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  1. DankRafft
    • premium
    • 1,229 kudos
    I created a small expansion that makes this mod's functionality available in ECO, allowing for dynamic attachment of those penetration values to any weapon. This should somewhat reduce the need for patches for both vanilla and custom weapons.

    Real Time Cover Penetration Framework - ECO

    The version for old ECO is part of old ECO's installer package.
    1. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      Thank you DankRafft! Always a fan of your work
  2. MarrockV
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Well now, that was a proper Charlie Foxtrot... tried to patch the PTRS-41 to use this framework and wound up breaking everything so badly I had to reinstall the rifle mod...

    Modding just isn't for me, I give up.
    1. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      Hey Marrock, thank you for your feedback, endorsements, and support so far. I encourage you not to give up on modding. Just a couple weeks ago I didn't even have xEdit installed. You will find great help by carefully reading both the Description (particularly the Adding Penetration sections under Functionality Details) as well as the extensive documentation in the Articles.

      Just this once, I will provide a very very detailed step-by-step using the records in the PTRS-41 mod as examples. It may look lengthy, but that is only because I have included every single step in excruciating detail, on the assumption that you are at a complete loss on how to use xEdit. I encourage you to watch some YouTube videos on how to use xEdit, but even if you don't, the following steps should help you.

      I have stickied the post for others as the steps apply mutatis mutandis. Simply replace the names used as examples. Note that all FormIDs are presented with xx ("[PROJ:xx000A8C]") because the precise xx depends on where the particular mod lies on your particular load order. 
    2. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      Unfortunately, I have a lot of real-life matters to attend to, so I will instead teach you how to fish (which is also in keeping with the DIY purpose of this framework). I will use the specific example of the PTRS-41 mod, though I really think the documentation should be more than enough assistance. 

      Patching an Existing Mod

      Firstly, as you had to reinstall the PTRS-41 mod, I am assuming that you attempted to directly modify the PTRS-41 records themselves. This is generally not recommended because it makes it difficult to keep track of your changes, which might be problematic if the original mod updates. Instead, make a separate patch:

      • Open the mjp_PTRS41ATR.esp in xEdit. Go to the Projectile records. 
      • While holding CTRL, click every single Projectile record you see if the left panel. Then, right click and select "Copy as override into...", and swear that you are absolutely sure.
      • Click <new file> .esp, the one with the ESL flag (to make it an .esp flagged as ESL). Should be the 3rd new file option.
      • This will be your compatibility patch. Give it a good name such as "PTRS-41 Real Time Cover Penetration". It will appear at the very bottom of your load order in Bold.
      • Right click on your brand new patch and select Add Masters. Find "Penetration Framework.esp", check it, and click Ok.

      You are now ready to penetrate. I will use only two Projectiles as examples. You can repeat the process accordingly (or maybe make a fancy xEdit script to do it automatically, I don't know how).

      No Projectile Records?


      If the mod adds new Ammunition records but does not add new Projectile records, this means that it uses Vanilla Projectiles (or those from another mod).

      • In this case, replace "Projectile" with "Ammunition" for the above steps 1-5. You will then also need to create a new Projectile. 
      • Go to the Projectile records in "Penetration Framework.esp" and find "Template for adding new Initial Projectile [PROJ:xx000811]" (v0.4-Beta). Right click on this, but this time select "Copy as new record into..." and select your compat patch "PTRS-41 Real Time Cover Penetration.esp". It will prompt you to rename, so just give it something simple like "Projectile [Ammo Name]".
      • This process should be repeated for each different Ammunition type, unless you are satisfied with having different ammo share the same penetration properties.  
      • Then, return to the Ammunition records in "PTRS-41 Real Time Cover Penetration.esp" (which you made in step 1). 
      • Ensure that the Projectile fired (DNAM - DNAM > Projectile) by those Ammunition records are changed to your new Projectiles, "Projectile [Ammo Name]". If multiple new Projectiles were made, link each Ammunition record to its respective Projectile.

      • As the provided template initial Projectile applies the Explosion "Generic Penetration Effect [EXPL:xx000801]" by default, simply change this to the desired effect. Under DNAM - Data, go to "Explosion" and double click. Select the Penetration Effect you want from my framework. For example, say you want it to do 90 damage after penetration. Add "Penetration Effect 90 Damage "Penetration Effect: Add to Projectile as Explosion " [EXPL:xx000840]" from my Penetration Framework.
      • Done. That's literally it! The Ammunition will now penetrate cover and deal 90 damage (depending on global damage modifiers, etc.) to anyone behind cover. Happy penetrating.

      Existing Projectile DOES NOT Apply Explosion

      PTRS41_145mmProjectileN [PROJ:xx000A8C]
      This will be my example for how to patch an existing Projectile that does not already have an Explosion. All edits should be made to your new "PTRS-41 Real Time Cover Penetration.esp". This type of Projectile will be the easiest to patch:

      • First, check whether the Projectile meets the requirements listed in the Framework Documentation. As stated in the Description, the initial Projectile must be flagged as an Explosion and Tracer Frequency must be set to 1. Here, PTRS41_145mmProjectileN is not flagged as an Explosion and Tracer Frequency is set to 4, so we must correct that. Under DNAM - Data, double click on "Flags (sorted)" and select "Explosion". Further down, under Tracer Frequency, change it to 1. The right hand column (your compat patch) should now reflect a difference from the left hand column (the original mod). This is good.
      • Next, add the desired effect as an Explosion. Also under DNAM - Data, go to "Explosion" and double click. Select the Penetration Effect you want from my framework. For example, say you want it to do 90 damage after penetration. Add "Penetration Effect 90 Damage "Penetration Effect: Add to Projectile as Explosion " [EXPL:xx000840]" from my Penetration Framework.
      • Done. That's literally it! The PTRS41_145mmProjectileN will now penetrate cover and deal 90 damage (depending on global damage modifiers, etc.) to anyone behind cover. Happy penetrating.
      • Do the same for any of the other Projectiles that do not have an existing Explosion (i.e. the Projectile record Explosion entry should say NULL). Select a different Penetration Effect depending on how powerful you want the specific round to be.
      For visual learners who want a practical example (above and beyond the templates provided), you can download and look at the way I made 50 BMG Cover Penetration?; 50 Cal Penetration Demonstration?; or 50 Cal Spalling Demonstration?. That was the intended purpose of providing demonstrations that show how to patch a Vanilla record (.50 cal).
      Existing Projectile APPLIES Explosion

      PTRS41_20mmAPDS_Projectile [PROJ:xx000B2D]
      This will be my example for how to patch an existing Projectile that has an Explosion. All edits should be made to your new "PTRS-41 Real Time Cover Penetration.esp". This type of Projectile will be teeny tiny slightly more involved to patch:

      • First, identify all Projectiles that have an existing explosion. Similar to the first case, make sure they are all flagged as an Explosion and Tracer Frequency is set to 1. We will now have to merge the Explosions.
      • Next, make an override record for the Explosions. To find the relevant Explosion, hold CTRL and click on the Explosion entry, which will take you to the existing Explosion record. In our case, this is "PTRS41_20mmAPFSDS_Explosion [EXPL:xx000B2E]" located in the "mjp_PTRS41ATR.esp". Right click on this entry in the left panel and select "Copy as override into...", but this time select your compat patch "PTRS-41 Real Time Cover Penetration.esp".
      • You must now make the override Explosion record adhere to the basic rules as stated in the Description and Documentation of this Framework. To make things easier, in the left panel, hold CTRL and click on both your override Explosion record and on the "Generic Penetration Effect [EXPL:xx000801]" in my "Penetration Framework.esp" (it should be the topmost Explosion record). Then, right click and select "Compare Selected (2)". This should place the data of both files side by side in the right panel (left column being the "Generic Penetration Effect", right column your override PTRS41_20mmAPFSDS_Explosion Explosion)
      • Now to merge (make the existing Explosion work as a Penetration Effect). Click anywhere and some colourful data should show up. You must make the override Explosion record adhere to the basic rules as stated in the Description and Documentation of this Framework. In our example, you need to add and copy over a few things. Under DATA - Data > Flags (sorted), check "Ignore LOS Check" (or simply drag all the flags from the left column over to the right column). Under DATA - Data > Spawn, make sure everything in the right column (your override PTRS41_20mmAPFSDS_Explosion Explosion) is identical to the left column (the "Generic Penetration Effect"). To spell it out, X = 0, Y = -1, Z = 0, Spread = 0, Count = 1.
      • You will need to make the a new Penetrator Projectile. Testing has shown that for some reason the Penetration Effect and Penetrator Projectile should be in the same plugin, I don't really know why. At any rate, decide how much damage you want the PTRS41_20mmAPDS_Projectile to do after penetration. I'm guessing pretty high because that's a rather spritely round. Let's assume you want it to do massive damage, say 150 after penetration. Go to Projectile records in my "Penetration Framework.esp" and look for "Penetrator Projectile 150 [PROJ:xx000832]". Right click on this entry in the left panel and select "Copy as new record into...", and select your compat patch "PTRS-41 Real Time Cover Penetration.esp". It will prompt you to rename, so just give it something simple like "PTRS41_20mmAPDS_Penetrator Projectile". It will now show up as an additional record in your "PTRS-41 Real Time Cover Penetration.esp".
      • Now link the merged Penetration Effect to the Penetrator Projectile. Go back to the record for your override Explosion that you made in step 2 (i.e. PTRS41_20mmAPFSDS_Explosion). Under DATA - Data > Spawn Projectile, double click and reference the penetrator "PTRS41_20mmAPDS_Penetrator Projectile" you created in step 5.
      • If you want the post-penetration projectile to retain the same on hit effects as the pre-penetration projectile, you will also need to make a new "Determines Damage" Explosion. Go to Explosion records in my "Penetration Framework.esp" and look for "150 Damage Penetrator "Determines Damage: " [EXPL:xx000823]". Right click on this entry in the left panel and select "Copy as new record into...", and select your compat patch "PTRS-41 Real Time Cover Penetration.esp". It will prompt you to rename, so just give it something simple like "PTRS41_20mmAPDS_150 Damage Penetrator". It will now show up as an additional record in your "PTRS-41 Real Time Cover Penetration.esp".
      • (For Step 7) Now to forward the effects from the impact Explosion to the ultimate hit Explosion (i.e. make your own "Determines Damage" Explosion). In the left panel, hold CTRL and click on (the override you made in step 2) "PTRS41_20mmAPFSDS_Explosion" and "PTRS41_20mmAPDS_150 Damage Penetrator". They should appear side by side in the right panel. Copy over (drag from left column to right column) the data in the; OBND - Object Bounds; Model (if any); EITM - Object Effect (if any); MNAM - Image Space Modifier; DATA - Light, Sound, Impact Data Set, Placed Object, Force, IS Radius, Flags (Sorted), Sound Level, Stagger (if any). DO NOT copy over the "Spawn Projectile" or the "Damage". Spawn Projectile should be a Null Reference, and "Damage" is how much damage you want the bullet to do after penetration.
      • (For Step 7) Now to link the new Determines Damage with your Penetrator Projectile. Go back to the record for your Penetrator Projectile that you made in step 5 (i.e. PTRS41_20mmAPDS_Penetrator Projectile). Instead of "150 Damage Penetrator "Determines Damage: " [EXPL:xx000823]", replace this with the "PTRS41_20mmAPDS_150 Damage Penetrator" you created in step 7.
      • DONE. Happy penetrating.
      • Do the same for any of the other Projectiles that already have an existing Explosion (i.e. the Projectile record Explosion entry should state the Explosion record you will need to create an override for). Select a different Penetrator Projectile to copy as new record depending on how powerful you want the specific round to be.

      Alternatively, you can instead simply follow the above steps for the PTRS41_145mmProjectileN and just replace the existing explosion with one of my template Explosions, but this will result in loss of some of the original functionality from the ammo of the PTRS41 mod, in particular any splash damage from impacts.

      For visual learners who want a practical example (above and beyond the templates provided), you can download and look at the way I made Gauss Rifle 2mm EC Cover Penetration?; or Combined Arms AKM High Penetration Ammo Plugin. The Vanilla Gauss rifle applies an explosion effect, which I merged with my Penetration Effects. The same goes for Combined Arm's AKM. 

      If you have done any/either/both of the above to one or more of the Projectiles, you are officially a modder and no longer just a player. Congratulations. Release your work as a compatibility patch for everyone to enjoy (or keep it to yourself)!
    3. MarrockV
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      My friend, you are a goddamn rockstar, I'll have another bash at it as soon as my migraine meds kick in...

      My skull currently feels like it's explodng in slow-motion so probably not the best time to try fiddling with mods.

      ETA: Yeah... nevermind, thanks anyway... apparently I just too damn stupid or this sort of thing.

      Gonna go uninstall the game now.

      See you around sometime.
    4. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      What round are you trying to change?
    5. MarrockV
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Coincidentally, the round I used most is the one you used in your tutorial in this thread, but after several hours of trying I just couldn't get anything to work right.

      It's a moot point anyway as now the only game I have on my computer is solitaire... I'm just going to take a break from the whole mess for a little while, probably only 10 or 12 months.
    6. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      Hope everything is alright with you my man. Don't stress about entertainment (: 
    7. riceballl9797
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      I'm using FO4edit and by following 

      Step 5
      "You will need to make the a new Penetrator Projectile. Testing has shown that for some reason the Penetration Effect and Penetrator Projectile should be in the same plugin, I don't really know why. At any rate, decide how much damage you want the PTRS41_20mmAPDS_Projectile to do after penetration. I'm guessing pretty high because that's a rather spritely round. Let's assume you want it to do massive damage, say 150 after penetration. Go to Projectile records in my "Penetration Framework.esp" and look for "Penetrator Projectile 150 [PROJ:xx000832]". Right click on this entry in the left panel and select "Copy as new record into...", and select your compat patch "PTRS-41 Real Time Cover Penetration.esp". It will prompt you to rename, so just give it something simple like "PTRS41_20mmAPDS_Penetrator Projectile". It will now show up as an additional record in your "PTRS-41 Real Time Cover Penetration.esp".

      It did not prompt me to rename but just copy right into the new esp instead?

      Step 9
      "(For Step 7) Now to link the new Determines Damage with your Penetrator Projectile. Go back to the record for your Penetrator Projectile that you made in step 5 (i.e. PTRS41_20mmAPDS_Penetrator Projectile). Instead of "150 Damage Penetrator "Determines Damage: " [EXPL:xx000823]", replace this with the "PTRS41_20mmAPDS_150 Damage Penetrator" you created in step 7".

      How do I "replace"? I can't find any replace specific function by right clicking 

      Lastly Thanks for the detailed tutorial! :D
    8. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      Greetings riceball, thank you for your appreciation, it is appreciated.

      For Step 5, you must "Copy as new record into..." rather than copy as override. If it did not prompt you to rename, you probably selected copy as override rather than as new record. Creating an override will make your edits to the Penetrator Projectile 150 affect everything else that relies upon Penetration Effect 150.

      For Step 9, "replace" is not a specific xEdit function, I meant it as a verb. Simply copy into the "Explosion" section the FormID of your new Determines Damage entry, and put it in place of the existing Determines Damage Explosion.

      Do let me know (in a separate comment to avoid increasing the length of this sticky) if you have additional questions. Additionally, I understand that there may be visually impaired users. To improve accessibility, kindly let me know if orange is not a suitable colour for emphasis, I apologize for my ignorance.
    9. riceballl9797
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Orange color is totally noticeable as I later realized that I missed the word "Copy as new record into...". Apologies..and Step5,9 solved :)

      However, I'm currently still trying to get it to work.

      (For Step 7) Now to forward the effects from the impact Explosion to the ultimate hit Explosion (i.e. make your own "Determines Damage" Explosion). In the left panel, hold CTRL and click on (the override you made in step 2) "PTRS41_20mmAPFSDS_Explosion" and "PTRS41_20mmAPDS_150 Damage Penetrator". They should appear side by side in the right panel. Copy over (drag from left column to right column) the data in the; OBND - Object Bounds; Model (if any); EITM - Object Effect (if any); MNAM - Image Space Modifier; DATA - Light, Sound, Impact Data Set, Placed Object, Force, IS Radius, Flags (Sorted), Sound Level, Stagger (if any). DO NOT copy over the "Spawn Projectile" or the "Damage". Spawn Projectile should be a Null Reference, and "Damage" is how much damage you want the bullet to do after penetration.

      Do I need to copy over the spawn"XYZ" value as well?
    10. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      You do not need to copy over the axis data as there is nothing that will be spawned.
    11. riceballl9797
      • member
      • 9 kudos

      I think I got everything right but mods doesn't looks like working to me, could you help me take a look at it? Thank you! :)
    12. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      Extremely odd, everything looks correct. Could you tell me (1) what you are trying to penetrate for your testing; and (2) what modifications you have made to the AK? Sometimes OMODs apply a projectile override. Try penetrating with a naked AK.
    13. riceballl9797
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      1) I tried penetrating it on steel, wood and concrete
      2) Tried it without OMOD, no luck as well
      3) I tried the 9x39 plugin RTCP as well but oddly it doesn't work however the vanilla ammo .50cal penetration works

      Now I'm doubting could it be the problem of the ammo type?
    14. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      Hey riceball, thanks for working with me on this so far, I can confirm that there seems to be something up with the 9x39 plugin, which is indeed not functioning as intended. However, a quick plugin I created for the .458 Ammo from the MK18 works perfectly as intended (a plugin for the .50 AE from CA also works as intended). My current theory is that there might be something in the way the AS Val is set up in CA, which might be the same as AKM Complex (which you use). Oddly enough the High-Penetration Ammo plugin works as intended, and the .50 cal plugin works for the M82 from CA. I'll look deeper into this.

      Update: Noticed that the "On Hit" for AS Val and AKM are set to "No dismember/explode" whereas M82 is set to "Explode only". However, changing this seems to have no impact. Update 2: I am fairly certain it is something to do with how the AS Val/AKM is set up, because changing the Weapon record to feed .50 cal results in no penetration with the .50 cal plugin. I have taken down the 9x39 plugin until I have time to delve into the CA files for the AS Val. Update 3: Converting the CA AKM to fire 9x39 rounds seems to work just fine. 
    15. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      Solved: Turns out Tracer Frequency is an essential variable. Must be set to 1. I have updated the framework and documentation accordingly.

      9x39 Plugin was not functioning with the AS Val as the OMODs for the Barrels had an override Projectile that changed it to Vanilla AssaultRifleProjectileSuppressor. Should have checked this first but wasted hours like an idiot. Reuploaded the plugin.
    16. riceballl9797
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Hey Man! It's my honor to work with someone that has a great courtesy as well and I'm glad that the issue is finally solved! :) 
      (AKM on my side solved as well turns out it's OMOD barrel override and tracer frequency as well) 

      Apart from that, I just saw that a user on discord made a patch to your framework and he/she's been trying to reach you, it says it fixes the "Penetrate Everything Issue" by letting it properly penetrating only just thin sheets but not something like tree or concrete. Sent you a PM to the discord server, kindly check it out if you're interested! :D
    17. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      Hey riceballl, thank you for bringing this to my attention. Looking at the link you sent, it appears to be less of a patch and more of a replacement that copies my collision layer. Although this is fine (he credited me!), I would have appreciated it if the author reached out to me directly.

      However, the author might have accidentally mistaken the point of the framework. Their replacement version basically utilizes the existing/known workaround of directly setting the collision layer for the initial Projectile, along with its attendant problems
      [See Background section: Some existing workarounds (directly setting collision layers for fired projectiles) were unsatisfactory due to the consequential lack of interaction between the projectile and the environment: the rounds pass clean through anything without leaving even a bullet decal. For example, see the High Penetration rounds for the AKM in NovaFinch's Combined Arms - Modern Weapon Pack, which initiated and inspired this entire project (Nova's mod is fantastic)].

      This method was also mentioned in my documentation and the shortfalls of this method is precisely what my mod intends (or tries at least) to address. The replacement mod also does not prevent the bullet from passing through everything, after all they are using my collision layer. Additionally, the author's Explosion does not scale bullet damage by half but rather applies a 50 damage Explosion to every bullet, which is probably unintended. However, this is a really great idea that I have not been able to figure out (reducing damage automatically rather than manually), I would be happy to discuss with the author directly if they have any ideas!
    18. riceballl9797
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      You're much welcome man!:)
      And yes, yes please it would be a beautiful piece of work to see if you managed to get in touch with the author and evaluate this mod into something more automated and hopefully BIG! :D (Don't get me wrong, this is already a magnificent piece of work)

      -Gonna start making some RTCP compatibility patch for different weapons XD
  3. jojosmo
    • premium
    • 33 kudos
    Aaron7491 has released a patch for Caliber Complex that applies penetration to all Caliber Complex ammo. You can use this as a springboard or as reference for your own balancing decisions.
    1. KarlDrogo
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      does this patch along with the wasteland ballistics patch work well together or does it require some xedit fuckary to work
    2. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      No idea, I don't use Caliber Complex. Should be pretty easy to check in xEdit.

      Edit: Both the CC-WB Patch and CC-RTCPF Patch will conflict, whichever loads last will win. Follow the stickied comment to merge the Explosions yourself in FO4Edit. The optional Demonstration file should work with the CC-WB Patch (do not enable the CC-RTCPF Patch), but (as stated in the description) I have not tested this file and if it works, only the Ammo that applies the explosions pertaining to .44, .45-70, .308, 5.56, 7.62, .50 Cal. Projectiles will have penetration (the CC-RTCPF Patch adds penetration to all ammo added by CC). Precisely which Projectiles will penetrate is easy to check in FO4Edit, just open up the Projectile records of the CC-WB Patch.
  4. DKhanno
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    So, I made a comment about this some time ago, and its been that long since I"ve gotten to play.  But apparently this mod does cause issues with power armor.  I'm not going to list it with any kind of bug, but its worth mentioning.

    To test what was going on, I used a variation of Damage Threshold Framework, where I modded the minimum damage to zero.
    Then set the T60 power armor to be immune to my test weapon (.50 machinegun).

    When I am wearing the power armor and someone shoots me, no problems at all.

    When I shoot Brotherhood Knights in that same power armor who should also be immune to its damage output, they die almost immediately.
    Tested this several times.  It seems clear to me that with this mod installed, rounds that hit power armor create a penetration effect that passes through and hits the person inside the power armor.  (Same thing happens with the penetrator perk, making it stupid easy to kill BOS by targeting their fusion core from the front.)

    Now, even taking DTF out of the equation, this means that with this mod installed, projectile based attacks against anyone in power armor will be doing more damage than they should be.  How much more being the amount for whatever penetrator effect has been assigned.

    For reference, I did test again without DTF, using the information on Fallout's DR formula, and even then, when I shot someone in T60 with the test weapon, they were taking more damage than they should.  (Again the amount of excess damage being equal to the penetrator effect.)

    This isn't a complaint, just an advisory, that this does have a direct effect on damage dealt to power armor NPC's, though apparently not to the player.  If the mod author feels I may have gotten something wrong, by all means let me know.  If someone else has brought this up before, and I missed it, my bad.
    1. DKhanno
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      To clarify / TLDR this.

      This mod turns power armor into a liability for NPC's, since they take damage twice from every bullet.  The first time when they are hit when they take full damage minus DR, and a second time when they take the penetrator with no DR.
  5. LordPhoenix82nd
    • premium
    • 35 kudos
    Took me a second to figure out what "Penetration Framework.esp" was in MO2. Loverslab be damned
    1. ArasakaAngestellter
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      hehe XD 
  6. LX6R
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    So I am using the this with ECO.

    For many weapons, when I chose a penetration mod (like idk, 20 damage, 30 damage, whatever) it reduces the damage of the whole weapon?

    And if the weapon has different damage types (like ballistic damage + plasma damage) it often removes on of the damage types and the weapon just ends up with ballistic damage (reduced again)

    Is that normal or am I doing something wrong?
  7. Stalker14
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, is it possible that this mod stopped working after the game update?
  8. MrGxc17
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does this mod still work after the next gen update?
    1. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      Hi MrGxc17, I don't see why it should have been affected! Let me know if it works out for you!
  9. Lavire21
    • supporter
    • 45 kudos
    Sometimes there are tracer trails that last for about a second and a half. Is that just too many scripts firing or did i set up my own patch wrong? everything else works. 
    1. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      There are no scripts in this mod!
  10. TehDave
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    So today I learned a very important lesson: DO NOT try to put the spalling effect onto shotgun projectiles or anything that is fired from a weapon that fires multiple of the projectile you are editing per shot. I put the second smallest spalling effect on the basic shotgun projectile and test fired it. It brought my game to a crawl for nearly 15 seconds because it was firing 8 projectiles spawning 60 projectiles each. But man, you should have seen what it did to the gaggle of raiders behind the wall I fired into.
    1. L4ZYP0T8O
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      To add to this: Do not attempt to set up settlement turrets that fire multiple rockets at a time that each explode into 30 pieces of shrapnels which then possibly explode into more shrapnel because the original shrapnel was actually made of bullet projectiles.

      It will either sound like the nukes dropped again, or your game will straight up crash.
  11. mikaelangelis
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    sadly there is no patch for Weapons of fate 
    1. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      You are welcome to make a patch!
  12. jhralUlfric
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    hey just fyi the gepard got deleted from nexus and has probally moved elsewhere, any plans to update the mod?
    1. jojosmo
      • premium
      • 33 kudos
      Hi jhralUlfric, I'll delete the plugin.
  13. psywarrior84
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    I love the idea behind this mod, but the collision glitches mess up my play style. I went through the data, and the solution would have to be to create an OMOD for every single object and surface in the game to modify its specific collision values, I don't know enough to do that myself.

    I'm going to keep researching.