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About this mod

Basic Edit made in FO4Edit that changes the Fungal Purge value to -13 HP to account for the bugged double damage in survival mode. This should give you -24 HP and -150 Rads

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Frost is great. The Fungal Purge.. Not so much. Although it says that its -25 HP and -150 Rads, in survival mode its bugged so it ends up being -50 HP and -150 Rads. I found this unplayable and basically made the fungal purge useless since staying above 50 HP is extremely difficult while playing Frost.

I made this small edit in FO4Edit to change the value of Fungal Purge to -13 HP in the pipboy, which will result in -24 HP actually being taken in survival when you drink it. 

Make sure to put this below Frost in your load order.