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About this mod

Just a compendium of quests I managed to come up with to entertain me and friends. If you are into interesting quests or just something to test your skills, this might be the mod for you.

Permissions and credits

This quest mod is quite hard. You must be ok with or at least expect a few carts and even some failures every now and then. The quests also give no rewards! Well they do, but it's nothing to write home about. No rare materials or any of the kind. Sadly I didn't find a way to figure out how to edit reward tables. It's just the target rewards and any broken parts. As compensation, I made it so you receive a ton of xp (hr and mr), points and gold for overcoming the challenges.


Unzip the file, and copy it's contents into the MonsterHunterRise\reframework\quests folder


Now that is out of the way, lets get on to the main description that I'm sure most of you probably skip anyway. This quest bundle contains over 70 custom quests with each having a certain theme tied to them. The quests also have 3 levels of difficulty, with each one hitting harder and having more hp than the previous one. OODSLAYER quests are the hardest of them all, and should warrant extensive preparation, either via supplies, gear or just mental health. Lastly, the quests only ever hand out crowns, so if you are crown hunting, you might love this mod.

Now the notes you guys were probably hoping for. the quest list:

Master rank 1

1. GODSLAYER : The Greatest Izuchi - Slay the greatest izuchi and it's pack ( 360000z | 18000 Points and XP )
2. Raptor Rumble - Slay an afflicted Great Izuchi, Great Baggi, and Great Wroggi ( 225000z | 11250 Points and XP )
3. Pure Cancer - Slay an afflicted Arzuros, Lagombi and Volvidon ( 225000z | 11250 Points and XP )
4. GODSLAYER : Bird Up! - Hunt a Kulu Ya Ku and an Aknosom ( 175000z | 8750 Points and XP )

Master rank 2

1. GODSLAYER : Violence in Silence - Slay an afflicted Khezu ( 140000z | 7000 Points and XP )
2. Sleepy Slumber - Slay an afflicted Great Baggi and Somnacanth ( 200000z | 10000 Points and XP )
3. New World Madness - Slay an afflicted Pukei-pukei, Kulu Ya Ku, Tobi Kadachi, Jyuratodus, and Anjanath ( 375000z | 28750 Points and XP )
4. Unga Bunga - Slay an afflicted Kulu-Ya-Ku and hunt a Basarios ( 200000z | 10000 Points and XP )

Master rank 3

1. Don't Touch Me or My Son Ever Again - Hunt an Arzuros and Slay an afflicted Magnamalo and Apex Arzuros ( 385000z | 19250 Points and XP )
2. Muddy Muck - Hunt a Jyuratodus, Almudron and Barroth ( 375000z | 18750 Points and XP )
3. Seafood Delight -  Hunt a Jyuratodus, Daimyo Hermitaur, and Shogun Ceanataur ( 280000z | 14000 Points and XP )
4. GODSLAYER : Shadow of the Garangolm - Slay an afflicted Garangolm ( 180000z | 9000 Points and XP )

Master rank 4

1. Paralyzing Party - Hunt a Volvidon, Khezu, Astalos, and Espinas ( 440000z | 22000 Points and XP )
2. Pain Train - Slay an afflicted Barroth, Diablos, and an Apex Diablos ( 550000 | 27500 Points and XP )
3. Till Death do Us Part - Slay an afflicted Rathian and Rathalos ( 320000z | 16000 Points and XP )
4. Dual Blades Dual Threat - Hunt a Goss Harag and Lunagaron ( 260000z | 13000 Points and XP )
5. Spidey Sense - Slay an afflicted Rakna Kadaki and Pyre Rakna Kadaki ( 350000z | 17500 Points and XP )
6. Pure Cancer 2 - Slay an afflicted Almudron and Magma Almudron ( 325000z | 16250 Points and XP )
7. Don't Touch Me or My Son (Daughter) Ever Again 2 - Hunt a rathian, Slay an afflicted Seregios and Apex Rathian ( 450000z | 22500 Points and XP )
8. Don't Touch Me or My Son Ever Again 3 - Slay an afflicted Mizutsune, Zinogre, and Apex Mizutsune ( 575000z | 28750 Points and XP )
9. Don't Touch Me or My Son Ever Again 4 - Hunt a Rathalos and Slay an afflicted Astalos and an Apex Rathalos ( 540000z | 27000 Points and XP )
10. Don't Touch Me or My Son Ever Again 5 - Hunt a Diablos and Slay an afflicted Tigrex and an Apex Diablos ( 555000z | 27750 Points and XP )

Master rank 5

1. Spookiest Citadel - Slay an afflicted Garangolm, Lunagaron, and a Malzeno ( 375000z | 28750 Points and XP )
2. Flagships : 1st to 3rd Generation - Hunt a Nargacuga, Rathalos, Tigrex, Zinogre and Slay a Kushala Daora ( 740000z | 37000 Points and XP )
3. GODSLAYER : Itsy Bitsy Spider - Slay an afflicted Pyre Rakna Kadaki and a Chameleos ( 480000z | 24000 Points and XP )
4. A Bug's Life - Hunt a Rakna Kadaki and slay a Malzeno and Apex Zinogre ( 560000z  | 28000 Points and XP )

Master rank 6

1. Poison Panic - Hunt a Great Wroggi, Pukei-pukei, Rathian and an Espinas? ( 720000z | 36000 Points and XP )
2. Ecology: Velkhana - Hunt a Great Baggi and Slay an afflicted Aknosom and a Velkhana ( 410000z | 20500 Points and XP )
3. Ecology: Seething Bazelguese - Slay an afflicted Volvidon and Tetranadon and Hunt a Seething Bazelguese ( 400000z | 20000 Points and XP )
4. The Hunter Becomes the Hunted - Hunt a Royal Ludroth and Slay a Crimson Glow Valstrax ( 300000z | 15000 Points and XP )
5. Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place - Hunt a Basarios and a Furious Rajang ( 260000z | 13000 Points and XP )
6. Monkey Madness - Hunt a Bishaten, Blood Orange Bishaten, Garangolm, and Slay an afflicted Rajang and Furious Rajang ( 725000z | 36250 Points and XP )
7. Explosive Escapade - Hunt a Blood Orange Bishaten, Magnamalo, Bazelguese, Seething Bazelguese and Slay a Risen Teostra ( 860000z | 43000 Points and        XP )
8. Shock Therapy - Hunt a Tobi Kadachi, Astalos, Zinogre, Furious Rajang and Slay an Apex Zinogre ( 720000z | 36000 Points and XP )
9. Age of Extinction - Slay an afflicted Anjanath, Tigrex, Diablos and a Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax ( 785000z | 39250 Points and XP )
10. A Tale of Valour and DIshonour - slay an afflicted Daimyo Hemitaur, Shogun Ceanataur and Slay a Magnamalo and Scorned Magnamalo ( 525000z | 26250        Points and XP )
11. Monster Masquerade - Slay an Aurora Somnacanth, Goss Harag and Scorned Magnamalo ( 420000z | 21000 Points and XP )
12. The Samurai and the Ronin - Hunt a Magnamalo and Scorned Magnamalo ( 300000z | 15000 Points and XP )
13. Rise of the Planet of the Pseudo Wyverns - Hunt a Nargacuga, Barioth, Tigrex and Lucent Nargacuga ( 580000z | 29000 Points and XP )
14. The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway - Slay an afflicted Barioth, Aurora Somnacanth, Goss Harag, Lunagaron and Velkhana ( 910000z | 45500 Points and             XP )
15. Flagships: 4th Generation? - Hunt an Astalos, Seregios, Chaotic Gore Magala, and Slay an Apex Mizutsune and a Crimson Glow Valstrax ( 910000z | 45500          Points and XP )
16. Shimmering Silver Scales - Hunt a Seregios and a Seething Bazelguese ( 320000z | 16000 Points and XP )
17. Rocky Road - Hunt a Magma Almudron, Kulu Ya Ku, Silver Rathalos and Slay an Apex Rathalos ( 595000z | 29750 Points and XP )
18. Demon May Weep - Slay an afflicted Gore Magala, Chaotic Gore Magala and a Shagaru Magala? ( 1055000z | 52750 Points and XP )
19. Ancient Guardians - Slay an afflicted Espinas, Flaming Espinas and an unknown creature ( 690000z | 34500 Points and XP )
20. Invader Zim - Slay an afflicted Bazelguese, Rajang, Velkhana and Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax ( 870000z | 43500 Points and XP )
21. Me against the World - Hunt a rajang and Slay a Kushala Daora, Teostra, and Velkhana ( 800000z | 40000 Points and XP )
22. Flagships: 5th Generation - Slay an afflicted Scorned Magnamalo, Malzeno and Velkhana ( 770000z | 38500 Points and XP )
23. GODSLAYER : Mew are Number Two - Hunt a Furious Rajang ( 500000z | 15750 Points and XP )
24. Anger Management - Slay an afflicted Seething Bazelguese, Scorned Magnamalo and a Furious Rajang ( 810000z | 40500 Points and XP )
25. Poison Panic 2 - Hunt a Flaming Espinas, Gold Rathian and Slay an Apex Rathian and a Chameleos? ( 1050000z | 52500 Points and XP )
26. Till Death Do Us Part 2 - Slay an afflicted Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos ( 450000z | 22500 Points and XP )
27. Parry This! - Hunt a Violet Mizutsune, Flaming Espinas and Slay a Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax and Risen Shagaru Magala ( 1270000z | 63500 Points and          XP )
28. The Cursed and the Blessed - Slay an afflicted Chaotic Gore Magala and a Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax ( 685000z | 34250 Points and XP )
29. GODSLAYER : Risen Rampage - Slay all the Risen Elders in a gauntlet match ( 1820000z | 91000 Points and XP )
30. GODSLAYER : Transparency - Slay a Risen Chameleos and Hunt a Lucent Nargacuga ( 450000z | 22500 Points and XP )
31. GODSLAYER : Bewitching Dance Beneath the Moonlight - Hunt a Mizutsune and Slay an Apex Mizutsune and Violet Mizutsune ( 670000z | 33500 Points              and XP )
32. Tongue Twister - Hunt a Pukei-pukei and Slay a Chameleos and a Risen Chameleos ( 650000z | 32500 Points and XP )
33. Winds of Destruction - Slay a Kushala Daora, Risen Kushala Daora and Wind Serpent Ibushi ( 900000z | 45000 Points and XP )
34. Here Kitty! - Slay an afflicted Barioth, Nargacuga, Scorned Magnamalo, Teostra and Risen Teostra ( 1120000z | 56000 Points and XP )
35. Twin Tailed Comet - Slay a Crimson Glow Valstrax and a Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax ( 660000z | 33000 Points and XP )
36. Till Death Do Us Part 3 - Slay an Apex Rathian and Apex Rathalos ( 325000z | 16250 Points and XP )
37. GODSLAYER : Deal with the Devil (Replacement Quest!) - Slay a Gaismagorm, Malzeno and a Primordial Malzeno (Replaces the default Gaismagorm quest due to needing the cutscene tied to it) ( 950000z | 47500 Points and XP )
38. GODSLAYER : Till Death Do Us Part 4 (Replacement Quest!) - Slay the Serpents of Wind and Thunder (Replaces Narwa the Allmother's default quest to enable the proper theme, cutscene and turf war) ( 800000z | 40000 Points and XP )
39. Don't Touch Me or My Son Ever Again 6 - Hunt a Zinogre and Slay an afflicted Scorned Magnamalo and Apex Zinogre ( 685000z | 34250 Points and XP )
40. GODSLAYER : Divine Ascension (Replacement Quest!) - Slay an Amatsu and a Risen Shagaru Magala (Replaces the Amatsu urgent and default quests due to needing the turf wars to make Amatsu killable) ( 940000z | 47000 Points and XP )
41. GODSLAYER : Apex Ass Whooping - Slay all the Apexes in a gauntlet ( 1260000z | 63000 Points and XP )
42. Knights in Shining Armour - Hunt a Magnamalo and slay a Primordial Malzeno ( 340000z | 17000 Points and XP )
43. Power Up! - Hunt a Zinogre, Rajang, and a Violet Mizutsune ( 500000z | 25000 Points and XP )
44. The Tempered and Hidden Blade - Hunt a Lucent Nargacuga and slay a Scorned Magnamalo ( 445000z | 22250 Points and XP )
45. Tiny Terror - Slay a Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax, RIsen Shagaru Magala and a Primordial Malzeno ( 935000z | 46750 Points and XP )


Adds a boatload of themed quests, all crowns, very hard. Have fun. No, I do not take requests. Thank you for visiting this page.