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This DLC mod changes a few of the base powers of every class in LE2. See below for a full breakdown. Install with the ME3 Tweaks Mod Manager::

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LE2 Class Tweaks

This changes some of the class powers to be more in line with my own preferences while also trying to be true to the classes.  I recommend using it with the Remove Shared Cooldown Mod by JadeBarker


Swaps Shockwave for Charge.  Adepts are really one of the best classes already but if you've ever wanted to be a more aggressive Adept here is your chance.  Shockwave while nice is a bit outshined by all of the other Adept powers.


Swaps AI Hacking for Tech Armor.  Engineers have some good combos already but could use a bit more survivability and AI Hacking is very situational, so I thought this would be a good fit.


Swaps Cryo Ammo for Concussive Shot and AI Hacking for Overload.  Having a way to soften up shields before sniping has been something I've wanted since ME2 came out.  Cryo Ammo isn't terrible but I feel like multiple ammo powers is a bit boring.  I think these changes are my favorite of all the classes.


Swaps Throw for Singularity and Cryo Freeze for Incinerate.  Since Throw and Warp don't really have a synergy I feel that this is a good combination.  Cryo Freeze isn't bad but if you can only have one I think Incinerate is much better.  Having Warp and Incinerate really lets you put the hurt on armored targets as well. 


Swaps Cryo Ammo for Fortification.  Soldiers are a bit bland having so many ammo powers but the combo of Adrenaline rush and Fortification lets you be a bit more aggressive with your play and frees up a bonus power option.


Swaps Cryo Ammo for Barrier.  Vanguards are already so good it was a bit tough to decide on this, but I think more survivability wins out and allows a more offensive bonus power choice. 

Installation Instructions:

Use ME3 Tweaks Mod Manager Beta:

Instructions to only use one/some of these:

Once the mod is installed, go to the DLC folder where your game is installed.  Assuming you use Steam, here is the default path:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mass Effect Legendary Edition\Game\ME2\BioGame\DLC\DLC_MOD_LE2_class_tweaks\CookedPCConsole

1.  Edit BioGame.ini in this folder and remove entries for any that you do not want.
2.  Delete the SFXCharacterClass file for classes you don't want.

Tutorial on making default power changes:

1.  Open ME3 Tweaks Mod Manager
2.  Click Tools->Legendary Explorer
3.  Open the package editor
4.  Open the SFXCharacterClass package for the class you want to edit, the base game ones are located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Mass Effect Legendary Edition\Game\ME2\BioGame\CookedPCConsole
5.  Open a second copy of the package editor and open the SFXCharacterClass file you would like to get a power from
6.  In the Class Selector dropdown, look for SFXPower_POWER_CLASS so for example SFXPower_Incenerate_Engineer and click Find object by class (this is on the window for the class power you want to copy)
7.  Look for the entry with the Green C next to it, for example SFXPower_Incenerate_Engineer(Class) and drag it into the other instance of package manager you have open to SFXGameContentPowers(Package) and choose Clone All References.  This should create several new entries highlighted in yellow.  
8.  Now go to BioChar_Loadouts->Player->Powers section and at the top there is a place to change the value ID.  Change it to the new ID created in the SFXGameContentPowers(Package) section.  Make sure to get the one named SFXPower_Incenerate_Engineer(Class) with the green C next to it.  Put in the ID for this into the field at the top and click Set.  You should see the name change in the Powers section.
9.  You will also need to do this in the PowerLevelUpInfo section and on the last entry, the id will need the evolved power ID.  when in doubt, compare to the other window you have open.
10.  Some powers have levelup requirements that also need to be changed under the SFXGameContentPowers(Package)->Default__SFXPower_POWER_CLASS->Unlock Requirements, eg Default__SFXPower_Incenerate_Engineer .  You would change the unlock requirements based on the class.  An example of this is making Singularity unlock Warp for the Sentinel, as usually Warp requires Throw level 2.

I would like to thank Mgamerz for the wonderful mod tools!
