About this mod
Various Replacers of Player Companions plus two NPC's (for now) plus
Heather Casdin Replacers
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
So, following a comprehensive guidelines given me by jerboaDS, I finally learned on how to make Face Replacers,
following my own gameplay and your requests!
Nothing simpler I know that now!
I am lazy Slav I repeat that all the time:P
I prepared couple of Companion Replacers plus two NPC replacers.
Piper as Alice (Bun Haircut and Red Eyelid Makeup)
Piper as Alice (Default Look)
Cait as Alice (Straight Haircut and freckles)
Cait as Alice Bloodlusty Overboss
Cait as Alice Bloodlusty Overboss (no mouth Grille)
Cait as Alice (Default Look)
Curie as Alice (Default Look - no ideas for now)
Heather Casdin as Alice (Bun Haircut and Blue Eyelid Makeup)
MacCready as Rico
Danse as Rico
Deacon as Rico
Piper as Rachel (Default Look)
Cait as Rachel (Redhead with ponytail and freckles)
Curie as Rachel (Default Look fits perfectly!)
Heather Casdin as Rachel (Ponytail Haircut and Blue Eyelid Makeup)
Geneva as Rachel (Alternate Short Haircut)
Ellie Perkins - (Nuka World Haircut)
Alice and Rachel mainly require Azar Ponytail Hairstyles and Looksmenu
Alternate Female Face Textures are needed for them to look exact as on my screenshots (I mean it)
Looks Menu Customization Compendium is required for Alice Bloodlusty Raider Overboss Cait replacer and Rachel Cait replacer.
Rico has no reqirements, on the other hand :P
If you have any requests and suggestions, feel free to ask.
I might consider them :)
Stay Retro!