This framework streams in characters from files with the BioNPC prefix instead of leaving those pawns within the main level package files. If you want to edit the appearance of these characters, you can edit the appropriate pawn within the BioNPC and mount above this mod (which mounts extremely low at 2503). This way your mods will be compatible with other edits of other characters, or mods that need to edit the main files but do not edit characters (i.e. dialogue mods, etc.)

Some BioNPC files have more than one pawn. This is because different pawns may be present in the same scenes, sometimes different scenes require different types of pawns, and sometimes pawns have different properties like light environments. Below is a list of the pawns in each package, how they are tagged, and what they are in the game. 

Vanilla BioH files for Miranda, Jacob and Wilson are also used during the prologue - see the notes section for further detais.


hench_vixen_par + hench_vixen_fem = Miranda during the opening scene. Both pawns used in the same scene.
procer_miranda = Miranda during the scene where Shepard wakes up on the table.
procer_vixen = Miranda during the scene where she shoots Wilson and druing the shuttle flight to Minuteman Station.
station_vixen = Miranda aboard Minuteman Station.

npc_illusive_man_par + npc_illusive_man = The Illusive Man during the opening scene. Both pawns used in the same scene.
npc_illusive_man_sta = The Illusive Man aboard Minuteman Station.

pronor_secretary = The Illusive Man's secretary.

hench_ashley = Ashley during the Normandy evacuation. Armoured, helmeted look present in prerendered video. But can change head/hair, etc.

hench_kaidan = Kaidan during the Normandy evacuation. Armoured, helmeted look present in prerendered video. But can change head/hair, etc.

hench_liara = Liara during the Normandy evacuation. Armoured, helmeted look present in prerendered video. But can change head, etc.

station_leading = Jacob aboard Minuteman Station.


wakeup_wilson = Wilson during the scene where Shepard wakes up on the table. 
procer_wilson = Wilson wounded and waiting for medigel, through to when he joins as a squadmate.

- Miranda's video diaries on Lazarus Station import from her BioH file. 
- Jacob is streamed in from his BioH file for the entirety of the Lazarus level, including the shuttle ride over to Minuteman Station.
- Wilson is streaming in from his BioH file after he joins the squad.
- BioH files must be loaded into memory concurrently with BioNPC files. Per regular modding rules, if you want to vary appearances, you will need to make sure everything is uniquely named. 
- Joker and Shepard are not included because their appearance in pre-rendered cutscenes means there is almost nothing that could be amended for these characters without creating very obvious visual inconsistencies. This will not bother all mod developers or mod users, but it was the basis for the decision not to expend extra effort on this.

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