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About this mod

This mod combines some similar perks and reduces the amount of ranks in others, while keeping the potency of each perk. It also removes the level requirement and changes the S.P.E.C.I.A.L requirements for each perk and rank.

Permissions and credits
1. If adding mid-save, use a respec mod (such as Ish's Respec Mod) or console commands to remove your currently held perks and refund your perk points. This will help avoid unintended perk stacking.
2. Install LevelUpMenuEx (requires F4SE). This mod will not work without installing LevelUpMenuEx, as editing perk S.P.E.C.I.A.L requirements jacks up the Vanilla perk/level-up screen.
3. Install mod with your favorite mod manager.

Many of the perks that that previously had 5 ranks have been reduced to 3 or 4. The reduced number of ranks still have the same potency. Effects from ranks that have been bypassed have been absorbed into the other ranks.

Some perks have been completely absorbed into other perks, with all of their effects distributed across the new combined perk.

Naturally, any other mod that affects or is dependent on the structure of Vanilla + DLC perks may not be compatible.

Crafting perks are unchanged since a lot of other mods use them. Some DLC recipes require ranks of perks that have been bypassed. I have tried to switch all Vanilla + DLC recipe requirements to the perks and ranks that are still available in this mod. Let me know if I've missed any.
If you have a recipe that requires perks or ranks made unavailable by this mod, these can still be added by the console as a stopgap measure. This may have unintended effect, like making the Pip-Boy Perk tab act strangely or making you more powerful than intended from perk stacking.

Let me know of any weirdness, missing effects / descriptions or feeling of over/underempowerment that you may experience when using this mod. This is purely an .esp edit of Vanilla + DLC perks (plus one file for use by LevelUpMenuEx), so it will more than likely not adversely degrade your game by installing or uninstalling.

Action Boy & Girl - Have been folded into Grim Reaper Sprint. See "Action Reaper."
Adamantium Skeleton - Unchanged.
Animal Friend - Has absorbed Attack Dog.
Aquaboy & Girl - Unchanged.
Armorer - Unchanged.
Attack Dog - Absorbed into Animal Friend.
Awareness - Unchanged.
Basher - Absorbed into Iron Fist.
Better Criticals - Unchanged.
Big Leagues - Reduced to 3 ranks.
Blacksmith - Unchanged.
Black Widow - Unchanged.
Blitz - Absorbed into Moving Target.
Bloody Mess - Unchanged.
Cannibal - Unchanged.
Cap Collector - Unchanged.
Chemist - Has absorbed Medicine.
Chem Resistant - The two ranks here have been absorbed into the last 2 ranks of Party Boy and Girl.
Commando - Reduced to 3 ranks.
Concentrated Fire - Has been absorbed into Gun-Fu.
Critical Banker - Has been absorbed into Four-Leaf Clover.
Demolition Expert - Unchanged.
Fortune Finder - Absorbed into Scrounger.
Four Leaf Clover - Has absorbed Critical Banker.
Ghoulish - Unchanged.
Grim Reaper Sprint - Renamed to "Action Reaper" and has absorbed Action Boy & Girl.
Gun-Fu - Has absorbed Concentrated Fire.
Gun Nut - Unchanged.
Gunslinger - Reduced to 3 ranks.
Hacker - Has been absorbed into Robotics Expert. See "Code Monkey."
Heavy Gunner - Reduced to 3 ranks.
Idiot Savant - Unchanged.
Inspirational - Has absorbed Lone Wanderer. Effects are still mutually exclusive. You will get the Lone Wanderer benefits when alone and Inspirational Perks when accompanied.
Intimidation - Unchanged.
Iron Fist - Reduced to 3 ranks. Has absorbed Basher.
Lady Killer - Unchanged.
Lead Belly - Renamed to "Lead Lined." Has absorbed Rad Resistant.
Life Giver - Absorbed into Toughness.
Local Leader - Unchanged.
Locksmith - Absorbed into Pickpocket. See "Thief."
Lone Wanderer - Absorbed into Inspirational. Effects still mutually exclusive.
Medic - Absorbed into Chemist.
Mister Sandman - Has absorbed Ninja.
Moving Target - Has absorbed Blitz.
Mysterious Stranger - Unchanged.
Nerd Rage - Unchanged.
Ninja - Absorbed into Mister Sandman.
Nuclear Physicist - Unchanged.
Pain Train - Unchanged.
Party Boy & Girl - Has absorbed Chem Resistant into its last 2 ranks.
Penetrator - Unchanged.
Pickpocket - Renamed to "Thief." Has absorbed Locksmith.
Quick Hands - Unchanged.
Rad Resistant - Absorbed into Lead Belly. See "Lead Lined."
Refractor - Reduced to 3 ranks.
Ricochet - Unchanged.
Rifleman - Reduced to 3 ranks. Has absorbed Sniper.
Robotics Expert - Renamed to "Code Monkey." Has absorbed Hacker.
Rooted - Unchanged.
Science - Unchanged.
Scrapper - Unchanged.
Sneak - Reduced to 4 ranks.
Sniper - Absorbed into Rifleman.
Solar Powered - Unchanged.
Steady Aim - Unchanged except for I removed the vanilla aspect that the perk doesn't apply to shotguns.
Strong Back - Reduced to 3 ranks.
Toughness - Reduced to 3 ranks. Has absorbed Life Giver.
VANS - Unchanged.
Wasteland Whisperer - Unchanged.