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About this mod

Make the working days of your settlers more realistic and immersive. Assign up to 20 tasks to a single settler and choose from well over 150 activities.
This mod will make your settlement life as realistic as never before. Including lot of settlement stuff!

Permissions and credits


My passion in Fallout 4 is to build settlements. Without the numerous and really fantastic mods of other modders this would be inconceivable. Also for this reason I decided to build my mod on 2 or 3 (depending on which variant you choose) existing mods. At this point many thanks to
kitcat81 (author of: Settlement Activity Markers)
Despy (author of: Busy Settlers)
robboten (author of: Housekeeping - Scavenging Deluxe)

for the friendly permission to make their mods compatible with my mod. If you like what you get from all the mod authors here on Nexus then push the support Authors red button and donate their creative work

What does this mod do?

In the vanilla game, the settlers can do only a few professional activities, such as doctor, bartender and farmer etc. Through mods like "Settlement Activity Markers", "Busy Settlers" and "Housekeeping - Scavenging Deluxe" numerous activities can be added to which settlers can be assigned. A really great gain to settlement immersion.

But have you ever thought about why your doctor stands rooted to the spot the whole day long? Your mechanic screwing around again and again in the same place? Every time you come to your settlement you always see your settlers doing the same thing in the same place ...

...change it!

Settler Worktime Immersion allows you to assign your settlers up to 20 tasks that they perform during their working hours. You can choose from far over 180 animations/activities (possible through combining Settlement Activity Markers - Busy Settlers - Housekeeping Deluxe - Settler Worktime Immersion). Fully functional vendor rugs, vendor furniture & and more are also included.

So what does this mean?

Now your Bartender can stand at the counter and when it is time to wash the glasses off, he will do it (if he thinks so...) and maybe after that he decides to sit on his stoole next to the bar and read the newspaper and waiting for someone orders a drink. Your mechanic can now carry out repair work anywhere in your settlement in many different places and may have a short break and drink a coffee. It depends entirely on you what and how much each of your settlers will do (the ladies of Hookers of the Commonwealth SE are assignable too).

What is required?

In order to bring a maximum of life and immersion into your settlement you will need at least (if you do not already have):

- Settlement_Markers version 1.6.1 up to 1.7.3  (Contraptions DLC)
- Busy Settlers version 1.8
- Settler Worktime Immersion version 1.0
- Settlement Menu Manager (also used by Sim Settlements) version 0.1.4


- Housekeeping Scavenging Deluxe version 1.8


...has a lot of cool animations (e.g. assignable dancing mats) and the fantastic shedules for settlers and more. These schedules are essential for my mod working optically correct and gives you the freedom to set different and individual working hours, sleep times, free time and even free days for each settler. If the settlers, which are assigned to one or more animations or vendor rugs/furniture and have no schedule then they will walk with a drawn weapon during their worktime!

... 86 animation rugs and 18 workstations (optional visible rugs feature)

... 50 animations with related objects or furniture

Settler Worktime Immersion (main mod) has...

... 22 furnitures (chairs, stooles, distillery, fish weight scale, telescope, gurney, waterpump, scavenging station, functional OP chairs and functional barber chairs)

...12 functional vendor rugs (armor, bar, clinic, clothing, weapon and general store) each as clipboard with pen and bartender animation

... 4 functional vendor workbenches/stations/stove (weapons workbench, armor workbench, chemistry station and cooking stove

... 2 additional animation rugs and 4 relaxation rugs (these relaxation rugs will be randomly used by settlers during their free time, these animations are not covered by Akarnan´s mod Invisible Furniture)

... 1 misc guard rug which produces 6 safety to use if you want your guard 100% staying at one spot

... more than 50 settlement stuff items in the settlement equipment category (watercooler with animated bubbles, butcher meat, hospital lights, crane and much more)

... the feature to make the mods compatible with the new multi assign function (up to 20 assignable animations per settler)

Settlement Menu Manager (required)

Settlement Menu Manager prevents custom menus from screwing up your workshop build menu without the need of an uninstall
chem. Without a custom menu it would be awful to scroll through all items...

How to install:

1. If you do not already have Settlement Activity Markers version 1.7.3 (Contraptions DLC) then download and install the mod, don´t forget to endorse!
2. If you do not already have Busy Settlers version 1.8 then download and install the mod, don´t forget to endorse!
3. If you do not already have Settlement Menu Manager version 0.1.4 then download and install the mod, don´t forget to endorse!
If you do not already have Housekeeping Scavenging Deluxe version 1.8 and want maximum immersion then download and install the mod, don´t forget to endorse!
5. Downlod my mod version 1.0 (requires 1./2./3.) or if you want maximum immersion version then download my mod version 1.0 (complete). But only one of them!

If you are new to modding: Nexus wiki Fallout 4 how to

Load order: my mod needs to be below 1./2./3. and /4. if you have this one.

Updating to version 1.01:

Mod Manager: Just delete the mod with your mod manager and install the new version 1.01.
Manually: Just delete the data folders "SWI" in your Fallout 4 folder "data->Meshes" + "Data->Materials" + "Data->Textures" and copy the
two ba2 files into your Fallout 4 folder "Data"

How to uninstall:

Just delete or deactivate my mod and all is good. Yet I recommend to scrap every rug or furniture you placed with this mod before uninstalling.
For further information how to uninstall the other mods i recommend to check their discription on their Nexus site. Busy Settlers and Housekeeping Scavenging Deluxe should simply be deleted (Yet I recommend to scrap every rug or furniture you placed with these mods before uninstalling).

if you currently use one of these mods:

Here is information about what changes my mod makes to the other mods and patching info


If you gave your guards a schedule so that they dont have to guard 24/7 and use my mod, which changes the weapon drawn behavier both for guards and scavenger, then your guards wont walk with a drawn weapon through your settlement during their worktime. This will only effect guards which are assigned to more than one guard post or rug and can´t be changed. You can use my misc guard rug to prevent your guard from wandering through the settlement. Your settlers assigned to a scavenging station also will stop running through your settlement with a drawn weapon. Why? Because i never liked that behavior (:

The following animated furnitures are made compatible with my mod (to find in category Settlement_Markers ->furniture):

- chair typing
- chair writing
- chair radio operator
- Desk

Busy Settlers

Now the hammer and wrench animations will run properly (maybe you have noticed that they never really started to wrench or hammer).
I changed the following animation rugs with new animations

- fog condenser with screwdriver medium  -> Why? fog condenser was the same like the welding animation
- counter merchant with Dishwash -> Why? counter merchant is not usable ("you cannot use that at the moment")
- workbench armor (rug) with screwdriver low -> Why? The animtion is without the animated workbench
- workbench cooking spit (rug) with clipboard looking -> Why? The animtion is without the animated cooking spit
- workbench weapons (rug) with microscope using -> Why? The animtion is without the animated workbench
- fish weight scale a with search car trunk -> Why? The animtion is without the animated weight scale
- fish weight scale b with wall lean side -> Why? The animtion is without the animated weight scale and same like above
(my mod adds the fish weight scale animation inclusive the animated weight scale)

Additional added two rugs: sitting on invisible chair & newspaper sitting on invisible chair

Housekeeping Scavenging Deluxe

The 50 assignable animations with related objects or furniture will loose their scavenge profit. Sorry for that, but this was necessary in order to be compatible with my mod as desired.

! Patching info:

After activating my mod i will be necessary that you store the furniture rugs etc. which were already placed in your settlements by the above mentioned mods and place them again so that they will get compatible with my mod.

General information:


When you place the rug/furniture/workbench always check with your companion if it is easily possible to enter and leave the animation (force him to
use the rug/furniture/workbench). If not you could wonder why your assigned settler uses only one rug/furniture/workbench and dont changes his spot. Same goes for the location where you place things. If your settler cant reach the spot (pathfinding...navmesh...) then he will stay where he is and thats not cool.

Bar rugs/furniture:

The Settler Worktime Immersion (SWI) bar rugs/furniture have no integrated animation idles which are randomly used by settler during their free
time. I removed them because too often these idles were spawned exactly there no one wants them. So use my relaxation rugs and check the mod
Invisible Furniture (highly recommended, see below!).


Vendor rug/furniture/workbench have vanilla characteristics (happyness bonus pricing e.g.), barber and OP chairs have individual characteristics but all these stated items have an extra safety bonus of 3.3. Why? If not than it would be possible that you assign a settler to more than one of these items and this would result in something you wont like...

How does the mechanic work?

If you place one of these rug/furniture/workbench, barber or OP chair (they have an extra safety bonus of 3.3) they will be automatically assigned to a settler who is working as a guard or assigned to one of the rug/furniture/workbench coming or made compatible with this mod and has more or equal than 2.7 safetypoints left. So dont forget to assign the settler you want to these items.

For understanding:

Every regular guard (vanilla system) in your settlement can be assigned (and auto assigns himself) up to x guard posts or rugs as long as the safety they produce is not more than 6. My mod uses the same technique.

vendor rug/furniture/workbench, barber or OP chair -> have each 3.3 safety and does count for your settlement
every other rug/furniture/workbench   -> have each 0.3 safety and does not count for your settlement

This means:

assign a settler to max 20 "normal" rug/furniture/workbench  (20x0.3 = 6)
assign a settler to 1 vendor rug/furniture/workbench, barber or OP chair & to additional max 9 "normal" rug/furniture/workbench (1x3.3 + 9x0.3=6)

If you assign a settler to more than that he will unassign everything else and you will need to assign him again (same as with the vanilla guards...)

If you place a regular guard rug or guard post and dont assign a regular settler guard to it then your working settler will do this if they can (auto assign)

Getting started:

-Craft the Typewriter Station (Settlement_Markers-> Miscellaneous)
-Choose the preferred schedule (you can read schedules like a notice and see the times) for your settler and put it in his inventory
-Place rugs or whatever and assign your settler to several items
-Using my rugs and the Busy Settler rugs i recommend to use and activate the optional Busy Settler file "visible rugs" later when finished you can   deactivate it again

Known issues:

- When a settler enters or leaves the gurney furniture animation he turns 180 degrees on the horizontal
- If you assign a ghoul to a barber chair or surgery chair he wont proper talk with you nor showing up a conversation menu (this is same for the vanilla    barber and surgery chair... at least in my highly modded FO4)
- If you order something to drink the settler wont bring it to you in RL (long time known issue but working on that ;)

Recommended mods:

Place Everywhere it gives you the freedom to build much more easy than with vanilla options. But if you can place everywhere you should keep in mind that your settler should aslo be able to get to this place (if we talk about the rugs, furniture etc.). Best experience i have made using a powerfull tool like place everywhere is always to check if your settlers can walk (pathfinding) what and where you build.

Invisible Furniture is the perfect complement of Settler Worktime Immersion. It adds several relaxation rugs which will be used by settlers during their free time.

Where do you find the items?

Settlement_Markers:  main menu -> Settlement Markers -> Furniture (4 compatible furnitures, watch item discreption!)
Busy Settler:main menu -> Settler Worktime Immersion -> Busy Workbenches & Stations
   -> Busy Rugs
Settler Worktime Immersion:   main menu -> Settler Worktime Immersion -> SWI categories

Housekeeping Scavenging Deluxe: main menu -> Settler Worktime Immersion -> Housekeeping Scavenging Deluxe

My other mods:

Vintage Nudie Films (VNF) Video Plugin VotW
Hookers of the Commonwealth SE German VOICE translation
Hookers of the Commonwealth German VOICE translation

Credits got to:

kitcat81 (author of: Settlement_Markers) * Despy (author of: Busy Settlers) * robboten (author of: Housekeeping - Scavenging Deluxe)
cadpnq (author of: Settlement Menu Manager)

Please note that english this is not my first language.