We're looking for a Mid-level Front End Developer

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With our site and community growing, we are once again looking for new talent to recruit to the Nexus Mods team. This time we are looking for a Mid-level Front End Developer to join us in our offices in Exeter, UK.

You can view the full job description on Workable and if you think you would be a good fit, do not hesitate to send us your application.

If you're interested in joining our team, but don't think this is the right role for you then please feel free to keep checking our careers page for available positions in the future. 


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  1. Reinman2001
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    The mere fact people are adversely commenting and/or bashing this post is absurd. You are just showing your age; be it mental or physically.

    Mentioning or thinking of Covid-19 is not going to restrain a well qualified individual from re-locating to another country, if the job is worthwhile or their dream. Also, who says the candidate will come from outside the country, or even the local area? Are you saying their local community has no respectable prospects? Not good form.

    Commenting about remote work, well if a company wants employees physically on site, they want them physically on site. Now, before you comment childishly about me, not knowing what I am talking about; I have worked on and administrated two of the largest networks in the world (NMCI and MNF-w). If you do not know what those are, look them up and you will understand my knowledge is adequate. I did remote and on site work. There is a time and place for both. You also have security to take in mind. Locally plugged into an intranet, and not remotely VPN'd in, is much more secure and easier on the security team. The company may also need an all hands, in person, face to face meeting. Are you planning to fly from your country each time there is a meeting on Friday? Remote work for things like Covid-19, travel to other sites, etc., are understandable, and I am sure they have something in place for that. But, that is not what they are looking for.

    Be a professional! Let them post the job they are looking for. They did not ask for critiques on their query, they asked for applications. If I was part of their team, every rude and out of place comment, name on a list of unprofessional persons, for later reference (Yes they have your email address and I am very sure a large IT based company can acquire your true and full information quite easily). It is quite easy to get "BlackBalled" in the US, I am sure it is not much different in the UK.

    Professional etiquette is a huge part of a six figure career.
    1. shinkleihh
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      apparently everyone is a critic nowadays, can't post anything without being judged lmao
      "your preference greatly narrows the field of possible candidates," "they're only appealing to a small section of the UK," "your staff is probably leaving you," "i get far less done in offices than from home," "you'll probably get someone towards the bottom of the barrel"
      i agree with you. like god damn, they're just posting that they're looking for a developer with certain skills and they get flak for how they do things
    2. DaedalusMachina007
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      CISCO certfied network engineer; done both on-site and physical work. If we're gonna e-peen here might as well go all-in, shall we?
      There's nothing about this position that **requires** on-site location or work. If it is about trust, that's an issue with Nexus needing to better vet the people it hires. If it is about security, with cryptography and encryption it can be as secure if not MORE secure to remotely VPN into a terminal rather than physically sit there and operate it.

      To be more pedantic and pedestrian, using 'LogMeIn' to remotely access a terminal's desktop rather than physically sitting at the computer is beneficial for many purposes. There are no 'security' concerns here other than IP (intellectual property) security concerns which again relates to trust issues in properly vetting those who get hired similar to what financial institutions do (extensive background checks, credit checks, etc).

      Now if the work requires physical presence to physically plug and unplug cables, routers, switches, and so on then that would be different from what the job description states.

      I'm disappointed that someone so ignorant of how cybersecurity actually works is responsible for some of the internet's biggest networking facilities. Maybe that's one of the reasons why things have gone downhill so swiftly after Net Neutrality became absent in the USA.

      Let's measure e-peen again when you've worked with Level3 and the like, ok? :)

      As a final note, I find it deeply concerning that such a detailed job description lacks anything regarding employee benefits/compensation whatsoever. Basically 'here is what we need if you can't do everything then gtfo loser'. Seems overly applicant-hostile to me IMHO.
    3. bakfromthedead0
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I couldn't find the "like" button. Well said good sir. I'm sure there are just teenagers on here that hate their job at PetSmart, and think corporations are the blame for all their problems. Meanwhile they expect their bosses to pay them more hourly wage, so they can go home and smoke more pot and beat their girlfriends....or boyfriends I suppose. hahahahahah. rant over.
  2. SmokeSmokeSmokeTrees
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    You expect someone to relocate during the COVID outbreak? To go to an office to do something that could be done remotely? I wish you good luck getting someone with talent during this trying time. Most likely, you'll get someone towards the bottom of the barrel IMO.
    1. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 715 kudos
      I understand why you might think that. To be clear, at the moment most of our team are working remotely in line with the COVID-19 advice from the UK government. However, we're optimistic that things will get back to normal and when that time comes we'd like our staff to be able to work from our office.
    2. JackyTheFlipper
      • BANNED
      • 0 kudos
      Why though? Is there any other benefit of your workers working from your offices than to micromanage what doesn't need to be micromanaged? I really don't see what you could possibly benefit from having the people in your offices except good looks and exerting unnecessary control. I really hoped that after COVID-19, employers would realize that their workers can work from home just as fine as in their offices, but I guess I had too high of an opinion of employers in the first place.
    3. bakfromthedead0
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Do you work for a dev team in an office and know the nuance of running a business or operation? I'm certain that you don't, but its the internet so you certainly can claim whatever you would like in response to this. I would never hire someone like you, get your toxic ass outta here.
  3. BigTiddyKhajiit
    • BANNED
    • 9 kudos
    Seems every week you're looking for devs...probably because your staff keep leaving you.
    1. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 715 kudos
      What are you basing this on?

      It's quite the opposite actually. We're looking for new members of the team to help us improve the site.
    2. Fyrestorm214
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah, that is what is up.
  4. Weak1ings
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    While I'm not a good fit, its so exciting to see jobs like these open up with companies that we've followed and supported for years!!

    Great job so far Nexus, keep it up!
  5. HornetActual
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    There's no need for relocation for work like this. I've been freelancing for a decade and get far LESS done in offices than from the quiet of home. The only exception is major planning meetings, which in the current time are probably held so remotely that it actually makes no difference anyway, if you can't pass a pencil & paper around there's no advantage.

    In a strange coincidence I've previously worked on several sites belonging to one of your competitors, back and front ends, so I know it's completely possible to do with a site/scale of this nature. I'm very surprised the pandemic hasn't helped you realise this yet.
    1. Dark0ne
      • Site Owner
      • 2,979 kudos
      What works for you might not work for others.

      Nexus Mods did full remote working until 2017 when we got our first office space. I have not looked back.
    2. HornetActual
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      If that works for you then that's great, but then why enforce your preference on all the staff? As you rightly say it might not work for others, and it greatly narrows the field of possible candidates. Naturally it's entirely your prerogative if you want to have it as a condition of employment, but it's a shame as it's such an exclusive criteria.

      I've seen a few otherwise interesting vacancies go past on the Nexus over the last few years and all have had that limitation; I'm in Suffolk and need to stay here, rendering them all impossible. I'm sure I'm not the only one geographically/logistically excluded in such a way, so it must be greatly limiting the talent pool available to you.
    3. Fyrestorm214
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That is a good point, but do you expect people to come in now? I think he was saying that is what he/she would be doing anyway, unless there were special circumstances.
    4. RexGalilae
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I 100% agree. They're greatly narrowing their talent pool and putting all their money into office rent, maintenance, cleaning, etc that could all have been easily avoidable.

      Instead of searching the world for talent, they're only appealing to a small section of the UK. This hurts diversity too, imo
    5. marsher
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      having a physical office in the right industries, even within software development, can be extremely beneficial and well worth the money (if dealing with investors, high profile customers, etc). But when working with a small/tiny dev team with high visibility into everyone's productivity, it's not really worth the benefits of forcing them to work in-office IMO. As the dev team grows, it becomes viable/necessary but in this scenario its got to be drastically limiting the talent pool (as evidenced by the somewhat dated stack haha)

      But hey it's worked for them so far, so if it ain't broke, don't fix it! All of this is just my opinion.
  6. Disturbed147
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Might I ask what tech stacks you are using on both FE and BE side?

    So, from the description I take it that React is being used on FE side? Do you still use stuff like jQuery or are you going with an vanilla ES6 approach or maybe even ES6 with Typescript?
    And it also looks like your BE is done with PHP? Do you have a custom CMS for internal usage or how are you maintaining stuff?

    Also, do you also accept remote-only Devs?
    1. Pickysaurus
      • Community Manager
      • 715 kudos
      Hey Distrubed147,

      I've asked the dev team for answers to your technical questions, but the one I can answer is this:
      Also, do you also accept remote-only Devs?

      We're looking for someone to work with our team based in Exeter, UK from our office. For the right candidates, we may be able to assist with relocation expenses and logistics.
    2. helloWorldJava
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I don't think React.js is used in the front end side. I have a React.js dev-tool as a chrome extension. It's not showing React.

      The front end of the Nexus mods is wonderful I like it. But the back end I think is not quite good. It's a bit slow at least I feel.
    3. RexGalilae
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey iceageplanet,

      > I have a React.js dev-tool as a chrome extension. It's not showing React.

      Most websites disable devtools going into production for obvious reasons lol. That being said, there's a better way. I used Wappalyzer, a Chrome extension and this is what I got

      Quantcast Measure
      Matomo Analytics

      Font scripts
      Google Font API
      Font Awesome

      JavaScript graphics

      Programming languages
      PHP 7.1.33

      The "PHP 7" part explains the laggy backend hahaha

      JavaScript libraries
      jQuery UI 1.12.1
      jQuery 2.2.0
  7. DeathClawDC
    • premium
    • 78 kudos
    sad indian noises
    1. seniixms
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
  8. deleted49955991
    • account closed
    • 6 kudos
    One day...one day...