LE2/ME2 have weapon ranges that can be used to modify weapon damage.
Vanilla ranges are as follows:
Melee range = 3 meters
Short range = 8 meters
Medium range = 15 meters
Long range = 20 meters
This mod does not alter these range values, although weapons added to LE2 by other mods may have custom ranges for them.

By default, all weapons except sniper rifles do 2.0x damage at 3m and 1.25x damage at 8m.
Damage between range intervals is interpolated, meaning there is a smooth transition rather than a sharp change.

*This is not a 100% comprehensive list, just what is probably most interesting

- Increased damage (10.8 > 14.2)
- Increased short range damage multiplier (1.25x > 1.5x)
- Increased medium range damage multiplier (1.0x > 1.2x)
- Increased reload speed (1.5s > 1.0s)
- Significantly improved accuracy (1.4 > 0.5)
- Recoil pattern changed to linear up-right
With high accuracy and good damage at close range, the Avenger becomes usable for the vast majority of content. Effective recoil control lets this weapon engage at longer distances.

- Decreased melee range damage multiplier (2.0x > 1.5x)
- Decreased short range damage multiplier (1.25x > 1.0x)
- Reduced burst delay (0.3 > 0.26)
- Reduced recoil
- Improved accuracy (1.2 > 0.2)
The most accurate assault rifle, Vindicator deals consistent damage at all but the longest of ranges. The reduced burst delay and more frequent headshots make this weapon excel against infantry fighting from cover.

- Slightly improved accuracy (0.75 > 0.65)
- Increased clip size (16 > 20)
The Mattock THE gun for situations where enemies absolutely have to die as fast as possible. It is perhaps a little too good with the extra ammo, but you're here for fun right?

Collector Assault Rifle:
- Increased damage (17.4 > 26.8)
- Slightly improved accuracy (0.8 > 0.75)
- Increased hipfire accuracy (3.05 > 1.8)
A less refined weapon with good damage and no accuracy bloom under automatic fire. Easy to use, but less accurate than other options. Offers improved hipfire for higher mobility at close range.

- Improved initial accuracy (1.6 > 0.2)
- Improved max spread (3.0 > 1.9)
- Tweaked recoil to be bouncy up-left
- Decreased reload speed (1.5s > 2.0s)
Accurate Revenant is very, very good. Firing full auto still marginally degrades accuracy. Reload speed has been slowed as a compromise for improved accuracy. Deals higher damage to armor than other assault rifles.

Geth Pulse Rifle:
- Increased damage (10.8 > 11.4)
- Increased clip size (40 > 90)
- Slightly reduced reload speed (1.5s > 1.7s)
- Improved accuracy (1.2 > 0.4)
- Recoil reduced nearly to zero
A well-rounded weapon with a fast fire rate, large clip, low recoil, and enhanced ammo efficiency. Not quite as strong as Avenger at close range, but better against shields/barriers.

- Decreased damage (20.5 > 14.2)
- Increased short range damage multiplier (1.25x > 1.5x)
- Reduced burst delay (0.25 > 0.2)
- Removed refire delay
- Increased fire rate (700 > 1450)
- Increased initial accuracy (1.2 > 0.01)
- Increased clip size (24 > 36)
- Increased reload speed (1.5s > 1.0s)
Bridging the gap between the Locust's accuracy and the Tempest's power, the Shuriken can be fired two ways: Hold the trigger to reach beyond close range with its signature 6 round bursts, or press-release during each burst to go full auto if enemies get too close.

- Slightly tightened maximum bullet spread (0.75 > 0.5)

- Increased damage (14.0 > 20.5)
- Increased short range damage multiplier (1.25x > 1.55x)
- Decreased medium range damage multiplier (1.0x > 0.65x)
- Decreased long range damage multiplier (1.0x > 0.45x)
- Increased accuracy (2.6 > 0.9)
- Increased reload speed (1.5s > 1.3s)
- Changed recoil pattern to popcorn up-right
The most lethal SMG at close range, Tempest rips apart shields and barriers. Increased accuracy makes it possible to land more hits, but suffers sharper damage falloff than other SMGs, as well as high recoil.

- Increased reload speed (technically a fire rate increase from 70 to 210, reducing the delay before reload starts)
Shepard no longer waits around to start reloading.

- Slightly increased damage (81.9 > 105.5)
- Reduced clip size (12 > 6)
- Reduced recoil
Higher damage packs more initial punch into Tactical Cloak and Adrenaline Rush, but reloads are more frequent. This weapon sees a large increase in ease-of-use with the removal of the "bake-in" recoil sway.

- Decreased damage (53.6 > 42.5)
- Fire rate increased (600 > 700)
- Burst delay reduced (0.65 > 0.2)
- Recoil reduced and adjusted to be mostly vertical
A bit less damage per shot, but far easier to land shots consistently and fires much faster.

- Increased reserve ammo

- Increased fire rate (300 > 400)
- Reduced Recoil
- Increased clip size (15 > 18)
- Increased reload speed (1.5s > 0.9s)
Competitive DPS with the other pistols.

- Increased damage (85.4 > 93.2)
- Increased accuracy (1.5 > 0.35)
- Increased reload speed (1.5s > 1.1s)
Carnifex takes over the spot for most powerful pistol from the Phalanx. This weapon excels against armor and enemies susceptible to headshots.

- Decreased damage (109.8 > 57)
- Increased fire rate (80 > 240)
- Increased recoil recovery
- Increased clip size (6 > 12)
Now closer to its ME3 counterpart, Phalanx sits between Predator and Carnifex. Delivers more damage between reloads.

- Increased fire rate (58 > 90)
- Tightened aimed pellet spread (only works when aimed at enemy)
- Increased reload speed (1.5s > 1.1s)
- Increased short range damage multiplier (1.25x > 1.75x)
The standard shotgun is mostly unexceptional, but maintains its high close range damage to a greater distance.

- Decreased melee range damage multiplier (2.0x > 1.8x)
- Increased short range damage multiplier (1.25x > 1.45x)
- Increased medium range damage multiplier (1.0x > 1.15x)
- Tightened aimed pellet spread (only works when aimed at enemy)
- Increased fire rate (100 > 145)
- Increased reload speed (1.5s > 1.1s)
Scimitar trades some damage at point blank for greater range and fire rate.

- Increased damage (36.8 > 40.3)
- Increased short range damage multiplier (1.25x > 1.7x)
- Increased medium range damage multiplier (1.0x > 1.4x)
- Tightened aimed pellet spread (only works when aimed at enemy)
- Increased reload speed (1.5s > 1.0s)
A deadly shotgun, particularly when engaging fewer enemies.

- Slightly increased damage (50.1 > 56.5)
- Increased short range damage multiplier (1.25x > 1.75x)
- Increased medium range damage multiplier (1.0x > 1.4x)
- Tightened aimed pellet spread (only works when aimed at enemy)
- Increased reload speed (technically a fire rate increase from 64 to 140, reducing the delay before reload starts)
Claymore's increased accuracy and range makes it much more worthy of being a privileged weapon.

Geth Plasma Shotgun:
- Increased reserve ammo

Grenade Launcher:
- Increased base ammo (10 > 20)

- Increased base ammo (20 > 30)
The damage buff helps it bust the light armor on husks without wasting extra ammo.

Collector Particle Beam:
-Increased damage (20 > 40)
-Decreased base ammo (500 > 300)
The CPB is fine when you first get it, but falls behind ARs once you get research upgrades, so damage is doubled but ammo is nearly halved.

Missile Launcher:
-Increased base ammo (15 > 25)

Arc Projector:
-Increased base ammo (10 > 20)

-Increased damage (15 > 36)
-Decreased base ammo (1350 > 500)

-Reduced ammo consumption (100 > 66)
Once you have 4 upgrades, it can fire twice. If you get all 7 upgrades, it can fire 3 times.

Modern Weapon Pack by Tajfun403:

- Most weapons have been given recoil re-centering to match ME2's mechanics as a whole.
- I have not changed any armor/shield/barrier multipliers, so they'll still be accurate in Easy Armor Stats.

- Valkyrie changed to behave like it was rebalanced in ME3. Since there's no weight system to justifying making it too OP, damage output roughly matches Cerberus Harrier and Vindicator. It also has reduced close range multipliers to emphasize its role as a standoff weapon.
- Phaeston fits between the Avenger and Collector Assault Rifle, with a bigger clip.
- Halberd was already in a great place so it mostly sees increased reserve ammo.
- Cerberus Harrier sees a noticeable damage nerf to offset the huge increase in ammo, but recoil is reduced and reloading is faster.
- Lancer only sees minor changes to recoil.

- Indra, Valiant, and Black Widow are pretty much perfect so they only get reserve ammo

- Paladin sees a damage increase to set it higher than Carnifex.
- Buck sees no significant change because I honestly have no idea what to do with this thing.
- Eagle gets increased fire rate and clip size to match its rebalance in ME3, which matches the MEA version.

- Hornet is given slightly increased damage and aggressive recoil re-centering to slot it between the Vindicator and other SMGs.
- Hurricane sees major changes making it excel in close range DPS, but requiring controlled bursts or tap fire for long range. Its potential roughly matches the Tempest. Where the Tempest requires recoil control, the Hurricane requires spread management.
- Geth SMG and Collector SMG are basically perfect so only reserve ammo change for Geth SMG.
- Disciple and Wraith see improved accuracy when aiming at enemies (pellet magnetism).

- Typhoon sees increased damage so it can keep up with upgraded ARs. More powerful than Collector Particle Rifle, but less accurate.

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