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About this mod

Lore-friendly (arguably) way of increasing Nuka-Cola spawns inside each and every cola machine (including workshop-made machines!)

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Ever wondered how our friendly neighborhood Nuka-Cola Machine sits there with all it's sodas available for pickup?
In my opinion, this can be capitalized on for more lore friendliness, imagine a functioning society using these machines?!
Who would leave sodas out in the open for anyone to take, there's even a coin receiver on the side, no no that's not how these work is it.

Introducing pointless lore for a pointless script! Back in the pre-war times, these loving Cola Machines were built by our Cola overlords to deliver fresh Nuka-Cola to the masses. All they would need is to pay the machine it's toll and out pops a Cola of your choice! Unfortunately, 200 years plus a nuclear explosion have all but destroyed our poor vending machines. The internals have been all but destroyed, leaving the machine nearly unable to function. . . however, the internal release mechanism has gone completely haywire and still occasionally shifts and unlocks to drop what's left of it's inventory out on the (not-so)rare occasion.

NEW: Sierra Petrovita Edition - Guarantee your cola machines are filled up every time you look at them! Anyone who already downloaded the main version can replace it with this version, expect missing script errors until your Cell reloads however.
V1.2 Big Update!
Spawned Colas will now face the correct direction!!!!
Combined normal mod and Petrovita mode into one, defaults to off.
Added ability to change respawn times for both modes, and set a default of 4 Game Hours.
This new settings ability is accessed by opening the door and hugging up to the coin receiver, a new prompt will show up!
You can also approach the rear of a machine (workshop spawned are easiest)
On top of that a new settings menu now exists in MCM and they will mirror each other's changes.
Settings changes update instantly for Sierra mode and when you visit a machine again for the respawn time.
Added fallback spawn with the 3 basic Colas just in-case the Petrovita spawns fail for too long (80% is no joke).
Also added an onload function to update any old machines.
Everything was tied into a hidden quest and perk for the settings but should be as lightweight as possible.

I added 6 basic nodes into the little door cabinet to facilitate Cola spawning, they are named Soda1 - Soda6 if you want to add them to your custom model.

This mod also includes a small script( titled NukaColaRefill ) that runs on cell load and spawns in Colas, anywhere from 0 to 6. It places them in an offset pattern similar to the default pack-in used by Bethesda, however the positions have been offset to prevent overlap spawns with existing sodas (meaning there could be up to 12 in a machine!!)
Basically, this doesn't take into account existing Cola spawns and is just an attempt to keep Colas from spewing out everywhere(and not using nodes spawns Cola in the same spot regardless of rotation), but please forgive me if you see a Quantum jet out of a machine because Havok said so.

Only with V1.0 HOWEVER I was wrong and it seems like if you don't pick up your Colas, they will keep on piling up (at least at sanctuary while I was fast travelling back and forth during testing of my other mods) but now it's respawn limited if you choose.
Running out of an area then back in will spawn new Colas in the machines, leaving the area entirely without collecting Colas will not keep spawning sodas, they despawn since they are loose objects and fresh ones spawn in when you come back.( most of the time, couple of the Nuka-World machines will over fill if you run around the area, but they spawn fresh copies on their own when you reenter the cell too, especially during Amoral Combat )

Uses the default 80% Cola leveled list Bethesda chose for the dummy spawns to pick from, meaning you can use this mod with ChillStorms' Every Nuka Cola Flavor for Vending to spawn every Cola in to the machines!

Fully compatible with the Working and Usable Vending Machine mods!

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