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About this mod

Mainly fixes movement direction locks, moving in wrong direction and other junk related to input in third person. Note that its not a panacea and there are still bugs left to fix. Subject to updates.

Permissions and credits

1. ADSMoveUnLock_SightedOnly.esp

Primarily used to fix movement direction lock when you transition from Relaxed locomotion state (Weapon down) straight into ADS state (Aim Down Sights). From my testing this bug depends on movement speed values and weapon base weight as this problem only appears on low weight weapons such as 10mm pistol, Thirst Zapper, Laser Rifle, The Deliverer and others. Heavier guns such Assault Rifle, Radium Rifle do not suffer from this bug, unless you equip at least one piece of Sprinter Legendary Gear. For example, equipping Oswald's Top Hat will make every weapon you use to suffer from direction lock bug.

The .esp modifies two Movement type records: NPC_Sighted_MT and PowerArmor_Sighted_MT to increase movement speed in ADS mode or Ironsights to the point when the bug is completely gone, which is a value of 270 (from vanilla 200).

As of 0.95-beta the plugin is no longer needed.

2. WeaponBehavior.hkx

There are numerous fixes and tweaks made to the main 3rd person behavior file and they are as follows:

Bug Fixes:

#1) Fixed movement direction lock when you start moving during Ready to Relaxed transition (Character lowers their weapon). The window to trigger the bug is quite small, maybe half a second, but it was enough to declare to myself that 3rd person is unplayable, because it was happening all the time in my case.

#2) Fixed moving in wrong direction, usually opposite of player input which mostly happens only in power armor or when using very heavy guns such as Missile Launcher, Fat Man.

#3) Fixed equip and weapon cocking animation (WPNBoltCharge) reset when tapping movement key or changing direction.

#4) Fixed or reduced "movement speed spikes" when changing direction quickly. I dont know how to describe it, but you probably felt like you're lagging when your character suddenly "teleports" slightly when you move around in 3rd person. Overall the movement should feel smoother, at least i think so.

#5) Made foot synchronization consistent across all locomotion states (Relaxed, Ready, Sneaking). When tapping movement key or toggling run key the character's legs will cycle in order which looks like tiptoeing or jogging. This was only true to Relaxed state in vanilla.

#6) Severely reduced move stop effect which caused the character to slide when you stop moving. This felt unresponsive and dragging.

#7) Fixed bad blending transitions when switching between walk - run modes in ADS. This just looked like garbage.

#8) Fixed movement direction lock when entering ironsights mode from relaxed idle and moving after that. Basically you stand still in relaxed state (weapon down) --> aim your gun to enter ironsights state and start moving immediately after that. The window to get direction lock is about 0.5 seconds after entering ironsights. In my case this bug rarely happens in normal gameplay, but i'm not taking any chances.

#9) Fixed inability to fire weapon after briefly entering ironsights mode while WPNFireSingle animation is playing. Bug reference video

#10) Fixed ironsights camera break or cancel out when entering ironsights at the same time as your character lands (after jumping). In game's logic you're still in ironsights mode, but the camera is not there. Bug reference video

#11) Fixed direction lock when using AnimObject while moving (like using stimpak animation).

#12) Fixed 3rd person semi-auto fire rate (WPNFireSingle) inferiority compared to 1st person version. As you might have noticed semi-auto fire is less responsive in 3rd person while it works perfectly in 1st. Fixed issues like shot-delay, fire sound overlap when firing in a certain rhythm (When timing your shots instead of spamming fire key as fast as you can).

#13) Fixed bolt-action guns not reloading automatically upon reaching zero clip outside of ironsights mode.

#14) Fixed spine twitching backward-forward at the end of certain reload and bolt charge animations.
(Removed this one as it caused issues with modded animations where the gun becomes directed at wrong angle. Well thats a bummer...)

#15) Fixed an issue that would cause weapon to be directed at wrong angle when firing semi-auto weapons while falling and firing automatic weapons while landing (JumpFall, JumpLand). Bug reference video

#16) Fixed locomotion reset when tap-firing automatic weapons. (Actor legs will continue to cycle) Bug reference video

#17) Fixed "first shot glitch" when entering sneak mode from relaxed idle and firing weapon. On some weapons it causes the shot to be skipped completely. Bug reference video

#18) Fixed bolt-action guns causing brief movement acceleration whenever bolt charging animation plays in ADS locomotion mode. Affects all weapons that use WPNBoltCharge animation: bolt-action, pump-action, single-action, etc.

#19) Smoothed turning in-place when rotating with a mouse. Talking about the horrendous lower body jitter/shaking/tremble as if the animation has x100 compression.

-Not everyone will like these as i made it for my personal taste. These will be separated into optional files in update.

#1) Tweaked blending weights for ADS locomotion which made you look like your legs are almost paralyzed. Was 50% animation weight, changed to 100%.
(Removed this one as it caused the character to lower their gun to chest level whenever you move in ADS mode. This is especially noticeable on custom animations).

#2) Tweaked reload and bolt charge animations during locomotion states. Basically when you reload and moving at the same time, only the arms will do reloading animation, the rest of the body will do locomotion animation. As example, your character will no longer raise their torso when reloading during sneak locomotion. Standing (Idle) reloads are unchanged and will works just like in vanilla.

#3) Disabled CameraSprint (FOV change during sprint). Inherited from 3rd Person Behavior Fixes.

3rd Person Behavior Fixes

Soft requirement technically, but highly recommended. My mod was build around it and its SprintSpeedController.dll for sprint speed tweak.

[Installation Order]
1. Tactical Reload (If you're using it).
2. 3rd Person Behavior Fixes
3. This mod.
4. Melee Sneak Locomotion Animation Blending Fix (Behavior Edit) (If you're using it).
5. Melee Hold Block (If you're using it).
Yes to all to overwrite files when asked.

This mod should be installed after 3rd Person Behavior Fixes or Tactical Reload.
The .esp was made on non-NextGen version of the game (, but should probably work. Must be loaded after any movement speed mods or just bottom of load order.
Also i only tested vanilla locomotion, modded locomotion might need adjustments. I'm not sure.


Due to movement speed increase in regular ADS mode, sneaking ADS in power armor would be noticeably faster than without ADS. Idk why, 3rd person movement in Fallout 4 just straight up broken. Some people might not like the speed increase, but yeah, anything to get rid of the lock. Sorry, there is just no way to go lower than 270 in ADS without causing nasty bugs. Well maybe there is, but i havent found it. You can use autohotkey software to automatically press walk key when you enter ADS.

jarari - 3rd Person Behavior Fixes, further HKXPack fixes without which this mod wasn't possible.
ajs52698 - Fallout 4 Havok guide.
Dexesttp and IceStormNG - HKXPack.
Bwones - Tactical Reload.