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Mod articles

  • How to customize your strings for New dialogs

    NewDialog (also known for the english version Full Dialogue Interface) is a mod that shows the full dialogs said by the player's character, instead of the short 'wheel' message.
    It works by modifying some interface files, but also need an updated set of strings (the text used by the game), that replace the short (promt) dialogs by the full one. This means changing more than 12000 references.

    Fortunately this process can be automatized, and even customized (with prefixes) for you own tastes.

    1)Backup strings:
    Backups strings are not needed anymore since fallout4 1.7, the strings are embedded in ba2
    First thing to do: make a backup of your strings file
    -go into you \Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\S...

  • AddHeader /Tags - DefUI/defHUD helpers tools

    DefUI is a mod that modifies the UI of the player inventory and Hud.

    To work and dispatch item and icon, it needs to read some tags/Header in front of the text of any item. The mod can also parse some components data that can be shown in your UI in a more convenient way. 

    In xTranslator 1.0.2+ there are some tools that can help to process such strings and to add some tag on the fly. This process works well if both source and dest languages are the same.
    Also, once you have edited all the tags you need, don't forget to finalize the esp. (menu File -> Finalize esp) 

    Tool n°1:  

    (1) At first select the strings you need to process, then call the tool with the context menu (right click) or the short cut C...

  • Using and Playing Fuz References in Fallout4translator

    Since 1.0.0 Beta 9, fallout4translator supports Fuz files.

    The Fuz files are the audio files used by the game to play dialogs, they all belong to a specific Dialog lines (Record INFO, Subrecord: NAM1) and are stored in archives under the sounds\voices\ subfolder, or in loose files, in the same subdirectory, .\fallout\data\

    1) set the directory path for data:

    -Go to the menu -> dictionaries and languages
    -In the data path field, enter the path to the folder where are stored all bsa/bas2. By default it's the .\fallout4\data\ path.
    -Fuz mapping only *reads* archives so you don't need to worry for backup. Loose files are loaded as long as they are stored in the correct data structure inside the data ....

  • How to translate a mod with xTranslator - First Steps

    How to translate a mod with xTranslator.
    (Note: english is not my main language)

    Important 1:
    If xtranslator doesnt seem to start, you have probably an outdated version of Avast antivirus. 
    Solution: Update Avast

    Important 2:
    In fallout 1.7+ and SkyrimSE, all strings files are distributed in the archive  'Interface.ba2/bsa', so you don't need to have the strings files in your .\strings folder. Also, the archive contains all languages, so it's easier to get your dictionary ready. You obviously also don't need to keep a backup.


    The first thing to do is to correctly set your language in xtranslator, ...

  • FAQ


    -Fallout4Translator doesn't start

    You have probably an outdated version of Avast antivirus. Solution: Update Avast

    -UPDATE from previous version to 1.0Beta12

    The beta12 changes some folder's paths:
    UserDictionary\ becomes UserDictionaries\
    Also, each game has now its own subfolder in it:
    To continue to use your SST dictionaries for each game, move them in the subfolder they belong to. 
    (those folders are created at runtime, so you must launch the translator  for a given game once to see them.)
    Also a...

  • SpellChecker in Fallout4Translator

    Fallout4Translator supports 2 methods for SpellCheck

    1)MSWord API: this requires to have MSWord (office) properly installed on you system. It's activated by default, and requires nothing else to do. 
    2)HunSpell/Mozilla/OpenOffice API: This last one requires a specific installation described below.

    Pros & cons:
    -MSword API is installed by default if you have MSOffice installed on your system, but it works only on the language selected for the MSWord SpellCheck.
    -HunspellAPI requires a bit of attention to be installed, but after than you can change dictionary language on the fly in Fallout4translator
    -MSWord API is faster than Hunspell API to suggest corrections, but slower than Hunspell API to detect fault and really slower when perform...

  • Translate Item Sorting mods with regEX

    There are few mods like Better Item Sorting or Valdacil's Item Sorting, that modifies item name file by adding some prefixes, in order to let you sort you inventory more easily.
    The most interesting thing is also to use those mods with DEF_UI/DEF_INV, that replace the sorting {tag} by an icon.

    With Fallout4translator, you can translate those mods very easily, by using regEX:
    -Open Fallout4Translator
    -set you correct language source dest (en ->your language)
    -Menu File -> open the item sorting mod esp
    -select a line from the mod with a tag (that line will be used to test the regEx on the fly)
    -Tool->Regex Translation Tool

    Most strings in item sorting mods are like this:

    (Note) My Special Demo Note 

  • RegEx

    RegEx is a way to parse string, capture some parts and redispatch or replace them in a new string.
    Fallout4translator uses the standard syntaxe for regEx. It's a bit hard to understand at first, but it's really powerful.
    There are many tutorial over the internet So I wont explain here the syntax of regex, but how you can use regex in fallout4translator 
    For the very basics, you can check this: or (If you know better tutorials, please put them in comments)

    To understand the idea, let's take an example: the mod Don't Call Me Settler

    It contains a long list of strings like this:
    Somerville Place->Oberland Station
    Somerville Place->The Slog

  • 0.9.7 Copy Paste & numeric replacement

    Quick tutorial on how use Copy/Paste and Numeric replacement.

    Lets take the example below.
    1- All texts follow a similar pattern.
    2- Translate the first line and select it  ,
    3- copy it (Ctrl-C or Menu)
    4- select all cells where you want to paste the text (you can use Ctrl click or Shift-click)
    5- Paste (Ctrl-V or Menu)
    6- All cell now have the same text
    7- Use the numeric replace (Menu or Ctrl-N), this copy all numerics value from the source to the dest in the same order.
    8- Everything is set. 

    This method work very well in line with Heuristic translation.


  • Some hints/tips/tricks.

    Compare source<->dest  tools (0.9.4) / Merging Strings together

    -Set Source and dest language as same (en-en or fr - fr for example)
    -Open/load fallout4.esm
    -Menu tool->Load .string as translation -> choose/load the strings you want to compare
    -Menu tool ->Compare source<>dest, choose of you want to tag differences or matches.

    Note1: by tagging matches you can merge strings together:

    -load fallout4 esm with the reference default strings
    -Menu tool->Load .string as translation -> choose/load the 1st set of string  you want to merge (choose replace everything)
    -Menu tool ->Compare source<>dest, choose tag: matches.
    -Menu tool->Load .string as translation -> choose/load the 2...
