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  1. henkspamadres
    • premium
    • 396 kudos
    Next-Gen update patching.
    This might involve some extra work, as other mods have been updated as well. This requires me to go over every single add-on patch and see if things have been changed.
    Current Status:
    New Creation Club content (Grenade Launcher/Pipe Grenade Launcher/Nailgun/Sawblade launcher) is DONE.
    Done with working through the request list for, working on replacer versions and packed data updates.

    Not being able to sprint or melee bug should now be fixed with 2.5.1
    If you were experiencing the issue, update the mod, and switch to 3rd person and back to 1st person.
    That should fix the issue. A quick aim cycle (start aiming, stop aiming) should also help.


    No promises that I'll actually create a patch for it. Just a list to log all the requests
    N - Not going to implement, most likely because the weapon(pack) already has some form of STS style sights
    X - Done, coming in the next update
    R - Mod has been removed from Nexus

    [N] DOOMBASED Weapons Merged (
    [ ] CC Solar Cannon
    [ ] Manwell Alternate scopes (night vision scope model)
    [R] GM6 Lynx (
    [X] Winchester Model 1873 (
    [N] Combined Arms (
    [X] Select Assault Rifle (
    [X] Select Rapid Machinegun (
    [X] Syringer Overhaul (
    [X] PTRS-41
    [ ] Skibadaa's Rifle Rebirth
    [X] Resized 10mm Pistol Reworked (
    [X] Post-Apocalyptic Homemade Weapons (
    [ ] Post-Apocalyptic Homemade Weapons Replacer (
    [X] Cowboy Repeater (
    [X] Capital Wasteland Gauss Rifle (

    [ ] 10mm Pistol debulked remesh replacer (
    [ ] The Attachment Pack (

    Known Incompatible Mods and Patches

    Tactical Reload Patch Repository, See Through Scopes Patch
    This mod now has a native, togglable patch for Tactical Reload (v1.1).
    You can enable the patch in the See Through Scopes Settings holotape, under the patches section.
    For this to work, make sure 3dscopes loads AFTER Tactical Reload.
    Note: The patch from the patch repository is unfortunately broken. It flips the hold breath effect, meaning the scope starts moving as soon as you START holding your breath.

    M2045 Magnum Revolver Rifle
    Reason: Includes out of date material files in the installer ("bad", depended scope implementation)
    Effects: Black crosshairs, dots and/or lenses
    A fix for the ones willing to move around some files:

    - Download the See Through Scopes mod.
    - Unpack the archive somewhere where you can find it again.
    - Go to that folder
    - In it, you should see a folder named "05 - Prepacked"
    - In that folder, there should be a folder named "3dscopes - Main.ba2"
    - Use an BA2 Archive Extractor to open this file (Supplied by the creation kit, or use this tool BAE Bethesda Archive Extractor
    - From this archive, extract the all files in the "Materials\Scopes" folder to your Fallout 4 Data folder.

    This should fix the issue.

    Better Weapon Mod Descriptions Patch
    Reason: Patch for a much older version
    Effects: Invisible scope models, crashes when selecting a 8x Combat Scope for the Combat Rifle

    STS Patch for "Only Death Can Part Us"
    Reported by "thelivingdead879", causes duplicate scopes to show up, misalignment issues, that sorta stuff


    Chameleon Armor/Stealth Boy/Invisibilty also hides the crosshair

    This is also an issue with vanilla reflex sights. The invisibility effect makes your entire character, and by extension your weapon, invisible. As such, there is nothing I can really do to fix this issue, besides disabling the invisibility visual effect entirely.

    Upside Down Scopes / Custom FOV (3rd/1st person FOV mismatch)

    Setting a custom FOV, and mismatching the third and first person FOV can cause weird effects, like the scopes appearing upside down when aiming.
    To fix this, make sure your third and first person FOV match. You can do this using the console with the following command:
    fov 90 90
    Replace both "90" values with your desired FOV.

    Can not enable mod / game crashes on startup with mod enabled

    The most common reason for this happening is a game that is not up to date. Easiest fix would be to update the game.
    If for whatever reason you can not or do not want to do that, then you can try changing the ESP version number.
    To do this, you need FO4Edit.
    Open the 3dscopes(-replacer).esp file using FO4Edit. In the "Header" section, look under "HEDR - Header" > "Version".
    Change the value from "1.00000" to "0.950000". Save the file. See if this fixes the issue.
    NOTE: this should work, if your game is indeed not up to date, but it can yield unexpected behavior as well. No guarantees this fixes the mod entirely, since the ESP version is technically speaking different.

    Custom Player Scale

    Adjusting the player scale leads to scope alignment issues.
    There is a fix, in the form of this mod: Custom Scale Fix.
    Thanks to SeongGino for bringing this up

    Wobble Effect is not working / Hold Breath does nothing

    This might be caused by a mod conflict. Check if the following loose file is in your Data folder:
    It is most commonly added by Weapon Jiggle Remover. The installer has a patch for it.

    Another reason might be that the script controlling the Hold Breath feature has died.
    See the "Blur is not working" issue.

    Animation Issues

    If you have a weapon with custom animations installed and it is acting weird when this mod is installed, try the following:
    - Disable See Through Scopes
    - Open the Console and enter the following two commands:
        player.modav leftattackcondition -100
        player.modav rightattackcondition -100
    - 99 out of a 100 times, the same issue will present itself.
    If so, then hooray, the "crippled arms" animation for that weapon mod is broken.
    Report it to the author so he can fix it. Usually, vanilla animations fix the problem just fine (Combat Rifle / .44 Revolver). 
    Hint: its the "WPNIdleSightedWobble.hkx" file that needs to be fixed.

    The Blur Effect/Forced First Person Perspective is not working

    First, make sure it is enabled, and also check for which sights it should work. The Blur Effect is applied to the same sights the Hold Breath feature is enabled for.
    After checking this, check if this Blur Effect is applied when aiming with an appropriate sight.
    Double check by using a See Through Scope with at least 4x magnification.
    If no Blur Effect is applied, the script controlling this behavior has most likely died. To re-enable, execute the following console commands:
    CallQuestFunction SeeThroughScopesControllerQuest terminateMod
    CallQuestFunction SeeThroughScopesControllerQuest initMod

    The Hold Breath feature is flipped. Scopes start moving when I trigger the Hold Breath prompt

    You most likely have the patch from the Tactical Reload Patch Repository for this mod installed.
    This patch is, unfortunately, broken. It flips the Hold Breath states, meaning your aim is steady when you are not holding your breath.
    It is highly recommended to disable this patch. Since version 2.5, this mod comes with a native Tactical Reload patch.
    You can enable the patch in the See Through Settings Holotape. For this to work, make sure to load the 3dscopes ESP AFTER tactical reload.

    I do not have a VR setup myself, but what I've been told by other people:
    The scopes do function, but do not zoom in properly.
    HOWEVER, another user created a fix (does require F4SE) which can be found here:
    Better Scopes VR
    Note: for any issues with this solution, please report them there, as I did not build that specific patch.


    If you lost/removed the holotape: you can craft a new one at the chemistry station
    You can remove the quest-item settings holotape by following these steps:
    Open de console and enter:
    help "see through scopes" 4
    This should result in something like:
    ---- OTHER FORMS---------------
    NOTE: (XX00465C) '(See Through Scopes) Settings'
    TERM: (XX00465D) 'See Through Scopes Settings'
    The ACTUAL value of the XX's depends on your load order.For example, for me it was 0F00465C and 0F00465D.
    All you have to do now, is execute a remove command for the '(See Through Scopes) Settings' item, which is the following command:
    player.removeitem XX00465CRemember to replace the XX's with the values you just got from the help command.
  2. ScarecrowMan1988
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any time I use the x4 or x8 scope, I can't hit anything. I dumped half a mag into a super mutant, aimed center mass, with 1 hit marker. The 2.5 scope works fine, it's just the 4 and 8 that have this issue. Any idea why this is happening? Great mod otherwise.
    1. henkspamadres
      • premium
      • 396 kudos
      With which weapon does this happen? And if its "all of them", got a specific one where it is really bad?
    2. ScarecrowMan1988
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      All of em and it's the same with all of em. 2.5 works great though, it's just the longer ones that do this. 
    3. DJQuiet
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I was just experiencing the same thing. I believe crosshair isn't showing where bullets are actually going. I starred aiming low and started hitting all my shots suddenly.
  3. sfried
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I notice this patch doesn't apply to the new Chinese Granade Launcher in the Next-Gen Update.

    Will there be an update to the mod itself to support Fallout 4 version 1.10.980 and its related content?

    Edit: It would be also nice to bring back using Left Alt as the Hold Breath key again, instead of either using the Use key or Melee.
    1. Klamwurste
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I wonder if this mod can't apply to the Chinese Grenade Launcher (or the harpoon gun and other 'odd' weapons) because the odd place the sight is mounted, in this case, the side of the weapon. I'll have to look at what other weapons STS hasn't applied to.

      **And I second this--> I would love having the option to use the same key to hold breathing for ALL weapons/scopes.**
  4. NonPayingBuyer123
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    great mod!
  5. ldhx
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can you remove the circle of the .44 2.5x scope? I can't see the enemy's head.
    1. henkspamadres
      • premium
      • 396 kudos
      You can customize the reticle yourself at any weapons workbench
  6. flowgoide
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason the scope on the handmande rifle is still like in vanilla while the lever action for example was replaced successfully.
    1. henkspamadres
      • premium
      • 396 kudos
      Did you happen to install ALL the DLC addons? Also, note that Long Scopes are not replaced by the replacer version
    2. flowgoide
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah I didn't know that, yeah I tested with commands and it only gave me the long scope I imagine. Tested with smaller scopes, everything works.
  7. njmuracciole
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't seem to get the hold breath function to work with the melee key as it just activates melee.
    The USE function works but I don't like the textbox being up there for so long.

    Love this mod! Any advice is appreciated :)
    1. henkspamadres
      • premium
      • 396 kudos
      Sounds like a mod conflict or faulty patch. Do you happen to have the Tactical Reload's Patch Repository patch for this mod installed?
  8. zesky67
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Lever Rifle When I aim through the 2.5x scope I can't see anything... This also applies to short, medium and long ranges
    Edited and checked, no mods are overwriting it
    1. henkspamadres
      • premium
      • 396 kudos
      Do you happen to have a mod installed that affects the Lever Action rifle? 
    2. zesky67
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Oh and the only thing I use is the right hand lever action converter. I've tried disabling it but the sights are still the same.
    3. henkspamadres
      • premium
      • 396 kudos
      I can't replicate this on my end, which indicates to me that some other mod is interfering...
      Any mods that affect the Hunting Rifle?
    4. zesky67
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Can affect the Hunting Rifle is BF1 animation
      It's worth mentioning that I'm using a replacement version and ran into this issue. I tested the added version again and it showed normal...
    5. henkspamadres
      • premium
      • 396 kudos
      I checked the ESP and the files, and the ADD and REPLACE version are "identical", with regard to what could be causing this issue.
      To me, this suggests a load order issue, as switching from REPLACE to ADD most likely adjusted your load order. Could you verify this?
    6. zesky67
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you so much for your patience in helping me check the problem. I even restarted a new game midway and the result was the same.
      As you said, it is indeed a sort or some kind of module interference. I will start checking these sorts and let you know if there is any new progress
  9. itztimmmy8008
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hi Quick Request but possible to make a patch for Dak's The Attachment Pack ? Love your mod btw been using it for years legit cant play without it. 
    1. henkspamadres
      • premium
      • 396 kudos
      I'll add it to the request list, but I will not include it in the upcoming release, as that would increase the amount of work needed to be done by quite a lot.
    2. itztimmmy8008
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Ayy no worry's, i appreciate it ^^
  10. DrewBrown410a
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    my see through scopes wont detect tactical reload in the patches in the pip boy i have it below tactical reload in the load order i am using MO2
    1. henkspamadres
      • premium
      • 396 kudos
      Try moving the 3dscopes ESP to the bottom of your load order.
      If that doesn't resolve the issue, check for the following loose files in your Fallout 4 data folder:
      If these files are present, then some other mod is interfering with both Tactical Reload and this mod.
  11. FruitSaladYummYumm
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, I don't see an option in the Weapons Workbench to customize the crosshairs or the reticle, or any feature whatsoever, of the Long Recon scope of the Gauss Rifle. Yet, I definitely can for the Laser Musket's Long Recon scope. I installed using ADD.

    ANSWER FOUND: It is by design. Top dot is for fully charged, bottom dot is for not fully charged.
    1. rahul717
      • member
      • 2 kudos
       same. did you fix it 