For the purpose of this documentation, I have marked perks with the following:

  • S, if they scale with skill level
  • 1, if they are player-only
  • 2, if they can't be accessed by creatures
  • 3, if they need to be gained through conventional levelling (which means, you can't get them directly by using the console)


Mainly concerns itself with recharging enchantments, apart from the (very cool) addition to staves.

Enchantment charges slowly replenish over time.

  • Items regain up to 1 charge every 2 seconds at Enchant level 100
  • I think it bleeds over to affect enchantments of NPCs as well, but I don't see this as too much of an issue


On-strike enchantments of staves can be cast at range by swinging them.

  • Technically isn't limited to the player, but NPC AI isn't really able to attack unless within weapon range

Killing blows absorb part of the victim's soul to recharge your equipped items.

  • Equals 5% of the target's soul value, 25 for humanoids
  • Isn't technically limited to the player, but if an enemy kills you, the perk certainly won't be of much relevance to them


Heavily inspired by EnaiRim, Destruction is now jam-packed with loads of on-hit effects. This school is concerned with everything that inflicts harm, so I added the following effects to its loadout: Blind, Noise, Silence, Paralysis and Burden.

Increased critical spell damage. Fire and Shock spells have a chance to daze targets.

  • Up to +100% critical hit damage at Destruction level 100
  • Up to 15% chance every second to daze at Destruction level 100 and Luck 100

Chance to inflict additional effects: Damage Health, Fire and Poison deal extra damage over time. Frost spells slow targets and Shock spells have a chance to knock down.

  • Up to 100% to inflict damage over time or frost slow at Destruction level 100 and Luck 100
  • Shock spells have up to 50% chance to knock down at Destruction level 100 and Luck 100
  • Damage over time effects on hit dispel currently active healing on the target

Additional effects on critical hit: Damage Health inflicts part of the target's maximum health as extra damage, burning targets detonate in an area, Shock can jump to another target, Poison weakens and Frost freezes. Frozen targets can be shattered by Fire, Shock and weapon attacks for devastating damage.

  • Damage Health, 'Lacerate' on crit: Damage equals 2% of maximum Health at 10 damage (0.2% at 1 damage, 20% at 100 damage, ...)
  • Poison, 'Weaken' on crit: Drain all attributes 50 pts
  • Shock is re-applied on another target within 20 ft range; Very potent with area effects; Isn't limited to hostiles only, so be careful, if you don't want to hurt friendlies...
  • Fire, 'Detonate' on crit: An AoE explosion with a range of 10 ft and damage equal to the current second's fire tick
  • Frost, 'Freeze' on crit: Paralysis effect, only mitigated by Frost Resist; Lasts 5 seconds
  • Shattering frozen targets deals 20% of the target's maximum Health as Frost Damage; Requires spells to inflict a minimum damage of 10, or full weapon attacks


The purpose of Alteration entirely shifted from whatever it was before to a magic school, that is related to buffing and protecting yourself, which means that many Restoration effects shifted to Alteration. Only Feather and the several shield effects have remained from its vanilla iteration. Other effects have been added: Reflect Magic, Fortify, Resist, Spell Absorption and the new Sanctuary.


When affected by a type of resistance, take less corresponding damage the lower your Health.

  • Up to 35% less damage at Alteration level 100 the lower the target's Health


Non-elemental shields redirect incoming physical damage to magicka. The lower your current magicka, the less damage will be absorbed this way.

  • Absorbs the full amount of incoming attack damage at full Magicka and nothing, if Magicka is empty

Elemental shields deal damage to hostiles in a radius of 10 ft. Non-elemental shields reflect damage to melee attackers.

  • Elemental shields deal constant damage around you, equal to 20% of their magnitude
  • Non-elemental shields always reflect 10% of their total magnitude, but without additionally mitigating any damage


I've made the obvious choice to move Command effects to Illusion. Otherwise, a lot of other effects that didn't feel quite right in this setting have been moved to other schools. Illusion is now only concerned with mind control and magic stealth.


Deal increased damage briefly after breaking Invisibility.

  • Up to 1.5x damage at Illusion level 100
  • Duration is 2.5 seconds

Demoralize, Calm and Frenzy spells weaken targets, while Rally spells strengthen them.

  • 'Weaken' drains all attributes by half the spell's magnitude
  • 'Strengthen' fortifies all attributes by half the spell's magnitude
  • NPCs don't use mind control spells, since their AI isn't suited for it, so this is basically player-only


When casting Invisibility, surrounding actors immediately stop combat with the caster. Mind Control spells (except Command) may now affect Automatons, Undead and Daedra.

  • As you can't force the player to not attack an NPC (well, actually you can do that, but it would feel utterly awful), this will be player-only


This school hasn't changed all too much. Command spells have been moved elsewhere, therefore Soultrap got added here. Much like in Skyrim.
Bound items have been massively overhauled. They now scale with your Conjuration level. The base damage of Bound weapons has been nerfed (-25%), but they deal magic damage to Health and absorb Magicka. While they still scale with their corresponding weapon skill, their damage doesn't get mitigated by armor, but by Resist Magicka. Bound armor actually doesn't give any armor, but grants the wearer a bonus to Health (around 100 pts when fully clad in it) and straight-up resistance to all damage (up to 50% when wearing a full set).
The Magicka Expanded lore-friendly pack has been accounted for. Bound item bonuses end up the same, whether you have it installed or not.

Bound items get gradually stronger.

  • Before Conjuration level 30, they always work at 15% effectiveness
  • When getting this perk, their effectiveness scales from 30% to 100% at Conjuration level 100

Bound items gain new enchantments.

  • Armor mostly gains attribute bonuses and weapons Drain Willpower 25 pts and Athletics and Speed by 50 pts (3 – 5 secs duration depending on weapon type)


Control one more summon.

  • This was already added in the Core module so the player isn't forced to sit on only one summon for all eternity, if playing without the Skills module


Whatever it was before, it now has a very distinct purpose: Teleportation, movement and overall utility. It isn't of much relevance in combat, but will be very helpful in any other situation. The following effects have been added: Levitation, Jump, Slowfall, Open, Lock, Waterbreathing, Waterwalking, Swift Swim, Nighteye and Light.

Regenerate while affected by Waterbreathing or Swift Swim and fully submerged in water.

  • Restores all resources equal to 10% of your Mysticism level

Fully healed and cured when teleporting. Recall only partly benefits from this.

  • Recall doesn't cure diseases and restores only 25% of your resources (so it can't be overly exploited in combat)

While affected by Jump, damage and knock down surrounding actors on landing.

  • This works basically the same as the jumping portion of the Steed Trample power, dealing damage equal to 10% encumbrance and 10% of your maximum Health in a 10 ft radius, mitigated by armor


It's now only concerned with, well, restoring stuff and curing. Therefore, Absorb and Dispel have been moved here, but also Turn Undead (like in Skyrim).

Restore effects are stronger the lower the current corresponding resource of the recipient.

  • Total restore effects are up to doubled at Restoration level 100 and (theoretically) 0 Health

Dispel removes positive effects from hostiles, and negative effects from friendlies.

  • Dispel was always destined for this. Pretty straighfoward.

Heal completely when low on health, every 10 mins.

  • Restores all resources for 5 seconds when reaching below 15% Health, a real life saver


If I'm completely honest, this probably is still one of the more broken skills out there, with access to a plethora of effects. However, these perks are oriented around BTBGI's changes to apparatuses, so it should end up kind of alright.


Chance to brew two potions at once.

  • Up to 100% chance at Alchemy level 100

Make more effective use of retorts, further increasing desirable effects of your potions.

Make more effective use of alembics, further decreasing undesirable effects of your potions.


This skill was such a dead weight before. Now, its geared towards being the ultimate choice for mage characters, while still remaining reasonably flexible. With the Skills module active, you don't gain armor anymore when unarmored, since the new additions heavily outweigh the importance of this.
Unarmored also indirectly benefits from Light Armor evasion perks!

Shield spells grant bonus protection for every unarmored body part.

  • Receive up to +200% extra Shield at Alteration level 100 and when fully unarmored


Fortify Maximum Magicka 0.3x, while wearing no cuirass.


Regenerate more the lower your Magicka, while wearing no cuirass.

  • Restores up to 2% maximum Magicka the lower your Magicka

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