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Created by

Dank Rafft

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About this mod

Tweaks from several mods consolidated. This includes Improved Encounter Zones, Easy Lock-picking and Hacking and Insignificant Object Remover among some other changes.

Permissions and credits
The mod comes in a convenient FOMOD installer, to be used with a mod manager of your choice. There are two plugins (or variants) available from it. The first one only includes Easy Lockpicking and Hacking while the second one combines the former with many other beneficial game tweaks. See below for an extensive list of the changes.
Both variants are ESL plugins. They won't count against your ESP/ESM limit.


Lockpicking is ... well, lockpicking. I don't like it in Skyrim and the same is true for FO4. With this, when you have to pick a lock the position of the pick doesn't matter. Just hold down one of the directional keys or your stick and the lock will open.
Since the original mod has some flaws (missing master, form and a wild edit) which could lead to an automatically deactivating mod or unnecessary mod conflicts I decided to recreate it. It has the correct form version, the correct master and no wild edits.

The same is true for hacking. When you hack a terminal it'll only show a single password, the correct one.


  • Encounter Zone Changes: all base game encounter zones no longer have a maximum level so that most of them will remain challenging throughout the game, especially if you combine this with a mod like Encounter Zone Recalculation (Continuous Level Scaling)
  • Easy Lockpicking: the sweet-spot size for all difficulty levels was set so high that it covers the whole lock, exactly what variant 1 does
  • Easy Hacking: terminals only show a single password, the correct one, exactly what variant 1 does
  • Faster Terminal Display Rate: improves the speed at which terminals display their content to its max value
  • Insignificant Object Remover: basically what the mod of the same name does, disables tiny, dynamically placed and pointless objects (rocks, debris/rubble, asphalt fragments, etc.)
  • Companion Infinite Ammo: removes the necessity (annoyance) to constantly provide companions with ammunition
  • Companion Unbreakable Power Armour: removes the necessity (annoyance) to constantly repair a companion's PA
  • Laser/Plasma Weapons Don't Disintegrate: I don't like enemies becoming a pile of ash when hitting them with laser or plasma weapons, this disables that effect and keeps the enemy corpses intact
  • Weapon Drop Stop: defeated enemies keep their weapon in their inventory instead of dropping it upon death, identical to the mod of the same name.

<<< FAQ >>>

Can I update the mod mid-playthrough?
Yes, updates in a running play-through are possible and recommended unless the changelog specifically says otherwise. So, for your own good, form a habit of reading Patch Notes / Change Logs before updating any mod. That saves you from a lot of trouble in the long term.

How do I update the mod?
The same way as any other mod. Your mod manager (usually Vortex or Mod Organizer 2) can update mods automatically. In addition to that make sure to read the changelog before you update. In some rare cases updates in an already running play-through should be done with caution. There is a warning in the changelog when that case applies.
If you're managing your mods manually then simply override the files of the previous version with the new ones but I won't provide any support in that case.

Is it safe to uninstall the mod mid-playthrough?
The following part is entirely about mods that come with an engine plugin (ESM/ESP/ESL) and/or Papyrus scripts. You can safely uninstall mods that solely consist of textures, models, animations and the like.
Yes, it is safe if you revert back to a save file that existed before you installed this mod. The only other 100% safe method is to start a new playthrough. Other than that the engine doesn't support uninstalling mods mid-playthrough. That is why the game will show a warning when you try to load a save with a mod plugin missing that got baked into your save. Bethesda devs also made clear statements in that regard, that it is never safe to uninstall a mod mid-playthrough. Doing so regardless is considered bad practice. Installing a mod almost always modifies some things in your save and you can't revert that without going back to a state (save) before installing the mod in question. And there's nobody who can predict what will result from doing it anyway.
That's all I have to say in that regard. I won't provide a simple Yes or NO for that method. Make your decision based on the information provided or do your own research. It is your responsibility to deal with problems that may arise from uninstalling mods. I don't want to see any comments with users crying that something broke in their game and they lost hours of progress.

Does this mod work in the VR version of the game?
No, unfortunately it doesn't. ESLs (or ESL-flagged plugins in general) didn't support the FormID range 0 to 7FF when they were first introduced back in the day. Fallout 4 VR is based on an engine fork of that time and didn't get the updates the original version got since then. The fix for ESLs, that unlocked the FormID range to its full potential, 0 to FFF, was implemented way later, back in 2019 IIRC. This mod was created in the new engine version and uses the unlocked FormID range. FO4 VR can't read those which makes parts of the mod unusable.

Will you include mod X in this mod?

I don't like change X in variant 2. Would you provide a variant without it?
No, but anyone is free to fire up FO4Edit and make their personal changes.

I don't like ESL plugins. Will you provide ESP versions?
No, there's absolutely no good or functional reason to make those plugins ESPs.

May I copy (some of) your tweaks and use them as part of my own mod?
Sure, the mod has open permissions as can be seen above under the "Permissions and credits" menu.

How does the Insignificant Object Remover (IOR) interact with PreComb/PreVis data/mods?
It doesn't. Period. I know why you're asking: because some individuals spread the misinformation that IOR could break pre-combined meshes and even corrupt saves. That is total nonsense.
IOR modifies GRASS forms. Those forms control dynamically placed objects like actual grass but also debris/rubble, small rocks, mud, asphalt pieces, etc. You can't include these dynamically placed objects (GRASS forms) in pre-combined meshes and therefore that mod couldn't break them even if it would try to. IOR doesn't even actually remove objects or their models/meshes but just reduces the GRASS forms' Density value/variable to 0 so that the engine simply doesn't randomly place them any more upon cell load.
That exact behaviour can be tested by repeatedly loading a save in quick succession. You'll notice that actual grass and other objects controlled by GRASS forms appear in different locations every time you load that save. By running IOR actual grass will still show that behaviour while other debris is gone. That has nothing to do with pre-combined meshes and none of that data is stored in saves. So, you're totally safe.
