Changes related to physical combat:

    • Attacks now always hit by default; There are several changes to accomodate that (I'd even say, it's a core feature that I'm not very eager to make customizable, should the request arise, since there's a lot of interconnected mechanical aspects in here)
      • You might wonder what Sanctuary and Fortify Attack are up to now...
      • Fortify Attack counteracts Blind, Noise, defensive effects of Willpower and Endurance, Light Armor evasion and Heavy Armor critical damage reduction (the latter two require the Skills module), which also means, that it'll be useful for both physical and magical damage dealing
      • Sanctuary reduces the chances of being affected by physical status effects and 'forced' knockdown (a lot of this has to do with the Skills module; Without it, Sanctuary is only really useful against creatures)

    • Physical damage is governed by Agility, Strength, your corresponding skill, attacker Fatigue and Blindness, target Fatigue and Endurance (and armor of course, but there's nothing new in that regard)
    • There are still options to evade attacks like in ancient times: Attacker Blindness and Light Armor perks (Skills module)

    • Critical attack chance is governed by Agility and Luck, and reduced by target Endurance
    • Critical attack damage mainly scales with Strength
    • Successful critical attacks deal some damage to target Fatigue
    • Hand-to-Hand attacks deal damage to Health from the get-go, but still some Fatigue damage on top (but not as much as in vanilla)
    • Sideways attacks (except unarmed) deal damage to all hostiles within reach around the wielder

There's a new way to evade attacks like a normal human being: Dashing

    • Very basic functionality, essentially a speed boost for 0.3 secs, triggered via a custom key (Left Alt by default)
    • Distance is directly governed by Acrobatics and worn armor type (indirectly by Athletics and Speed)
    • Cooldown is determined by Agility, Acrobatics and worn armor type (between 1 and 4.3 secs)
    • Fatigue cost depends on Acrobatics and encumbrance (between 10 and 20)
    • Grants progress to Acrobatics
    • NPCs can dash defensively and aggressively (customizable):
      • Its occurrence is based on randomness
      • Defensive NPC dashing frequency depends on their Speed and Agility
      • Aggressive dashing depends on their distance to the player, Strength and Agility
    • To give you an impression: Dashing in the early game is like a big side step, and hardly noticeable in case you're fully clad in heavy armor. But it ramps up considerably the further you progress.
    • You can dodge spells as well of course

Changes related to magic:

    • Spell damage is a bit weaker early game, but governed by Destruction, Willpower and Intelligence, and otherwise influenced by target Fatigue and Willpower, as well as caster Fatigue and Noise level
    • Critical spell chance is governed by Willpower and Luck (It is only concerned with magic damage effects though), and reduced by target Willpower
    • Critical spell damage mainly scales with Intelligence

    • Although this overhaul is mainly concerned with adding overpowered stuff, Conjuration has been heavily nerfed instead: The number of active summons is now restricted
      • You may only conjure one creature up until Conjuration level 90, when you can have two summons (Skyrim says Hello)
      • The Ritual would allow you to have one more (Races & Birthsigns module)
      • Fully supports all summons added through the Magicka Expanded framework
      • But also note, that creatures have been buffed
    • Illusion Mind Control rework:
      • Attempted Frenzy and Command spells are considered crime (unless you're born under the Lover; Races & Birthsigns module)
      • Frenzied targets will attack anyone around instead of just you
      • There's no distinction between humanoids and creatures anymore when casting mind control, it affects both (except for Command)
      • The magnitude of all mind control spells now represents the maximum level of targets they can affect (just like Command works)
        • Counteracted by Resist Magicka
        • If the target is too high level, the effect will be resisted
    • Enchanting rework:
      • Souls sufficient for constant effect enchantments (500+ soul value) can only be extracted from uniquely named creatures (Dagoths, Vivec, Staada, Old Blue Fin, etc.)
      • The chance to successfully enchant something has actually been increased; You should be able to confidently enchant stuff yourself on high level
      • However, the magnitudes you can achieve with Enchanting have been nerfed in such a way that the potentially strongest constant effect enchantments end up being slightly weaker than those of artifacts (will be subject to more extensive testing)
      • Passive recharge over time is removed (the Skills module will however re-add a scaling version on Enchant level 30)
    • Paralyze is way more easily resisted with high Willpower
    • Spell cast speed increases with Intelligence
    • Spell projectiles wiggle according to your Willpower; The less headstrong you are, the more unstable your spells, the harder it is to hit something at a far distance (customizable)
    • Silence is removed from NPC spell lists (was redundant, use Noise instead)
    • All effects related to manipulating skills are dynamically removed from NPC spell lists (was mostly redundant + I've got enough of a headache from balancing as is...)
    • Some spell effects have been renamed:
      • 'Sound' => 'Noise' (just makes more sense)
      • 'Reflect' => 'Reflect Magic' (to distinguish it more from physical reflect effects added by other modules)
      • 'Demoralize Humanoid/Creature' => just 'Demoralize'
      • 'Calm Humanoid/Creature' => just 'Calm'
      • 'Frenzy Humanoid/Creature' => just 'Frenzy'
      • 'Rally Humanoid/Creature' => just 'Rally'
      • 'Detect Animal' => 'Detect Life'
    • It should be noted, that enchantments also benefit from most of those additions, including critical damage and magic sneak attacks

Sneak attacks have been entirely replaced under the hood:

    • Should be a tad bit more reliable than in vanilla
    • Allows for magic sneak attacks (the main reason for the replacement)
    • Damage modifier depends on weapon type or spell range type and scales with Sneak (more details in the article about Stealth skills)
    • Note: This has been exclusively tested with Stealth Improved. I consider this mod mandatory. It should be an absolute staple of your loadout anyway.

Changes related to movement:

    • Early game movement speed has been considerably buffed, while it has been nerfed a little bit in the late game (diminishing returns)
    • Moving backwards is slower (0.7x)
    • Movement on low fatigue is 0.7x slower (while I'm not entirely sure, if that wasn't already the case in vanilla, it's solidified now)
    • Jumping height on high Acrobatics has been nerfed (diminishing returns; Still much the same on low levels)

Other changes:

    • Knockdown limit (Customizable; Default: 6 secs)
      • To avoid stun-locking due to fatigue loss
      • Otherwise related to 'forced' knockdown used by creatures and a lot of features from other modules
      • Not related to vanilla random knockdown behavior
    • Reduced vanilla knockdown behavior (Customizable)
    • Elemental shields reflect their full magnitude, but not from beyond 10 ft distance
    • Talking to an NPCs while having a weapon drawn reduces their disposition by 10 instead of 5
    • All projectiles are faster (mainly to make dodging them a bit harder)
    • NPCs have just as much Magicka as the player character would have, instead of having twice as much
    • Anywhere you read the word 'chance' anywhere in this mod, it's likely that Luck makes up 1/3 of that
    • Stacking temporary Fortify and Drain effects should correctly reset the corresponding stat now, instead of permanently damaging it


Physical damage

Damage = (0.5 + attackerStrength/400 + attackerAgility/400 + attackerSkill/200) * weaponDamage * attackerFatigue * targetFatigue * enduranceFactor * blindFactor * critDmg * miscBonuses

critDmg = 1.5 + attackerStrength/100 + miscBonuses

critChance = ((0.1*attackerLuck + 0.15*attackerAgility + miscBonuses) * enduranceFactor)

enduranceFactor = 1 - targetEndurance/500 + attackerFortifyAttack/500 (min: 0.2, max: 1)

blindFactor = 1 - attackerBlindness/100 + attackerFortifyAttack/100 (min: 0.05, max: 1)

Magic damage

Damage = (0.5 + casterIntelligence/400 + casterWillpower/400 + casterDestruction/200) * spellDamage * casterFatigue * targetFatigue * willpowerFactor * noiseFactor * critDmg * miscBonuses

critDmg = 1.5 + casterIntelligence/100 + miscBonuses

critChance = ((0.1*casterLuck + 0.15*casterWillpower + miscBonuses) * willpowerFactor)

willpowerFactor = 1 - targetWillpower/500 + casterFortifyAttack/500 (min: 0.2, max: 1)

noiseFactor = 1 - attackerNoise/100 + casterFortifyAttack/100 (min: 0.05, max: 1)

Fatigue factors

attackerFatigue = 0.5 + 0.5*(attackerFatigueCurrent/attackerFatigueBase)

targetFatigue = 2 - (targetFatigueCurrent/targetFatigueBase)

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