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  1. Rudenberuku
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Think a power doesn't fit with a character or that a character should have x power, or that a character's new kit doesn't work very well on Insanity?

    Comment below and let me know, I always appreciate feedback on what works or doesn't work.
  2. Malcmerlyn
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Just FYI, I found this mod while I had filtered only ME1 mods so if this concerns ME3, maybe you should change the mod attribute :) .
    1. Rudenberuku
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
  3. BMART1n7
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Bring back Road to Hell Rudenberuku, It's a very good mod and I don't want to see it go to waste, That's all I'm asking.
    1. Rudenberuku
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      I'll think about doing it - but I'd have to update it.
    2. DredgenWrath
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I'll second this and everyone else who would love to see road to hell come back! It was/is a fantastic mod that really livened up le2 a remarkable amount!
    3. Rudenberuku
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      I have brought it back so yeah
    4. panchasell
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Wohoo, great news! Looking forward to replaying LE2 and 3 with both! Just gotta start my next LE1 and get to 2 first :-D

      Noticed an oversight from reading and importing the mod. Road to Heaven 2.0 (the moddesc file) no longer has the Community Patch and Custom Powers listed as installed mod requirement in the Mod Manager. The Nexus page still lists them, probably just an oversight in the mod file.

      Also strange: the Nexus mod overview (where it lists how many downloads, endorsements, views ...) says still Version 1.0 at the moment.
    5. Rudenberuku
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Yeah I may have missed the requires Custom Powers and such, eventually I'll add that back in but I'll likely wait until the Armax Expansion Mod is done with adding all its new squadmates so I can update them for the mod also.
  4. kazukiaraya4646
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    What happened to your road to hell mod.
    1. Colll
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Perhaps compatibility patches or he remaking the whole mod 
    2. tombo89
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      It was sadly taken down because too many people were complaining about the amount of options. God forbid people actually read instructions and remember what mods they installed, so they know which options to pick.

      If you see this, please bring back Road to Hell! By far the best Squadmate overhaul for ME2
    3. LordMerek
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      Yeah, I consider Road to Hell essential, and I was absolutely crushed when it was taken down. Please bring it back!
    4. FrayedGlamour
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Absolutely gutted this is missing - aside from being the best thought through and most restrained squad powers mod out there, it's the only one confirmed compatible with the AAP headgear removal mod which made Road to Hell simply essential, particularly for a Jackmancer who plays insanity. I really hope the mod comes back soon.
    5. Rudenberuku
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      It is now back/restored so hopefully that is good news. Sorry for the wait.
  5. sam87nit
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Ok, I have a weird issue. This mod gives each squadmate 7 abilities/skills, 1 of which is passive and the other 6 are active. Trouble is, the squadmate section of the HUD only has 5 slots for powers, so 1 of the active powers for each squadmate just doesn't show up in the HUD (it's present in the menu where skill points where assigned). 

    Is there a specific mod I'm missing that adds extra slots? Here's a log (, hopefully this makes it clearer.

    Unrelated to this, but please bring back Road to Hell. That mod is so essential to the way I play LE2 and while Thematic Squadmates is a step in that direction, your mod brings so much more to the table.
    1. Rudenberuku
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      As I wrote in a previous comment:

      Most of the 6th powers are defensive powers or ammo powers which the squadmate should activate by themselves if you invest in them. At least
      in my testing when using Javik and Miranda, only 5 powers displayed - but they would activate their defensive powers on their own (even though I couldn't see the 6th power for them).

      I'd recommend only taking 5 powers, as the 6th won't show up + a squadmate would be less effective with investing in 6 powers versus 5. I mainly put the extra power in as an option on how to build them - but they can learn them/will use them without player input unless use powers is off (and
      even then I believe defensive powers are used by squadmates even if the power usage option is off).

      You can definitely invest in every power of theirs, but since they'd be lower ranks, it's likely better to just invest in 5 powers or 6 powers. I mainly put 7 powers so people could have actual options into how to invest for RP purposes or even tactical purposes (so it's not the same old, same old builds each time).
  6. bbaulla
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    THANK YOU for this mod. Haven't tried it yet, but one of the things I enjoy the least about ME3 is just how few powers everyone has now. I booted up ME1 to compare and everyone was full of them (granted, too many maybe, and most of them were the same. Why could Liara overload? No idea lol). 

    Kaidan, my favourite and what prompted me to look for a mod that did what yours does, went from having biotic powers like throw, pull, stasis and barrier on top of his tech ones to only having reave and barrier. I'd gotten used to watching him glow blue in me3 so I'll kinda miss barrier lol but that's a small price to pay for his extra powers.

    I'm also excited to try a vanguard Jimmy. And I loved reading your reasoning and thought processes explaining why you picked what you picked for each character. I can tell you put work and dedication into this. I so wish I'd found this mod earlier. Thank you!

    Edit: after trying it I'll just say it didn't disappoint. However some powers are nameless (Javik and vanguard James are two characters I noticed this with). I have many mods so it migth be a conflict, just thought I'd mention it 
    1. Rudenberuku
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Likely a mod conflict, if you could list your mods - that might help haha but it's likely something related to modding powers themselves.
  7. InsaneTiger
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Wow. It's a miracle. Jacob isn't useless anymore, LOL,
  8. panchasell
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    I tried the mod with EDI, Liara and James just now. Then got confused and went into Armax Arsenal Arena to test. Am still confused.

    What am I missing that is self-explanatory to everybody else, I'm feeling dumb. Didn't find it on the page or manager description.

    How do you play with 6 active/toggle able powers on your squadmates? I can level them up in the squad screen alright, but how do I use them in combat?

    Keyboard or controller, my game can only display 5 powers for each squadmate. I thought I might assign the 2 invisible powers to keyboard hotkeys but... they do not even appear in the tactical hud so I cannot drag them to a key.

    And even if I could (saw save editor mentioned on LE3 Steam Controller (or Steam Deck) or Mixed Input Mod), I could not "see" if the invisible power was currently active or not on the squad mate, or even which power is assigned I assigned to which key. And would I need to ise a different key for all possible squad mates and memorize them? That can't be it, I must be way off here... :-?
    1. Rudenberuku
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Most of the 6th powers are defensive powers or ammo powers which the squadmate should activate by themselves if you invest in them. At least in my testing when using Javik and Miranda, only 5 powers displayed - but they would activate their defensive powers on their own (even though I couldn't see the 6th power for them).

      I'd recommend only taking 5 powers, as the 6th won't show up + a squadmate would be less effective with investing in 6 powers versus 5. I mainly put the extra power in as an option on how to build them - but they can learn them/will use them without player input unless use powers is off (and even then defensive powers are used by squadmates even if the power usage option is off).
    2. panchasell
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Thanks, all clear now!

      I'll switch the order of some of the squad powers around so that defense powers go into the combat-invisible position 6. Think I can do that ingame with Bonus Bonus Powers or external with save editor.

      Edit: no, I cannot with my current setup. Bonus Bonus Powers mod forces ammo powers off the wheel first. Alright. So I'll generally try and see to only level 5 instead of 6 non-passive abilities for squad mates.

      You are right, at least I never touch def. powers, they just activate them and neither they nor I ever really use the "detonation" effects on my squad. Kind of sad, I'd like to see AI James punch people with charged fortification or EDI restoring her shields when low, but that's another topic.

      I'll try to sort power loadouts in a way to have ammo powers always visible, just so I know who's shooting with what (or not). My first example was James (Solder version) who has 2 ammo powers and disruptor went invisible.

      For Liara without protection power I'll do as you suggest. As cool as singularity is, it just hangs there for ever and ever and it makes that sound all the while... I'll just put points into her pull instead now or see what other combinations I'd like without leveling all of her abilities.
    3. panchasell
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      I've since finished me LE3 run with your mod. I think I had it installed for most of the time, ever since the mission on the Salarian research base. I liked it a lot, I would never have found the exact powers that you selected for each squad member. They were a lot of fun to play with any squad mate! Liara indeed is (can be) a monster... had so much fun taking down the Atlas mech in Javik's recruitment mission.

      And for those people that might think, "Well, the power selection is interesting but this mod is rather pointless, I can just build my squad that way myself with Bonus Bonus Powers Mod" -- sure, to an extent you can.

      But Road to Hell uses "squad mate versions" of some of Shepard's powers, so that they do not have "travel time" or projectiles that need to reach their destination, it's instant detonation/hit like when you order a squad mate to use their grenades in vanilla game. It might not make things fairly balanced, but it is extremely satisfying to play with...

      The only thing I did not like: Ash was dead, so I had James be his soldier-self. But since my Shepard was also solder-class, James was really quite boring, almost as if he was his vanilla self. But that's my own fault, I probably should have chosen this mod's Vanguard version for him.

      I did not encounter bugs. A few times I got the impression that maybe (maybe!) the ammo powers did strange things. Like burning somebody while cryo ammo was active. But I couldn't really pin it down and it might have been burning from a previous power or something. And then in the second half of my playthrough I re-spent talent points so that my soldier Shep had all the management of ammo powers with squad evolution -- since soldier class is kinda boring power-wise anyhow --, and freed my squad to spend their points elsewhere.

      Looking forward to next LE3 run, this time as Vanguard Shepard.
  9. cuscus85
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is awesome! Just curious, was there anything done for Anderson in the prologue? I think Tactical Cloak would be cool, since he's able to elude the reapers the entire game. Also maybe Inferno Grenade since you aren't able to pick up any frag grenades for him to use. Just some thoughts off the top of my head. Anyway, great job!!!!
    1. Rudenberuku
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Oh yeah I entirely forgot about Anderson. One day I'll upgrade his powers too.
    2. cuscus85
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I think Nova would work well with Jack which could replace her Charge ability she has in Road to Hell. It’s an aggressive style ability in line with her personality.

      Also Biotic Protector for either Samara instead of Barrier since they’re the squadmate of choice as the biotic protector at the collector base. But either way, they’re awesome as is!
    3. Rudenberuku
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Nova I tried of Samara as a test (using this version called Blast: and I found it was a bit too difficult to hit enemies with unless they got close. I could replace it with Concussive Shot though - it's definitely something I could consider, but the squadmate version just punches the ground in front of them. I also tried it against enemies with barriers and it didn't seem to do much, but then again it's a bit harder to hit with squadmate's so I might have just missed the enemies (since they have to be right next to them).

      Biotic Protector I thought about, but it's usefulness in actual combat in subpar. Since squadmates are an extension of Shepard, their best role in combat is to act as a way to do power combos (which does the most damage). Biotic Protector looks cool but you'd probably have more use for Barrier which 1. increases defenses 2. allows the squadmate to move while using it 3. allows the squadmate to cast powers while using it.

      Plus I'd then have to maybe find another unique power for Nyreen

  10. hypermage2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Are the omega dlc squad mates, aria and nyreen included? Also will this work with the bonus power mod?
    1. Rudenberuku
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Bonus power mod is this? -> (if so yes it will work with it).

      The mod requires this -> (so it will also work with it).

      Aria/Nyreen are covered:

      Aria (Vanguard) -> Lash, Pull, Carnage, Reave, Flare, Incendiary Ammo
      Nyreen (Sentinel) ->  Warp, Overload, Cryo Blast, Lift Grenades, Singularity, Biotic Protector

      I just didn't update the main page with their information since I was a bit tired from making the mod. Eventually I will.
    2. hypermage2
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah ok, tyvm for the clarifying and the mod ^^
  11. greenfaerie38
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Not a Stairway to Heaven lol? I personally picture EDI like an Infiltrator-Engineer hybrid, so Disruptor Ammo and Sabotage might be good options. That said, these are some cool combos! My vanguard is going to have a lot of fun causing mayhem on the battlefield with Aria.
    1. Rudenberuku
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Stairway to Heaven probably would have worked.

      I'll have an updated mod soon with the rest of the squadmates. Giving EDI sabotage/DA sound good in my view
    2. Rudenberuku
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Updated the mod and included Sabotage + Disruptor Ammo in EDI's kit.
    3. greenfaerie38
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you! Can't wait to give these a spin.
    4. bubba0
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Stairway to Heaven sounds too much like a JJBA thing