About this mod

Settlement - Crafting mods to de-clutter that poor chem station, make the crafting systems of ECO, Standalone Workbenches, Damage Threshold Framework, Munitions and some popular mods, weapons and armors work together seamlessly.
- UPDATE - Added Vanilla AIO (no Weapon/Armor mods required)

Permissions and credits
This is a personal patch collection that I made for myself, wife and daughter. It focuses on balancing crafting, resources and recipes across several popular mods. I decided to upload it here since I already lost the files twice (sigh!) so that the next time I can download them instead of spending couple of days redoing the edits from scratch! (Note: I will rewrite this page when I have a moment to do it and move instructions to documentation. Will get to it once I upload the latest version)

Why & What does this patch collection cover?

I love ECO crafting and the variety that Standalone Workbenches adds to settlement building, along with several weapon, armor and outfits mods that like many I find add immersion and cool factor to the base game.

I also like new frameworks to make the game less bullet spongy and more believable/strategical, because I disliked to be able to run around wearing just a pair of slippers and a silly hat, being basically immortal with your infinite ammunition and caps, shooting bullet sponge raiders 40 times in the head to loot even more ammunition / crazy materials (that you will never need because any of your settlement is literally exploding with resources), before turning the corner and bumping into power armor set number # 2076 and # 2076 (Special Edition with NPCs added plus 400 credits, now for only $49.99 $99.99 on sale, it just works buy now!) that will only concern you for where to find a safe place to drop it, so that the 35 million fusion cores amassed in that place will not exceed the radiation levels of the Great War by too much...

Fortunately there is a lot of mods by talented people that fix a lot of these issues and make your skills, making strategy and resource management much more immersive and relevant, and combat both exciting and dangerous no matter if you are level 1 or 100 without the need to fill bullet sponges enemies with couple metric tons of lead (or alternatively 1 hit with a peashooter while in stealth).

My go to mods are usually ECO, munitions, Damage threshold Framework, Munitions (with ballistics), Looted World, Scourge, Bastion (along with power armor overhauls that make it rare, tougher and less prone to break after a sneeze - but I will add those later in recommended), and settlements and crafting mods that balance the scarcity of the world loot by investing into your settlers (that of course means Sim Settlement 2).

However.... for how great these addition are, they are not always in perfect synergy, meaning that you have crafting recipes either too cheap or too punishing resource wise.... and when you add a couple of weapon/armor mods on top, the poor chem station gets so cluttered that opening it can cause OCD even if you did not have it before!

That is why I created this small patch collection for myself, but I like how it changes the gameplay and I think others might enjoy it too.

So after this LOTR-long introduction what does this patch aims to do???

1- Hard Declutter the chem station by moving (most) mod added craftable weapons, armor, ammunitions etc. to the appropriate standalone workbench. no more scrolling forever. (some stuff like chemicals, drugs or chimical components was left there)

2 - Assign a standalone workbench for every type of craftable ordered menus (ammunition workbenches for ammo crafting, armor workbenches for armors, clothing for outfits, produce for organic, workbenches for shipments, paints, utility, engineering, etc)

3 - Standardize most crafting recipes to make all the crafting consistent with the most immersive system (did not touch original files, I crafted the recipes one by one for few hundreds of items, all crafting menus are ordered and consistent across all the furnitures.

4 - Streamlined and simplified recipes (to declutter crafting menus): more specifically ammunition and explosive crafting:
  • -ExplosivesEach explosive is made of a casing, a payload, a detonator. I simplified the original recipes by standardizing detonators & payloads so you don't need to build dozens of components - I also fixed the preview transform of the item in the crafting menu, so you have the appropriate visual reference for what you want to craft.
  • - Ammunition: ammo crafted are standardized and will work with Munitions mod
- Ammunition need 1 Casing and 1 Primer (the bullet itself is represented in the recipe with either lead or steel, no additional item to craft).
- Simplified crafting, to keep the menu ordered and decluttered. Only 2 kind of primers (gun / rifle) and removed the scrap option because it was cluttering too much the workbench.
- All ammo can be crafted in batches of x10 or x100. All visual previews model fixed with the appropriate preview object.
  • - Added some custom objects for both ammo and explosives (just recycled vanilla assets though)
  •  - Added some custom components and materials standardized to use it for both guns and explosives - no menu clutter.
  •  - Fun Nuclear Crafting: a silly one but since I did not like to just craft a mini nuke by base materials, but you now need to craft all 4 components. They are vanilla and possibly you can sometime find them in the vanilla game as scrap (maybe in fort strong? I don't remember) but this was just quirky so I felt to use them in this recipe.

5 - Harder Power armor recipes a personal favorite: PA with bastion and DT Framework is really strong and feels like "true power armor". Plus with the reduced loot I use they are really rare. Power armor now requires advanced (new) materials to craft and maintain:
  • Added Resources Titanium and Titanium Alloys: to keep it simple gameplay wise I used vanilla components to chemically" extract Rutile (titanium rich ore) from vanilla materials - Crystal, Ceramic, Concrete and some acid)
- Next you have to transform it into Titanium Ingot under "Avanced Materials" in the Utility Workbench.
- Then forge Titanium-Steel Alloy ingots and finally Titanium Alloy Armored Plates.

It raises the resource costs of creating power armor noticeably, still not tragical for high levels, but you cannot spam hundreds of power armor pieces unless you got some serious economy going.
( if you want it more hardcore and expensive you can tweak the "Rutile" recipe as you like, just mind that each next step gets exponentially more expensive - Plates costs x2 : alloy, Alloy x2: Ingot, Ingot x2: Rutile - so I do not recomment putting 20 units crystal or other components, it will skyrocket into the thousands very quickly. My recipe already will cost you few hundred units to make a full T- 45 suit)

Raider Power Armor uses only basic material to build (still more than the base recipe but is "salvaged" armor logic)

  • Changed Power Armor Vanilla Repair Recipe: because seriously? 4 steel to fully fix your broken power armor piece? Some leather armor mods are more expensive! 
Now to repair power armor you must craft Power Armor Repair Kits (that require 1 Titanium Armored Plate as for crafting so they are not too cheap) and a bit more of the vanilla materials (let's do 10 steel instead of 4, and a pinch of Aluminum sounds fair?).

WHY!? Do you like suffering!?
Not really but I find the "trivial easy" a bit boring. I rather eliminate the reapir need entirely than backtracking to just to click once to use 4 units of steel.
Fixing is much cheaper than crafting, repairing your mech suit is still somewhat expensive, so it will be unlikely that you will feel like doing it restore 10 durability but you will be saving it for when the piece is orange or red and is at risk of breaking.

  • By the way Raider Power Armor is now the only PA that does not need the new "expensive" repair kits, but only scraps and (a lot of) duct tape, so it's still very cheap to repair
(a nice gameplay side effect I noticed, that now raider power armor is no longer useless. It is a viable low cost alternative until or a temporary patchwork for broken/damaged PA parts).

6 - Minor Tweaks to Weapons and Armor Recipes modified some of the weapons and outfit recipes where necessary to make the more believable. (skimpy attire will only cost 1 or 2 leather or cloth, on the other fully covering outfits or armor will not cost just 1 cloth or 1 leather to make, the recipe tries to include materials you see on the model).

7 - Added Damage Threshold Framework Armor Penetration Mods
to modded weapons that use munition ammo. Now they can be modified to use the DTF Armor Piercing special ammo like the vanilla calibers (munitions ammo added to DTF AP crafting menu so they can be converted to DTF AP rounds).

Important Note: I did not include the edits I made to the original files (like removing 1000 damage reduction from a bikini or balance  overpowered amor and weapons), I only touched the recipes and moved them to the appropriate workbench, you will need to edit the armor and weapons yourself or find patches on nexus.

Installation and Instructions

Install with mod manager or manually. In case of conflict this must override (load after). You can download the All in One file in the main files, or the individual patches you want in the Optional files. If you already have all the Requirements you re done.

For single patches only: If you do not have/do not want to install all the mods associated but still want to keep the standalone crafting frameworks you can remove it from the master list following these steps:

  • 1) Download and install the required Mod and the Patch (sorry no idea how to skip this step, but you can delete all unwanted mods after you clean the patch)
  • 2) Open the patch in FO4EDIT (the master mod will be loaded in automatically). Easy way to find it is to right click when loading FO4Edit, choose "select none" then search in "Filter" the desired patch name. Individual patch files all have the same format:

EXAMPLE: SWB_PatchName_somethingsomething (Standalone Work Bench_type of the patched items_additional information)
The full List is:
- SWB_AmmunitionPatch Ammunition and Explosive crafting.
Additional hard Requirements: Munitionscrossbows of the commonwealthDynamite by FlarescaleXXL Overcharged Mininuke
- SWB_Ammo_DFT_AP_Patch Adds DFT AP special ammo to non vanilla rounds (from Munitions) - WIP need to finish some tweaks
Additional hard Requirements: Munitions, Damage Threshold Framework (with the Optional plugin), all the weapon mods listed in the requirements (9 weapons total) except crossbows and pipe shotguns (they use vanilla - custom assets hence no need)
- SWB_ArmorPatch Armor crafting
Additional hard Requirements: all the armor mods listed in requirements (7 total)
- SWB_ClothingPatch Clothing crafting
Additional hard Requirements: all the clothing mods listed in requirements (5 total)
- SWB_FoodPatchFood and organic crafting
Additional hard Requirements: A better world Cabin Workshop Pack (for pickled vegetables crafting)
- SWB_JunkPatch Misc and Junk crafting useful for OCD decorator and some Power Armor recipes I tweaked
Additional hard Requirements: None
- Colt Beretta Munition Patch Chambering of 9 mm for beretta and .357 Magnum chambering mod for Python. Changes to Munitions rounds
Additional hard Requirements: None (Master for Ammo_DFT patch)
- SWB_WeaponPatch Weapon Crafting
Additional hard Requirements: all the weapon mods listed in requirements (mostly FO New Vegas weapons, pipe shotguns and 2 energy weapons 11 total. I left out crossbow and other unique weapon mods that are found in the world and included only the weapons that can be considered "common" like the service rifles, .45 and so on. It will not conflict with your custom weapon mods but if you want to add them to the craftable list you will need to edit the record yourself - short guide how to do it below this quote)
  • 3) Find the voice "Constructible Object"in the Patch file open it and scroll down to the record of the item you want to delete, they all follow the same prefix naming rules: wCW_ , SWB_ , SA_ . usually SWB_ is reserved (should be if nothing slipped) to Vanilla records so you can ignore those. Modded Items should have SA_ or wCW_ prefix tags. Find the one you want to remove, click and press Del (or right click - Remove). When prompted to remove the file confirm and Save. Note: some might be duplicated if they are associated with more than one Workbench (usually this happens with ammunition and explosive as there are 2 different Workbench furniture assets so there are 2 records: 1wCW_ and one SA_ to search)
  • 4) Right click on the patch file in F04EDIT, it is the Main Form ID with the same name of the patch, select "Clean Masters" (= Remove all unused Masters). Next click "File Header" just below; If you removed the correct record/s in the list of Masters the mod you wanted to remove does not appear anymore.
  • 5) Save the file and close F04EDIT you can now disable the older Master mod in your Mod Manager. If you do not get a "Missing Master" alert you are done. Remove the disabled mod, load the game and play :)

Of course you can also use the same instructions to ADD a new mod item to the craftable list. Just clone one of the tagged items in "Constructible Object" (any of the wCw_ SWB_ or SA_ will do) in the list. Rename it as you like. Right Click on the main patch file and choose "Add Masters", select your chosen weapon/armor/food/junk item mod and click ok. Now click on your cloned item, and under CNAM - Created Object type the editor ID of your Item (Is the same as the editor ID of the master mod) or scroll the drop down list to find it. Since I already did all the work for integration that is enough, you can save and close F04EDIT, deploy the mods in the mod manager and play :) (Naturally you can modify the recipe as you like, change names / description and so on, it will be integrated and work seamlessly).

Note: If someone is interested I may release a "Vanilla" patch with no item (weapon, armor, clothing mods) as requirement. I did it this way because most are very popular mods so many are probably using them already and because there is an issue when you want to add masters to the patch in xEdit: if the master you want to add is sorted to load after the patch then you cannot add it until the load order is resolved (and that will come with a whole set of potential new issues). ADDED VANILLA "ALL IN ONE"

Quick Requirement List

- Easy reference check-list links to mods are also in - Credits -
All in one: all requirements (you can exclude master mods you do not need by following the guide above)

Individual patches
Weapons:  Modular Viking Sword, Anti Material Rifle, Colt Python, Beretta M92FS, Dynamite , Institute Turboplasma Rifle , Institute Pulse Carbine, Service Rifle , .45 Auto Pistol, Pipe Shotgun Redux .

Armor: K-9 harness, Environmental ArmorSirius 1.2 Armor , NCR Ranger Armor, Classic T-45 Power Armor ,ECV Renmants Armor , Eli's armor compendium .

Ammunition & Explosive Crafting: ECO ReduxStandalone WorkbenchesMunitions (Remember that ECO and SA_WB are hard masters for all)

Clothing:  Dicky's Pinup Outfits, MS Ranger Outfit, Ranger Armor, Sarah Rage Armor ,Sexy Jill Valentine .

Food Addon: A Better World Cabin Workshop Pack

Junk and Misc crafting:
ECO ReduxStandalone Workbenches

Damage Threshold and Armor Piercing Framework addon (WIP)
: Institute Turboplasma Rifle , Institute Pulse Carbine , Munitions .

Garbage and organic composting:
Worthless Mod

Colt and Beretta Munition conversions:
Colt Python, Beretta M92FS

(NEW) Vanilla All in one: only requirements Official DLCs + ECO ReduxStandalone Workbenches, Munitions (you can manually add individual patches to this: overwrite Vanilla AIO and download the required mods for individual patches - or follow the instructions guide to remove/add your own mods

Final Recommendations
- Read the Installation Instruction carefully, do not skip reading and randomly install files you do not need or patches for requirements you have not installed. Instructions are simple, but if you skip it will not work properly.
- Crafting Workbenches will work naturally with your workshop sorting mods, you will find them all in the crafting category (or where your sorter moved them)
- In game crafting with ECO universal workbench and custom recipes: most custom recipes ARE the same of ECO and they are just added to individual workbenches, with 2 notable exceptions (Ammunition and Explosives) read below:
To keep it consistent you might want to disable 1 or 2 crafting (ammo and explosive) option in ECO MCM - or not if you want to keep a cheaper alternative
They do not conflict at all since ECO is used for reference only. Also ECO keywords are the standard for all the workbenches, (with the exception of few of my own additions that do not conflict)
- Munitions Mod ammo crafting and DTF Armor Piercing Integration: I added only 2 calibers from the basic Munitions list (9mm and .223 because they are used by 2 weapon mods I have) you can easily add more yourself, read below:
I did not add all ammo available in Munitions, but it is super easy to add new yourself in FO4Edit: just make a copy of the records "co_Ammo_9mm_x10" and "co_ammo_9mm_x100" (or .223 is the same, just do "copy as a new record") and assign the reference you like in the drop down menu in "constructible object" (example: create object ->Select or scroll down to find "Munitions_20mm_Round" -> save). It is already referencing the correct master with its keyword so you can do it in 2 clicks even if you are not familiar with F04Edit.

Having casing and primers standardized will not require you to create a custom caliber caasing or primer, just use 9mm if you want a pistol casing, or .223 if you want a rifle casing (if you are adding a shotgun there is also a shotgun casing, just change it in the recipe component drop down menu (click gun-rifle casing, type or scroll the list to find "co_shotgun_casing" and save).

Important Note:
I did not include any changes I made to the master files. This means that if the mods add a recipe to the chem station, that poor station will still be cluttered. To clean the chem station go to the master files (you can make a backup or just reinstall it if you mess something up) open "constuctible object" and delete the records to craft the item. Save and exit.

(If I manage to work out a method to override the clutter without touching the master co_ I will update the files, but last time I tried I messed up the ingame menus and had to rebuild the patch from scratch so at the moment I play it safe :P)

All plugins are .esl

Credits & Requirements
Main inspirations for the mod (click mod link to download the correct master requirements) - of course I also recommend all of them

Dank Raft
for ECO Redux - his framework is the standard I used to distribute the recipes across all workbenches
psych0hamster for Just Ammo and Explosive Crafting - being the initial inspiration for this patches and for the excellent custom ammo and explosive workbench models. My ammo and explosive crafting is a simplified version with some minor fixes and expanded support. All credits for the assets belong to psych0hamster.
bionicyardyff for Standalone Workbenches - along with ECO the main master of this work.
codeblackcrash for Munitions - Excellent mod and another staple in standardization for me

Credits for weapons, outfits, miscellaneous mods

TheReapersMetalWorks - for Modular Viking Sword -        Requirement for Weapon Patch
TotallyNotToastyFresh - for Anti Material Rifle - Requirement for Weapon Patch - Mod no longer on Nexus - follow the link
ElijahHouck - for A Better World Cabin Workshop Pack -   Requirement for Food Patch
fadingsignal - for Beretta M92FS - K-9 harness   Requirement for Weapon Patch - and for Armor Patch
covadonga - for Colt Python - Requirement for Weapon Patch
flarescale - for Dynamite -       Requirement for Weapon Patch
DegenrateDak - and Scail for Institute Turboplasma Rifle - Institute Pulse CarbineRequirement for Weapon Patch/DT Patch
DeadPool2099 - for Service Rifle - .45 Auto Pistol      Requirements for Weapon Patch - along with SR unofficial update
WhiskyTangoFawks - for Pipe Shotgun Redux -   Requirement for Weapon Patch
dickyftw - for Dicky's Pinup Outfits -     Requirement for Clothing Patch
Kioonohi -
for Environmental Armor -           Requirements for Armor Patch
- for Sirius 1.2 Armor  - Requirement for Armor Patch
FafnyB - for MS Ranger Outfit -      Requirement for Clothing Patch
unoctium - for NCR Ranger Armor -       Requirement for Armor Patch
tschutschi - for Ranger Armor -      Requirement for Clothing Patch
Dominatorv111 - for Classic T-45 Power Armor - Requirement for Armor Patch - (Author reports is incompatible with CBBE or non vnilla body mods, and may crash your game. However it is not if you take care to edit the master file deleting the cell record and saving. The crash reported are probably due to a vanilla body record placed in the cell with the armor, once you delete it no risk of CTD - in this mod it is craftable so you can still get it and is 100% compatible)
- for Damage Threshold Framework - Requirement for DT_Patch (WIP will upload update soon)
- for Sarah Rage Armor -   Requirement for Clothing Patch
muzhaoliji - for Sexy Jill Valentine -       Requirement for Clothing Patch- NSFW (you can download my bodyslide       CBBE conversion that adds some pants)
PaddyGarcia - for Worthless Mod -         Requirements for Worthless Patch - you can craft compost from crud and fertilizer from compost..... however is totally resource inconvenient and wastes tons of water.... (I would say worthless :P ) - jokes aside, brilliant little mod that changes the gameplay a lot by just adding trash in the loot! - forgot to add: craftable at the produce organic workbench -
KalibKadafi - for ECV Renmants Armor -       Requirement for Armor Patch - classic Enclave Power Armor

Recommended Mods
Besides the ones above that I obviously recommend, if you like challenges and more excitement here is few I believe you will enjoy and will complement perfectly with this mod.

Looted World