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About this mod

This mod overhauls five main things to give a more realistic but also balanced play-through. Right now things that have been re-balanced are weapon damage(explosion,melee/unarmed, weapons etc.), Damage Resistance, Weapon modifications, perks, health and damage for enemies. This is done by directly editing weapons or by changing world settings. Also

Permissions and credits
Current version is V 1.8 which adds four different ammo types to vendors and replaces some ammo receivers. They are the .300 Winchester Magnum, .338 Lapua Magnum, 7.62x39mm, 5.45x39mm, and the 9x19mm. The .300 WM replaces the .38 reciever from the pipe bolt action. The .338 LM replaces the .38 reciever on the hunting rifle. And the 7.62x39mm replaces .38 reciever on the combat rifle. The pipe pistol now uses the 5.45x39mm ammo for the .45 reciever. Currently the only weapons that use 9x19mm ammo are the M9 mod. I will release the CRO version of the M9 when I get time. When updating from versions 1.5 and lower remember to either disable or delete the old mods for now and then install the updates. If using v 1.5 and above just download the main file and when it asks you to replace select yes. Next is to fix the armor bug, new ammo types and maybe if I get permission new weapons! These updates will in the order listed unless otherwise stated.

Also check out my other mod CRO-R91 mod here ) which introduces the changes I made to vanilla weapons to the guns from R91M mod found 

here ( ) which is needed along with this mod to function properly.

Also check out the CRO-AK-2047 here ) OG mod needed is here ( )

As well as the CRO-AK47 found here: ) and the OG mod needed ( here )

here is the CRO-M9 found here:

link to Gdrive sheet with

***NOTE: Due to how FO4 behaves there is an armor bug see below on the armor section.
1.) Weapon damage + ammo

Weapon damage
This mod currently changes/edits the actual weapon damage (ballistic only currently) to  be more realistic by changing the damage done on targets based on the bullet type they use.*
*NOTE: due to limitations with FO4edit right now there is no way to directly add effects to ammo so for right now I am having to edit the weapons damage directly so anything that edits the weapons is not compatible but the damage is based on the ammo used . Also now the only thing that affects weapon damage is Long/short barrels. Standard barrels do nothing (they keep the damage the same as bellow). Barrel length affects damage +/- 15% now.

GOAL: Making this compatible by adding damage effects to ammo type to make it compatible with any mod (except those that edit the actual ammo effects/ammo)

Ammo type (base)Damage

  • .300 Winchester Magnum (189) More powerful than the 7.62 NATO round and can do better damage against armored opponents/wildlife. Accessible by using pipe bolt action rifle. Less ammo/more weight than 7.62 NATO.

  • .338 Lapua Magnum(236) Basically the gap between the .300 Win Mag and the .50BMG has a mixture of the strengths/ weakness of both rounds with superb accuracy/bullet speed.

  • 7.62x39mm(89) Does higher damage than the 5.56x45mm round but with higher recoil. Less damage than 7.62mm but cost less and can be used on the combat rifle receiver.  Also available for the AK-47 mod found here ( )

  • 5.45x39mm(49) Does less damage than the 5.56mm but substantially less recoil/ bullet drop. cheap and only available for the AK 2047 mod found here ( )

  • 9x19mm(25) Less damage than the 10mm but better recoil management makes this the gap between .380ACP and 10mm. Only available with the mod found here 

  • .50BMG (390) FO4 is weard so in FO4edit it says 2.4 but it really means 3.4 also has less ammo capacity than .308 rounds. Also significant damage to PA/heavy armor.

  • Missile Launcher (100) Pretty powerful can take out most enemies pretty good for taking out people in PA depending on their health/armor type 1-4 shots are needed to kill them.)

  • 2mm Electro-magnetic cartridge (300+50 explosion) Pretty powerful but not as .50BMG but higher rate of fire + can be modified to do more damage. Can make significant damage to PA/heavy armor.

  • 12Ga 00 Buckshot ( Shotgun Shell) (110) Pretty powerful damage up close but due to pellet effect at long ranges losses power considerably. Very little damage done to PA

  • 10x25mm (10mm) (36) Decent power can stop most unarmored humans with 2-6 body shots with decent armor it can take significantly more shots/ almost no damage is done.

  • 7.62x51mm ( .308) (123) Pretty powerful damage up close and more at longer ranges than 12Ga/5.56mm can do significant damage on good armor specially w/ armor piercing reciever. Very little damage done to PA.

  •  5.56x45mm (5.56) (62) Pretty good damage up close and still a longer ranges but to a lesser degree than 7.62mm/12Ga. Pretty good round for most situations some damage can get thru good armor but not very significant. Only with AP rounds is this evident. Almost no damage to PA

  • 5mm/35SMc (5mm) (73) Better up close damage than 5.56mm but significantly lower effective range due to heavy energy loss. Can do quite some damage to PA/ medium armor at close range with sustained fire due to the sheer volume of bullets.

  • .45 ACP (45 auto) (31) Decent power up close less recoil in fully automatic mode than 10mm other than that pretty much the same ass 10mm but with less recoil.

  • .44 Magnum (.44 round) (56) Pretty powerful pistol round higher damage/range than .45 ACP/10mm can still make some damage to good armor but not as much as 5.56mm. Higher recoil than .45 ACP/10mm and lower fire rate than both.

  • .380 ACP (.38) (18*) Lowest pistol damage but significantly higher ammo count and also applies to .380 ACP receiver mod. With large magazine/drum magazine plus automatic receiver can dish out significant damage to lightly armored enemies as well as others due to sheer volume of rounds being fired, allmost no damage to PA. Lessened recoil in fully automatic mode.

(.38 round) *note for the deliver special weapon I kept the 25 damage since I though since it was a special weapon why would I gimp it?

Explosion damage
Change explosion damage/ radius to be more realistic but also playable. Currently damage is doubled for most explosions and blast radius (damage wise) is 1.5x bigger. Also made the grenade to do more damage but also have a lower blast radius than the land mine which has less damage but bigger blast radius.

GOAL: To make explosions more powerful and realistic ex pretty much ground zero should be a kill-zone for humans while at the outer edges damage is taken but can be survived with armor. Also see if I can add shrapnel to the explosion itself to add damage but make it realistic.

CHANGES: Right now have only modified explosion damage  of the most important explosions/ ones that you will encounter the most.

Ammo Rename
Rename the name of alot of the ammo to either be realistic or lore friendly. As well as their short name

GOAL: To rename all the ammo that I can and probably abandon this if Xcaliber does comes out and they also edit the ammo name if they do not then I will keep this stuff in.

Renamed/old ammo name
7.62x51mm NATO/ .308 Round
10x25mm/ 10mm Round
.380 ACP/ .38 round
.44 Magnum/ .44 Round
.45 ACP/ .45 Round
12.7x99mm NATO/ .50 Caliber
5.56x45mm NATO/ 5.56 Round
5mm/35 SMc / 5mmRound

Modification re-balance
Re-balanced a huge chunk of the weapon mods available right now have mainly focused on physical damage type modifications (for guns no energy weapons yet). No longer do automatic weapons have a damage penalty instead they have more recoil. Plus made some other modifications and changed most descriptions there may be still some that I missed. I tried adding new information to the MODS themselves but unfortunately FO4edit or the game simply did not save them so for right now I had to override some things like weight/value to add those desired effects. I think this is fair game-play wise sure in real life they are going to add weight/value to them but gamplay wise this would be too many bonuses applied to them without no drawbacks.

Proper Projectiles and Bullet drop
When the geck comes out will add a vapor trail to bullets and add tracer projectiles for different bullet types (tracers and incendiary rounds). Also added bullet drop to all firearm projectiles and increased their speed. Although the bullet drop right now is not realistic due to the fact that FO4 draw distance is so small (think BF4 or arma 3 and then compare) so I made it so that now you actually need not only to compensate for bullet drop but also to lead your crosshairs to compensate for the fact that bullets are no longer a lase beam and impact your target immidiately (WTF Bethesda you literally set bullets projectiles to act like a fucking beam instead of a missile or a arrow projectile even though you clearly coded the option in and that is why I was able to put it in with FO4 edit?) 
2.) Locational Damage

Body part damage multipler
Basically makes headshots deadly by increasing damage by 8x and limb shots (legs/arms) do 1/4th the damage in order to balance it out game-play wise as well. Pretty much any NPC dies with a pistol shot to the head that I have tested so far with a 36 Damage pistol. Did this because I also did not want to make things super easy/ people in real life survive headshots from small arms but rarely a high power rifle. As stated earlier due to an error on Bethesdas side people with good armor take less damage from head-shots. (8x damage is enough to barely survive with pistol damage but with 5.56mm or above and any human npc dies without good armor/helmet). Also now things like mirelurks/ other tough enemies have lower damage done to them but head shots are now pretty lethal for them (feral ghouls specially now are a lot like zombies where headshots are the only way to put them down for good.)

GOAL: To fix the Headshot issue with maybe a script ala Project Nevada style. 

have edited pretty much every creature to have 4x head-shot damage except deathclaws which now have 4x belly damage. Robots now are more durable but have also some pretty weak spots (4x multiplier)

3.) Realistic damage resistance for armor
Damage Resistance for armor
Have changed most armor ( note ARMOR) to have significantly higher DR to go in line with the values that I have edited. Also edited other stuff like army helmet/ caged armor to offer more protection. 

GOAL: edit/re balance some stuff but for the meanwhile I have covered the main armors. Have not edited raider armor due to the fact that I still need to see what is balanced/ what something of that nature should stop. Also to redo the whole energy damage thing to keep up if I do mess with energy weapons. 

CHANGES: idk what to put since I edited a lot of stuff, download the file and open in FO4edit.

*** armor from other body parts contributes to other parts specially headshot DR. For example someone wearing just leather armor might still die with 1 HS by a pistol but that same person with combat armor will need to take 2x-4x more head-shots. This is something either hard-coded into the game or uses a different reference that I do not know off. The only way to fix this is via the geek or finding the reference. This also applies to body if using a helmet so IDK why Bethesda announced layered armor system if they all borrow from the same DT pool irregardless of the body part. This only applies to the physical damage weapons since I did not mess with the DR formula of energy weapons so although they have the same game damage they still are powerful due to the fact that a well placed head-shots (except PA) will kill most enemies due to the fact that it simply ignores more DR.

4.) World settings

Melee/Unarmed Damage

I have changed the melee/unarmed damaged to do more but also respond to strength a lot better. Strength now significantly add more damage to weapons and PA makes things more powerful as well. (recommend     with the 10+ strength multiplier I mean a PA suit should give you the same strength as the strongest humans right?) Also makes people with power armor + melee pretty much unbearably realistic. I will see if I can make/modify this into different settings depending on what people want. I also changed alot of game settings to give more of a realistic feel to the game.

GOAL: To balance this purely based on strength plus make make unarmed damage do a bit more damage. Ex each strength levels adds a different amount of damage. Ex strength of 1-3 should scale but not by a huge difference while the difference between 5 compared to 7 should be pretty drastic and 10 strength should be out of strength of 7 league. Also to make more things realistic.

strength multiplier
base strenght multiplier

Rebalanced/Realistic World Settings
Also changed DR formula to absorb more physical damage so people in PA are truly a force to wreck with. Also changed other global stuff to make it so you/enemy deal the same damage now nobody does less/more damage just because you are the PC/NPC. There is also a patch that fixes override issues with Armor-smith extended. Also made PA health more durable by decreasing the amount of damage they received. Other stuff changed relating to damage to and from the player. Also no more level bonus from level only lowered Endurance bonus than vanilla as to replicate the fact that some people are just more resilient than others. Also other changes made download FO4edit and see the changes made.

5.) Rebalanced Enemy health/NPC health

Balanced enemy/creature health/DR
changed most creatures health and DR to be harder but also a bit more realistic. Ex robots are not pretty dam tough to beat if you do not use explosives or energy type weapons. Most creatures now also either have reduced DR for physical or energy. Also now most creatures have significantly more health due to the fact that I changed the damage for most weapons so much that they stood very little chance. Also made super mutants more resilient.

6.) Perk Re-balance
More realistic Perks
changed most perks that deal with weapons to have more realistic effects but unfortunately I cannot add effects like lower recoil, spread, faster reloading as I would need to make new effects but I do not know right now what effect type they are using. For the most part I either gave vats accuracy bonus or faster weapon rase speed and or better hip fire accuracy.
See esp with FO4edit to see what are the specific changes.

Use nexus mod manager to uninstall the .esp. When updating versions disable previous versions of the mod/delete using a NMM then install the update since some stuff do collide from version to version. Also now since I am messing with world settings when updating go inside somewhere and save and exit. Now disable the last update load the game save again then exit the game. Now download/enable the update and load the game. Now the edited values should appear now since the game keeps track of the settings since they are changed.

FUTURE CHANGES: See what works best/ what people like the most and use the feedback to change the settings.