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Kinkojiro Rondeeno and the Recalibrated team

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About this mod

A patch/bug fix mod, this fixes a number of unresolved issues with Mass Effect. MUST be installed before ALOT or MEUITM texture mods.

Permissions and credits
  • Polish
09 Jan 2019 - Read this new article on the Recalibrated Mod Series

ME1Recalibrated (ME1Re) removes a number of small but annoying bugs in Mass Effect. Edits are in the spirit of the "unofficial patches" for TES games, and efforts will be made to retain compatibility with other mods. 

ME1Re is an open project if other authors have contributions then please contact Kinkojiro / Moho25 to have them added.

List of fixes:

Elanos Haliat - as was originally intended the instigator of the Skyllian Blitz is now a Turian.

Kaidan Unique Bastion Armor - a unique armor for Kaidan based on his ME2 horizon look.

Cutscene Fixes
Matriarch Lidanya - During the end cutscenes the commander of the Destiny Ascension and her Navigator don't swap bodies. (this includes restored Codex entries)
Normandy first arrival - the cutscene now smoothly transitions from the landing at the Citadel into the meeting the council with no loading screen and music that fades out as per the xbox original.
Docking with Citadel - improved cutscene with more npcs and the docking arm moves.
Prologue facial reactions - during the prologue both Shepard and Joker had more reactive facial animations. These have been restored.
Anderson - when unlocking the Normandy, one Salarian officer now dresses in C-SEC uniform rather than random armor. Fixed by Rondeeno
Prologue relay VFX - increase level of detail on relay VFX. Fixed by Mgamerz

Citadel Fixes - Various fixes on the Citadel
- Conrad Verner - will now set the proper flags so import into ME2 will distinguish between charmed and intimidated. There is also a bug in the ME2 import (i.e. both ME1 and ME2 have problems with this). To fully fix you need to update ME2Re with a hotfix v1.1.2.
- Rita's Sister - Fixes bug that could cause the mission to end prematurely. If you persuade Chellick to remove Jenna from Chora's Den and agree to help him, the mission will only finish once you give the mods to the C-SEC officer, you can speak to Rita without causing the bug. If Shepard refuses to help but still gets Jenna out speaking to Rita will end the mission.
- Volus Ambassador Din Korlack's name is spelled correctly in the subtitles and Xeltan's "Farewell Human" line is not cut-off.
- Admirals now all wear 3 bar uniforms (previously only Michaelovich). Fixed by Rondeeno
- Random fire extinquisher explosions in the lower wards have been fixed.
- Morlan's Iconic armor store is now available for easy access to the squad's iconic armors.
- Once Spectre status is achieved more Spectre weapons and armor can be purchased from Spectre Requisitions.
- When speaking to Harkin, audio for Femshep that cuts off has been replaced with a better line. Fixed by Rondeeno
- Citadel: During the scenic view convo with Kaidan and Ashley, the music doesn't awkwardly stop mid conversation.
- Citadel: Snap Inspection is now journaled correctly (Bioware made the journal but didn't implement it.) Fixed by Rondeeno
- Citadel: Presidium Prophet won't fail if you don't resolve it immediately. Fixed by Rondeeno
- Camera angles during Executor Pallin's conversation have been fixed.
- The Citadel Rapid Transit can now be used to transport you directly to the Normandy. By Rondeeno

Normandy & Galaxy Map Fixes - Small fixes and restorations to the galaxy map and on the Normandy.
- Text is easier to read due to the transparency being corrected to the original Xbox (Bioware) design. [Thanks to Mgamerz]
- The Asari: Writings codex has been restored (discover when scanning for one in the map).
- MSV Majesty now has a damaged picture as per the description.
- Asteroids in the Matano and Herschel systems have corrected text.
- If the Pinnacle Station DLC is installed Intasei will be in its proper location (as per the description and ME3 galaxy map).
- Small typo fix in the subtitles when Hackett briefs Shepard on the situation with Major Kyle.
- Hackett will accurately state that Shepard served with Major Kyle if they were at Torfan together. Fixed by Rondeeno
- The Petra Nebula, home to Elysium and Grissom Academy, is available in the map.
- several subtitling errors, including Ash subtitles "It should have be me" and T''Soni capitalisation issues.
- Pressley won't be floating above his post, and can be spoken to properly after Shepard is made Commander.
- If you wait until after completing UNC: Geth Incusions to speak to Tali about her family, she will now complete the conversation, just skipping parts about her need for a pilgrimage gift.
- During the Romance confrontation, Liara will remember whether it was Kaidan / Ashley who was their rival, and subtitles have numerous corrections.
- After Virmire, sombre music will continue until the galaxy map is used, no matter who is left behind.
- Music will play normally after Therum debrief.

Mission Fixes - Miscellaneous fixes on mission planets
- Noveria - Port Hanshan - the journal and mission for Lorik Qui'in has been changed to avoid it being impossible to finish. If you get to the garage without getting the data, the mission will complete and Lorik will be busy. If you get to the garage but haven't given the data away the mission will complete but you can go back to Lorik or other people for extra XP and cash. Thanks to Rondeeno.
- Noveria - the Grizzly that can be used in the garage in Noveria is no longer marked as "Mako".
- Noveria - when entering the decon chamber, conversations won't be suddenly interrupted.
- Noveria - Alien creatures will be called that, until their true origins are revealed.
- Noveria - Fix for an ECRS guard who could be counted as an invincible target if they had already died in a previous situation. Fixed by Rondeeno
- Missing dialogue on Feros - when the squad gets in the Mako there was supposed to be a dialogue, but only the subtitles appear. Fixed by Rondeeno
- Feros dialogue with Jeong/Juliana - bugged dialogue now fixed.
- ExoGeni HQ can now be revisited to complete Feros: Data Recovery if Gavin's data was not collected before the Thorian was defeated Fixed by Rondeeno
- Therum: Liara will comment about the Krogan in all cases if she is hallucinating (if Feros + Noveria have already been completed).
- During the UNC: Hades Dogs mission when you find Admiral Kohoku's body you will be awarded the entire Cerberus Skunkworks collection (both armors Heavy/Med/Light + 4 weapons). The armors may also appear in the Normandy Requisition officers store after the Cerberus missions are complete.
- During the same mission your squad won't start talking about him until after the Admiral's body is examined. Fixed by Rondeeno
- Cerberus knowledge - the squad will no longer talk as if they don't know about Cerberus if they have done the missions. Fixed by Rondeeno
- UNC: Geth Incursions. The missions should count more accurately so the 5th mission only appears after all 4 have been done, and the squadmates won't repeat lines. A map marker on Solcrum has been fixed.
- Nepheron: A salarian body is no long misidentified as a Cerberus soldier.
- After speaking on the comm at Major Kyle's base, the final line of dialogue is no longer repeated.
- On Amaranthine when talking to Helena Blake, Shepard no longer looks weirdly off to the left if the Renegade option is picked.
- Eden Prime - Ashley will wear Heavy Phoenix armor consistent with the video seen on the Normandy.  Manuel's body will no longer face the wrong direction if he is knocked out.
- UNC: Dead Scientists - Toombs will not think Shepard was at Akuze if they weren't.
- UNC: Privateers - Captain Willems eyes won't move after death.

Elevator News Fixes
- News readers will correctly talk about the outcome of the Besieged Base mission.
- The chance of banter between squadmates (v news) has been increased to 66% from 25% originally.  If there is no new banter available between your current squadmates it will revert to news instead.
- A cut news report will play if no others are available that references goings on in Caleston with a gang of red sand dealers.
- News reports will not play more than once, so you won't hear the same report again and again.  If there are no fresh reports available and all the banters between the current team have been heard, the elevator will be playing muzak only.
- Subtitles in the news and banter will follow the spoken phrases - thanks to Rondeeno

Text & Journal Fixes
- Sirta Technologies has the correct name (no longer Sitta) in certain places.
- The mispelling of "Citadel" in the journal during Chorban's assignment has been corrected.
- UNC: Besieged Base journal now will be more ambiguous and not sound as if you killed everybody if you didn't.  (note this doesn't fix the ME2 import error, that is caused by a separate bug in ME2).
- The mispelling of Kaidan in subtitles during the Virmire mission has been corrected.
- A Salarian Artifact on Mavigon mislabelled as "Salarian Mummy" has been fixed.
- The journal for UNC: Prothean Data Disks no longer states that "asari" artifacts have been collected.
- Mavigon has the correct cold hazard level in its description in the galaxy map.
- Matriarch Lidanya is correctly named in subtitles (not Destiny Ascension Commander).
- The council are subtitled with their proper names (eg “Asari Councilor” now reads “Councilor Tevos”)
- Serrice Council has the correct name (no longer Serris) in certain places.
- Wrex: Family Armor typos and "Got to Amazon" in journal.
- Text: Journal In "Citadel: I Remember Me", the quest description has ''psychiatic" instead of psychiatric.
- Galaxy Map description typos: Juncro, MSV Majesty, Gromar, Derneuca, Raysha, Alrumter, Matol, Eden Prime
- Pinnacle Station - capitalisation errors in subtitles and galaxy map description. Also Polish subtitles are included (unlike usual English version).
- Kahoku is no longer spelled incorrectly.
- Various subtitling errors.
- Vast number of spelling errors, lore mistakes and typos - thanks to hyperum
- Journal: "Geth in the Tunnels". If you don't get the chance to tell the human leader about the success of the mission. It will still be marked completed after a major plot point. Thanks to Rondeeno.

Optional Mission Timings Module
This module changes the timings of when certain missions are given:

- Virmire - is now given once all three major planets are completed (Feros, Noveria and Therum). Previously it was after 2 of 3. This is to allow the story and endgame to flow better into each other.
- UNC: Cerberus - these missions contain certain unique enemies, and which gives spoilers for Noveria and Feros main missions. It is now delayed until Shepard has completed both those worlds, in addition to speaking to Kahoku on the Citadel.

Captain Anderson won't talk about Virmire until it has been started.

Select the module during the installation (when applying in Mod Manager). Created by Rondeeno.

If players have other suggestions (within reason) please add them to the comments section.


IMPORTANT:  Install this mod before any texture mods (such as MEUITM and ALOT).  When installing ALOT or MEUITM make sure MEM is updated to the latest version (should happen automatically). The ME3Tweaks Mod Manager version is recommended, especially if you are using ALOT, the content is identical only the installation method (DLC v overwrite) changes.

Mod Manager version: Drag and drop the 7z onto Mod Manager.  Apply the mod.  The mod works entirely via a DLC (no default folders are changed). We recommend using the mod manager version because it updates automatically (so we can add minor updates quickly), compresses much better, allows easy installation and bug finding via the use of DLC structures, integrates with ALOT and is becoming the standard for ME1 mods.

Exe Version: Just run the exe installer.  You can select which changes you want made.  Note the exe version contains portions via a DLC folder, and portions replace certain files. It cannot be uninstalled without reinstalling the entire game. Note a few users report a problem with the EA Origin version of the game and using the exe installer.  If you can't launch switch to the Mod Manager one.

The mod requires the Bring Down the Sky free DLC to be installed as well.  The game must be patched to the final version 1.02.

Upgrading from an old version: You cannot upgrade if MEUITM/ALOT have already been installed.

Uninstallation (Mod Manager versions): Delete or disable via Mod Manager.  You will not be able to reinstall again if ALOT/MEUITM have been installed, but deletion will work.

Save Locking - Using saves made with old versions of ME1RE: When we first developed the ability to use DLC mods, we didn't realise that the saves made with ME1RE would be locked into using ME1RE permanently. Trying to load a locked save in ME1 without having that enabled will result in a message saying "ME1 Recalibrated DLC cannot be found".

From version 2.1 this has been removed from ME1RE, but unfortunately existing saves still require save locking enabled. Mod Manager will give you the option to install the save locking feature if you want to use old saves. Be aware that all future saves will also be save locked if this option is enabled.

It has no effect on ME2 imports or on saves made without ME1RE, you can use those saves without a problem.

ME1Recalibrated is in English only. If you install it on another language then none of the text fixes will appear. Some changes, such as Elanos Haliat and Cinematic fixes, should work but have not been tested.

Mod Compatibility: ME1RE should be compatible with most of the widely used mods (Faster Elevators, Same Sex Romances etc), especially DLC mods. ME1RE as a general bug fixing mod mounts the lowest of all DLC mods (at 5). If modders are looking to edit a file contained in ME1RE and want to include compatibility, please ask us and we will be happy to help.

If you use the higher resolution videos of ALOV the version 2.0 install includes upgraded movies that are compatible with ME1RE. During the arriving at the Citadel, ME1RE uses a slightly longer version of the arrival movie, which better syncs the audio and allows the scene to work without interruption as it does on the Xbox version.

Using an AMD Processor with ME1:  ME1 has an optimisation for a AMD cpu instruction set that was removed by AMD on all CPUs since 2010.  If you CPU is AMD we recommend using the Black Blobs fix for AMD CPU users mod.  This bug is not fixed by ME1RE.

Note on Text changes:   ME1RE fixes spelling mistakes, typos and factual lore errors (e.g. a Salarian body being marked as Cerberus), but doesn't change style, units and various other text inconsistencies. If you want those changes in addition to ME1RE's you should check out Mass Effect Overwritten.

Fix Contributors
Furinax (Bastion Armor art)

Many thanks to those players who gave their detailed suggestions, found bugs and tested solutions.

Thanks to all those who contributed to the toolkit.

Thanks to Aquadran for his help