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About this mod

This is a music replacer mod for the game factions (except railroad, still searching for an adequate soundtrack for them).
You can find samples of the tracks in the detailed description, as well as an overall statement of how I chose the proper tracks for each faction.

Permissions and credits
First let me provide with links to the songs I used for each track:

BoS 01: MUS Faction Brotherhood 01 (youtube.com)
BoS 02: MUS Faction Brotherhood 02 (youtube.com)

BoS Prydwen flyover (after beating Kellog and the BoS arrives to the Commonwealth): Prydwen Flyover Track Sample (youtube.com)

Minutemen 01: MUS Faction Minutemen 01 (youtube.com)

Minutemen 02: MUS Faction Minutemen 02 (youtube.com)

Institute 01: MUS Faction Institute 01 (youtube.com)

Institute 02: MUS Faction Institute 02 (youtube.com)

Institute 03: MUS Faction Institute 03 (youtube.com)

If you also play America Rising 2 I will leave an optional file in the download file section so you download it instead (if you want that).

Enclave theme (plays at the Oil Rig): MUS FactionEnclave 01 (youtube.com)


Extract the ZIP wherever you like. The content is a folder labelled as "Music". This one goes in the Data folder. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data

That's all you need to do. So your directory should be C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Music

For the optional file: The ZIP is called ENCLAVE MUSIC REPLACER, when you extract it you will get a folder called AR. This folder goes into the Music folder, inside C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Music


BoS 01: MUS Faction Brotherhood 01 (youtube.com)
I thought about a theme that could connect with Maxson. As we know, he is a descendant of Roger Maxson, who was a Captain of the US Army. Because of this I chose songs found in games with a portrayal of the US in a patriotic sense.

The first song is Squad's theme which I think fits pretty well in the sense that it tries to portray as how the BoS sees at itself, the protectors of humanity and keepers of the potential dangers that could exterminate it. I would define it as "hope".

The second song is the theme of Band of Brothers (Literally Brother=Brotherhood), a classic of US patriotism and that resonates with the BoS.

The third song is from COD BO1 and it is action packed. I put it in that order because it has a reduced probability that it will play when you have a conversation with someone and is more likely to be played while you are either messing around or building stuff at the workshop. It has some punch and sounds badass, plus if you also use America Rising 2 it connects with the Enclave theme (as both are direct "descendants" of the US army).

The fourth song is from Squad, I chose it because I wanted to end the first theme with a bit of dramatic effect. Not much thought put into it (but that doesn't make it less valuable)

BoS 02: MUS Faction Brotherhood 02 (youtube.com)
I wanted a song that could work more as a bit of background music, and that sounded "dark". Let's remember that the BoS is kind of fascist and it has its dark side. So MW2 menu theme and Whiskey Hotel tracks were perfect. They sound cold and grim, the perfect summary of the ill side of the brotherhood.

BoS Prydwen Arrival: Prydwen Flyover Track Sample (youtube.com)
This song will play when the prydwen arrives at the commonwealth, it has the leitmotiv of BoS 01 initial track.

Minutemen 01: MUS Faction Minutemen 01 (youtube.com)
This is also a track connected with the US but in a different way. The minutemen unlike the rest of the factions do not have any wicked intentions and all they want to do is restore the commonwealth. You will notice that the songs are old-fashioned and I thing that's an accurate representation of the minutemen, as the protagonist itself remarks when you meet Preston the first time. These tracks also appeal more to the "military" side of the minutemen.

The first song is from a game called Day of Infamy. It literally is the American theme.
I liked it because it sounds courageous and has an overall feeling of "charge ahead".

The second song is the theme of Letters from Iwo Jima, it is patriotic, full of hope and a beautiful piece of art. I love it and because of that I thought it could fit well with the lighthearted tone of the Minutemen

The third song is the German theme from Day of Infamy. It portrays the hardship the minutemen have had to endure in their history like the Quincy massacre. They have not had it easy in the slightest and there's a lot to be done. Plus, it adds a bit of depth to the whole good guys thing as it has a bit of darkness.

Minutemen 02: MUS Faction Minutemen 02 (youtube.com)

The entire track are songs from AC3, as you may guess it is because the entire OST has late XVIII aesthetics, and well, we know the minutemen originated in 1774. So there was no question about this, I realized how well they fitted with the Minutemen (and worked as background music).

The first song has kind of a wilderness feeling to it. Almost like if it was the Commonwealth theme. I can picture it in a road trip sequence in a Fallout movie set in the Commonwealth, or wide open shots of workers from settlements in the fields. Doing whatever they must do to survive. I think the Minutemen represent the common folk and this first song encapsulates all of that.

The second and third songs have a playful tone within them, they are meant to be lighthearted, they are energetic so if you like taking care of The Castle it can make it feel lively, especially if you have a high population.

The fourth song adds mistery. It helps us relax from the energetic second and third tracks. I pictured this song for those moments where I am at the top of the castle, admiring the foggy landscape. It is calm and even relaxing.

The fifth song is all about hope, it sounds a lot more modern than the rest, but its musical similarity (as it still is from AC3) lets us accept its different nature. This track is about the upcoming future of the commonwealth in the hands of the Minutemen, a great closure for the second theme of the Minutemen.

The Institute 01: MUS Faction Institute 01 (youtube.com)
This track made me think, what would I want the first impression of the institute to be? What kind of music do I think of when I try to picture the institute? I thought about something cerebral, calculating as well, but deeply related with the mind and ideas, the core values a scientist needs.
Searching around some music I found myself looking endlessly without any OST that seemed to fit this description until I remembered hearing some songs from Inception's unreleased score, the one that sounds directly in the movie. It took me just an hour to realize the themes fitted so well with The Institute. The fact that these pieces are not in the official album of the movie make it sound fresh and new, and I assure you, even if you regularly hear Inception's album you won't hear the same usual songs we have heard in several youtube videos.
This track in particular focuses on the analytical side of the Institute, "the brains" to put it bluntly.

The Institute 02: MUS Faction Institute 02 (youtube.com)
The first song is lighthearted, it has a little playful touch, it is almost like if it spoke about the communal aspect of the Institute. You know, a bunch of people confined within the same walls since their birth.
The second song becomes a bit darker, but in overall it keeps the same feeling of a community within it. As you may have realized already, the institute music does not have any patriotism or courageous intent, it remains mostly cerebral, and although the tracks are slightly different, it kind of is repetitive. But this repetition works because The Institute is an entity that seems to be stuck in the same ideals, the same concepts and the same goals.

The Institute 03: MUS Faction Institute 03 - YouTube
In this track I added the patriotic side of The Institute, only that they do not feel related to the US in the slightest. This form of patriotism comes from the motto "Mankind Redefined", they strongly believe they are the only way mankind can evolve and they see themselves as the only hope for humanity. As such this song uses an alternate version of the famous "Time" soundtrack from Inception, only that as this is a background music I had to turn down the decibels a little bit. Neverthless, The Institute is no angel and the end of this track has a bit of punch that reminds us of their dark side, despite of all the "hope" stuff. It sounds badass, but elegant which fits well with The Institute.

The Enclave: MUS FactionEnclave 01 (youtube.com)
Due to the nature of the Enclave operations in America Rising 2 I thought about the Cold War for some reason. An emerging threat to the commonwealth that runs stealth cover ops with special units. Because of this the first song is "Pentagon" from Black ops 1. We all can deduct that the Enclave surely is composed by several descendants of people that belonged to the Pentagon and thus it makes sense that the Enclave preserves part of its nature.
Then we have Black ops 2 main menu song. I think it fits well because it talks about another Cold War (one that with time has became more real than ever, if it isn't already happening), it resonates with the concept of this covert version of the Enclave. These remnants lack the firepower of the Enclave in California and Washington DC, they use a combination of guerrilla tactics and superior firepower doctrines, which requires a lot of strategy and planning.
The third song is the theme from the TV Series The Pacific, the counterpart of Band of Brothers. This is because as I said in my BoS statement, both have the same origins, whether they like it or not. Both are descendants of the United States and share many of its original values, including nationalism and militarism.
The fourth song further reinforces this idea by using an alternate version of Squad's theme, one that sounds a bit more american as it implements trumpets.
The fifth song is the dark side of the Enclave, the one that seeks the extermination of the denizens. While roaming around the Oil Rig it could result in an unnerving experience. It comes from the videogame F.E.A.R, one of the best shooter-horror games out there.
