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About this mod

Adds Feral Ghouls as a playable faction for Sim Settlements Conqueror.

Permissions and credits

Requires Version 4.2.9 or Greater of Sim Settlements: Conqueror
Faction: Feral Ghouls
Assault Support: Yes
Defender Support: Yes
Decorations: Yes (added v.1.1)
Soundscape: Yes (added v.1.1)
Custom Flag: Yes (added v.1.1)
Special Units: 6 (3 new added v.1.6)
Commanders: 2 (1 added v.1.6)
Quests: 4 (1 added v.1.6)

To unlock the Feral Ghouls as a playable faction, head to Wildwood Cemetery east of Starlight Drive-in.

My ongoing play through- Scary Gary and the Feral Ghouls

Feral Ghouls Faction Pack Trailer:


- Added Harvey
- New Commander for the Feral Ghouls
- Custom voice and look
- Currently 1 quest

- Added 3 Special Units
- Bloatfly Queen
- Bloodbug Queen
- Stingwing Queen

- Started "Scary Gary and the Feral Ghouls" Let's Play series


- Added Eddie
- New Commander for the Feral Ghouls
- Custom voice and look
- Currently 3 Introduction quests

- Added Feral Ghouls custom building plans for:
- Feral Recruitment Center
- Feral Field Hospital
- Feral Cemetery


- The version 1.4 update includes an overhaul of how Special Units are recruited
- All Special Units will no longer be available to recruit right away
- Special Units will now become unlocked based on the number of outposts and vassals your
faction controls. More powerful units will become available the more settlements you control
- Feral Bombers- unlocked at 3 settlements controlled
- Burning Ghouls- unlocked at 5 settlements controlled
- Glowing Guardians- unlocked at 7 settlements controlled

- Added a new Special Unit- Burning Ghoul
- A smoldering ember of a feral ghoul who's flames ignite when in combat. The Burning Ghoul is
immune to fire and has a powerful fire attack of their own
- Requires $300 resources to recruit and 20 Wages 20 Rations and 20 Equipment

- Changed requirements for Glowing Guardians
- Now requires $500 resources to recruit and 30 Wages 30 Rations and 30 Equipment

- Added Feral Ghouls custom building skin for the Sim Settlements-included 1x1 Martial Plot

- Fixed a bug when playing against the Feral Ghouls that could cause Feral Bombers defending a
settlement to explode on spawning. Because of chickens. Seriously.


- Added Feral Ghouls custom building plans for the Feral Armory, Feral Mess Hall, and Feral Training Yard

- Added Armory support
- If the Feral Armory is present in an outpost, soldiers stationed there will automatically upgrade
upon leveling up
- Rather than equipping them with weapons and armor, they will upgrade to a more powerful
form of Feral Ghoul, and receive buffs to their damage, damage resistance, healing rate, as well
as fire resistance at higher levels

- Overhauled the types of soldiers that get recruited
- Now only Feral Ghouls, Feral Ghoul Roamers, and Feral Ghoul Stalkers will be the base recruits
- Upon leveling up, if there is a Feral Armory present in the outpost where they are stationed, they
will become Feral Ghoul Reavers at Level 2, Withered Feral Ghouls at Level 3, Gangrenous
Feral Ghouls at Level 4, and Rotting Feral Ghouls at Level 5

- New recruits will still be scaled to the player's level, however the Feral Armory now gives an
incentive to leveling up the soldiers, as they will become the more powerful versions of Feral Ghouls

- Rank Level names in order are, Feral Recruit, Feral Nemesis, Feral Curse, Feral Terror, and Feral Ravager

- Tweaked city defenders when playing against the Feral Ghouls to have increasingly powerful units at 
higher city plan levels

- Feral Ghoul soldiers will now no longer be able to have their arms and legs dismembered.
- Feral Ghouls limbs are very easily dismembered, so this change was made to prevent becoming
an army of limbless Feral Ghouls, which would not be fun.
- Dismemberment will still happen when playing against the Feral Ghouls.

- Tweaked recruitment resources
- Changed nuclear material to now be a major resource
- Added brain fungus as a minor resource

- Fixed a bug that could prevent Feral Ghoul soldiers from attacking the Quincy Five.


- Added Feral Ghouls custom building skins for all 4 levels of the 7 Sim Settlements-included 2x2
Agricultural plots
- Skins should be automatically applied in any settlement the faction controls. If not, click the ASAM
sensor, go to Customize Plot, then Change Building Skin, and select the skin with the prefix [FG]

- Changed the Civilians that appear at Feral Ghoul controlled settlements when playing against the Feral
Ghouls to be non-feral ghouls
- I discovered an issue where feral ghoul civilians could become immortal when trying to take
over a settlement as a vassal, most likely due to them not having a bleed-out animation, causing
issues with the Sim Settlements code. 

- Tweaked the levels that defender and attacker special units would spawn when playing against the
Feral Ghouls
- Feral Ghoul Bombers will show up as defenders for Level 0 and 1 settlements
- Glowing Guardians will show up to defend Level 2 and 3 settlements 
- Feral Ghoul Bombers will now join attacks made against the player's settlements

- Removed all of DLC's that were accidentally flagged as masters. None of the DLC's are required.


- Added Feral Ghouls custom building skins for the 10 Sim Settlements-included 2x2 Residential plots
- Skins should be automatically applied in any settlement the faction controls. If not, click the ASAM
sensor, go to Customize Plot, then Change Building Skin, and select the skin with the prefix [FG]
*Does not include Boat Shack. I didn't have the assets necessary to create a skin like the others

- Added Feral Ghouls custom flag

- Added Feral Ghouls faction decorations

- Added custom soundscape

Special thanks to Kinggath, Tinuvia, Pra, NDCowdy, InnocentAlpha, fftfan, and everyone on the Sim Settlements Forum and Discord for their incredible help and support.[/center]