File information

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Original upload

Created by

manson_ew2 MsZelia

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Virus scan

Safe to use

About this mod

Write inventory to file. Bulk scrap weapon/armor. Mass transfer. Filter area loot. Mass buy/sell to vendors. Auto assign to freezer. Item Protection... MUCH MORE

Permissions and credits
Mod originally made by manson_ew2 (not updated since 2021)
"Inventory dumper mod. Get all of your items into a single file for trading/keeping track of them, price checking!"

HUD Challenges and Events - Simple customizable widget to show challenges and currently active events/caravans on HUD
BuffsMeter - Active Effects on HUD - Simple customizable widget to show active effects / buffs on HUD
Server Player List - Simple customizable widget to show all players on current server
Improved Workbench, Crafting, Examine, Inspect Menu - Improved Quantity Menu Input. Set Default Quantity Value. Quick Repair Button in Workbench. Show Durability and Condition. Examine Menu Repair Kit.
Invent O Matic Pipboy (Unofficial) Update - Switch armor sets, Use all your buffs, Drop your excess junk - all with a single key press
Instant Expedition Rewards - Displays all quests and rewards at once, not one by one
Instant Daily Op Rewards - Displays all rewards at once, not one by one

Hotkey Notes
A. Item Extraction
B. Bulk Scrap
C. Mass Item Transfer
D. Filtered Area Looting
E. Mass NPC Sale
F. Camp Assign Items
G. Currency Limit Indicator
H. Category Tabs Customization
I. Item Protection
J. Mass Purchase
K. Stash Category Weight
L. Legendary Mod Tracking
Additional Features

SFE - item extraction won't work without SFE, it needs to be updated on each game update!
All other features will work without SFE

Known issues with mod managers:
Mods not working at all (even with no other mods loaded) - repacked (or bundled) with wrong settings
Mods not applying config changes - old config file cached

  • Download and extract .ba2 and .json (config) files to Fallout 76 Data folder (e.g. "\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout76\Data\")
  • Add following lines to your Project76Custom.ini or Fallout76Custom.ini ("C:\Users\%username%\Documents\My Games\Fallout 76\"):
    sResourceIndexFileList=other mods here, InventOmaticStash-UO.ba2

Not compatible with other mods that modify interface/securetrade.swf such as SaveEverything, FastUI, Safe Legendary Exchange - alternative features included, see sections G. Currency Limit Indicator, H. Category Tabs Customization and I. Item Protection below

Ultrawide patches not needed: since update 2.2.5 stash/vendor menu will now automatically be scaled no matter your screen resolution and ratio.

Hotkey Notes:
You can bind multiple configs to the same hotkey, e.g. area loot, scrap and npcSell all on single key, multiple transfer configs on a single key (Update 1.2)
Some non-alphanumerical hotkeys or other not listed below will not be properly shown on buttons
Noteworthy key codes:
0 - 9 Numbers   =>   48 - 57
A - Z Alphabetical   =>   65 - 90
0 - 9 Numpad   =>   96 - 105
*+-,/ Numpad   =>   106,107,109,110,111
F1 - F12   =>   112 - 123
Arrow keys (left, up, right, down) =>  37, 38, 39, 40
For controllers only arrow keys are detected (DPad); up and down are used for scrolling through inventory so you could bind left key (37) to scrap/loot/npcSell/campAssign configs and have right key (39) free for transfer or extract configs. (Needs testing, only tested with virtual gamepad, x360ce)
You can also turn on "debug" and "debugKeys" features in config and check if other keys are detected on your device
Whole list here:

Config file should be backwards compatible with all versions, report any issues you find
Some features DO NOT WORK in "new" tab; for example if bulk scrapping while "new" tab is selected it will only scrap items from "new" tab, not the rest of them from inventory.
Most features in config are disabled, enable and configure them the way you want.

To check validity of config file after change, you can use sites like or

A. Item Extraction
NOTE: each time you're extracting items - content of the output file will be overwritten.
If you want/need to get data from multiple accounts, backup or rename Fallout76/Data/itemsmod.ini file after each extraction to save it from overwriting.

1. Configure "extractConfig" field in inventOmaticStashConfig.json file if needed. (Update 2.0)
2. Open any containter.
3. Click "O) Extract items".
4. DO NOT move your mouse while mod gets all the required info - it may cause issues and some items in the dump will have no legendary mods info.
5.Once mod finishes gathering data, it will write this data into itemsmod.ini file, located in Fallout76/Data folder. At this point, game may freeze for a while (depends on the amount of items).
6. [Optional] Parse file using this Python Parser or similar to get readable output (can be copied to tables/excel), price check and so on. Not updated for latest version yet

Example: (Update 2.0)
"extractConfig": {
"name": "Extract Items",
"enabled": true,
"showButton": true,
"hotkey": 70,
"types": [],
"itemCardEntryDelayStep": 100,
"additionalItemDataForAll": false,
"verboseOutput": false,
"apiMethods": []
name - [Optional] text that will be shown on button, default is "Extract Items"
showButton : true/false - [Optional] shows button for this feature, default is true
hotkey - [Optional] actual button that will trigger extraction, see full list of values on the link above, default is O (79)
itemCardEntryDelayStep - [Optional] delay in milliseconds between fetching additional data for each item (selecting items), default is 100
FPS dependent, if you encounter low fps while extracting or if legendary data is missing from file after extraction, try to increase this value
types - [Optional] list of types you want to extract, default is all types (Update 2.2.2)
Full list of types:
additionalItemDataForAll : true/false - retrieve additional data for all items (true) or just for legendaries (false)
verboseOutput : true/false - extract additional data from apiMethods, if set to true every specified method will be executed and its result will be written to the file as well.
apiMethods - array of built-in game API methods, if you're interested in additional data that belongs to your character. You can remove any
unneeded methods or add new ones if you know their names. Full list is in config file.

B. Bulk Scrap
Config file will be read by mod each time you open workbench scrap menu (no need to restart the game).
WARNING: Multiple scrap configs is intended to be used ONLY with either different onlyLegendaries values (one with true, another with false) or for different characters checkCharacterName/checkAccountName.
If you have multiple configs for single character, items have to be EXCLUDED FROM ALL CONFIGS not to be scrapped.
I am not responsible if you didn't take your time to read this and accidentally lost your items.

1. Configure "scrapConfig" field in inventOmaticStashConfig.json file.
2. Open any work bench, press button "I) AutoScrap".
3. Done!

Example: (Update 2.0)
"scrapConfig": {
"testRun": true,
"name": "AutoScrap",
"enabled": false,
"debug": false,
"showButton": true,
"hotkey": 70,
"maxItems": 100,
"delay": 25,
"configs": [
"enabled": false,
"scrapEquipped": false,
"scrapFavorite": false,
"onlyLegendaries": false,
"types": ["WEAPON", "ARMOR", "JUNK"],
"matchMode": "CONTAINS",
"excluded": ["syringer", "chassis", "helmet", "zapper", "enclave", "paddle", "baseball", "pearly", "binoculars", "father winter", "exc", "bloatfly gland", "bloodbug proboscis", "tick blood sac", "stingwing barb", "vocal sac", "hardened mass", "*"],
"checkCharacterName": false,
"characterName": "none",
"checkAccountName": false,
"accountName": "none"
"enabled": false,
"scrapEquipped": false,
"scrapFavorite": false,
"onlyLegendaries": true,
"types": ["WEAPON", "ARMOR"],
"matchMode": "CONTAINS",
"excluded": ["unyielding", "overeater", "anti", "blood", "vampire", "quad", "*", "#"],
"checkCharacterName": false,
"characterName": "none",
"checkAccountName": false,
"accountName": "none"
name - [Optional] text that will be shown on button, default is "AutoScrap" (Update 2.0)
testRun : true/false - [Optional] list all items matching conditions to scrap without scrapping them, default is true (Update 2.2.0)
enabled : true/false - enable or disable Bulk Scrap feature
debug : true/false - show debug output for Bulk Scrap feature
showButton : true/false - [Optional] shows button for this feature, default is true (Update 1.7.3)
hotkey - [Optional] actual button that will trigger scrapping, see full list of values on the link above, default is I (73) (Update 1.0.4)
maxItems - [Optional] max amount of items to scrap, default (0) is all
repeat - [Optional] number of times to repeat scrap, useful for transfer config but works here too, default is 1 (Update 2.1)
delay - [Optional] delay in milliseconds between each item scrap, default is 0 (Update 2.0)

configs - list of configs, each can hold these parameters: (Update 2.0)
enabled : true/false - enable or disable specific config
scrapEquipped : true/false - [Optional] enables scrapping of equipped items, default is false
scrapFavorite : true/false - [Optional] enables scrapping of favorite items, default is false
onlyLegendaries : true/false - [Optional] toggle between scrapping only legendaries (true) and scrapping only non-legendaries (false), default is false.
Made as preparation for legendary scrapping (pts), read warning above (Update 2.0)
matchMode - one of the values (matching with values in excluded):
  • "CONTAINS" - item name in inventory should include item name in config, case-insensitive (USE WITH CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case too generic item name)
  • "STARTS" - item name in inventory should start with item name in config, case-insensitive; e.g. prefix (USE WITH CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case too generic item name)
  • "EXACT" - item name in inventory should exactly match item name in config, case-sensitive
  • "NOT_CONTAINS" - item name in inventory should not include any names in config, case-insensitive (USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case not enough names specified in config, USE WITH "types" for more safety) (Update 1.4)
  • "NOT_EXACT" - item name in inventory should not match any names in config, case-sensitive (USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case not enough names specified in config, USE WITH "types" for more safety) (Update 1.4)
  • "ALL" - ignores excluded item names and scraps everything
types - list of types you want to scrap. Full list of types (others can't be scrapped):
   "POWER_ARMOR" (just the chassis), "WEAPON", "ARMOR", "APPAREL", "MODS", "JUNK"
excluded - list of items or names that will be excluded from scrapping
checkCharacterName : true/false - [Optional] enable or disable checking if specified characterName matches character in game (Update 2.0)
characterName - [Optional] character name, will be used only if checkCharacterName is equal to true (Update 2.0)
checkAccountName : true/false - [Optional] enable or disable checking if specified accountName matches account in game (Update 2.0)
accountName - [Optional] account name, will be used only if checkAccountName is equal to true (Update 2.0)

C. Mass Item transfer
BE CAREFULL WHILE USING THIS FEATURE IN OPEN-WORLD CONTAINERS. Double check, whether you haven't put any items there accidentally.
I'd recommend turning this feature off, if you don't need it.
Config file will be read by mod each time you open container (no need to restart the game).

1. Configure "transferConfig" field in inventOmaticStashConfig.json file.
2. Open any container, press hotkey button to transfer.
3. Done!

"transferConfig": [
"testRun": true,
"name": "Transfer example: Transfer 500 of any highlighted/selected ammo or junk",
"enabled": false,
"debug": false,
"hotkey": 66,
"amount": 500,
"onlyHighlightedItem": true,
"types": ["JUNK", "AMMO"],
"matchMode": "ALL",
"itemNames": [""],
"direction": "FROM_CONTAINER"
"testRun": true,
"name": "Transfer example: Take 3 of each buffs from freezer",
"enabled": false,
"debug": false,
"showButton": true,
"hotkey": 50,
"amount": 3,
"transferFavorite": false,
"transferEquipped": false,
"transferAssigned": true,
"singleItemPerName": true,
"matchMode": "CONTAINS",
"itemNames": ["brain bombs", "cranberry relish", "blight soup", "sweetwater special", "company tea"],
"altItemNames": ["brain fungus soup", "cranberry cobbler", "megasloth mushroom soup", "", ""],
"direction": "FROM_CONTAINER"
"testRun": true,
"name": "Transfer example: Drop all (up to maxItems) notes/holo with exclusions",
"enabled": false,
"debug": false,
"showButton": true,
"hotkey": 51,
"maxItems": 100,
"amount": 0,
"delay": 50,
"transferFavorite": false,
"transferEquipped": false,
"types": ["NOTES", "HOLO"],
"matchMode": "NOT_CONTAINS",
"itemNames": ["plan", "recipe", "map", "silo state holotape"],
"direction": "TO_CONTAINER",
"checkCharacterName": false,
"characterName": "none",
"checkAccountName": false,
"accountName": "none"
name - [Optional] text that will be shown on button
testRun : true/false - [Optional] list all items matching conditions to transfer without transferring them, default is false (Update 2.2.0)
enabled : true/false - enable or disable specific feature
debug : true/false - show debug output for specific feature
showButton : true/false - [Optional] shows button for this config, default is true (Update 1.7.3)
hotkey - [Optional] actual button that will trigger transferring, see full list of values on the link above, default is P (80) (Update 1.0.4)
maxItems - [Optional] max amount of different items to transfer, default (0) is all (Update 1.5.8)
amount - [Optional] amount of specific item to transfer, default (0) is whole stack (Update 1.0.2)
negative value is amount not to transfer, i.e. transfer whole stack - amount (Update 1.2)
repeat - [Optional] number of times to repeat transfer, useful for huge amounts of items, e.g. 20x 5000 junk, default is 1 (Update 2.1)
delay - [Optional] delay in milliseconds between each item transfer, default is 0 (Update 2.0)
onlyHighlightedItem : true/false - [Optional] enables transfer of only highlighted/selected item in inventory matching conditions (Update 1.8.2)
transferEquipped : true/false - [Optional] enables transfer of equipped items, default is false (Update 1.4)
transferFavorite : true/false - [Optional] enables transfer of favorite items, default is false
transferAssigned : true/false - [Optional] enables transfer of items assigned in camp (vendor/freezer/fermenter/display...), default is false (Update 2.1.6)
singleItemPerName : true/false - [Optional] transfer only first occurrence of item matching itemNames, useful for transferring from freezers/refrigerators which can hold multiple items matching same name, not in a stack, default is false (Update 1.5.2)
"amount" set will be amount of items taken in total from itemNames + altItemNames (if itemNames is missing) (Update 1.5.3)
Example: freezer has 1 brain bombs (in itemNames) and 5 brain fungus soups (in altItemNames), setting amount:3 will take 1 brain bombs and 2 soups
itemNames - list of items you want to transfer
altItemNames - list of items you want to transfer in case item from itemNames is missing, see freezer transfer example above (Update 1.5.3)
direction - one of the values: Holding SHIFT button while activating transfer will inverse transfer direction (Update 1.5.5)
  • "FROM_CONTAINER" - items from container will be transferred to player inventory
  • "TO_CONTAINER" - items from player inventory will be transferred to container
matchMode - one of the values:
  • "CONTAINS" - item name in inventory should include item name in config, case-insensitive (USE WITH CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case too generic item name)
  • "STARTS" - item name in inventory should start with item name in config, case-insensitive; e.g. prefix (USE WITH CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case too generic item name)
  • "EXACT" - item name in inventory should exactly match item name in config, case-sensitive
  • "NOT_CONTAINS" - item name in inventory should not include any names in config, case-insensitive (USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case not enough names specified in config, USE WITH "types" for more safety) (Update 1.4)
  • "NOT_EXACT" - item name in inventory should not match any names in config, case-sensitive (USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case not enough names specified in config, USE WITH "types" for more safety) (Update 1.4)
  • "ALL" - ignores item names and drops everything
types - [Optional] list of types you want to transfer, default is all types. Full list of types: (Update 1.2.3)
"POWER_ARMOR" (just the chassis), "WEAPON", "ARMOR", "APPAREL", "FOOD_WATER", "AID", "NOTES", "HOLO", "AMMO", "MISC", "MODS", "JUNK"
checkCharacterName : true/false - [Optional] enable or disable checking if specified characterName matches character in game (Update 1.5.6)
characterName - [Optional] character name, will be used only if checkCharacterName is equal to true (Update 1.5.6)
checkAccountName : true/false - [Optional] enable or disable checking if specified accountName matches account in game (Update 1.5.7)
accountName - [Optional] account name, will be used only if checkAccountName is equal to true (Update 1.5.7)

D. Filtered Area Looting (Update 1.0.3)
If enabled, activated by pressing on "F) AutoLoot" while in area loot mode
Config file will be read by mod each time you open area loot (no need to restart the game).
KNOWN BUG: even though "types" is supported in this feature, items loaded in nearby corpses sometimes don't have any type assigned to them, so it will not loot all items of specified types

1. Configure "lootConfig" field in inventOmaticStashConfig.json file.
2. Open area looting, press button "F) AutoLoot".
3. Done!

"lootConfig": {
"testRun": true,
"name": "AutoLoot",
"enabled": true,
"debug": false,
"showButton": true,
"hotkey": 70,
"maxItems": 100,
"delay": 25,
"transferLegendaries": true,
"transferTaggedForSearch": true,
"matchMode": "CONTAINS",
"itemNames": ["cap", "bobby pin", "fusion cell", "plasma cartridge", "fuel", ".45", "5.56", "stimpak", "mentats", "psycho", "med-x", "radaway", "rad-x", "priest pack", "pail", "bag"]
name - [Optional] text that will be shown on button, default is "AutoLoot" (Update 2.0)
testRun : true/false - [Optional] list all items matching conditions to loot without looting them, default is false (Update 2.2.0)
enabled : true/false - enable or disable Filtered Area Looting feature
debug : true/false - show debug output for Filtered Area Looting feature
showButton : true/false - [Optional] shows button for this feature, default is true (Update 1.7.3)
hotkey - [Optional] actual button that will trigger area looting, see full list of values on the link above, default is F (70) (Update 1.2)
maxItems - [Optional] max amount of different items to loot, default (0) is all (Update 1.5.8)
repeat - [Optional] number of times to repeat looting, useful for transfer config but works here too, default is 1 (Update 2.1)
delay - [Optional] delay in milliseconds between each item loot, default is 0 (Update 2.0)
transferLegendaries : false/true/1/2/3 - [Optional] loot ALL legendary items if enabled, does not compare with itemNames, default is false (Update 1.2.4)
Lowest number of stars to loot; true or 1 = loot 1/2/3-star, 2 = 2/3-star, 3 = only 3-star (Update 1.5.1)
transferTaggedForSearch : true/false - [Optional] loot ALL tagged for search junk items if enabled, does not compare with itemNames, default is false (Update 2.1.4)
itemNames - list of items you want to loot
matchMode - one of the values:
  • "CONTAINS" - item name in inventory should include item name in config, case-insensitive (USE WITH CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case too generic item name)
  • "STARTS" - item name in inventory should start with item name in config, case-insensitive; e.g. prefix (USE WITH CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case too generic item name)
  • "EXACT" - item name in inventory should exactly match item name in config, case-sensitive
  • "NOT_CONTAINS" - item name in inventory should not include any names in config, case-insensitive (USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case not enough names specified in config, USE WITH "types" for more safety) (Update 1.4)
  • "NOT_EXACT" - item name in inventory should not match any names in config, case-sensitive (USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case not enough names specified in config, USE WITH "types" for more safety) (Update 1.4)
  • "ALL" - ignores item names and loots everything
checkCharacterName : true/false - [Optional] enable or disable checking if specified characterName matches character in game (Update 2.0)
characterName - [Optional] character name, will be used only if checkCharacterName is equal to true (Update 2.0)
checkAccountName : true/false - [Optional] enable or disable checking if specified accountName matches account in game (Update 2.0)
accountName - [Optional] account name, will be used only if checkAccountName is equal to true (Update 2.0)

E. Mass NPC Sale (Update 1.3)
If enabled, activated by pressing on "N) AutoSell" while in NPC vending mode
Config file will be read by mod each time you open NPC vending mode (no need to restart the game).

1. Configure "npcSellConfig" field in inventOmaticStashConfig.json file.
2. Open NPC vendor menu, press button "N) AutoSell".
3. Done!

"npcSellConfig": {
"testRun": true,
"name": "AutoSell",
"enabled": false,
"debug": false,
"showButton": true,
"hotkey": 70,
"delay": 25,
"configs": [
"enabled": true,
"sellFavorite": false,
"sellEquipped": false,
"types": ["AID", "FOOD_WATER", "WEAPON"],
"matchMode": "EXACT",
"itemNames": ["Glowing Blood", "Rad-X", "RadAway", "Insect Repellent", "Plasma Grenade",
"Plasma Mine", "Fragmentation Mine", "Baseball Grenade", "Floater Flamer Grenade",
"Floater Gnasher Grenade", "Floater Freezer Grenade", "Cryo Mine", "Cryogenic Grenade",
"Bug Grenade", "Pulse Mine", "Pulse Grenade", "Molotov Cocktail"]
"enabled": true,
"amount": -10,
"types": ["FOOD_WATER"],
"matchMode": "EXACT",
"itemNames": ["Purified Water"]
"enabled": true,
"amount": 40,
"matchMode": "EXACT",
"itemNames": ["Treasury Note"]
name - [Optional] text that will be shown on button, default is "AutoSell" (Update 2.0)
testRun : true/false - [Optional] list all items matching conditions to sell without selling them, default is false (Update 2.2.0)
enabled : true/false - enable or disable Mass NPC Sale feature
debug : true/false - show debug output for Mass NPC Sale feature
showButton : true/false - [Optional] shows button for this feature, default is true (Update 1.7.3)
hotkey - [Optional] actual button that will trigger Mass NPC Sale, see full list of values on the link above, default is N (78)
maxItems - [Optional] max amount of different items to sell, default (0) is all (Update 1.5.8)
repeat - [Optional] number of times to repeat sale, useful for transfer config but works here too, default is 1 (Update 2.1)
delay - [Optional] delay in milliseconds between each item sell, default is 0 (Update 2.0)

configs - list of configs, each can hold these parameters: (Update 1.7.2)
enabled : true/false - enable or disable specific config
amount - [Optional] amount of specific item to sell, default (0) is whole stack (Update 1.7.2)
negative value is amount not to sell, i.e. sell whole stack - amount
sellEquipped : true/false - [Optional] enables sale of equipped items, default is false (Update 1.4)
sellFavorite : true/false - [Optional] enables sale of favorite items, default is false
itemNames - list of items you want to sell
matchMode - one of the values:
  • "CONTAINS" - item name in inventory should include item name in config, case-insensitive (USE WITH CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case too generic item name)
  • "STARTS" - item name in inventory should start with item name in config, case-insensitive; e.g. prefix (USE WITH CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case too generic item name)
  • "EXACT" - item name in inventory should exactly match item name in config, case-sensitive
  • "NOT_CONTAINS" - item name in inventory should not include any names in config, case-insensitive (USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case not enough names specified in config, USE WITH "types" for more safety) (Update 1.4)
  • "NOT_EXACT" - item name in inventory should not match any names in config, case-sensitive (USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case not enough names specified in config, USE WITH "types" for more safety) (Update 1.4)
  • "ALL" - ignores item names and sells everything (up to vendor limit)
types - [Optional] list of types you want to sell, default is all types. Full list of types:
"POWER_ARMOR" (just the chassis), "WEAPON", "ARMOR", "APPAREL", "FOOD_WATER", "AID", "NOTES", "HOLO", "AMMO", "MISC", "MODS", "JUNK"
checkCharacterName : true/false - [Optional] enable or disable checking if specified characterName matches character in game (Update 2.0)
characterName - [Optional] character name, will be used only if checkCharacterName is equal to true (Update 2.0)
checkAccountName : true/false - [Optional] enable or disable checking if specified accountName matches account in game (Update 2.0)
accountName - [Optional] account name, will be used only if checkAccountName is equal to true (Update 2.0)

F. Camp Assign Items (Update 1.5)
If enabled, activated by pressing "U) Assign X" selected item while in FREEZER, REFRIGERATOR, FERMENTER, CORE RECHARGER or DISPENSER (punch bowl)
Also supports assignment to DISPLAYS (Update 1.5.5)
Config file will be read by mod each time you open any of specified camp objects (no need to restart the game).

1. Configure "campAssignConfig" field in inventOmaticStashConfig.json file.
2. Open menu, select item from inventory you want to assign (mouse hover over it).
3. Press button "U) Assign X" and wait.
4. Done!

"campAssignConfig": {
"name": "Assign R_AMOUNT",
"enabled": false,
"debug": false,
"showButton": true,
"hotkey": 70,
"amount": 10,
"delay": 600
name - [Optional] text that will be shown on button, default is "Assign R_AMOUNT" (Update 2.0)
enabled : true/false - enable or disable Camp Assign feature
debug : true/false - show debug output for Camp Assign feature
showButton : true/false - [Optional] shows button for this feature, default is true (Update 1.7.3)
hotkey - [Optional] actual button that will trigger Camp Assign, see full list of values on the link above, default is U (85)
amount - amount of items you want to assign
delay - delay in milliseconds between each assignment, I found that (for me) about 450ms is enough to successfully assign all items, you can try different values yourself. Increase delay and always double check if some items are just transferring to stash without assignment.
KNOWN BUG: if you set delay too low and container doesn't have any more assignment slots, 1 item will be transferred to stash over the limit, e.g. 51st item in freezer. With delay 600 I didn't find this issue occurring.

G. Currency Limit Indicator (Update 1.6)
If enabled, player currency will be displayed in another color while in NPC vending mode.
Works for following currencies: CAPS (40000), GOLD (10000), STAMPS (10000), SCRIP (6000) and SCOUT BADGES (100)
Inspired by Safe Legendary Exchange, which is not compatible with this mod (modifies same interface file)

You can get color values at any color picker (hex values)

"currencyLimitConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"defaultColor": "0x00ff00",
"limitLow": 80,
"limitLowColor": "0xffff00",
"limitHigh": 90,
"limitHighColor": "0xff0000"
enabled : true/false - enable or disable Currency Limit Indicator feature
defaultColor - [Optional] color that will be displayed when neither limit is reached, default is green (0x00ff00)
limitLow : 1-100 - [Optional] lower limit for color change in percentage, default is 80 %
limitLowColor - [Optional] color that will be displayed when lower limit is reached, default is yellow (0xffff00)
limitHigh : 1-100 - [Optional] higher limit for color change in percentage, default is 90 %
limitHighColor - [Optional] color that will be displayed when higher limit is reached, default is red (0xff0000)

H. Category Tabs Customization (Update 1.6)
If enabled, category tabs shown on top of screen will be modified in width and number
Inspired by Fast UI, which is not compatible with this mod (modifies same interface file)
KNOWN BUG: reopening vendor will load default values, possibly due to caching

"tabsConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"maxTabs": 14,
"labelWidthScale": 1.1
enabled : true/false - enable or disable Category Tabs Customization feature
maxTabs : 1-14 - [Optional] max number of category tabs to show, 14 is all tabs, game default is 9
labelWidthScale - [Optional] width scale for each tab, game default is 1.35

I. Item Protection (Update 1.7)
If enabled, specified items will be protected from enabled actions, SALE, SCRAPPING and/or TRANSFER (to world containers/loot piles)
Protection works ONLY ON MANUAL ACTIONS, not for other features (like Mass Transfer/NPC Sale), those have their own config sections
Inspired by Save Everything, which is not compatible with this mod (modifies same interface file)

"protectionConfig": {
"saleProtection": {
"enabled": true,
"favorite": true,
"equipped": true,
"maxCurrency": true,
"named": true,
"matchMode": "CONTAINS",
"itemNames": ["item 1", "item 2"]
"scrapProtection": {
"enabled": true,
"favorite": true,
"equipped": true,
"named": true,
"matchMode": "CONTAINS",
"itemNames": ["item 1", "item 2"]
"transferProtection": {
"enabled": true,
"favorite": true,
"equipped": true,
"named": true,
"matchMode": "CONTAINS",
"itemNames": ["item 1", "item 2"]
saleProtection - section for protecting items from sale to NPC vendors
scrapProtection - section for protecting items from scrapping on workbenches and scrap box
transferProtection - section for protecting items from transferring to world containers or loot piles/corpses

Each of the 3 above sections can have these parameters, default for all of them is false:
enabled : true/false - enable or disable specific section of Item Protection feature
favorite : true/false - enable or disable protection of favorite items
equipped : true/false - enable or disable protection of equipped items
maxCurrency : true/false - enable or disable (SALE) protection of items when player currency is about to cross limit (Update 2.1.6)
this will also adjust quantity menu when selling items, to stay within player currency maximum limit
named : true/false - enable or disable protection of names items, specified in itemNames
itemNames - list of items you want to protect if named is set to true
matchMode - one of the values (matching with values in itemNames):
  • "CONTAINS" - item name in inventory should include item name in config, case-insensitive
  • "STARTS" - item name in inventory should start with item name in config, case-insensitive; e.g. prefix
  • "EXACT" - item name in inventory should exactly match item name in config, case-sensitive
  • "ALL" - ignores item names and protects everything

J. Mass Purchase (Update 1.9)
If enabled, activated by pressing on "B) AutoBuy" while in vending mode
Config file will be read by mod each time you open vending mode (no need to restart the game).

1. Configure "buyConfig" field in inventOmaticStashConfig.json file.
2. Open vendor menu, either NPC or player vendor, press button "B) AutoBuy".
3. Done!

"buyConfig": {
"testRun": true,
"name": "AutoBuy",
"enabled": false,
"debug": false,
"hotkey": 66,
"showButton": true,
"maxItems": 50,
"delayNpcVendor": 50,
"delayCampVendor": 1250,
"configs": [
"enabled": false,
"amount": 0,
"maxPrice": 1,
"types": ["AMMO"],
"matchMode": "EXACT",
"itemNames": ["5.56 round", ".45 Round", "Fusion Cell"]
"enabled": false,
"amount": 0,
"maxPrice": 20,
"matchMode": "CONTAINS",
"itemNames": ["nuka-cola", "sugar bombs", "fragmentation grenade"]
name - [Optional] text that will be shown on button, default is "Extract Items" (Update 2.0)
testRun : true/false - [Optional] list all items matching conditions to buy without buying them, default is false (Update 2.2.0)
enabled : true/false - enable or disable Mass Purchase feature
debug : true/false - show debug output for this feature
hotkey - [Optional] actual button that will trigger Mass Purchase, see full list of values on the link above, default is B (66)
showButton : true/false - shows button for this feature, default is true
maxItems - [Optional] max amount of different items to buy, default (0) is all
repeat - [Optional] number of times to repeat purchase, useful for transfer config but works here too, default is 1 (Update 2.1)
delayNpcVendor - [Optional] delay in milliseconds between each purchase from NPC vendors, default is 0
delayCampVendor - [Optional] delay in milliseconds between each purchase from player vendors,
   About 1250ms is required to not get error "Transaction failed due to frequency" - only for player vendors

configs - list of configs, each can hold these parameters:
enabled : true/false - enable or disable specific config
amount - [Optional] amount of specific item to buy, default (0) is whole stack
negative value is amount not to buy, i.e. buy whole stack - amount
maxPrice - max price you want to pay (per item) for items matching itemNames
types - [Optional] list of types you want to buy, default is all types. Full list of types:
"POWER_ARMOR" (just the chassis), "WEAPON", "ARMOR", "APPAREL", "FOOD_WATER", "AID", "NOTES", "HOLO", "AMMO", "MISC", "MODS", "JUNK"
itemNames - list of items you want to buy
matchMode - one of the values:
  • "CONTAINS" - item name in inventory should include item name in config, case-insensitive
  • "STARTS" - item name in inventory should start with item name in config, case-insensitive; e.g. prefix
  • "EXACT" - item name in inventory should exactly match item name in config, case-sensitive
  • "NOT_CONTAINS" - item name in inventory should not include any names in config, case-insensitive (USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case not enough names specified in config, USE WITH "types" for more safety)
  • "NOT_EXACT" - item name in inventory should not match any names in config, case-sensitive (USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION: it could match too many items, in case not enough names specified in config, USE WITH "types" for more safety)
  • "ALL" - ignores item names and buys everything
checkCharacterName : true/false - [Optional] enable or disable checking if specified characterName matches character in game (Update 2.0)
characterName - [Optional] character name, will be used only if checkCharacterName is equal to true (Update 2.0)
checkAccountName : true/false - [Optional] enable or disable checking if specified accountName matches account in game (Update 2.0)
accountName - [Optional] account name, will be used only if checkAccountName is equal to true (Update 2.0)

K. Stash Category Weight (Update 2.1)
If enabled, cumulative weight for each category will be shown next to stash weight
Inspired by Better Inventory which does it in pipboy menu - this one works for stash

How it works:
Recently "Weight in stash" was introduced for items that can have reduced weight by perks or any other means, this will allow to calculate weight of all items in stash at once. As data for weight in stash is only stored in item card (middle screen in stash menu), item card data for those items will need to be fetched first - that is, for categories specified in itemCardFilters
KNOWN BUG: Weights for weapons category in inventory are often incorrect, because of this item cards data will be fetched for both stash and inventory

1. Configure "categoryWeightConfig" field in inventOmaticStashConfig.json file.
2. Open any containter. At this point weight for categories not specified in itemCardFilters will be calculated (asynchronous, shouldn't cause any lag to menu).
3. Switch to any category and it should display either category weight or hotkey to fetch "Weight in stash" values
4. If current category is in itemCardFilters, press F5 to fetch and calculate category weight.
5. Don't move mouse while item cards are loading. Once finished, it will display calculated value.
6. Done!

"categoryWeightConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"debug": false,
"hotkey": 116,
"weightLabelWidth": 200,
"itemCardFilters": ["WEAPON", "ARMOR", "FOOD_WATER", "AID", "JUNK", "AMMO"]
enabled : true/false - enable or disable Stash Category Weight feature
debug : true/false - show debug output for this feature
hotkey - [Optional] actual button that will trigger manual fetching of item cards for current category, if it is specified in itemCardFilters, see full list of values on the link above, default is F5 (116)
weightLabelWidth : - [Optional] width of weight label, if this value is low, text will shrink down, default is 200
itemCardDelay - [Optional] delay in milliseconds between fetching each item card data, default is 75
FPS dependent, with low fps (below 60) this value needs to be higher for more precision and will take more time - set at 75 - 100
with higher fps (60+) item cards can be fetched faster so setting to 50 will most likely fetch data successfully
itemCardFilters - [Optional] categories for which you want to fetch item card data, i.e. categories for which you are using weight reduction perks
If category is not in this list, weight of items (with reduction perks) will be fetched and displayed automatically
You can remove any values from this list if you're not using weight reduction perks/armor/backpack for that category
List of categories that can have reduced weight: ["WEAPON", "ARMOR", "FOOD_WATER", "AID", "JUNK", "AMMO"]
Some apparel pieces like Presidential "Power" Suit and Cave Diving Suit have reduced weight with Sturdy Frame perk, so have in mind that "APPAREL" can also be added to filters if needed

L. Legendary Mod Tracking (Update 2.2.6)

Made by Mapekz
Made to be used with Improved Workbench which will save your known mods to file for current character - see enableLegendaryModTracking in that mod's description
If enabled, mods you can learn by scrapping will be displayed in menus you select: Scrapping, Vending, Stash, World Containers

You have to enter Tinker's workbench after every time you learn a new mod.
You have to enter Tinker's workbench each time you switch characters. Fixed in Improved Workbench 1.5.3
Supports only English version of game.

0. Save legendary mod data from Improved Workbench by opening tinkerer's workbench.
1. Configure "legendaryModsConfig" field in inventOmaticStashConfig.json file.
2. Mouse hover over any item with legendary mods to display which are [Learnable].

"legendaryModsConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"showUnknownModsAmongAllChars": false,
"showInWorkbench": true,
"showInStash": true,
"showInVendors": true,
"showInWorldContainers": true
enabled : true/false - enable or disable Legendary Mod Tracking feature
showUnknownModsAmongAllChars : true/false - false will tag mods not known by current character, true will tag mods not known by all of the chars with saved legendary mods data - support for saving data from multiple characters added in Improved workbench 1.5.3 (default: false) (Update 2.2.7)
showInWorkbench : true/false - shows in workbench scrapping menu
showInStash : true/false - shows in player stashbox menu
showInVendors : true/false - shows in NPC and player vendor menus
showInWorldContainers : true/false - shows in world containers and loot pile menus

Additional features, in root of json file:
debug : true/false - displays or hides debug logger.
debugKeys : true/false - displays key codes on key press when debug logger is shown. (Update 1.5)
toggleDebugHotkey - [Optional] button that will toggle debug window visibility, see full list of values on the link above, default is L (76) (Update 1.7)

showDurabilityValue : true/false - [Optional] shows Durability value in condition field, default is true (Update 1.7.3)

maintainScrollPosition : true/false - [Optional] maintain scroll position when switching between player inventory and other (right) list (Update 2.1.8)

Special thanks to Keretus for providing additional functionality in SFE.