About this mod

Mass Effect - Color is a Reshade Preset that seeks to revitalize the visuals of all three Mass Effect games, emulating the aesthetics of a current gen Bioware game.

The long awaited MELLO compatibility version has ARRIVED!

Permissions and credits

Is a color grading project that's taken more than 350 hours across all 3 Mass Effect games to complete.

The intent, in short is to lift the games up to visual-par with that EPIC Bioware intro we all tolerate and secretly enjoy! Even though the techniques used are relatively simple, exhaustive time/effort has been put into this ReShade preset to make these wonderful games look as shiny and new as possible.

What's It Do Then If You're So Proud Of It?
Thank you for asking! ...and being so polite... There are 3 separate Presets.
One for each respective game. They are all tuned to compliment the stylistic choices and rectify the graphical flaws of each respective game...Yes I said it, they need a little help.

What sets this ReShade preset apart in my humble opinion, is every preset has been stress tested and tuned to either acceptably high standards, or peek possible aesthetics for

the games have to offer. 

ME1 will still be bright and colorful but more realistic with darker shadows and warmer lights to match the rest of the trilogy. Bringing back some of that original atmosphere from the OG edition. Brings a more Current Gen color pallet to the game. (1080p, 2k & 4k default options for previous versions only)

ME2 keeps the dark, moody and stylized Sci-fi aesthetic but raises the visibility and neon glow of every light illuminating the dark corners of places like Omega. Brings a more Current Gen color pallet to the game. (1080p, 2k & 4k default options for previous versions only)

ME3 Out of the 3 games this was easily the hardest to tune for all the unique environments (especially Rannoch), but after a LOT of stress and perseverance, The Citadel looks bright and Gorgeous, The Normandy looks cool and clean, and all atmospheres should look colorful and Current Gen. (1080p, 2k & 4k default options for previous versions only)

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Why Should I Download This?
A reasonable question. MASS EFFECT is my favorite game series ever. But one aspect I've never been satisfied with, was how the lighting and colors represented my favorite characters and world. How the environments felt like they should be bright and colorful with so many glowing lights, but instead never felt as alive as they could be with the excessive amounts of blue tint and desaturation all the time. 
I believe that, more than most games, Mass Effect deserves to have the full AAA color grade experience.

This mod sets out to marry the process of Film Colorization with the aesthetics of a photoreal current gen Bioware game.

Yes, I know. I'm fully aware of how Modding Communities look upon ReShade presets. But with all humility and pride for my work I can say THIS IS NOT one of those "BETTER THAN VANILLA!" (I Only cranked up saturation and contrast) presets. No offense to anyone, those are just not for me. 
I only seek to change what needs changed and enhance what's already incredible.

KEEP IN MIND Due to aggressive file compression screenshots aren't always done complete justice, you'll have to try it to see the true difference.

What Techniques Did You Use?
I have incorporated a loose Color Theory throughout all three games. Emphasizing two complimentary colors, ORANGE and DARK BABY BLUE (fitting for Omni-tools and Alliance dress). 
I've tried to uphold visual consistency for the three games, while also retaining their unique styles!

In terms of post processing effects added, they are as follows: Selective coloring, Ambient light, Deband, Delc_Sharpen, DPX, Lightroom, Levels, SMAA, and finally PRISM/CA, a form of chromatic aberration. (a subtle blur effect on the edges of the screen meant to take the aesthetic place of the god-awful vignetting. Feel free to disable it if it's not to your liking.)

KEEP IN MIND The current most updated version of this mod is tuned for 4k resolution upscaled and due to the sharpening shader & maybe the Chromatic Aberration the screen may look overly sharp or too blurry on the edges. FEEL FREE to adjust to your personal specs and tastes. If you want to manually upscale your resolution see the section below.

My Specs: RTX 3070 & AMD Ryzen 7 3700x 8 core & 16GB of DDR4 RAM.

How To Install
If you've ever installed a ReShade preset before its...well its like that.
But if you haven't its pretty simple.

  •    For the desired result, set your in game gamma (brightness) settings to these values (ME1 +3) (ME2 +5) (ME3 +7)
  • Go to the ReShade website and download the latest version of the reshade.exe (Version 5.1.0 or later) located here: https://reshade.me
  • Download my mod archive, and pick which resolution version you will be running

  • Fire up the ReShade_Setup.exe, find one of the three games (whichever one you want to start with) and choose "Direct3D 10/11/12".
  • When you get to the part where it asks you to browse for a preset, click preset to install. Direct it to the game's corresponding preset .ini file inside my archive you downloaded (ie. ME3 4k/ME3 4k.ini).               
  • Click Next and it will install all the necessary shaders.

If you use this method, all you need are the .ini files and reshade.exe. Then everything should work fine as long as you picked, the correct game, the correct driver (Directx11) and the correct preset during Reshade's installation.

KEEP IN MIND To cut down on download size I've added only ONE resolution preset version for each game. The sharpening and Chromatic Aberration shaders are tuned for 4k (I play at 4k upscaled on a 1440p monitor). but don't fret if you don't have a 4k monitor or aren't upscaling your game (see the bottom of the page)! Just open the editor with the HOME key and adjust (likely turn down the effects) the Delc Sharpen or CA/Chromatic Aberration shaders to your liking.

Alternative Installation
  • For the desired result, set your in game gamma (brightness) settings to these values (ME1 +3) (ME2 +5) (ME3 +7)h
  • Download my mod archive, and move the contents of the chosen game preset to your Win64 folder located where you have the game installed replacing any duplicate files. ( ie for me C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Mass Effect Legendary Edition\Game\ME1\Binaries\Win64 )     
  • Launch the game and play! (press the Del button to turn the effects on and off SO MUCH FUN! and the HOME button to pull up the editor to tweak what you want SO EASY!)

ALSO double check that the preset (top blue bar) is the correct one for the game you're playing. If it's not correct, redirect it to the correct preset located in the Win64 game folder where you copied it. (this is different for everyone's computer, so I cant set it for everyone).

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Be Sure To Check Out!
For the best visuals overall you just HAVE to check out these mods!

  • Vignette Remover (THIS IS REQUIRED FOR THE DESIRED LOOK. I can't tell you how much I hate vignetting in games. This mod is one reason why mine looks so clear)

  • ME3Tweaks Mod Manager (The above mod doesn't remove all instances of Vignetting however. if you want to make sure, you first have to enable the in game console. First install the bink bypass in ME3Tweaks Mod Manager: Tools > Bink bypasses > (game). Then once in game open up the console and type "show vignette". And tada! no more dark grungy game.)

How To Upscale In-Game Resolution
  • First adjust ALL the options you want to change in the settings of the game like gamma, controls, difficulty, etc. h   (This is because you will no longer be able to change any settings once you have upscaled)                          
  • Quit the game and find "gamersettings.ini" in C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Mass Effect Legendary Edition\Game\ME1\BioGame\Config (You are going to find this file in the other 2 game's folders & repeat the steps, ie. Mass Effect Legendary Edition\Game\ME1 or ME2 or ME3)                                                                                 
  • Open it and replace your ResX and ResY lines with these ResX=3840 ResY=2160 (2560 and 1440 for 2k) (this is different if you don't have a 16:9 aspect ratio)                     
  • Save it. Right click on the "gamersettings.ini" file, and click properties. Check the box for read only, then apply and exit out.
  • NOW your game should be running at 2k (1440p) or 4k (3840 x 2160)

Alternate Resolution Upscale Method

Use Nvidia's DSR or DLDSR 

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Thank You!
All this work would not be possible without crosire's tremendous work on the ReShade plugin as well as all the other shader artists such as MartyMcFly who selflessly share their shader techniques for free.

Thank you for giving my "mod" a chance, I don't have modeling, texturing or coding talent but this is my humble way of adding something to the Nexus Modding scene that I've been a part of silently for so many years. Hope you enjoy! Oh and....one last thing 

                                                                                                    we'll bang ok?