All in One Custom Female Templates Version 3

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Version 3 of my Female Templates i made for people to use, so you don't have to spend so much time in the Character Creator. Each code has been improved and optimized for each game to the best of my ability. Added a ME3 Tips Section below.

Classic Red ME1: 1M1.L6J.G1G.48H.MHH.11T.HKD.71H.WG6.GIH.FGF.1XG.B
Classic Red ME2: 1M1.L6J.G1G.48E.MHH.11T.HKE.71H.WJ6.IIH.FG9.1XG
Classic Red ME3: 1M1.L6J.G1G.41W.MHH.11W.GUA.74H.RL6.MIH.FGF.1XG

Blonde ME1: 1P1.L6J.G1G.48H.MHH.15T.HKD.71H.WG6.GI3.FG9.19G.B
Blonde ME2: 1P1.L6J.G1G.48E.MHH.15T.HKF.71H.WG6.II3.FG9.19G
Blonde ME3: 1P1.L6J.G1G.41W.MHH.15W.GUA.74H.RL6.MI2.FG9.19G

African American ME1: 1I1.UHJ.H1H.18G.PGG.1DN.G8J.71P.WH4.GGA.KG9.12F.B
African American ME2: 1I1.UHJ.H1H.18G.PGG.1DN.G8J.71P.WI4.HGA.KG9.12F
African American ME3: 1I1.UHJ.H1H.11W.PGG.1DN.G8J.71P.WF4.JGA.KG9.12G

Asian ME1: 1Q1.CFJ.H1G.58E.NGG.1GW.FRF.71G.UU6.NHA.B69.1XG.B
Asian ME2: 1Q1.GFJ.H1G.58D.NGG.1GW.FRD.71G.UU6.MIA.B69.1XG
Asian ME3: 1Q1.CFJ.H1G.51W.NGG.1GW.FRF.71G.UK6.MDA.B69.1XG

Asian V2 ME1: 1Q1.GGK.H49.131.LGH.1GW.GSB.13G.SI6.PJA.B69.1XG
Asian V2 ME2: 1Q1.GGK.H49.131.LGH.1GW.GSB.13G.SI6.PJA.B69.1XG
Asian V2 ME3: 1Q1.GGK.H49.131.LGH.1GW.GSB.73H.PI6.PJA.B69.1XG

Latina ME1: 1J1.HHJ.H1H.18G.MGG.1DT.HLE.71H.WJ6.KM7.E46.12G.B
Latina ME2: 1J1.HHJ.H1H.18G.MGG.1DT.HLE.71H.WK6.IM7.E49.12G
Latina ME3: 1J1.HHJ.H1H.11W.PGG.1DT.HLE.71H.SK6.JM7.E46.12G

Indian ME1: 1H1.FHJ.H1G.78G.MGG.19T.JNE.71H.WHC.HWA.ADA.1KG.B
Indian ME2: 1H1.FHJ.H1G.78G.MGG.19T.JNE.71H.WHC.HWA.AD9.1KG
Indian ME3: 1H1.FHJ.H1G.71W.QGG.19S.JNE.71H.WGC.GVA.ADA.1KG

Indian Panam ME1: 7I3.LHK.H1H.11F.MGG.19L.IHI.81D.WHB.HQA.ADA.11G.B
Indian Panam ME2: 7I3.LHK.H1H.11F.MGG.19L.IHG.411.WGB.HQA.AD9.11G
Indian Panam ME3: 7I3.LHK.H1H.11W.QGG.19L.IIG.667.Q6B.IQA.ADA.11G

Prim and Proper ME1: 1P1.GGK.H1H.18F.NGH.1GV.ILG.11G.UH8.NL1.C39.196.1
Prim and Proper ME2: 1P1.GGK.H1H.18F.NGH.1GV.JLE.11G.UH8.NP1.C39.196
Prim and Proper ME3: 1P1.GGK.H1H.11W.RGH.1GV.ILG.74G.RI8.KL1.C39.19F

Prebuilt Base ME1: 1M1.GGK.H1G.58E.NHH.1GW.PIE.71C.RI8.KHA.H49.11F.B
Prebuilt Base ME2: 1M1.GGK.H1G.58E.NHH.1GW.PIE.71C.RI8.KIA.H49.11F
Prebuilt Base ME3: 1M1.GGK.H1A.41W.RHH.1GW.ISB.74C.RI8.KHA.H49.11F

Iconic Colors and Features ME1 and ME2: 7P1.HMS.J1D.181.LAF.14W.GPE.211.N17.5FJ.2G5.1BG.1
Iconic Colors and Features ME3: 7P1.HMS.J19.11G.L8F.14W.GPE.211.N17.5FJ.2G5.1BG

ME3 Character Creator Tips:
I decided to make this ME3 CC Tips due to a lot of people "Myself Included" having trouble with ME3's CC which is ..frustrating to say the least, mostly do to it being on a different engine from ME1 and ME2 so different Lod Values.

Tip 1: Put Eyes high possibly the highest they will go depending on which Eyes you are using, this is because ME3 for some reason has the Eyes very low which can look awkward so they need to be high

Tip 2: Make Features such as Skin Color, Lips, Hair etc. lighter, this is because ME3 uses different lighting than ME1 and ME2 so things are much darker, so for example if Skin Color is light colored in ME1 and ME2 it'll probably be a dark tan in ME3

Tip 3: Check and possibly change Eyes and Lips, some of the features such as Eyes and Lips got mixed up and may not be the same as ME1 and ME2 go through the list and find the ones that look the best, don't assume a face code from ME1 and ME2 is the same in ME3, things got mixed up in ME3 CC when Bioware rebuilt it for the new engine.

Tip 4: Accept that it isn't going to look as good in ME3 as it did in ME1 and ME2, this is because Bioware made the faces in ME3 have a low polly count making them far less detailed than ME2, top it off with the fact they probably rushed the Character Creator in ME3 due to lack of time.


  1. fyrflygrl
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    HI, I don't think that I'm doing this right. I deleted my one character's identity code from TSE and then I copied and pasted the "blonde" code into TSE However, when I open my game there's no change to her face. Am I doing something? Do I need to import something else, as well? I would really appreciate any help.
    1. Vandri
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      These codes are only for the Character Creation at the beginning of the game and won't do anything in the TSE sorry about that. 
  2. Sylriel
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Thank you so much for this. And thank you for the hard work you put into making this. It is very much appreciated.
  3. ABAZ7C1991
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Soooo good, thank god for you
    Love using your morph uploads
    1. Vandri
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      Thanks, it's just my hobby to use Character Creators, but i'm glad a few people got some use out of all this stuff.
  4. LittleCloudxJ
    • supporter
    • 133 kudos
    Wow, that's a lot of work! They all look amazing, but the first two are my favorites.
    Imo all of them look the best in ME2, ME3 character creator is just plain awful, but you still made them look nice!
    1. Vandri
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      Thanks, Appreciate It.