by a raider boss by the name of Sledge. They failed to pay their weekly tribute to the gang, so the four of them were enslaved. The boss apparently took their 1 year old daughter by the name of Nisha as an example of what happens to people when they don't pay. We never found this Sledge raider, probably because his gang was in the far west.

The letter itself was a plea, meant to the raider boss to return their daughter to them and signed by the woman. Her name, Snips.
" - The General kept telling Eleanor about the tragic event.

"What happened to McGann's son after all that?", Eleanor asked. "I executed him", the General replied. "The horrors he did that night were not forgivable and his actions turned me into an accomplice of the whole tragedy"...

"Eleanor... the woman from the radio... it's Snips, without a doubt. You must be extremely cautious. She had 20 years to prepare for us and we're only now preparing for her. Do not underestimate her! She is a woman with nothing to lose anymore, driven by nothing but hatred and revenge".

Eleanor could see the fear in the General's eyes, so she nodded in confirmation and stepped out of the chapel to leave him to rest. The massacre of that night began the age of the Reapers, which lasted for 10 years. During the first years, the Minutemen were not prepared for the new war tactics used by the Skeleton Queen. She was an effective machine of war, killing Minutemen and Raiders by hundreds, using cleverly placed traps and theatrical tricks. The Reapers' ultimate weapon was fear. Covered in the skeletal remains of their enemies, a mere sight of them caused both raiders and the Minutemen to flee from the battlefields and causing them to be less effective in battle.

It was not until 2275 that the tides of war started to turn. The Reapers controlled the majority of the Commonwealth and the Minutemen were getting surrounded, but thanks to the brilliant tactical analysis from Eleanor, the Minutemen started a counter-offensive. There was one huge weakness in the Reapers' strategical movement. They never attacked any neutral settlements, never any settlers. Because of the story that the General told her so many years ago, it became obvious to Eleanor that the Skeleton Queen held both the raiders and the Minutemen responsible for what happened that day. So they used that to their advantage. The Minutemen stopped wearing their Duster Uniforms and instead infiltrated settlements as normal settlers. When the Reapers came through, they'd walk right into an ambush. They successfully used this tactic for years to come up until 2280. There were massive casualties on both sides by the year of 2280 and the General had not stepped onto the battlefield ever since that night when he got stabbed in the leg, a poisoned wound which left him partially paralyzed. In 2280 however, the General decided it was time to end this. If saving lives required his death, so be it. He transmitted a radio message to all frequencies saying; "I lived with my sins for far too long. I'll await the Reaper's judgement at high noon tomorrow at Wildwood Cemetery"... to which the Skeleton Queen replied; "And so shall I".

Eleanor, thinking that the General went mad, urged him not to do this. The General replied; "All of us need to be judged one day sweetheart. If I am truly guilty of what happened that day, let me be judged". At high noon the next day, General Becker arrived at Wildwood cemetary and at his side was Eleanor. In the center of the cemetery stood the Skeleton Queen, talking to a skull she held in her hands.

The Skeleton Queen spoke; "This was my husband once... now nothing but a remnant of the past. The love of my life, a flame that you and your men extinguished that night... along with my son... and almost... me".

- "Snips... I'm sorry!" - The General said. "I'm sorry for what happened

"I noticed you took my letter from me... I never found my daughter you know... For 20 years I tried, but... Oh poor Nisha, my baby".

The General tried to reason with her and said; "Snips... please listen..."

The Skeleton Queen became furious at the mention of the name Snips and yelled; "DO NO CALL ME THAT! THAT WOMAN DIED 30 YEARS AGO IN THAT VILLAGE! I AM THE SKELETON QUEEN AND YOUR JUDGEMENT DAY HAS ARRIVED!"

"So be it..." - The General replied. "Eleanor, this is between me and the Reaper. Whatever the outcome, I command you not to interfere".

The Skeleton Queen placed her husband's skull around her waist and took off her mask. The sight of what she was hiding behind the mask shocked and terrified both the General and Eleanor.

"The most painful thing that night was having my face devoured by radmaggots as I was unable to move in that grave you buried me in. I'll make sure you feel the same when I'm done with you".

Half of her front face was missing. Rotten bits of meat hanging and green from infection. Her eyes glowing green from radiation. The right part of her face looked undead.

"You reap what you sow".

The General threw down his walking cane and took out a sword as the Skeleton Queen drew her axe. The General was limping due to his partial paralysis, but years of experience had him fight under worse conditions before. The two battled eachother with primitive weapons for some time and each blow, pirouette and stab could have ended each other as time went by. Eleanor was conflicted whether she should intervene or not, but in the end decided to honor her husband's command.

The battle lasted for quite some time and eventually drew to an end, as the Skeleton Queen finally got the upper hand when the General's leg gave up from exhaustion due to the wound that never healed properly. He dropped his sword and fell over on his back, slowly crawling away from the Skeleton Queen as she was moving in for the kill. Laughing at the thought that justice was at hand, she ran at him, took her axe high up and stabbed the General right through the heavy coat that he wore... but the impact... it felt wrong. The axe got entirely stuck as it pierced through the heavy metal armor that the general wore under his coat. Unable to pull out her axe from the armor, the General grabbed the Queen, pulled out a knife from his coat and stabbed her in the throat, unleashing a gushing fountain of blood. The Skeleton Queen fell against the gravestone then and there, at first looking at the general in disbelief because of what happened and then tears started running down her face, smudging her eye paint entirely.

The General leaned over to her and said; "I am sorry Snips! I am so sorry! I know words cannot redeem what my men did and the mistake I made, but I am truly sorry for what happened to you! Please, if you can find it in your heart to forgive me for what I did... please." The General sat down next to her and placed his arms around her as she was fading.

"I am sorry... I am so sorry..." - he kept repeating. "May you find peace, knowing that the one who did this to you paid the ultimate price. I personally saw to it". Snips, who was on the brink of death and in the arms of the General, looked him in the eyes as tears were carrying her paint across her face and weakly whispered; "Thank... you...". Relieved that she's free from her everlasting torment, she drew her final breath, placed her hand on the general's cheek and went to sleep. The Skeleton Queen died in the arms of the General and the long war had finally ended.

In 2280, the age of the Reapers had finally come to a close and the Reapers disbanded. The General never held any hatred for the Skeleton Queen, despite the unfortunate war that happened between them. She was an unfortunate victim in an unfortunate incident, caused by a foolish man. Out of respect towards the woman, the General had her buried in the crypt at Wildwood Cemetery, where the Skeleton Queen may forever rest in peace. Although the Reapers disbanded after the Skeleton Queen's defeat, the remnants of the faction still guard her tomb till this day.

The Minutemen celebrated that their biggest threat was finally over, but the General did not and neither did Eleanor. This war was a tragedy and a waste of innocent lives. When the general held Snips in his arms on that gravestone and looked her in the eyes, he could see fear and desperation in her. An innocent being was stripped of her humanity, her family taken from her and turned into a monster. They always wondered what happened with the Raider known as Sledge and Snips' daughter. They found out only a few months later when Sledge's remains were found decorating an outpost west of Nuka-World, courtesy of a gang now calling themselves the Disciples.

One day a woman covered in rags and a metal spiky helmet came to the cemetery and entered the tomb where the Queen rested. She fell to her knees, tears running down her face and placed some flowers infront of the grave. Sobbing and full of tears, the young woman silently whispered;


The Queen's promise in the end became true... the Reaper came afterall...

This is a fully customizable armor set made out of 4 armor variations and 17 accessories, for both male and female.

Whether you want your character to look skimpy, clothed or armored, the customization options allow you to create a unique appearance.

Craftable under Armorsmith Workbench - Armor (Raider)

The mod is based on a roleplaying story, following the character known as the Skeleton Queen which is a prequel to the story of Assaultroness.

The mod includes : 

The accessories are tagged with a dash [ - ].

Q: I had 'The Queen Of Bones' installed. What do I do to replace it with this mod ?
A: Simply drop every outfit and accessory from your inventory and the inventory of your companions and save the game.
Then you can uninstall the mod and install this one instead. You'll have to craft everything.

Q: Why did you decide to upload this as a new file ?
A: Because this is a new and updated version of the mod, with the written lore, more accessories and male version.

Q: Does the armor have shoes ?
A: *Sigh*... yes, it does have shoes. You can read everything the mod offers by looking at the white list of items above.

Q: You promised us bone weapons! :(
A: I know and I tried to make them, but I don't have the tools to make'em. 

Q: Will you make a NON-AWKCR patch ?
A: No.
