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About this mod

This mod is an attempt at a weapons framework that introduces new weapon mechanics and features that should be present in any survival shooter game.

Permissions and credits

Introduce new mechanics and features related to weapons while still maintaining compatibility with existing weapon mods. The main goal is to add new things which either require no patching or extremely simple patching so users and mod authors can use it alike. You'll find all of the features present in this framework are already available in many different existing mods here on nexus but the goal is to add these features without patching or minimal patching. I have also tried to overcome certain limitations that I found in other mods. This mod is a framework, this means that without tweaking/patching, it won't do anything on its own. All of the features are completely configurable and customizable.

Mod Requirements:

- F4SE
- HUD Framework (Optional)

Important Update Notice for 0.13:

As of update 0.13, the animation system has been overhauled and it comes with a price. The mod is now incompatible with any mods that modify behavior files. Example of these mods: See Through Scopes, Tactical Reload Framework and Weapon Jiggle Remover. I have made compatibility patches for See Through Scopes and Tactical Reload Framework because those are my favourite mods. Sadly, I don't have the time to make a patch for every mod out there as it's an extremely complicated process.


- Switch firing modes with "Wild Mode" (no patching done): showcase
- Switching weapon attachments: showcase
- Weapon Disassembly: showcase 
- Weapon Degradation: showcase
- Personal Wheel Menu: showcase


- Switch Firing Mode

~ Switch equipped weapon firing mode using a hotkey
~ Optional widget to display current firing mode (Requires HUD Framework)
~ Currently available modes: Semi auto, burst fire and full auto
~ Can be used straight away with no patching or use patching to fine control firing modes on different weapons

- Switching attachments on the fly

~ Switch attachments on your equipped weapon without needing a workbench
~ A modest custom wheel menu UI that speeds up switching attachments
~ Framework can be configured to require the attachment in the player's inventory and use it up
~ Will not work out of the box and requires patching for each weapon
~ The wheel menu's attachments are dynamically loaded from the patch files. This means that it's highly customizable

- Weapon Disassembly

~ Disassemble weapons with a screwdriver into their object mods
~ Requires no patching and works with all weapons

Weapon Jamming

~ A chance for your weapon to jam per shot (Configurable through MCM)
~ Works on all weapons and requires no patching
~ Optionally use patching to define different chances for each weapon and disable jamming for certain weapons.

- Weapon Degradation

~ Weapons have customizable durability and will break after a certain amount of shots or hits (for melee weapons)
~ Repair weapons with a weapon repair kit. Currently craftable at the chemlab
~ Optional widget to display current weapon's durability (Requires HUD Framework)
~ Optional durability randomizaton for weapons that are inside containers and dead actors
~ Can be used straight away with no patching but all weapons will share the same default durability
~ Use patches to customize different durability on different weapons
~ Limitation: There's no way to examine weapon durability in inventory
~ Limitation: When a weapon is equipped for the first time, it will be quickly unequipped and equipped again.

- Simple Reload Mechanic

~ Reloading will now consume the ammo left in your weapon's magazine. Make a decision between conserving or wasting ammo!
~ Requires no patching and works with all weapons

- Throwable weapons auto equip

~ Equip the first grenade/mine in player's inventory once you run out of your currently equipped throwable ammo
~ Looks for grenades first then picks a mine if no grenade was found
~ Grenade/Mine cycling hotkey
~ Currently works with vanilla grenades (Didn't test any custom grenade mods)

- Personal Wheel Menu

~ Customise your own wheel menu for quickly equipping weapons

Custom Animations (This section is for mod authors only)

Custom animations can now be added easily and they will work seamlessly with the mod. Only human race is supported for now. They don't work for power armor. Some of the animations are first person only. All animations are optional, only add the ones that you like. No ESM/ESP dependency, patching is done through external JSON files.

A list of custom animations currently supported by the mod:
~ Weapon Jamming (1st & 3rd)
~ Weapon Firing Mode Switch (1st & 3rd). Only plays after the engine plays WPNUnequip/WPNEquip.
~ Weapon Attachment Switch (1st & 3rd). Only plays after the engine plays WPNUnequip/WPNEquip.
~ Weapon Magazine Check (1st & 3rd)
~ Weapon Sighted Reload (1st)
~ Weapon Sighted Reload Tactical (1st)
~ Weapon Alternate Reload Animation (1st). The engine will choose randomly between playing WPNReload and the new alternate reload.
~ Weapon Breaking Animation (1st)

For details on how to add custom animations. Refer to this video.


~ Ammo check hotkey: Prints a message with the number of rounds in your current magazine. For those like me who play with minimal/no HUD.
~ Optional change to move faster when you have your weapon holstered or no weapon equipped (Works in 1st Person Only, don't ask why)
~ Grenade throw hotkey (The game can't tell the difference between a hold and a press for god's sake)

Planned Features:

- A configurable chance when getting shot to drop your weapon.
- A configurable chance when getting shot that to consume a large chunk of the weapon's durability. The idea here is that the bullet projectile hit the weapon.


Thanks to a lot of people who have been testing the mod. I can say with confidence that the mod works with all modded weapons out of the box.

- List of incompatible mods
- JSON Patches Compendium


- If you have any requests for patches for custom weapons mods, let me know and I'll make patches for them when I have the time.

- If you'd like to patch the framework yourself instead, read below:

The following video contains instructions on how to patch:

- The wheel menu for attachment switching
- Durability for the weapon degradation system
- Firing modes for weapons
- Video Link

Using the FO4Edit Generate Attachments Script:
1 - Copy the script into your FO4Edit folder into a folder called "EditScripts"
2 - In FO4Edit, right click anywhere in the left side on the tree view (any record)
3 - Select "Apply Script" and select the script called "WFGenerateAttachments.pas" then click ok
4 - Select your mod and once the script your done, you'll find the output JSON file called "WFAttachments.json" in your FO4Edit folder for the mod that you selected.
5 - You still have to name the categories inside the file. Use find and replace in any text editor to get the job done.


Before You Ask Me:

- Why is the weapon unequipped/equipped when I switch firing mode/switch attachment?

This is an engine limitation. Changing data about the weapon without reequipping causes many bugs. Here's an example video without the equip/unequip functionality showing an audio bug that happens when a weapon is switched from auto to semi auto.

- The mod will not work on weapons that have automatic/looping firing sounds only.

Even though switching to semi auto will work, you will still get an infinite firing sound bug. There's nothing I can do about this. Someone will have to add semi auto firing sounds for these weapons. Example of these weapons: Minigun, Submachine gun and Gatling laser.

- Burst fire animations are not smooth / Irregular time differences between burst fire shots

The reality of the situation is that I am a programmer, I don't know anything about animations, meshes, etc. Burst fire mode is just the single fire animation played 3 times in succession using papyrus. Papyrus isn't meant to handle playing animations with precise accuracy.


Recommend downloading it from a mod manager. For manual users copy the content of the data folder to your Fallout 4 data folder.

- F4SE Team: For their hard work on adding more features to FO4. Without them this mod wouldn't have probably existed.
- IDontEvenKnow: For their genius idea that allows you to equip weapon mods on the weapon without actually using an attachment point.
- Spacefiddle: For their "Shell Game" idea that allows you to attach a mod to a weapon even if you have multiples of it in your inventory. Allowing you to bypass the engine's limitation.
- i_code_i: For their help with getting custom animations to work properly. Thanks a lot!
- Esteva: Helped me a lot with ideas, bug reports and even provided me with a custom animation to test my mod. You're the best.
- FPS Icons asset pack by David Stenfors / CC BY 3.0

A user has private messaged and asked me to put up a donation link. I have added a paypal link on my nexus mods profile page. If you'd really like to help me, I would be extremely thankful. 

Got a suggestion for the mod?
I am always happy to listen to suggestions and improvements.