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Created by

Mario Lara

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About this mod

PTT - with MCM hotkeys - Provides many functional tools like Rename Anything, Set Game Password, Find Dead Bodies, Looks Menu for player and npcs, recover the pipboy, sound radar with proximity display for Holotapes, Magazines and BobbleHeads, and many o ther usseful functions without need of console commands.(Fix mods that don't run in a new game)

Permissions and credits

Snike - Portable Terminal Tools V2
This is one new version of Now Includes:

  • Rename Anything on screen interfase.
  • TextInputMenu for the use of RA.
  • MCM integration: 3 Hotkeys -Rename Settlers and Objects - Localize bodies -open the portable terminal. (instead of the use of ring armor slot).
  • CLO - Custom Lighting Overlay - PTT dettect if you have this mod installed and fix the newgame bug and add it at the terminal menu options.

News in V2.02:

This mod add 2  portable terminals that you can have it like an armor using the ring slot. Normal and PowerArmor version.

The function of this terminal has intented for:

  • Rename Actors & Objects.
  • Set Password at your savegame.
  • Find Dead Bodies.
  • Localise BobbleHeads.
  • Localise Magazines.
  • Localise Holotapes.
  • Localise Notes.
  • Select Npc's or the player too and open the LooksMenu (Select the npc on the list then close the terminal and use the new talk activator option over the npc)
  • Load holotapes that requieres the terminal function... these kind of tapes that dont get full funtionality on pipboy.
  • In new game you get 33 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points.
  • Drag and drop bodies, skeletons, and other things that you can't move before because they are marked like heaviest.

The Localizer function gives you one kind of radar that shows you the proximity distance, message text and sound. like in the mission Hunter Hunt.
This function have one range of 130 mts. And only works for loaded Areas for reduce cpu usage. Works on interiors and exteriors and in any dlc.

Furtermore, this mod adds one fix for many mods that dont work correctly if you have them active on one new game start. Many mods gives you things like holotapes
armors, items or other things but when you start one new game these things don't apear in game because the mod author don't make that these things must be
added after the player pass the first vault 111 exit, then the game have one instruction that clean the player container(in pipboy), then these things never
go to appear in game. This mod change the MQ101 script for prevent this happend, in new game you can see that you have loaded the pipboy for check that you have
the things that many mods adds to you. When you talk with Codsword the pipboy disapear but the things remains in your container.
