Recent Nexus Mods Site Issues

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What’s been going on recently with the Nexus Mods site?

We are aware that over the last 7-9 days our website performance has been heavily degraded, with file download speeds being particularly slow.

We know this has been incredibly frustrating for you and it’s frustrating for us as well. We have spent two weekends battling to keep the site running as best we can and will continue to work at all hours to try and ensure as smooth an experience as possible.

A large part of this has been due to the success and subsequent huge volume of traffic related to the Fallout series on Amazon Prime. The show was an instant hit and Fallout-mania has exploded on Nexus Mods, with a significant number of gamers looking to mod their Fallout experience. This has been amplified by game sales, with 75% off Fallout games on Steam, GOG and Fallout 4 also soon to be launching on Epic Games.

What's been the impact?

As you can see, Fallout 4 and Fallout New Vegas have seen big spikes on the site, contributing to peaks of 24 million total file downloads per day, compared to a norm of 10 million daily downloads. Between Friday and Sunday we served over 6.3PB (6,300 TB) of mods to our users. That averages out at a constant 194 Gbits per second. This is equivalent to downloading the entire Skyrim SE game twice every second for several days.



We normally have sufficient capacity to support over double our bandwidth needs at any one time and regularly invest in our download infrastructure as demand continues to grow. What we can't do is provide an infinite/fully scalable solution to meet very large, short-term spikes in site traffic, due to the prohibitive cost that would be entirely unsustainable for us as a business.

What are we doing to meet the demands?

We are anticipating another big weekend ahead and will do whatever we can to keep the site running as smoothly as possible. We will deploy extra resources where possible and will be monitoring uptime and performance across the network.

Any issues will be communicated through our service status page and Discord.

We’ve seen a huge number of users both old and new coming to the site and want to thank you all for your patience. It’s an exciting time to see so many people trying out mods for the first time or returning to the site after so long away.


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  1. Loveblanket
    • supporter
    • 54 kudos
    No worries guys. We get tons of free content from this site and I'm not going to complain about a little performance issue over a few days. I'm just glad the show was amazing and it'll bring more people than ever to the games and to the modding scene. Hopefully that means more financial success to Nexus mods as well. Good times, we'll all live through some slow downloads until you guys get everything sorted. Cheers!
  2. Zylo178
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is it me, or is the download count just showing "--" for the Skyrim SE mod page? I can see the download count for New Vegas, Fo4, and other mod pages as well, but I can't see the unique or download count for Skyrim SE mod page.
    1. SarHavelock
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      That's happening for me, but with Fallout 4
    2. Zylo178
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I would assume it's the site having issues because I turned off all extensions, antivirus, and VPN — and I'm still having issues. I tried to see if it's working on my phone, but I still cannot see the download count at all.
    3. tkiller
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
    4. foxhound525
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      Same for me - Fallout4
  3. ReadyUpGames
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    1.Kudos to yall for getting a statement out, acknowledging it and telling everyone a gameplan to help.

    2. Smiling from ear to ear that the top two games to mod are getting so much love right now, deservedly after such a great show. Glad to be here for this.
    1. Sqepticism
      • premium
      • 19 kudos
  4. CrEaToXx
    • premium
    • 355 kudos
    I'm usually quite critique about games to series ports, but that one is fantastic to say the least.

    Even if the series would be bad I'd still watch it for obvious reasons. But 2 minutes into the show, seeing one of the most fantastic display of nuclear exchange in a movie or series, sealed the deal right away. Ontop of that the actors doing a damn good job and the show delivers a well tacted pacing as well as the right amount of all the great details in Fallout games: gore, violence, funny remarks, decency, seriousness, ambivalence and how everything feels somehow grotesque and surreal...they even properly ironed out the whole survival aspect and how a harsh world is supposed to be displayed.

    Only things I somehow disliked were the bad monster models and the whole 50's vibe. But the 50's are part of the lore so it's supposed to be there allthough I believe the whole franchise would be even better without the whole focus on 50's. It creates too much limits for the games because you can't do anything when creating mods without considering the 50's.

    However, I love the show, and I think one aspect has not been mentioned by you guys, how a lot of users felt Starfiled was a huge let down, so they return to Fallout 4 for compensation given its new gen update etc.
    1. GabSte1989
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Weirdly enough for me, I consider myself more a fan of West Coast Fallout games rather than East Coast, but one thing I did like more about Bethesda's (TH's) direction was them leaning more into the retro-futurism compared to the first games. In my view it distinguishes the series more from other post-apocalyptic series by having this particular style.

      I disagree that it's limiting (at least in any unique fashion). Every game or series has it's own direction and art style, as well as lore, story and setting. Where mods are involved I don't really see that applying because what the mod is will be up to the modder or the player (depending on game modability). Sure, you may see it as limiting if you want the mod to integrate as seamless as possible but I think you'd have this particular problem regardless if the mod is lacking in other areas besides the retro-futuristic art style: basic stuff like model and texture quality, plugin complexity, compatibility etc.
  5. VearCon64
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    That amazon show is to fallout what the halo show is to halo.
    1. klementineQt
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      No it's not lmao

      This is an insane statement of cope, and cope for what? I literally can't imagine. Pretending it isn't good for what?
    2. Galiorix
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      It's not good for anything. Butchering or should I say downright massacring Fallout's established lore, using common tropes and cliches and more importantly spreading "The Message" more zealously than vomit inducing garbage like Rings of Power or even a modern Marvel comic
    3. LisbethSAO
      • premium
      • 281 kudos

      (NGL I really enjoyed the show! ♥)
    4. RedRiver80
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      it's all your fault Gucy!
    5. SirPootington
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      It's not good for anything.
      pure cope
    6. Spartan117B01
      • BANNED
      • 9 kudos
      Um... The Amazon show is amazing; the Halo show is just shit.

      Before anyone says I hate one or the other, just know I'm a huge fan of both, with a leaning towards Halo. 
    7. GabSte1989
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      Butchering or should I say downright massacring Fallout's established lore, using common tropes and cliches and more importantly spreading "The Message" more zealously than vomit inducing garbage like Rings of Power

      @Galiorix Hey, would you be able please to give one example of the lore that was massacred (I'm assuming you were being hyperbolic but I don't know), one example of common tropes and cliches that were used and I suppose clarify what is this "Message" that you are referring to?
    8. MrMister5305
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      It's not good for anything. Butchering or should I say downright massacring Fallout's established lore, using common tropes and cliches and more importantly spreading "The Message" more zealously than vomit inducing garbage like Rings of Power or even a modern Marvel comic
      The show was fantastic and didn't taint hardly any settled lore for the Fallout universe... like at all lol. Probably Amazon's best work too if we're being honest. If anything, it filled in a lot of gaps for those theory based questions we all had when we were younger and will probably continue to add in more info about the events after New Vegas and what happened to the NCR. Even if you've never played the games, it was a really engaging plot split between 3 protagonists. In my opinion, that's more interesting than a very linear and singular plot for 1 character that gets old after 1 or 2 seasons from the get-go.

      We're in for a fun ride, but I suppose it's fine if you don't wanna enjoy it. Not everyone likes having fun anymore I guess lol.
    9. KhemD
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      lol fallout butchers its own lore constantly. to be mad at a tv show for doing the same (when it's perfectly normal for shows to take liberties with source material for the sake of the story) is so silly. 
    10. Mootelp
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      That's a crazy take. But to each their own I guess. Also lore? A franchise that has so many hands is bound to have errors, kinda like the extended Star Wars universe.
    11. Fryrr
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      My uncle, and one of the actual creators of Fallout, loved the show and reviewed it glowingly. Try chilling out and enjoying the view.
    12. Kazlehoff
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Im just glad no one mentioned the Amazon adaptation of the Wheel of time...... *shudder*
    13. LisbethSAO
      • premium
      • 281 kudos
      My uncle, and one of the actual creators of Fallout
      Holy poop, he's your uncle?!? LOOOVE Timothy Cain! He's one of the real/good ones! That was a good/cute video (loved the show and reviewed it glowingly)!  :D
    14. VonHelton
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Massacred established lore, yet Todd Howard is *PERSONALLY* involved?
      Hmmmmm........I guess he took too many coffee breaks or something?
    15. Vaz2008
      • member
      • 19 kudos
    16. TakelGryph
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      It's not good for anything. Butchering or should I say downright
      massacring Fallout's established lore, using common tropes and cliches
      and more importantly spreading "The Message" more zealously than vomit
      inducing garbage like Rings of Power or even a modern Marvel comic

      go whine on no mutants allowed about it
    17. BIGBOOBS18
      • member
      • 2 kudos
    18. BIGBOOBS18
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      It's not good for anything. Butchering or should I say downright massacring Fallout's established lore, using common tropes and cliches
      and more importantly spreading "The Message" more zealously than vomit
      inducing garbage like Rings of Power or even a modern Marvel comic
    19. BigRedKing
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Say Whaaaaat?
      So you don't like it, but what the halo are you tslking about?
    20. Gaerzi
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      Butchering Fallout's lore is a long and proud tradition: Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, Fallout Brotherhood of Steel, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout Shelter have all been accused of this for various reasons.
  6. DanaramaPyjama
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    You're doing a great job folks!
  7. AwsetWrae
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I see, so the site got overloaded because of Fallout. Makes sense, Thanks for letting us know about the issue.
  8. oundjia
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Je ne trouve pas Fallout 4 sur le Nexus , pour autant ils y a des mods, afin d'avoir des meilleurs graphisme et une expérience plus accrus.y a t-il une mise à jour ou autre pour voir apparaitre le jeu ?
    Merci d'avance pour une réponse.
  9. AzureFailure
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    I'm sorry, I downloaded three Fallout 4 Wabbajacks because they're getting deleted on 30 April
  10. fricticekrag
    • premium
    • 61 kudos
    bro is suffering from success, deserved though, bethesda efforts on community mods are subpar compared to what ya'll do, ya'll are amazing truly