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About this mod

Switchable corpse looting mechanics from Fallout 76: Add player equipped ammo, highlight player kills, area loot corpses.

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Switchable corpse looting mechanics from Fallout 76: Add player equipped ammo, highlight player kills, area loot corpses.

Make corpses work for you. 

Install this mod at any time in any game and the player is given a never ending [ .SKK 76 Corpse loot menu ] aid item after Vault cryo wakeup (craft replacements at chemlab) to configure:

(1) Highlight player kills [ *On | Off ] 

(2) Add player equipped ammo to player kills [ *On | Off ] 

(3) Minimum ammo add [ *0 | 2 | 4 | 8 ] 

(4) Maximum ammo add [ 2 | *4 | 8 | 16 ] 

(5) Area Looting corpse activation  [ *On | Off ] 

(6) Area looting radius [ 1024 | *2048 | 4096 ] 

(7) Area loot loose weapons [ *On | Off ] 

(8) Area loot target [ *Transfer to player | Open container | Open each corpse inventory ]  

(9) Area loot container [ *Leave on close | Clear on close ] 

If you are fed up with menu activators in your inventory, thow it away and use the console, hotkeys or create  an MCM JSON thing:


set SKK_C76AddAmmoMin to value ; [ 0 to 65536 ] 
set SKK_C76AddAmmoMax to value ; [ SKK_C76AddAmmoMin to 65536 ] 
set SKK_C76AreaLootRadius to value ; [ 1 to 10240 ] 
set SKK_C76AreaLootWeapons to [ 0 | 1 ]
set SKK_C76TransferLootToPlayer to [ 0 | 1 | 2 ] ; 0:Open container 1:To player 2:Open corpses 
set SKK_C76ClearAreaLootContainer to [ 0 | 1 ]  ; 0:Leave 1:Clear

cqf SKK_C76Quest "SKK_C76QuestScript.SwitchHighlightKills" [ 0 | 1 ]
cqf SKK_C76Quest "SKK_C76QuestScript.SwitchAddAmmo" [ 0 | 1 ]
cqf SKK_C76Quest "SKK_C76QuestScript.SwitchAreaLoot"  [ 0 | 1 ]
cqf SKK_C76Quest "SKK_C76QuestScript.ShowMenu"
cqf SKK_C76Quest "SKK_C76QuestScript.AreaLoot"

Detail Operator Notes 

What is a Player Kill ? There is a change from Fallout 76 behaviour which normally includes any actors the player tags above the fXPDeathRewardHealthThreshold value. This corpse highlight and ammo add function only includes actors where the player LANDS THE FINAL KILLSHOT to help you avoid cheezing the game and drowning in ammo, altho the area loot function will find ANY dead actor or ashpile in the configured radius regardless of killer for EZ QOL.

The add ammo function adds a random ammount of the ammo (between min and max values) used by whatever weapon the player had equipped when they kill the actor. It can not add ammo for weapons that do not respond to Weapon.GetAmmo() like melee (d-uh !). It also does not add fusion cores if using a gatling lazer, substituting fusion cells just like Fallout 76, but it does not know about any other custom high value ammo (338 Lapua Magnum ?) which will still be added to kills.

The area loot corpses function default transfers all area loot to the player, which unfortunately triggers a notification for each item added to the player inventory. If you set [ Open area loot container ] to pick  out individual items and set [ Area loot container clear on close ] anything left in the container on exit will be cleared/deleted including unique and quest items because the word "anything" actually does mean ANYTHING and the word "deleted" does mean DELETED . If you are prone to fcuking up and then crying and/or blaming others DO NOT USE THIS OPTION (of course that type is unlikely to actually read this warning, so yeah whatever). With [ Area loot open corpse inventories ] each corpse that repots an inventory count will be opened. Except the activated corpse as the quick inventory is already open. Often corpses that have no visible inventory are includes as their "skin" is classed as armor, but is undetectable inventory invisible; ferals, molerats and such.

Area loot loose weapons: a "loose" weapon is on the ground, not in a container. Often actors drop their weapons on the ground so they are not in their inventory containers. It will also hoover up other placed weapons e.g. the V111 Cyoloater is not actually in a container. The function can be switched if there are performance issues or you have bad/mod removed objects in your game causing problems.

The area loot function is triggered by an AddActivate menu perk on dead actors and ashpiles. An object can only have one additional AddActivate menu option, so if other content is adding activate menu options to those objects nothing will be shown. If there is a conflict and you dont want to disable the other content, disable the Area Loot menu function and bind the AreaLoot console command to a hotkey. 

PC manual installation

Install this mod at any point in any game as it is 100% new content. It has zero dependencies on *anything* and no load order requirements.

Copy SKKCorpses76.esp and SKKCorpses76 – Main.BA2 to your ...\Fallout 4\Data directory and add to Plugins.txt, or enable in the Bethesda mod menu, use a mod manger or however you organise. 

As this is published after November 2019 it requires Fallout4.exe (or later) or equivalent workarounds.

Yes you can ESL flag the ESP.

If you have read the comprehensive solution description and articles but still need support,
best to use the SKK Mods Discord channel discord://