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About this mod

To all but a few top Alliance officials, Ghosts do not exist, even unofficially. . .
This mod changes the Infiltrator class to resemble Ghosts from the StarCraft franchise.

Permissions and credits
BUG WARNING! Do not take Advanced Training! Advanced Training removes both Armor Piercing Ammo And Dominate from the Skill tree and replaces it with the loyalty skill taken! This also locks out Overload with how the skill progression is currently set up, as APA is a prerequisite for it! Unless/until someone can tell me how to fix this, I recommend either not taking the Advanced Training research and using the Save Editor to give yourself the desired Bonus Skill instead!

Also, it has been found on NG+ that this causes issues with the force-select of a bonus power on creation. It is recommended to use the Save Editor to un-select the bonus power. Thank you Proeaten for finding this issue and making me aware of it.


To all but a few top Alliance officials, Ghosts do not exist, even unofficially. Unofficially, Ghosts are Human Biotics with a rare naturally-occurring mutation that allows them to dominate the minds of others with enough focus and the appropriate training. When this mutation was discovered in the early 2170's, an Alliance Black-Ops program was created to attempt to study and harness it with a focus on training the individuals for infiltration and sabotage. However, the rarity of the ability, and growing concerns about Council Censure due to the ethicality of its use should it be discovered, quickly scrapped the program.

Existing Ghosts had hardware blocks placed in their Biotic Amps to prevent their use, as once trained the ability could not be prevented with enough effort except by removing the individual's biotic ability entirely. Once so fitted, Ghosts were either retrained as standard Infiltrators or discharged from The Alliance. All records of the program were sealed, and all information on who the "Ghosts" were was destroyed. The existence of the mutation is classified at the highest levels of Alliance Command, and all new Amps manufactured for human use are required to include less severe hardware blocks specifically tuned to prevent the ability's untrained use, the reasons given obscured under the umbrella of "safety regulations".

Before the destruction of the Normandy SR1, Commander Shepard was one of these hidden Ghosts. When this was discovered by Cerberus during The Lazarus Project, The Illusive Man authorized the replacement of Shepard's old L3 Implants with a specially designed "L5g" to take full advantage of these abilities.


Hybrid Class:

Ghosts are rare biotics fitted with prototype L5g Implants and trained in
infiltration and sabotage, enabling them to rip apart matter and
dominate the minds of organics, while using their tactical cloaking
ability and other tech to control the battlefield, striking from anywhere
at any time.
Power Training: Tactical Cloak, Armor Piercing Ammo, Overload, Warp, Dominate
Weapon Training: Sniper Rifle, Assault Rifle, Heavy Pistol
Ghosts are masters of covert sabotage and battlefield control,
combining tech, biotic abilities and combat prowess. Versatile and
deadly, Ghosts are capable of sabotaging enemy systems or sewing
chaos into their lines, before eliminating even hardened priority
targets from hidden positions anywhere on the battlefield with a
variety of weapons. 


Ghosts are rare biotics trained in infiltration and sabotage. Masters of battlefield control, Ghosts combine tech, biotic abilities and combat prowess into a single versatile and deadly opperative. Ghosts excell in sabotaging enemy systems or sewing chaos into their lines with their tech and biotics, eliminating even hardened priority targets from hidden positions anywhere on the battlefield using their cloaking technology.

Ghost Powers:
Tactical Cloak
Armor Piercing Ammo


I made this mod because I enjoy the Infiltrator tactical play-style of cloaking, moving position, and sniping priority targets, but think the base abilities are a bit... Eh... after so many play-throughs that basically amounted to apply disruptor/warp/ap-ammo, cloak-incinerate-cloak-snipe, and wanted to shake things up a little without totally destroying that loop. Looking through other Infiltrator replacement mods, I feel like most of them take some things too far, changing too much in one way or another, either in how it changes how the Infiltrator is played, and/or by unbalancing the basic Infiltrator gameplay loop.

I also enjoy StarCraft, and find Ghosts and Psionics from the series fascinating. This mod is intended to maintain similar progression and gameplay loop to the Vanilla Infiltrator class, while bringing some of that "psionic " flavor to the Infiltrator in the form of Biotic powers. The idea behind this class mod is that it is intended to be played/RP'd on a pure Infiltrator run, carried through ME1 through ME3 on Insanity difficulty.

Powers in the Ghost Class maintain a similar progression structure as vanilla classes, meaning you have to invest in one power before others will unlock (no "everything is unlocked from the start" nonsense), there are no more skills in the class than default, and auto-leveling should be fully supported. This makes skill choices more impactful on your play-style. SMG training has been replaced with Auto Rifles. As Ashley says: "Every Marine a Rifleman; Every Rifleman zee-gee certified.", and I see no reason why Infiltrators wouldn't be trained as Marines before transferring into Infiltrator training for specialization. Also, I hate using SMGs. The only one that is any good at all IMO is the Locust, and I didn't have the Kasumi DLC for my first few play-throughs on the Xbox, so I've been conditioned to despise how gaud-awful they are.

Abilities maintain a tiered level-gating like Vanilla. This is less important when it comes to imported characters, but one of my goals with this mod is maintaining a similar game balance to Vanilla.

Known Issues:
- Credit will be given to anyone who helps solve these issues.

For some reason Dominate is unlocked with 1 point from the start. I don't technically consider this to be an "issue" per-say, since the Lore I've invented with this mod means Shepard was trained in this skill years before, but this skill point is still an "Extra". I think this is because Dominate is technically the "first" Squad Bonus Skill unlocked on the character, but haven't gotten through my ME2 playthrough far enough to know for certain yet. If anyone knows how to fix this so the skill progression works normally I would be appreciative if they would let me know.

Confirmed! Also Warning! Taking Advanced Training replaces BOTH APA and Dominate! With the way the progression is set up, this causes Overload to be locked out as well! DO NOT TAKE the ADVANCED TRAINING RESEARCH. I recommend using a Save Editor to give yourself the desired Bonus Skill instead until/unless I can figure out how to fix this, if it's even possible.

Weapons Training - ME2 Only: Fixed: Thank you rokus for pointing me in the right direction.

I've got class selection text updated in all the localization files, but everything is in English. If anyone wants to provide either translations or localized files I'll update the mod.