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Zhongyi Hao

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About this mod

This is a settlement rebuild mod. new building model with HD texture

Permissions and credits
The new slog town. ( you may need to read yellow words, its important) (你需要阅读黄色部分的信息,在你下载前)

1.Now you can craft clean junk in workshop ( in utility Category)
2.Delete some unnecessary NPC spots.

This mod does not include any decoration and furniture which show in pictures.

Require all DLCs

1. Rebuilt slog house, deleted original building in slog.
2. Added two basements wihout loading.
3. Added steel fences and wall shields around slog, wall can be opened and closed.
4. Rebuilt farm fence (pre war fence,you can scrap them, if you don't like it)
5. some windows can be opened and closed.(which form my another mod)
6. Fully NPC pathfinding (if you want to rebuild the farm area, PLZ keep that in your mind, you may need to build the gate at the fence gate place, because..npc pathfinding is not from AI, its all preset in the map, thats why, sometimes, settlers they just stuck in front of your stuffs)

1. You will need to decorate furniture by yourself.
2. If you are playing a saved game, Arlen's terminal may flow in the original place. You can scrap it after you finish Arlen's mission. Remeber ! Do not even move or scrap it in workshop bench before you finish his mision, it will break that mission. When you finish the mission, you can scrap it without causing problem.
3.FO4 lights just simply go through walls and floors, there is no way to really, totally fix that stupid system problem.(if someone can, remind me, it just makes me so uncomfortable )
4. I highly recommend you to use the extra mods call "brighter settlement lights" and "wasteland shadow lights" They just really made my settlement more realistic. ( these two mods can make lights much more better, but light stills go through between walls and floors a little bit  " it happens in every settlement building structures, honestly". I think it not a big deal, unless you are a super perfectionism person.
5. you can also download an another mod calls "Settler Sandbox Expansion" which allow your settler travel longer in you settlement which is cool ! ( you don't really need that, the new slog works fine, but it is really cool )
6. The next version will add some new furniture in workshop bench.
7. in some unknown reason, If you found the original slog building is still there, just reinstall the mod. you will be fine.( I met this problem when I loaded a very previous save, and reloaded the last save again wihtout exit the game, the original slog building showed up. hell. lol, and it merged with my new building. Anyway, reinstall, and it will be fixed.)

My other mod: <new taffington modern house>

<new taffington modern house> has a small conflict with this "slog" mod, there will be a wall block in the wearhouse door, but you can scrap it in workshop bench, ez and simple, not a problem.

Models are from , free resources.

V1.1 更新
1.你可以在任意工作台制作战前物品(在 utility的分类中,你可以找到他们


6.NPC 寻路重新制作(如果你想重新布局农场区域,你最好把门之类的放在mod中围栏门的位置,因为NPC寻路并不是AI控制的,而是在地图中实现规划好的,所以有时候你会看到NPC傻傻的卡在你的家具边,因为你的家具刚好堵在了NPC的寻路上)

1. 你需要自己摆放家具和装饰
4. 根据上诉问题,我建议你下载brighter settlement lights 和 wasteland shadow lights 这样你的据点灯管就能投射阴影,以及更广的光照范围
5. 你也可以下载另一个mod 叫 Settler Sandbox Expansion,这个mod可以让你的npc旅行到据点范围内的大部分位置,当然,就算没有这个mod 也不会影响,只不过这个mod挺好用的试用所有DLC据点和避难所

欢迎下载我的其他mod:<new taffington modern house>

他芬顿船屋mod 和这个mod会有一个小冲突,在他芬顿的仓库,会有一面墙堵在门口。。。我也不明原因,但是你可以在工坊中把它拆了。妥妥的。

模型来源于 3D溜溜网的免费资源