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About this mod

Experience a reimagined Normandy SR-2 in LE2 with The Normandy Project LE2 mod!

It's an ambitious overhaul of the iconic Normandy SR-2, transforming your experience of the ship and enriching your journey through the Mass Effect universe. With numerous audio enhancements, new crew recruitment options and a wide array of additional feature

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  • Russian

This is an early version and not the final version of The Normandy Project LE2 mod.
I decided to upload it in this state to receive feedbacks so i can fix problems earlier.
Stay tuned for exciting updates and additions in the future!

The Normandy Project LE2 mod is an ambitious overhaul of the iconic Normandy SR-2, transforming your experience of the ship and enriching your journey through the Mass Effect universe. With numerous audio enhancements, new crew recruitment options, and a wide array of additional features, this mod offers a fresh and immersive way to experience Mass Effect 2 (Legendary Edition).

I recommend to apply the mod before you start a new playthrough. Though you can install it anytime without any problems.

Key Features
(Cerberus update is out now!)

Choose between an Alien Crew or a Human Crew!

If you start a new game you will be prompted to choose between 2 crew option.
This will define your new crewmember's looks, outfits, and composition.

You can change this setting anytime in the Captain Quarter, where you can locate the Mod Settings marker.

Human Crew

If you choosed the "Human Crew" which act as a "Cerberus Crew" you will see more humans.
Each crew will have decreased members from other races and increased humans.

In top of that each new humans will wear Cerberus Marked Uniforms.

Alien Crew

If you choose the  "Alien Crew" the entire Crew in the Normandy will change.
Instead of a lot of human you will see more Aliens such as Turians, Salarians, Batarians, Asaris, etc.

Each crew will have increased members from other races and decreased humans.

Mod Settings Menu

Immersive Sound Overhaul
(Around 80+ new type of sounds/variations added)

I've replaced and added numerous sound effects to create a more authentic and immersive environment.
Enjoy dynamic radio chatter, random beeps, and distant sounds like dropped heavy metal items.
All sounds are played randomly from various locations to keep the experience fresh.

Expanded Crew Management
(Recruit Special and General crew members using the Crew Management Terminal)

There are several new terminals added that you can use. With the Crew Management Terminal you can recruit your new Crewmates.
Head over to the CIC and you will see a terminal right in front of Kelly.

There are 2 crew category at the moment and 10 new crewtypes.

Special Personnel


1) Kallanir - The Salarian Navigator
2) Taliyah MacIntyre - Shipboard AI Specialist
3) Kandros Falaxus - APEX Operations Manager

Each of these personnel will have unique new features to mess with.
For example Kandros will get you access to the APEX Operations terminal.

General Crew


1) Navigators
2) Engineer
3) Science Officer
4) Communications Officer
5) Tactical Officer
6) Security Officers
7) Medical Officers
8) Chef
9) Maintenance Technician
10) Cargo Master

Currently the following Crew's grant you unique bonuses.

5) Tactical Officers
If you bought them you will have access to a new ammo box where you can reload your heavy ammo.
This will reload everytime you travel to somewhere or visit a hub.

6) Security Officers
Security Officers will grant you the ability to change the security in each decks.
The Security Officers will change depending if you choosed "Alien Crew" or "Human Crew".

You need to access the "Security Management" terminal.

This is where you can setup how do you want to customize your security.
If you haven't bought the Security Officers Crew you cannot access the terminal.

7) Medical Officers
If you bought the Medical Officers crew you will have access to the medigel box.
This will replenish your medigels fully. After using this box you will have to wait in order to be refilled.
Either progress your game or visit a hub.

10) Cargo Master
Buying this crew will grant you access to the Cargo Hold, which was unexplorable before.
Right now there's a "Requisition Terminal" to access.

This area will be expanded later.
To access, head over to the Engineering level and you will see a new button which will get's you down.

There are 5 factions right now to choose from for the 3 deck levels.


1) Hounds Of Tartarus - Cerberus
2) Turian Blackwatch Defenders - Turians
3) Quarian Fleetborn Guardians  - Quarians
4) Salarian Covert Sentinel Corps - Salarians
5) Asari Aegis Vanguard - Asaris

There are 2 factions right now to choose from for your Captain Quarter.


1) Aegis Wardens - Elite Cerberus Security
2) APEX Sentinel Division - Elite Turian Security

After you choosed them next to the desk there is another terminal where you can approve their deployment.
After that they will appear in the Normandy.

10+1) Requisition Terminal

As the mod gets updated you will see a lot of new stuff coming here.

At the moment you can buy the followings.

1) Varren Adoption - You can adopt Rex the Varren. He will have 24+ different spawn location across the Normandy.
2) NAV-VI M42 - New VI which has 130+ unique voicelines when traveling the galaxymap
3) Shooting Range - Test your weapons

After you bought a new crew, authorize their deployment, and they will appear on the Normandy.
You can find the "New Crew Transfers" button next to Kelly.

New Galaxy Map Themes
(+2 new theme with more will be added later)

You can access a new terminal called GalaxyMap Theme Options.
It's located around Kelly, right where the galaxy map is.

You need to buy NAV-VI M42 so he can help you enable it.
With this terminal you can choose between iconic soundtracks to be played when interacting with the galaxymap.

Current soundtracks.

1) Heleus
2) Uncharted Worlds
3) Uncharted Worlds - Remastered

There's gonna be new ones in the future.

NAV-VI M42 for the galaxymap navigation

NAV-VI M42 is an optional VI that you can buy using the new terminal in the cargo bay.
If you purchase the new NAV-VI M42 you can then turn him or or off in the galaxymap voice options.
This is a terminal which you can access if you head over to the galaxymap and it's on your left.
If you probe a planet or heading to a new systems he will say new voicelines but there are other scenarios too.

There are 130+ unique voicelines for multiple scenarios and all of them randomized.

You can turn EDI off/on also you can turn on only NAV-VI M42 or off, you can have both, or turn off both.

Shooting Range in Cargo Bay to test your weapons
(Need to buy it first)

Data Pads
(More than 64+ datapad added with more will be added later for Kasumi, Tali, Grunt, Jack)

Discover new datapads scattered throughout the ship. Some will remain locked based on your choices, providing additional replay value.
You can turn off/on the markers if you find the clutter annoying or if you're not interested reading those.

Normandy Crew Messages
(More than 60+ unique conversation with more will be added later)

Read crewmates email exchanges as you progress through the game. 
You can archive them too so you will not get confused if there is a new message.
A lot of them might change/appear depending on your choices, providing additional replay value.
I suggest you to check it after every mission because there's a high chance that you received a new one.

Cargo Hold Functionality
Access for the Cargo Hold.

Ambience Background Music

There are 3 unique background music when you're exploring the Normandy SR-2.
You can turn it on/off if you don't like it with a button next to Kelly.

GalaxyMap Voice Options

Choose between different voices when navigating the galaxymap.

Change between casual or armor to wear in the Normandy anytime.

And many more!

Cerberus and Alliance Uniform Consistency (LE2) is compatible. Patch included.
Early Recruitment (LE2) is compatible. Patch included.
Trigger Buttons (LE2) is compatible. Patch included.
Casual Hubs for LE2 is compatible. Patch included. Don't use it with Alternative behaviour of LE2 NewGame bonuses together.

Expanded Shepard Armory (ME2LE) is compatible. No patch required.

Risky Suicide Mission (LE2) is compatible. Make sure to install TNP2 before Risky Suicide Mission.
Alternative behaviour of LE2 NewGame bonuses is compatible.  Make sure to install TNP2 before that mod.

LE2 Liara Squadmate is compatible. Make sure to install TNP2 before that and use the "Auto_Patcher" provided by that mod.

Conrad Verner Remembers (ME2LE) BUG FIX is not compatible.

Every other mod is compatible and fine to use along with TNP2.


Download with Mod Manager: Simply download and apply the mod using the ME3Tweaks Mod Manager.

Manual Download: Download the zip file and drag it into the ME3Tweaks Mod Manager to install.


To uninstall the mod, open the ME3Tweaks Mod Manager and click "Manage Targets" while LE2 is selected.
From there, simply disable or delete the mod.

1. Mod Patches: If you are interested in creating a patch for this mod, please feel free to do so without needing to ask for permission. Your contributions are encouraged and appreciated.

2. Localization: Currently, all in-game text is in English and not localized for other languages.
If you'd like to help localize the mod to your language, feel free to do so. Your work and contribution will be credited.
You will see the text in english so don't worry.
That just means that until somebody decides to translate it to for example russian you will see it in English.

3. Voice Lines: Please note that all voice lines in the game are in English and will remain that way indefinitely for now.

However, as mentioned earlier, the text can be localized, and I welcome anyone willing to help with this endeavor.

Mod made by Daxvapik

Thanks to the
 ME3Tweaks team for providing the toolset necessary to create The Normandy Project LE2.

Thanks to WatchMyself for creating the index pictures for the mod and also the pictures in-game that is used for terminals.

Special thanks to Sil for being super helpful about giving me ideas about the randomization of the sounds.

Special thanks to Audemus for being super helpful about giving me ideas about the randomization of the sounds.