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About this mod

This mod adds all DLC items to the appropriate leveled lists so that all DLC items can be found all over the gameworld, either in the Commonwealth or in other DLC areas.

Permissions and credits
This mod adds all DLC items to the appropriate leveled lists so that all DLC items can be found all over the gameworld, either in the Commonwealth or in other DLC areas.  This means you can find Far Harbor related items in the main game, Nuka World items in Far Harbor and so on.  Everything that is defined as an item is included in this in order to greatly widen and randomize the items you'll come across in your travels.  There has also been some balancing and tweaking of the default lists beyond simply integrating DLC items, mainly to better distribute items but also to fix some obvious oversights and imbalances I noticed when going over the lists.

Mods without obvious changes to the game are rather hard to describe so I decided to go with a list format running in alphabetical order.  To that end, here is what this mod affects broken down by the types of lists either created as new or original lists that were modified in some way - added to, subtracted from and so on.  After each category is a small selection of info points concerning what kinds of things have been changed in that sub-section.  This probably won't include every single effect or change that is related to the category it's mentioned under but it should give you a broad overview of what has been done with the lists.

Also, be aware that some of the sections reference other sections as the changes by necessity affected or touched upon multiple lists or list types.  Please read carefully and jump around to other referenced sections as needed in order to get a full understanding of what I've done in this mod.

** Items listed in this color are either new or have been changed in some way in the latest version **


  • ammo from one DLC is available in the other DLC locations or in the Commonwealth, you can find 7.62 mm rounds in Far Harbor for example
  • all DLC ammo can be found in random containers (ammo boxes, desks, etc.) in all DLC and Commonwealth locations
  • all DLC ammo is available from the roving vendors (ex: Carla) as well as from workshop vendors or standard vendors such as in DC
  • DLC ammo has been added to the Scrounger perk [see Perks]
  • previously craft-only Syringer ammo can occasionally be found from merchants or from the usual sources in the wild
  • special ammo such as cryo cells, cannonballs, and railroad spikes can be found in greater amounts than the defaults
  • ammo for sale from vendors has been broadened in terms of type and amounts available to a modest degree and is less static and more random
  • added Acid Concentrate and Paddle Ball String to rare ammo lists


  • DLC armor has been integrated into all lists dealing with some NPC armor choices, any NPC using those lists (there are a lot) has a chance to be using one or more pieces of DLC armor
  • this will mostly affect raiders or raider-type NPCs such as the Trappers from Far Harbor but Settlers and Wastelanders can use these lists as well
  • DLC armor has also been added to all the usual vendors as mentioned above
  • some faction-specific armor types have a small chance to be available from other sources
  • Western armor outfits as well as Wrap, Fancy and Patchwork underarmor from Nukaworld were added to the standard armor and clothing lists
  • all DLC armor pieces have been added to the possible legendary item lists
  • legendary power armor pieces are now possible very rare drops
  • by default numerous armor mods are restricted to player-use only, these are now available from vendors, loot, and NPCs who might use items with these mods installed - this will drastically increase the variety of these items you encounter around the game

Ballistic Weave

  • Ballistic Weave is no longer exclusively an item reward that you have to have perks in the crafting arts to use, the mods have been placed into Railroad vendor's list so that he sells the actual mods themselves on a random basis
  • this vendor does respect the quest chain to get the weave so you'll have to complete it in order for them to be available
  • there is a small chance the mods might be found on vendors, not a good chance mind you but it is possible
  • it can also be found very randomly in high end monster drops or in special "boss" chests
  • these extra location possibilities do NOT respect the quest, it is possible to find these items even if you've never met the Railroad
  • clothing with ballistic weave already installed has a very small chance of being found in loot, vendors, or worn by some NPCs


  • all DLC chems have been added to or are available from the usual sources - vendors, containers, enemy drops
  • many very rare or crafting perk required chems now have a small chance to appear in these same containers, locations or vendor NPCs
  • for Survival players, this includes some of the added chems from that mode of play (Antibiotics for example)
  • because of the added possible options, the standard chems and health items appear at a slightly reduced rate
  • Pick Me Up stations in raider outposts can yield a much wider variety of chems, overall chances for chems lowered slightly for balance


  • DLC clothing options have been added to the standard places as mentioned previously
  • the standard lists for clothing have had DLC clothing added to them, you might see wastelanders wearing a DLC Nuka Cola shirt in the Commonwealth
  • the standard lists for clothing have been more randomized with all DLC options now possible for many more common NPC types
  • settlers also use these lists so they might be wearing DLC clothing items when recruited through a settlement beacon
  • some faction-specific clothing can be found on a wider basis (ex: Minutemen militia hats)

Containers and Loot

  • all containers have the proper type of DLC item added to it where appropriate (ex:  coolers can have DLC food items)
  • certain reward chests (known as Boss chests) have had small extra chances for items added to them, this might be another weapon, some chems, etc.
  • these same chests can contain mods that can be added to weapons and armor or robot mods to add to your Automaton creations
  • what the game terms small weapon loot (ex: from a toolcase) has been improved with possible DLC weapons now available as well
  • added a small chance to find a component shipment in reward and boss chests
  • added specialty, craft-only, and ice cold nuka-colas to all lunchbox reward prize item chances
  • Nuka Cola varieties more randomized, small chance to get previously craft-only versions in all nuka cola machines anywhere in the game now
  • Tribute Chests in raider outposts and reward chests for clearing park zones in Nuka-World have a better selection of random items

Crafting Supplies and Junk

  • standard shipments of all crafting supplies are now available on a random basis from a wide variety of vendors, junk dealer/general merchants will have the best chance to have these extra shipments but all vendors have a small chance to contain a random shipment on occasion
  • when vendors sell junk items, the quantity and available item types is more widespread than the defaults
  • wasteland flora that can be used in crafting recipes from the base game and DLCs has been added to the appropriate list (ex: Aster, Silt Bean)
  • HalluciGen gas canisters have been added to some rare crafting components lists and so are no longer of limited supply
  • many misc DLC items were added to reward prize lists from opening lunchboxes and General vendor junk lists

Death Items (items found on NPCs when killed)

  • NPCs that use DLC weapons due to the weapon tweaks will drop the weapons and ammo on death as you'd expect
  • similarly, NPCs can use DLC armor now so you can find that as well on your kills
  • normal robots have a small chance to have DLC robot mods on death
  • power armor using troops like the Brotherhood can occasionally have power armor mods
  • DLC food and drink items can occasionally be found on human enemies when killed
  • added a small chance for mods from death item drops to some more high level enemies from the base game and the DLCs (ex: Fog Crawlers)

Faction Changes

  • Diamond City Security officers have a much wider and better selection of weapons available to them
  • Children of Atom have a chance to have a Radium Rifle rather than a Gamma Gun so don't expect them to deal strictly radiation damage all the time now
  • Children of Atom located in the Commonwealth now have a chance to be wearing one or more pieces of Marine armor
  • Raiders now have a massive selection of ranged weapons available as the levels increase, basically anything in the game or DLCs is possible now
  • Raiders using melee have DLC options now, Pole Hooks and Disciple Blades for example are possible
  • Forged are basically fire-using Raiders and also have a chance to have a Shiskebob in addition to DLC melee options such as Hooks or Blades
  • Rust Devils now have a better chance to use rare or high end weapons (ex: Gatling Lasers, Flamers)
  • Nuka World Raiders will favor their usual gang options still but weapons from other gangs are possible as well as random weapons on occasion
  • Gunner weapon options are much higher end and even the most high level options are possible now (ex: Automatic Plasma, Missile Launcher, Gauss Rifle)
  • Triggerman have a much wider selection of high end weapons than just the Assault Rifle defaults they originally had
  • Minutemen have a moderately better selection of weapons, they can still get fairly low end weapons at times and will still favor the Laser Musket
  • Minutemen weapon lists now favor more powerful weapons as player level increases, laser muskets don't really cut it after awhile vs high level enemies
  • Railroad Agents can have special weapons now such as Railway Rifles and Gauss Rifles as well as more standard high end weapons
  • Railroad Agents have a better chance to have Institute weapons, their weapon lists were also more generally randomized
  • Brotherhood of Steel members such as Scribes and Soldiers have a chance to have more higher end laser weapons as well as plasma weapons now
  • Brotherhood heavy troopers will favor Gatling Lasers now to a small degree
  • Supermutants have had their weapon options widened slightly but not as fully as some other factions have because their race does not have the proper animations to use all standard weapons - to the extent possible more options have been added

Food and Drinks

  • DLC drinks are spread around the usual sources, you can find the various Vim type drinks in Nukaworld for example
  • DLC food items have been added to Bar vendor lists as well as certain food-related container types
  • DLC meat items have been added to the same lists in slightly smaller quantities
  • generally, bartenders have a wider selection of food and drink options and in greater quantities
  • human enemies such as Raiders will sometimes have DLC food or drink items on themselves or around their location
  • previously craft-only Nuka Cola recipe drinks now have a chance to be available from vendors or found in random loot, you'll still need the recipe books you can find scattered all around the Nukaworld park to make them yourself but you can find the bottles all over the place
  • Piper can give you gifts of sweets and drinks while traveling with you - some DLC food and drink items have been added to her possible gifts list
  • Vim varieties more randomized, better chance for special types now
  • added a small chance for ice cold varieties of all possible base game and DLC drinks to the random lists for drinks and loot

Mods - Weapon, Armor, and Robot

  • all DLC robot mods have been added to numerous vendors and death item drops for robot kills, it is possible to make some useful robot settlers/provisioners if you don't want to take the crafting perks now
  • Nukaworld adds special robot mods that are usually only found in Nukaworld after a certain level and when killing certain robot types in that DLC, it is now possible to find the Nukaworld specific robot mods from the same sources as mentioned above
  • vendors now will randomly carry a selection of all mod types with specialized vendors favoring their mod type (ex: armor vendors will favor armor mods)
  • many of these mod types can occasionally be found in the "boss" reward chests
  • some high level enemies (think Deathclaws) have a small chance to drop these types of mods as well  [see Death Items]
  • the lists for armor mods have been rebalanced and extended to higher levels to better randomize both loot and vendor inventories
  • power armor mods are more widely available from merchants and rare loot drops than they were previously

NPC Equipment

  • all weapon using NPCs have had DLC items added to their possible choice of weapons, as well as a few rarer weapons that have a small chance to appear (ex: Railway Rifle), they won't always use the new weapon types as the standard ones are still slightly favored but it is an option now
  • DLC armor is now an option for all armor-wearing NPCs that might wear one or more pieces of that type of armor (ex: raiders wear raider type armor)
  • some NPCs have extra chances to have a weapon and these extra weapons tend to be stronger than the defaults so even "low level" enemies can occasionally get some higher end weapons
  • some previously melee-only NPCs now have a chance to have a ranged weapon they can use in non-melee friendly combat such as vs a flying enemy or vs an enemy higher/lower than them, they'll still favor melee weapons but won't be helpless now if the situation calls for a ranged weapon
  • common citizens and wastelanders have a wider range of available weapons now rather than only the pipe weapon defaults


  • containers normally affected by the Scrounger perk to include extra ammo have had their lists updated to account for all added DLC ammo types,  you can find more DLC ammo now as well as the standard rounds after taking the perk
  • rebalanced additional ammo drops from the Scrounger perk to be more random and less level dependent meaning high level ammo can spawn earlier now
  • added flamer fuel, fusion cores, gamma cells, mini-nukes, missiles, and railroad spikes to the modified Scrounger lists as possibilities
  • added Acid Concentrate, Cannonballs, Cryo cells, and Paddle Ball String to the rare list of possible ammo from the Scrounger perk
  • chances for fusion cores and mini-nukes from Scrounger ammo drops have been lowered for balance reasons


  • all vendors have had the selection of items they offer broadened to include all DLC items appropriate for their merchant type in addition to their normal offerings so weapons vendors have DLC weapons and ammo, doctors have DLC healing items, chem dealers have DLC chems and so on
  • vendors that were specialized (ex:  Cricket = weapons) now carry a more wide variety of items on a random basis, they'll favor their normal items but can have other odds and ends
  • some vendors sell a selection of weapon, armor, and robot mods or an existing inventory was expanded (ex: Atom Cats sell a much wider variety of power armor mods now)
  • vendors generally have more caps to barter with now, this is somewhat randomized within a set amount usually in the 500 - 1000 caps range
  • power armor mods as well as power armor pieces are more widely available from select merchants
  • workshop doctors/clinics now have a wider selection of chems and healing items


  • all DLC weapons have been added to the usual places you'd expect if you've read this far (vendors, NPCs, etc.)
  • the DLC weapons have a slightly higher chance to be found in some instances due to the way the lists work, this has the effect of making the game as a whole slightly more difficult as a raider that before had a high chance of using a pipe weapon now instead has the possibility of using some of the higher end weapons
  • rare or uncommon weapons (ex: Railway Rifles, Institute Weapons) have a small chance to appear at the usual spots - being used by NPCs, vendors, etc.
  • previously rare or uncommon weapons are now less so in order to make them more widely used game-wide
  • the main enemy of a dungeon/location can be much more dangerous now as these Boss NPCs have a chance to use VERY high end weapons such as Gatling Lasers or Gauss Rifles and so on
  • a handful of weapon mods are restricted to player-use only, these are now available from vendors, loot, and NPCs who might use items with these mods installed - this will increase the variety of these items you encounter around the game
  • standard and DLC explosives have been distributed to many vendors, containers and NPCs that previously had only molotovs or frag grenades and mines
  • special grenades that are normally craft-only can now be found rarely, these include HalluciGen Gas Grenades and the Nukaworld gang grenades
  • added Acid Soaker and Paddle Ball to rare weapon lists
  • reworked a few random weapon lists to better distribute some missing/underrepresented weapons (ex: Laser Muskets, Lever Action Rifles)
  • Legendary Railway Rifles can be found before you end the main quest as well as if you did NOT side with the Railroad, by default doing so is the only way for them to appear in the game

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  Does this mod conflict with the mod I use in my game that adds new textures/meshes/weapons/armor/clothing/drugs etc. ?
A:  This is strictly a leveled list mod, any mods that don't have or deal with leveled lists are compatible.

Q:  Is this mod compatible with other mods that edit leveled lists?
A:  Yes, as long as you use some form of merged leveled list or bashed patch from Wrye Bash it is compatible with everything.  At least on a technical level anyways, other mods might have a different design philosophy behind their creation and so might try to do things that are counter to this mods intent, but technically it will work with all other similar mods.

Q:  Do I have to use some type of merged or bashed patch?
A:  I do strongly suggest you use one if you have many other mods that either edit the leveled lists or items related to the lists.  It's not an absolute requirement however, if you have some personal or philosophical reason for not using one you don't have to.  Be aware of the potential conflicts and overrides that could result from not using a patch - the "rule of one" when it comes to record conflicts between mods applies equally to leveled lists.

Q:  Why don't you use a script to inject the changes to the lists for better compatibility instead of those types of patches?
A:  While injector scripts are great for mods that simply add a few items to a leveled list, this mod does far more than only that.  Nearly every single list has been gone over and tuned to my personal taste, some were added to, others had items removed, items in lists had available level or counts or chances or other items changed, entire new lists were created where none existed, there are nested lists, etc.  This is not a simple addition mod but a large overhaul of some of the most important leveled lists that affect the game.

Q:  Can you change an aspect of the lists so there is more or less of a certain item or class of items or add something new or remove something or _____ ?
A:  Perhaps, post in the comments with your reasoning and whatever you're asking about may be changed in a future version if I agree.  Especially let me know if I've missed something obvious from the DLCs that should be in the base game, I think I've been fairly thorough when looking over the lists but its always possible something was left out.

Q:  I only want to use a single part or a few parts of this mod, can you make it modular?
A:  Sorry but no, this mod is my personal take on a large scale DLC integration and rebalancing of many varied leveled lists and beyond possible balance tweaking or adding in something that was obviously missed the mod will largely be staying as it is and as one complete mod.  Also understand that many of the alterations are also highly inter-related to other changes and so they wouldn't work fully or at all without some other aspect of the mod without making extensive changes.

Compatibility and Load Order

As mentioned above, if you use a merged leveled list or bashed patch along with this mod it will be compatible with virtually every other mod out there as the patch will control the final state of your lists by merging any changes your list of mods make.  If you don't know what such a patch is or how to make one, here's some links that may help you get a basic understanding of what they are and how they work (ignore any specific references to Skyrim, the games are basically the same when it comes to how leveled lists work):

STEP Wiki Info on Merge Patches

For load order, again it doesn't really matter.  Using a merged leveled list mod or a bash patch means that this mod can be placed as early or as late in your load order as you want, it will all get rolled into the patch.  If you do not want or have no need for such a patch, place this mod fairly low in your load order so most/all of the changes take effect.  If you aren't using a patch and have some other mod you have to have be in command of some aspect of your lists, place that mod below this one.

Reduced Loot Version

A version of the mod that has reduced chances for all types of items that the base mod has added to the gameworld.  Lesser chance for the following item types:  ammo, armor, chems, crafting junk, food and drinks, healing items, mods, weapons.  Note that this is not a full "reduced items for the entire game" mod - this will lower the chances for added items that *THIS* mod might have given you, using a full mod to reduce the items you find on a global basis is still a good idea if you want a hardcore, struggle for survival type of game where you're fighting for even the most basic of items type of experience in your game.

Recommendation - use this version in place of the main mod and be sure to use a leveled list merge in your load order and place this reduced loot version high in your load order so that other mods that reduce loot and items on a global basis will take precedence when you merge.

Future Plans

This mod is for the most part feature complete and done from a conceptual point of view although as mentioned there may be further balancing tweaks and additions to some of the lists based on feedback.  If you feel something needs to be changed somehow, post in the comments and the item in question may be changed in a future version.