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About this mod

Uses ECO's sister mod LEO and it's legendary micro chips to add significant cost to unlock the Equipment Enhancement options and most of it's subsequent "cheat" options for each item.

Permissions and credits
I really love Equipment Crafting Overhaul (ECO) Redux and it's sister mod Legendary Effect Overhaul (LEO). This patch however addresses my biggest problems with these two mods.

My problem with LEO is actually the game engine's fault for not giving a way to charge the player a cost for installing an already owned mod. So if i choose to turn off recipes(these allow you to spend micro chips[3-6] gained from scraping legendarys to craft a legendary effect of your choice) and only work with what the leveled list drops while playing, i can still extract those mods and provided i have the skill level, apply them for free.

What this patch does is add a cost of 2 legendary microchips to create the "No Legendary Effect" mod that puts the current legendary mod in your inventory. Now you just paid 2 microchips for a legendary effect that you can apply to another item for free provided you have the associated perk prerequisite.

My problem with ECO is the Equipment Enhancement system while allowing you to debuff yourself also allows you to buff yourself for free which is a massive exploit. I know, I know "I gotta have self control, this is meant to be a utility not a cheat" and when it comes to combat i value my balance and don't buff my weapons and armor, but more passive things like carry weight and jump height are a different story. If i can add +20 carry to every piece of armor, clothing and accessory I am wearing for free I'm going to do it.

-So this patch addresses this issue by adding a cost of Legendary Microchips to unlock various EE options on an item.
Cost Table

EE: Equipment Enhancement______________Legendary Microchips
├─ Armor Options_________Price of Admission(POA)__=__2 LMC
│├─ AA: Armor Appearance________________________POA
│├─ AE: Armor Enhancement______________________POA
||└─ TH: Custom Targeting HUD___________________1-2 LMC
│├─ WC: Weave Config____________________________POA
│├─ MI: Second Misc______________________________1-2 LMC
│├─ PM: Protection Modifier_______________________2-50 LMC
│├─ JM: Jump Height____________________________POA-5 LMC
│├─ TP: Third-Party Options_______________________POA
│├─ WM: Weight Modifier_________________________2-10 LMC
│└─ LC: Legendary Config_________________________5 LMC per additional slot
├─ Power Armor Options___Price of Admission(POA)__=__2 LMC
│├─ MA: Second Material__________________________POA
│├─ MI: Second Misc______________________________1 LMC
||└─ TH: Custom Targeting HUD___________________1-2 LMC
│├─ PM: Protection Modifier_______________________2-50 LMC
│├─ JM: Jump Height____________________________POA-5 LMC
│├─ TP: Third-Party Options_______________________POA
│├─ WM: Weight Modifier_________________________2-10 LMC
│└─ LC: Legendary Config_________________________5 LMC per additional slot
├─ Gun Options____________Price of Admission(POA)__=__2 LMC
│├─ DM: Damage Modifier________________________2-50 LMC
│├─ HB: Hit Behavior______________________________POA
│├─ FM: Firing Mode______________________________POA
│├─ ROF: Rate Of Fire_____________________________2-50 LMC
│├─ AC: Ammo Conversion________________________1 LMC
│├─ CM: Ammo Capacity__________________________1-25 LMC
│├─ PO: Projectile Override________________________2-5 LMC
│├─ PC: Projectile Count__________________________5 LMC per additional projectile
│├─ RS: Reload Speed____________________________POA-9 LMC
│├─ CO: Accuracy Cone___________________________1-25 LMC
│├─ SB: Accuracy Stability_________________________1-25 LMC
│├─ RM: Recoil Modifier___________________________2-10 LMC
│├─ RA: Range Modifier___________________________2-25 LMC
│├─ ZM: Zoom Modifier___________________________POA-25 LMC
│├─ ST: Sighted Transition________________________POA-25 LMC
│├─ SD: Sight Distance_____________________________1-25 LMC
│├─ TP: Third-Party Options_______________________POA
│├─ WM: Weight Modifier_________________________2-10 LMC
│└─ LC: Legendary Config_________________________5 LMC per additional slot
└─ Melee Options__________Price of Admission(POA)__=__1 LMC
├─ DM: Damage Modifier__________________________2-50 LMC
├─ HB: Hit Behavior________________________________POA
├─ MM: Melee Attack Mode________________________POA
├─ TP: Third-Party Options_________________________POA
├─ WM: Weight Modifier___________________________2-10 LMC
└─ LC: Legendary Config___________________________5 LMC per additional slot

-Removes the ability to activate options that don't apply to the item such as power armor on regular armor or melee on gun or vice versa. You can still however activate regular armor options on a piece of power armor because I can not stop it from happening.
- Lowers the perk requirement for AE: Pocketed to Armorer 1 to be in line with vanilla.

Load Order:
Dank_ECO-LEO_ChipPatch.esp <-------This mod

Use Vortex. It Slaps. Current game okay.

I don't recommend it but it shouldn't break your save.