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Created by

Dank Rafft

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About this mod

Covers ~70 popular weapons mods on Nexus. Inject weapons into the leveled lists, get new weapon combinations, add more attachments, balance under-/over-performing weapons, make them more lore-friendly etc. Comes in a convenient and adapting installer.

Permissions and credits

This mod is considered feature-complete and therefore won't get any updates. If you're looking for something more sophisticated then you could check out the two mods below.

Do you want certain weapon mods to have leveled list integration with the full array of available variants on random spawns (based on player/enemy level), more attachments on some guns so you can customise them further or retain some balance with those guns in your game? Do you want some of those weapons spawn only with lore-friendly attachments?
Then this is the right place for you. Pick and choose plugins for the weapon mods you're using. The installer those files come in, to be used with any modern mod manager, automatically adapts to your mod setup. Details on the individual changes and requirements are found in the installer when you hover the options.

Related Information
  • In the installer descriptions I mention "INNR" a couple of times. That's the abbreviation for Instance Naming Rules. Those rules make dynamic naming available to items. E.g. you add a better receiver to a gun and that gets reflected in its name, before it was just an "Assault Rifle" and now it is a "Calibrated Assault Rifle".
  • In case you want to inject weapons into leveled lists you could use my Leveled List Injector Script also included Leveled Item Fixes (LIF).
  • Do weapons don't offer you enough options to modify/balance them? Then check out my other mod Equipment and Crafting Overhaul (ECO).
  • For even more lore-friendly weapons check out this handy list: [FO4] Lore-Friendly Weapon Mods

  • The plugins will conflict with other mods trying to alter the same weapons. How severe those conflicts are depends on the mods in question and their extend in modifying stuff.
  • If you're installing this into an already running playthrough keep in mind that the game needs a few in-game days to pass in order to populate NPCs with the new leveled item entries.
  • All the plugins are ESL-flagged ESP files so they won't count against your ESP plugin limit.

Can I update the mod mid-playthrough?
Yes, updates in a running play-through are possible and recommended unless the changelog specifically says otherwise. So, for your own good, form a habit of reading Patch Notes / Change Logs before updating any mod. That saves you from a lot of trouble in the long term.

How do I update the mod?
The same way as any other mod. Your mod manager (usually Vortex or Mod Organizer 2) can update mods automatically. In addition to that make sure to read the changelog before you update. In some rare cases updates in an already running play-through should be done with caution. There is a warning in the changelog when that case applies.
If you're managing your mods manually then simply override the files of the previous version with the new ones but I won't provide any support in that case.

How do I install another plugin when I decide to add some more weapons later on?
Simply reinstall the mod and select the additional files from the installer.

Will you add a plugin for weapon X?
No, read the first paragraph on this page.

Will you make changes to make things fit my needs?
No, read the first paragraph on this page.

  • Leveled Item Framework (LIF): Fixes bugs and inconsistencies within Leveled Item forms, standardises and extends some instances, and controls DLC item distribution.
  • Munitions - ECO (part of ECO's Extensions installer): Apply all of Munitions' new ammo types dynamically to any weapon, including the ones from this mod.
  • Tactical Reload - ECO (part of ECO's Extensions installer) or Tactical Reload - Ingame Switch: If you want to make use of Tactical Reload and already have the required animation files, you can use one of the two mods to enable Tactical Reload on all those guns.
