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About this mod

A big collection of challenging custom quests that I made with my friends, inspired by the custom quests of many others.

Permissions and credits

The quests in this pack are designed to be fought with high level endgame gear. They are challenging and the monsters have stats that can sometimes rival and or beat Special Investigations. This is your difficulty warning!


You will need to download Fexty's Quest Loader and install that first. After that's been set up, unzip the file for the quest pack and put the quests and the spawn folder in MonsterHunterRise\reframework\quests.


This is a MASSIVE pack containing (as at the time I'm writing this,) 113 fun, challenging and themed custom quests for you and your friends to challenge yourselves with!

This mod was made out of complete fun by me and a few friends. All quests are themed and spiced up in difficulty to satisfy those who crave extra challenge. Some are inspired by the custom quest works of other authors (Specifically the Don't Touch me or my Son Ever Again Questline by PRICEless). To play with friends, have them install this pack and the same version to make sure all your quests match up.

This pack also gives all the Apex Monsters their own solo MR quests! They are found in the 5 star category.

All monsters tend to be abnormally small or large for crown hunting. It also should be mentioned that colored quests are significantly longer, harder, and more brutal than the regular quests. The color of a colored quest does not matter, it's just to fit with the quest's theme.

Offspring of the Calamity Two: Electric Boogaloo is evil. You've been warned.

1 STAR  

1. Chemical Warfare - Hunt 3 Tiny Volvidon - Arena
2Izuchisus Christ... - Slay the True Ibushichi and its opposers - Coral Palace
3. Freddy Arzbear's - Hunt an Arzuros, Lagombi, Aknosom and a Great Izuchi - Arena
4. Splash Party - Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur, Royal Ludroth, and a Tetranadon - Coral Palace
5. Unfoathamable Confrontation - Hunt 3 Royal Ludroth - Flooded Forest
6. Sumo Jungle - Hunt 5 Daimyo Hermitaur - Jungle


1. Deathly Dodgeball - Hunt a Blood Orange Bishaten, Kulu Ya Ku, And a Bishaten - Infernal Springs
2. Sparked Destiny - Hunt a Tobi Kadachi and a Khezu - Forlorn Arena
3. The Early Worm gets the Bird - Hunt 2 Khezu and an Aknosom - Frost Islands
4. The World Eaters - Hunt a Tetranadon, Arzuros, Pukei Pukei and a Khezu - Shrine Ruins
5. Trial of the Temple I - Hunt a Great Izuchi, Arzuros, Barroth, Basarios and a Blood Orange Bishaten - Jungle (TEMPLE ONLY!)
6. Water You Doing? - Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur, Royal Ludroth, Tetranadon, Jyuratodus, and a Somnacanth - Infernal Springs
7. Worldly Arena - Hunt a Kulu Ya Ku, Pukei Pukei, Tobi Kadachi, Jyuratodus and an Anjanath - Infernal Springs


1. Obsidian Night - Hunt a Nargacuga and a Magnamalo - Arena
2. Reverie - Hunt a Tiny Goss Harag and avoid its trauma - Yawning Abyss
3. Stay Buff, Stay Clean! - Hunt 2 Garangolm and a Royal Ludroth - Flooded Forest
4. The Lost Barioth - Slay the Lost Barioth - Lava Caverns
5. The Red Tyrant - Slay the Red Tyrant and its victims - Flooded Forest
6. Warrior Twins - Hunt a Goss Harag and a Shogun Ceanataur - Forlorn Arena


1. Abyssal Witchcraft - Slay the Dark Witch and her acquaintances - Citadel
2. Astalos Infestation - Hunt 5 Astalos - Arena
3. Arachnophobia - Hunt 4 Rakna Kadaki and 3 Pyre Rakna Kadaki - Arena
4. Bloodbath - Hunt a Seregios and a Shogun Ceanataur - Sandy Plains
5. Exotica Tropica - Hunt an Astalos, Espinas, Lunagaron and a Gore Magala - Jungle
6. Green Hell - Hunt an Astalos, Espinas, and a Rathian - Jungle
7. Moon's Beckoning - Hunt a Zinogre and a Lunagaron - Flooded Forest
8. Stay Buff, Stay Clean, Stay Sudsy! - Hunt 2 Garangolm, a Royal Ludroth and a Mizutsune - Flooded Forest
9. Tackled Head First - Hunt a Barroth, Diablos, Tigrex and an Espinas - Arena
10. Trial of the Temple II - Hunt an Almudron, Shogun Ceanataur, Garangolm, Magnamalo, and a Seregios - Jungle (TEMPLE ONLY!)


1. Apex Arzuros - Slay an Apex Arzuros - Arena
2. Apex Rathian - Slay an Apex Rathian - Infernal Springs
3. Apex Mizutsune - Slay an Apex Mizutsune - Coral Palace
4. Apex Rathalos - Slay an Apex Rathalos - Infernal Springs
5. Apex Diablos - Slay an Apex Diablos - Yawning Abyss
6. Apex Zinogre - Slay an Apex Zinogre - Forlorn Arena
7. Beyond the Blasting Scales - Hunt 2 Bazelgeuse - Sandy Plains
8. Coveter of the Throne - Slay the tyrant and his servants - Citadel
9. Defense is the Best Offense - Hunt a Barroth, Kulu Ya Ku, Daimyo Hermitaur, Basarios and a Kushala Daora - Forlorn Arena
10. Double Diablos Devastation - Slay 2 Apex Diablos - Arena
11.Ice and Fire: Dragons - Slay a Velkhana and a Teostra - Arena
12. Offense is the Best Defense - Hunt a Great Izuchi, Goss Harag, Zinogre, Nargacuga, and a Rajang - Forlorn Arena
13. Pinecone Panic! - Hunt a Blood Orange Bishaten, Seregios, and a Bazelgeuse - Sandy Plains
14. Poisonous Peril - Hunt a Great Wroggi, Pukei Pukei, and a Chameleos - Flooded Forest
15. Red of the Eldritch - Slay all the Apex Monsters - Infernal Springs
16. Sharknado?! - Hunt 2 Jyuratodus and slay a Kushala Daora - Infernal Springs
17. The Holy Summit - Hunt 2 Barioth and a Shagaru Magala - Shrine Ruins - (Area 5 ONLY!)
18. Winter's Snowflake - Slay a Tiny Velkhana - Frost Islands


1. A Pale, Bloody Eclipse - Slay a Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax and a Risen Shagaru Magala - Infernal Springs
2. A Gateway to the Heavens - Hunt a Gore Magala, Chaotic Gore Magala and slay a Shagaru Magala - Forlorn Arena
3. A Gathering of Fallen Angels - Hunt a Gold Rathian, Silver Rathalos, Lucent Nargacuga, Chaotic Gore Magala, and slay Wind Serpent Ibushi - Coral Palace
4. Among the Happy Couples - Hunt every Rath Pair - Arena
5. At the Brink of my Blade - Hunt a Shogun Ceanataur, Seregios, Scorned Magnamalo and slay Primordial Malzeno - Arena
6. Banquet of War - Slay Narwa the Allmother and Scorned Magnamalo - Coral Palace (Allmother Arena)
7.Black Reunition - Slay Wind Serpent Ibushi and Narwa the Allmother - Coral Palace
8. Blue Cat, Blue Dog, White Moon - Hunt a Lucent Nargacuga and a Lunagaron (HAZARDS) - Forlorn Arena
9. Boom Town - Hunt an Espinas, Flaming Espinas, Bazelgeuse, Seething Bazelgeuse, and slay a Risen Teostra - Citadel
10. BURNING Passion! - Hunt a Volvidon, Rathalos, Magma Almudron, Seething Bazelgeuse and slay a Risen Teostra - Lava Caverns
11. Celeste Mountain - Slay Malzeno and Primordial Malzeno - Frost Islands
12. Claustrophobic Canyon Combat - Hunt a Barioth, Nargacuga, Garangolm, Rathalos and a Flaming Espinas - Sandy Plains (Area 4 ONLY!) 
13. Couple Battle - Hunt the Metal and Apex Rath Pairs - Shrine Ruins
14. Don't Say Orange - Hunt a Flaming Espinas (1 CART!) - Forlorn Arena
15. Dreaded Jungle Skies - Slay a Kushala Daora, Risen Kushala Daora, Crimson Glow Valstrax and a Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax - Jungle
16. Don't Touch Me or my Son Ever Again! VII - Slay a Chameleos and a Risen Chameleos, and hunt a Bazelgeuse - Shrine Ruins
17. Don't Touch Me or my Son Ever Again! VIII - Slay a Kushala Daora and a Risen Kushala Daora, and hunt a Furious Rajang - Frost Islands
18. Don't Touch Me or my Son Ever Again! IX - Slay a Teostra and a Risen Teostra, and hunt a Flaming Espinas - Sandy Plains
19. Don't Touch Me or my Son Ever Again! X - Slay a Crimson Glow Valstrax and a Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax, and hunt a Scorned Magnamalo - Lava Caverns
20. Don't Touch Me or my Son Ever Again! XI - Slay a Shagaru Magala and a Risen Shagaru Magala, and hunt a Chaotic Gore Magala - Citadel
21. Gems in the Rough - Hunt 3 Basarios, a Silver Rathalos and a Gold Rathian - Sandy Plains
22. Happy Mother's Day! - Hunt an Apex Rathian, Gold Rathian, Rakna Kadaki, Pyre Rakna Kadaki and slay Narwa the Allmother - Coral Palace
23. Knockout!! - Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur, Garangolm, Rajang, Furious Rajang, and slay an Apex Arzuros - Arena
24. Laugh like a Leviathan - Hunt a Somnacanth, Aurora Somnacanth, Almudron, Magma Almudron, Mizutsune, Violet Mizutsune and slay an Apex Mizutsune - Coral Palace
25. Primordial Flare - Slay Primordial Malzeno - Yawning Abyss
26. Red Shift - Slay a Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax (1 CART!) - Infernal Springs
27. Reminiscence - Hunt a Gold Rathian and a Silver Rathalos - Coral Palace
28. Rend the Skies Asunder - Hunt a Rathalos, Astalos, Seregios, Seething Bazelgeuse and slay a Crimson Glow Valstrax - Shrine Ruins
29. Rise, Flagships! - Hunt/Slay the Rise Flagships - Infernal Springs
30. (REPLACES AMATSU QUEST!!) Rivals of the Storm - Slay Amatsu, Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax and an Apex Zinogre - Infernal Springs
31. Royal Risen Rush - Slay all the Risen Elder Dragons - Forlorn Arena
32. Scars Don't Scare Me - Slay Primordial Malzeno and hunt a Chaotic Gore Magala, Scorned Magnamalo, and slay an Apex Zinogre - Citadel
33. Scavengers of the Abyss - Hunt a Scorned Magnamalo, Flaming Espinas, Violet Mizutsune and slay an Apex Diablos and a Risen Shagaru Magala - Yawning Abyss
34. Smokebomb Chameleos - Slay a Smokebomb Chameleos - Yawning Abyss
35. Spooky's House of Hunting - Hunt a Barroth, Rakna Kadaki, Magnamalo, Aurora Somnacanth and a Goss Harag - Forlorn Arena
36. Terrible Tiny Trio of Terror - Slay the Terrible Tiny Trio of Terror - Forlorn Arena
37. The Blood Moon - Hunt an Aknosom, Garangolm and Lunagaron and Slay Malzeno and an unknown threat - Infernal Springs
38. The Demon King - Slay the Demon King - Yawning Abyss
39. The Elder Trio - Slay a Risen Chameleos, Risen Kushala Daora, and a Risen Teostra - Arena
40. (REPLACES GAISMAGORM QUEST!!) The Four Lords - Hunt a Garangolm, Lunagaron and slay Gaismagorm and Primordial Malzeno - Yawning Abyss
41. The Vampire and the Knight - Slay Malzeno and Primordial Malzeno - Citadel
42. Trial of the Temple III - Slay a Shagaru Magala, Teostra, Malzeno, Scorned Magnamalo and Primordial Malzeno - Jungle (TEMPLE ONLY!)
43. True Pain Train - Hunt 3 Tiny Flaming Espinas - Arena
44. Unholy Chaos - Hunt a Tigrex, Chaotic Gore Magala, Astalos and a Scorned Magnamalo - Arena
45. Seven Monsters and a Dream - Hunt a Scorned Magnamalo, Lucent Nargacuga, Violet Mizutsune, Chaotic Gore Magala and slay a Velkhana, Risen Shagaru Magala, and Primordial Malzeno - Forlorn Arena
46. Baleful Spirit Dance - Hunt a Magnamalo, Scorned Magnamalo, Apex Mizutsune and a Violet Mizutsune - Coral Palace
47. Offspring Of The Calamity - Slay Tiny Wind Serpent Ibushi, Tiny Thunder Serpent Narwa, and Tiny Allmother Narwa - Coral Palace
48. Offspring Of The Calamity Two: Electric Boogaloo - Slay 3 Wind Serpent Ibushi, 3 Thunder Serpent Narwa, and the Calamitous Allmother - Coral Palace
49. Title Update: One - Hunt a Seething Bazelgeuse, Gold Rathian, Silver Rathalos and a Lucent Nargacuga - Forlorn Arena
50. Title Update: Two - Hunt a Flaming Espinas, Violet Mizutsune and slay a Risen Chameleos - Infernal Springs
51. Title Update: Three - Hunt a Chaotic Gore Magala and slay a Risen Kushala Daora and a Risen Teostra - Citadel
52. Title Update: Four - Slay a Velkhana and a Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax - Forlorn Arena
53. (REPLACES AMATSU EVENT QUEST!!) Title Update: Five - Slay Primordial Malzeno, a Risen Shagaru Magala and Amatsu - Infernal Springs

Epilogue Quests:


Shrine Ruins

Hunt a Great Izuchi, Bishaten, Nargacuga, Zinogre, Silver Rathalos, Apex Zinogre and slay a Risen Chameleos

Frost Islands

Hunt a Lagombi, Aknosom, Barioth, Mizutsune, Velkhana, Apex Mizutsune and slay a Risen Kushala Daora

Sandy Plains

Hunt a Kulu Ya Ku, Barroth, Diablos, Rakna Kadaki, Gold Rathian, Apex Diablos and slay a Risen Teostra

Flooded Forest

Hunt a Great Wroggi, Somnacanth, Almudron, Garangolm, Chaotic Gore Magala, Apex Rathian and a Furious Rajang 

Lava Caverns

Hunt a Volvidon, Khezu, Tigrex, Magma Almudron, Seething Bazelgeuse, Apex Rathalos and slay a Risen Crimson Glow Valstrax


Hunt a Daimyo Hermitaur, Rathian, Anjanath, Astalos, Espinas and slay a Crimson Glow Valstrax and a Violet Mizutsune 


Hunt an Arzuros, Blood Orange Bishaten, Goss Harag, Pyre Rakna Kadaki, Flaming Espinas, Apex Arzuros and slay a Risen Shagaru Magala


Hunt a Rathalos, Nargacuga, Espinas, Mizutsune, Shagaru Magala, Magnamalo and slay a Malzeno

Infernal Springs


Slay an Apex Arzuros, Apex Rathian, Apex Mizutsune, Apex Rathalos, Apex Diablos, Apex Zinogre and Scorned Magnamalo

Forlorn Arena


Hunt a Garangolm, Lunagaron, Zinogre, Lucent Nargacuga, Flaming Espinas, Violet Mizutsune and slay a Velkhana - ALL HAZARDS!

Coral Palace


Hunt a Rathian, Rathalos, Daimyo Hermitaur, Shogun Ceanataur, Magnamalo, and slay Wind Serpent Ibushi and Allmother Narwa

Yawning Abyss

Hunt a Garangolm, Lunagaron, Malzeno, Afflicted Garangolm, Afflicted Lunagaron, Malzeno and Primordial Malzeno