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About this mod

Clothing Buffs and Legendary Perks kept when in Power Armor, Removal of Core on exit, use partly empty cores, Automatic Helmet equip in Combat (Companions too), Quick entry on Core insertion, No Stagger, modify Core drain rate etc (via MCM), Return PA Helmet to frame on exit, Unequip Armor when entering Power Armor (Realism), etc. All optional.

Permissions and credits
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Latest: V1.3.4 Minor Bugfix update, See changelog.
For accurate Carryweight handling, Realism setting Auto (default) removes Outer Armor on PA entry when on survival or you have Strong Back Perk.
This mod is compatible with all versions of FO4 (NG, unpatched, VR, etc)
FusionCore and Jetpack AP Drain rate can be changed via MCM
Your Clothing/Armor's resistances and buffs are kept when in Power Armor.
Carryweight buffs from Armor retained in Survival mode (unlike other mods).
Automatic Core removal on Exit (stops your PA being stolen)
Automatically Enter Power Armor after Core is loaded (one step entry)
Automatically swap to your fullest, partially used Core (rather than just a Full core)
Automatically equip your normal Headgear when the Power Armor Helmet is removed
Automatic PA Helmet unequip when weapon Holstered (Companions too)
Other auto PA helmet unequip options (such as 'only while in conversations').
Move unequipped PA Helmet to frame on exit (otherwise it stays in your inventory)
Works on all Power Armor (in game, DLC,  or Mod added)
No requirements (mods or DLCs)
Can be installed/updated/removed mid game safely (via Holotape/MCM setting).
Doesn't take up a load slot (ESL flagged ESP)
And more...

What's not to Love?
See the FAQ on the Posts section for a usage summary.
Or read below for the full description...
By default the game removes all your clothing Buffs when you enter PowerArmor, as if you entered naked, even though the animations show you entering fully clothed. This mod attempts to restore most of those missing Buffs when you are in PowerArmor. No more "going Commando"!

You can Craft a settings Holotape at the Chemistry Bench to change the functionality to your liking, or use MCM.

Features Detail (can be individually disabled):
Retain the buffs from your Armor -

Holotape Setting: Clothing Perks: Buffs & SPECIAL/Buffs Only/None
MCM Setting: Armor Buffs to keep while in PowerArmor
What it does: All Resistances, damage effects, and most legendary buffs, together with SPECIAL buffs, supplied by your Armor will be restored when you enter PA.
Note: Non-buff effects such as chameleon, Jetpack, night vision etc won't be restored as they not a buff but an effect.
Also for this to work the mod must see your stats before and after PA entry. This is either: Core insertion and PA entry, OR PA exit and PA entry. This works seamlessly if you enable Auto Core eject (default), otherwise you will need to exit and re-enter PA to get the effects. Your choice.

Realism (clothing removal on PA entry) -

Holotape setting: Remove Armor on PA Entry: Auto/Headgear only/Always/Just headgear/Always but keep buffs/Never
MCM Setting: Realism (what Outer Armor is removed when entering PA)
What it does: For Realism your Headgear (and if you play on survival, or have Strong Back Perk, your outer Armor as well) will be unequiped as you enter the PowerArmor, and re-equipped on exit. After all, it could not possibly fit inside that confined PowerArmor suit! If your PowerArmor does not have a helmet (Like Danse) then your headgear will stay on.
Note: For this to work you MUST do Core insertion (so only works if no Core is in the PA initially). This works seamlessly if you enable Auto Core eject (default), otherwise I would not enable this.

Auto Entry after Core Insertion -

Holotape Setting: PA AutoEntry: On/Off
MCM Setting: Automatic Entry to PowerArmor after you insert Fusion Core
What it does: Basically activates (E) the power armor for you after you insert the Power Core. Makes entry one step.
Note: If you disable this, or fast travel/enter combat before entering the PA, you have 15s to enter the PA before the Core will eject and any removed clothing will be re-equipped (so you can later redo the PA entry sequence without problems).

Auto Core Eject on PA exit -

Holotape Setting: Remove Fusion Core on Exit: On/Off
MCM Setting: Fusion Core is ejected (returned to your Inventory) on PA Exit
What it does: The Core will be returned to your Inventory on Exit. No more Settlers/Raiders stealing your PowerArmor.
Note: I would not disable this as most of the functionality requires the Core insertion event. Use a 'quick PA entry' & 'no pathing' mod if you want to speed up PA entry.

Helmet swap when in Combat/Conversation -

Holotape Setting: PA Helmet Equipped: In Combat/On Exit/Except in Dialogue/Always/Disabled
MCM Setting: Automatically equip/remove PowerArmor Helmet
What it does: Your PowerArmor Helmet will automatically be equipped only when you are in Combat (Weapon Drawn). Why hide your character's face all the time? When removed, your original Headgear/glasses/etc will be re-equipped.
Note: If your PowerArmor does not have a helmet then your headgear will stay on. Similarly if you remove your PowerArmor Helmet (via Pipboy) your normal Headgear will re-equip.
To keep the Helmet equipped so you can use it's light, Long press the Pipboy button. Long press again to revert to auto helmet equip mode.

Best Core selection -

Holotape Setting: Core Preference: Least Drained but > 15%/Least Drained First/Most Drained First/Off
MCM Setting: Swap Fusion Core in PA frame for a Used Core with at least this charge
What it does: The game puts a FULL fusion Core into the frame when you use E. This option will replace that with a partially used one from your inventory (so you don't end up with lots of partially used Cores over time).
Note: You can disable this if you prefer to select the Core via R when you are doing core insertion. This just makes it quicker.
See the Bugs section about Core issues (due to game bug).

Companions in PowerArmor -

Holotape Setting: Companion Effects: Headgear Only/Same as Player/Disabled
MCM Setting: Companions in PowerArmor have
What it does: Companions PA helmet is equiped only in Combat (so you can see their faces too) otherwise their normal headgear is equpped.
Note: The full Armor handling for Companions (same as player setting) has limited use and requires them to not be in PA when the mod is started, and then they need to be instructed to enter PA (similar to player needing to insert the core for correct operation).

Core/AP drain reduction -

MCM Settings: Core Drain, JetPack AP Drain, Core Drain Per AP used, Core Drain while running, Core power level Alarm Threshold
What it does: Allows you to reduce the drain of various actions while in PA down to zero (or any % in between).
Note: Requires F4SE and only available in MCM (as sliders don't exist in Holotapes).

Requirements: None.
Will work with any/all DLC's that you have.
You can put this mod anywhere in your load order.
If you have F4SE (V0.6.16 or later) installed it will use some functions from it (particularly clothing type detection) but it is not required.

Compatibility: Most everything.

This mod does not change anything to do with PowerArmor (it is an ability on the player, not the PowerArmor) so should work with any PA Mods.
You may get problems with mods that:

  • Replaces the fusion core entirely, or how it works.
  • Taking over Helmet switching will be an issue.
  • Any Mod that takes over Entry/Exit to the PowerArmor will break it (or replaces the PA frame)
  • Mods that change your stats when you enter/exit PA will definitely cause issues
  • Mods that change Entry/Exit sounds are fine, but if the exit sound is cut short you will need to extend the Core removal delay
       To do this enter the Console (~) and type "Set PAUP_CoreRemoveDelay to 5.0" (or whatever minimum delay works for you),
       OR set this in the MCM.

Known Incompatible/unnecessary Mods (or require special settings):

UnNaked Power Armor
- Don't use. PAHI replaces and improves on that mod. Stats will be doubledif both mods installed.
Workshop Plus - Don't use Workshop while in PA, or disable flying mode in Workshop+ mod config menu.
 R2Ks Gameplay Mods - Unnecessary. PAHI already has an improved version, so that Mod's helmet toggle function interferes.
 Toggle Power Armor Helmet
- Unnecessary. Also Helmet toggle functions interferes, as above.
 Danse wear your helmet - Unnecessary. Place a PA Helmet in his inventory and he will automatically equip/unequip it.
"Tin Titan" Perk of Hot Diggity 
- Only compatible if you change "Clothing Perks" setting to "Buffs only".
Patriot - Power Armor Companion - AutoEntry can be an issue powering up Patriot. Just exit the Patriot and all will be fine.
Fusion Core Beeps at 5 - Unnecessary. Low power alarm threshold can be set in MCM to any value.
Pneumatic Power Armour - No More Stagger - Unnecessary. Player automatically set to 'NoStagger' on PA entry.
Backpacks of the Commonwealth - Set holotape "Remove Armor on PA Entry: Always but keep buffs" (or Auto if Survival) or Carryweight is doubled.
Deal with it - Conflicts. Holotape setting PA Helmet Equipped: Except in Dialogue does the same thing for PA. Set to "Never" if using that Mod.
Strong Back Perk - Doubles extra Carry Weight unless Remove Armor on PA Entry:set to Auto or Always but keep buffs.
Suit Up - Breaks PAHI in some situations so Incompatible.

Other Recommended PA Mods:
Power Armor Animation Changes - speed up normal Entry and Exit without new animations
No PA Battery Pathing - Speeds up Battery Insertion

Also recommended - these Mods that fix other PowerArmor annoyance:
Chameleon and Power Armor Stealth Field Fixes - If you like to turn invisible when the Stealth field is on.
Power Armor Paint Crafting Fix - Fixes that are now probably covered by latest UFO4P and Community Fixes Merged.
Combat-Only Power Armor Explosive Vent Effect - Only does explosive damage when in combat (also fixed in Community Fixes Merged)
Combat Helmet Illumination - So you have a light when in PA with your Helmet off (if wearing a Combat Helmet)

Detailed Notes:

Because the way CarryWeight works (particularly in Survival mode), the mod needs to remove your armor on entry to get a better idea of the buffs from it ("Remove Armor on PA Entry: But keep buffs") For this reason Auto now defaults to this on Survival mode (or if you have Strong Back Perk).

Some Armor Magic effects can't be restored when in PA - currently Chameleon (invisibility) and Flying (without a PA Jetpack).

To minimize impact this mod only collects your current 'Clothed' stats when you insert the power core, or on Exit from the PowerArmor.
If you choose to disable Auto Entry then you have 40s from then to get into the PA before this collected info becomes invalid (a warning box will be shown telling you this mod is not working). If this happens just Exit and immediately re-enter your PowerArmor.
Also if you disable Auto Entry then you can't use all the Armor/Headgear unequip functions (as they happen at this point).

If you just want to add a Power Core to a PA Frame (that you don't want to enter) then temporarily turn AutoEntry off.

Warning: If you disable "Remove Fusion Core on Exit" then entering with a Fusion Core already inserted will make the "Clothing Perks" part of this mod not work - so you should either disable it (Clothing Perks: None), manually remove the fusion core before entry, or exit PA and immediatly re-enter it.
Also the auto-equip of headgear (when your PA Helmet unequips) will not work until you manually equip your headgear (with your PA Helm unequipped).

The Core is switched to one matching your requirements after you enter the PowerArmor, so there is no point using R to transfer a specific one to the PA. Just use E (activate) to enter as the full Core it loads will be returned to your inventory and replaced by a used one.
The default choice is "Used core with most charge but >15%". You can change this via the Settings holotape (most full,most empty, or off completely), or MCM (where you have a slider to select the minimum %charge).

Warning: If you select a "minimum charge level" (MCM) lower than your "low power" alarm threshold (normally 15%), or "most empty" (Holotape), you may immediately get a low power alarm (with message "Core Empty - Press [E] to exit") continuously...

As it is not possible to tell what SPECIAL buffs come from just the clothing (e.g. Perception can be increased by Companions), a compromise was made: In PowerArmor your SPECIAL stats will be set to at least their non-PA values (i.e. no worse than out of PowerArmor).
This means you may miss the extra buff from PowerArmor Paint if you get the same buff from clothing, unfortunately.

If you think it is "un-immersive" to get Charisma etc. SPECIAL buffs from clothing no-one can see, you can disable this in the settings.

Similarly I make the assumption that all your resistances (Legendary and basic) come from your clothes. This works ok as long as you don't have a mod which puts extra base stats on the unclothed Player or their Race (I haven't seen any that do).

All environmental Perks (such as "Solar Powered") are unaffected by this mod and continue to work in or out of PowerArmor, but exotic effects (like Chameleon from clothes) won't work still.

If you are playing on "Auto" in Survival mode, or you have set "Unequip Armor" to "Always" in the Holotape, then before you enter PA your outer Armor will be unequipped. For this to work properly the Mod forces you into 3rd person during the unequip (as this is unreliable in 1st person - thanks Bethesda!), so the camera may jump around a bit.

Similarly your Headgear will always be unequipped when in Power Armor, but re-equipped if your PA Helmet is off. An unfortunate requirement as there is no other way to allow you to freely add/remove your PowerArmor helmet without it doubling the Headgear buffs (and you don't want to cheat!). The good bit is when you remove the PA Helmet this mod automatically re-equips your Headgear (with all its perks)!

The mod will automatically keep your PowerArmor helmet off until you enter Combat (actually when you Draw you Weapon). You need to enter a PA with a helmet for this to work (obviously). At this time I do not auto-equip the helmet for any other reason (such as radiation) so you need to Draw your weapon to gain full Rad resist.

To keep the Helmet equipped so you can use it's light, Long press the Pipboy button. Long press again to revert to auto helmet equip mode.

This mod also fixes the issue where unequipping the Helmet while in PA leaves it in your Inventory when you Exit (and you can only re-attach it at a PowerArmor Station).

There is no problem resuming a game saved while in PA, however, if you get a warning message about your savegame when you exit the PA it means your savegame is corrupt (not by this mod) and you should go back to a previous save. Read up about the "Canary save file monitor" to learn about this Bethesda bug.

Companions default to just the Helmet handling (equip in combat). If you want more then enable it in the Holotape and most of the effects will apply to your current companions using PowerArmor. The differences are no Power Core handling (as they don't touch it) so the mod effects start when you order them into the PA. I personally just use the Helmet handling for Companions as the full functions have little real effect on their stats. As long as their PA has a Helmet (or they have one in their Inventory) the mod will work.

A single Spell (Ability) does all the work, and I add it to Player/Current Companions via a hidden quest. This quest has no code or stages so will not cause savegame issues if the mod is removed.

The source is included if you want to modify this mod Just don't republish/distribute any variant without my permission.

None that I know of (in the mod). There are "quirks"

- The switching between 1st/3rd person ( on entry and exit)  are outside my control.
- The core selection process involves moving Cores between your Inventory and the PA Frame. Some Cores can be deleted by the game if (say) the original Core REFR is replaced by a mod like HardCore - even though they are in your inventory. Such cores will stay in your inventory until 'moved' (or dropped), then they will 'dissappear'. If these cores vanish during the Core selection I will replace them with Full Cores, otherwise they are unuseable. This may be unexpected!
- Some combinations of Holotape settings are non-optimal (e.g. Headgear switching requires AutoEntry).
- There is nasty Game bug you might hit though: Accessing a Companions inventory and equip/unequip any of their clothing/weapons will disable the mod for that NPC until the game is restarted, you fast travel, they re-enter PA. See the Article attached for more details. This is a Bethesda bug (happens without this mod). Note: Does not effect the Player.

I was originally using "UnNaked Power Armor" but over time found I ended up with 6500+ magic effects attached to my Player.
This, a few missing Perks, Better Core handling, and a desire for more realism made me create this from scratch as a single magic effect script in a lightweight (ESL flagged) ESP.

Special thanks however go to Reveurr and their Unnaked Power Armor mod for the insperation for this mod.