Technical Details

Mount: 2499
Bools: 8400 - 8412; 26000
Conditionals: 4500 - 4503
Edited Vanilla Conditionals: 720, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812, 848, 886, 887, 888, 893, 959, 1003, 1142
Transitions: 89999995 - 89999998
TLK: 3728302 - 3728303

Edited Textures
The following textures are edited by the patch - here are the updated CRCs:

Cerberus_Floor_standard_Diff - CRC: 0x87BD68D9
HMM_ARM_CTHe_Tnt_Diff - CRC: 0x44D41A0F
InsisorSniperRifle - CRC: 0x13013E31
Flashback_FB_tex_Ashley - CRC: 0x0666012F
Flashback_FB_tex_Kaiden - CRC: 0x8DCBACDB
Flashback_FB_tex_lowerdeck - CRC: 0x34F4762E
Flashback_FB_tex_mako - CRC: 0xFBE74AB4
Flashback_FB_tex_navigation - CRC: 0x01F3BAA9
Flashback_FB_tex_Normandy - CRC: 0xE0EE28B8
Flashback_FB_tex_Presley - CRC: 0x34EE2FD8
NorCrash_FB_01 - CRC: 0x74B2A160
NRM_SR1 - CRC: 0x3692DF95
HMF_ARM_MEDa_Eclip_Diff_dead - CRC: 0x9015C900
HMF_ARM_MEDa_Eclip_Norm_dead - CRC: 0xFF4D0518
HMF_ARM_MEDa_Eclip_Spec_dead - CRC: 0x10B8BF9D
HMM_HGR_Eclp_Diff_dead - CRC: 0xCC68A58A
HMM_HGR_Eclp_Spec_dead - CRC: 0xEEB1526A
TubeGlass01_NormOLD_TubeGlass01_NormTubeGlass01_Diff - CRC: 0x0B8D7B57
Chair_Comfortable_01_Emis - CRC: 0x1E089C9C
ElevatorConsole02_Norm - CRC: 0xC012AB72

Utility Functions

The mod adds the following, which are available to all modders to use, provided ULE2P is installed.


8400 - Unofficial LE2 Patch is currently installed (memory bool)
8402 - Punched Manuel in LE1
8403 - Met hidden scientists on Eden Prime in LE1
8404 - Unofficial LE2 Patch was installed when Shepard decided the fate of the Collector Base
8405 - Miranda told the Illusive Man she quit Cerberus (if FALSE check 8404 to ensure patch was present and result is valid).
8506 - Completed Wrex's Family Armor quest.
8407 - Saleon is dead.
8408 - Saleon killed by Garrus.
8409 - Saleon killed by Shepard.
8410 - Shepard tried to arrest Saleon.
8411 - MSV Worthington Complete (Julia dead).
8412 - MSV Worthington - Life Support shut down.
26000 - Shepard is male (consistent with the custom bool set by LE3 Community Patch)
3718 - Shepard did moderately poorly in the interview with Khalisah Al-Jiilani (vanilla bool with previously broken import into LE2)
5370 - Geth Flyers were disabled (vanilla bool with previously broken import into LE2)
5609 - Pinnacle Apartment obtained (vanilla bool with previously broken import into LE2)
5611 - Samesh Bhattia convinced to give Nirali's body to the Alliance (vanilla bool with previously broken import into LE2)


4500 - Shepard is a member of a combat class (Soldier, Vanguard, Infiltrator)
4501 - Shepard is a member of a biotic class (Biotic, Vanguard, Sentinel)
4502 - Shepard is a member of a tech class (Engineer, Infiltrator, Sentinel)


Added ability to hide hair on pawns via bHelmetHidesHair bool (see Improved LE2 Functionality mod for further instructions.
Added ability to hide head and hair on casual outfits via bHelmetHidesHair/Head. 
Fullbody armours will by default have bHasBreather set to False, if your fullbody armour requires the use of bHasBreather add the property and set it to True. This also means if you want to add a an armour/outfit to Fullbody you can now have bHasBreather set to False.

Article information

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