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About this mod

A first for FO4: They tumble in the air, stick where you hit, pick them up or loot them off dead NPCs. Over 30 weapons, workshop targets, and new SoundFX including tomahawks, shurikens, harpoons, shoes, fidget spinners, thundersticks and more! Integrated crosshairs and slo-mo aiming (requires F4SE) make them useful medium range weapons in combat.

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(Watch for it on Bethnet when it gets stolen!!!)

I don't usually open with credits. But a handful of modders donated their time and skills (knowingly or not) to this mod and asked nothing in return. Their contributions turned this mod from a novelty where you could throw weapons at a target in your settlement to something tactically useful in combat situations.

SsmB_92 of Spawn Engine (will replace War of the Commonwealth) for the slo-mo aiming time script. His patience for my scripting stupidity is the stuff of legend.
of UniqueNPCs and Creatures and Monsters for balancing the stats for gameplay. He put in keywords so your one and two handed melee perks add to the damage of these weapons. He also helped with the plugin as well as doing parts of it entirely by himself, like the Pulse Field Harpoon. Yes, I said Pulse Field Harpoon, awesome!
CptCOOTS of Sim Settlement team fame for the script that puts a copy of the weapon in the inventory of hit NPCs. It is because of him you can go get your stuff back from that dead raider whose head you turned into a dug out canoe.
Scrivener07 of Scope and Overlay framework for coding the animated targeting overlay on such short notice for a complete stranger (me).
Niero whose mods you all know for permissions to use the animated tumbling motion from CROSS Blades. The Bethesda cut content one was awful. Seeing his blades tumble in the air renewed my own interest in my twice-abandoned quest for working throwing weapons in FO4.
Damanding for her array of workshop targets. Now your settlement can have a manly hipster axe throwing area!

The mod made #1 on hotfiles, even without boobs (which is plain amazing given this place). Thank you to all who hit that Endorse button!!!!!

(An excellent video by theDeluxeSam showing the range of available weapons
and their action in game)

(Thank you for the video Vault Samurai. Please note the Food Paste pie WILL explode
and cover an NPC in goo. We're working on getting the effect happening when statics are hit as well.)

What this is:

I always wanted throwing weapons in FO4. Bethesda left incomplete attempts at throwing weapons buried in the Far Harbor archive files - clearly at one time they were in the works. There's even a test cell for throwing bottles - ostensibly to relieve tension when you found out Beth didn't finish the throwing weapons. I couldn't get them to work either. Granted, it was almost two years ago that I tried and I was but a mere modding newb, wet with temperature conductive silicone grease behind the ears. I also found a few examples of throwing weapons that acted more or less correctly except in one important regard, they didn't spin in mid air. Having a hatchet levitate at an enemy as if Magneto was wielding it required a bit too much suspension of disbelief for me. My attempts to adopt that to the tumbling behavior of the cut content was likewise unsuccessful.

When CROSS Blades was released, I saw that the throwing weapons finally tumbled in mid air! Leave it to Niero to figure it out (because he will). Thus I started a third time on trying to bring true throwing weapons to FO4 by combining the tumbling action in Niero's blades with the previously mentioned sticking action.

By using a careful approach of randomly trying different crap over and over again in FO4Edit then testing this crap in the game, I was finally successful! There's still a few caveats and kinks to work out from having hammered this square peg of throwing weapons into the round collection of ad hoc code we call FO4 (see "Unexpected Features" for details).


Tomahawk, wrench knife, Raider shiv, Fidget Spinner shuriken, Not the Book of Eli blade, switchblade, combat Knife, Raider hatchet, circular saw blade, 4 types of shurikens, three style of throwing stiletto, shoe, stiletto shoe, wakisashi, thundersticks (Fury Road) for most grenade types (8 types), harpoon, EM field harpoon, broken fusion core harpoon which gushes glowing liquid on impact, throwing fork, food paste pie that covers the target in pink goo.


Craft these under 'decorations' if you have Settlement Menu Manager installed: Hay Target, Log Target, Raider swingset, Raider fence, Raider swan, Vault suit target, jangles target, and yes.... the broad side of a barn. No really.

Weapons are craftable at the chem bench under 'Real Throwing Weapons'.

Targets are in the workshop menu under 'Decorations' (Must have Settlement Menu Manager installed for this)

These are SECONDARY weapons. Thus, they use the same slot as grenades and mines and are thrown in the same logical manner - by holding down the firearm bash button, just like real life. Because why separate two distinctly different actions on a control scheme Beth? I mean one function is a bash used in tight quarters and up close while the other function leads to you blowing your own legs off in those same tight quarters. Let's have them use The. Same. God. Damned. Button. Bethesda. (Save space, do some Day Tripper and assign running forwards and backwards to the same key for next Elder Scrolls)

Since these are secondary weapons, they are VATS ineligible, because FO4. To assist with making these combat-useful Ssmb92 wrote a script that utilizes F4SE to momentarily slow time during the aiming phase of the throw. Likewise, Scrivener wrote a script for animated crosshairs to give you a visual cue when the slo-mo will end and to assist with aiming.

Usage for users running F4SE if all goes well:
1) Equip your throwing weapon that you crafted after reading how to do it above, because you're a good mod user and always read everything before asking questions.
2) Press and HOLD the bash button down using the same control you would to pull the pin on the grenade in game. Time should slow to half speed and an animated circle (instead of the grenade arc) will appear on the center of the screen (see last few screenshots in gallery)
3) You have 5 seconds of half speed slo-mo time to throw by releasing the button. The animated circle will slowly shrink over the course of the 5 seconds to give you a visual cue how much time you have.
4) Slo-mo will let up EITHER after 5 seconds, or upon button release if you throw before that 5 seconds is up. Circle will let up upon button release in case you take longer.
5) Nothing will happen to you if you don't throw in 5 seconds. Nobody blows up (unless you stepped on a mine), time will just return to normal.

Usage for users not running F4SE, an earlier version where oncontrolX() wasn't adopted, or who just can't get slo-mo to work b/c of controller config issues or weakness in the scripts:
1) Equip weapon.
2) Throw it with the same controls you'd use to throw a grenade or mine.
3) Profit.

Playing in 3rd person and the weapon flies off at a weird angle? Draw your primary weapon. Any weapon. Even unarmed. This will fix it. See "Unexpected Features" for more.

This isn't a first for FO4, I've seen throwing weapons before. Tumble in the air, stick where they land, are recoverable. As far as I know, this is a combination that has not been delivered for FO4 yet.

Don't see the circle? DEF_ui could interfere with this, try loading 'RealThrowingWeapons' after your DEF_ui preset

Do you use the bullet time mod and this integrated slo-mo kills your experience? Download the no slo-mo replacer plugin. Have your cake and eat it too.

You tried to be Robin Hood and split your axe in two with another axe. Now picking up the thrown weapon adds to the inventory, but it remains in the world space. Or you pick one up, but two vanish from the world space. See "Unexpected Features."

Sometimes the weapon hangs just off the wall or the NPC in the air, sometimes it gets buried where I can't recover it. See "Unexpected Features."

The slo-mo and crosshair script use the 'oncontroldown()' and 'oncontrolup()' events from F4SE. As such, it requires that you are using the actual key that the game thinks you are for the grenade button. Keyboard users should be in the clear, but if you are using a Dualshock 4 Gamepad, running with F4SE, and slo-mo isn't working, do NOT let Steam manage your controller (how to shut that off). If it's not working, open up your controller config in game, do the button assignments even remotely resemble the actions they say in game? Probably not if slo-mo isn't working. Turn off Steam's control of it for FO4 and use DualShock4Windows (DS4Windows) instead to fix this and unscrew what Steam so hath thoroughly screwed. FWIW, I run DS4W with the 'Hide DS4 controller' box ticked, and it works just fine. I do not know about Xbox controllers. I don't have one to use or test. Some help and reporting in the comments section would be greatly appreciated.

This is stupid. Don't download it.

You know FO76 has throwing weapons? It also has guitars. Bad timing.

If you play in 3rd person, you must have a primary weapon drawn (even unarmed) for the throwing weapon to fly straight. I don't know
why. Help me figure this out.

The unequipping of these items can be sticky - i.e. they don't want to unequip even when you hit the button. You can mash that button rapid fire until they unequip (usually 6-10 button mashes) or you can drop them in a container, which unequips them, and retrieve them. I don't know why this is happening either. Help me figure this out.

Where a weapon plants itself when you hit an item or an NPC depends on where on the item's collision the hit was registered. As far as I can tell, the 0,0,0 point of the weapon nif USUALLY will remain intersected with the collision plane of the item at the location and the angle of incidence of the impactor. This means you can have weapons buried deep in a bad guy you might not see because the game didn't register until the exit wound or some that appear to hang in mid air against a wall or said bad guy, when in fact the collision was just poorly done or it was hit at a very sharp angle. Larger weapons will tend to embed in the bad guys with a bit better visibility.

On smaller enemies against a surface, the throwing item might actually embed in the wall or ground behind them even though it registered a hit and put an item in the NPC's inventory. You could conceivably end up with an additional weapon this way - when you pull it out of the wall and when you loot the dead NPC. Try to suspend your disbelief the way you do when having your PC eat 200 yr old deviled eggs.

These weapons don't want to embed in companion-eligible NPCs as far as my own testing goes. Don't know why. They still get hit, the weapon just doesn't stick. Yeah, I don't like Preston either. This actually kept me from making progress on the 'sticky' weapons part, as I always threw them at Preston for testing. No shit.

If you stack the crap out of these items by throwing 20 at the same focused spot on a wall, you may run into issues with retrieving the projectiles - they might not vanish when you pick them up, yet they add to the inventory, they may vanish without adding to inventory. It's unpredictable, like the rest of the ancient train wreck we call the game engine.

Sometimes hitting a companion in settlements (or elsewhere) will cause them to revert to their original clothing. It's been suggested this might be because I run Amazing Follower Tweaks. Why are you throwing these at your companions anyway?

Damanding - Many targets: Fence, Swingset, Jangles, Vault Suit, Swan, probably another couple I'm forgetting
Thirdstorm - Throwing Saw Blade, Throwing pie
KingTobbe - Diamond City Stiletto
Turbosquid - Shurikens, classic stiletto knife, wood log with serious poly reduction by me
Ethreon - Fixed Tomahawk mesh from CGTrader
MikeMoore - Totally not the Book of Eli Blade and matching textures
Humannature66 - Throwing Shoes, Wakisashi and matching textures
MadMax - Tin can thunderstick base
Mkdo40 - Stiletto Shiv, Throwing Hatchets and matching textures from Mojave Imports
Derpsdale - Fidget Spinner Shuriken and matching textures
KingGath, CDante - General knowledge and advice. Being responsive and generous with requests for such.
Kagilo, Val, Rage, AoiSauce, Thirdstorm, BottomHoodofSteel for testing.
Me. Yes I just thanked me. - Remaining targets, and non-vanilla textures and meshes.