For the purpose of this documentation, I have marked perks with the following:

  • S, if they scale with skill level
  • 1, if they are player-only
  • 2, if they can't be accessed by creatures
  • 3, if they need to be gained through conventional levelling (which means, you can't get them directly by using the console)


One of those utility skills you can't do much with... I've just made it more convenient to use, but not much else.

Chests yield additional gold.

  • Chests you activate get added 5 + level/2 Gold, rounded up


Lockpicks and probes last longer.

  • Uses are doubled


Lockpicks and probes are more effective.

  • Quality doubled


Stealth Improved already plays a great part in making this a viable skill. Power Fantasy expands on its functionality with a full overhaul to stealth attacks. Unspecified ingame, Sneak by itself also scales the damage of stealth attacks by up to +50% on skill level 100. Otherwise, sneak attack (base) modifiers are as follows:

  • Twohanded weapons: 1.25x
  • Ranged weapons and spells: 1.5x
  • Spears: 1.75x
  • (Large) onehanded weapons and touch spells: 2x
  • Unarmed attacks and Short Blade: 4x

While crouched, deal increased ranged damage and more melee or touch spell damage when also dashing.

  • Up to double damage with melee attacks and touch spells when dashing
  • Up to 1.5x damage with ranged attacks and spells
  • NPCs could technically benefit from this as well, they just don't tend to sneak by themselves

The bonus damage of sneak attacks ignores armor.

Briefly become invisible for 8 secs when crouching, every 30 seconds.

  • Inspired by Skyrim, this is very powerful when combined with the Illusion Expert perk
  • Although not specified, you also gain a bonus to Speed


With the addition of dashing, this skill has become all the more worthwhile. However, I've also included a nerf below Acrobatics level 30, as you can see below.

Can cast spells and attack while jumping.

  • Well, sometimes in game design, you have to take something from the player, only to give it back to them as a form of gratification. I think, it makes quite a lot of sense, flavor-wise.

Able to dash farther.

  • Technically grants a bonus of +50% to your speed boost when dashing, but that doesn't say much, considering all the other factors; Let's say, 'it just works'

Can dash while jumping. Dashing or jumping attacks deal +100% critical damage, every 10 secs.

  • If you wanted some form of 'double jumping', there you go; This is also part of the reason for the jumping height nerf of the Core module
  • Guarantees a critical attack, much similar to the Athletics Expert perk

Light Armor

If you happen to be a fan of the overall passive evasion shenanigans of the vanilla game, this is kind of the last remaining hub for such things. Although light armor values don't tend to be high, you'll end up with quite a formidable defense nonetheless, just revolving more around randomness instead of direct mitigation. The evasion-related perks also benefit Unarmored. I thought, that leaving Unarmored without it would feel kind of odd.

For every unarmored body part or light piece worn, gain a chance to completely avoid incoming damage when running, dashing or jumping.

  • Each of those actions reduces the chance to get hit by up to 10% at Light Armor level 100
  • You can combine those actions for a stronger boost to evasion
  • Includes resistance to incoming spells

For every unarmored body part or light piece worn, become harder hit the lower your health.

  • Reduces your chance to get hit by up to 30% at Light Armor level 100 the lower your Health
  • Stacks with the Light Armor Apprentice perk and includes resistance to incoming spells


Deal additional damage the longer you haven't been hit, while wearing a light cuirass.

  • Deal up to double damage, if you haven't been hit for 10 seconds

Short Blade

With no special task to fulfill, this one was probably the weakest of the weapon skills. It is now heavily focused on burst damage and synergizes well with stealth, similar to later games.

High inital critical attack chance, diminishing with every successive attack.

  • Gain +100% critical attack chance at the start of combat, diminishing by 20% with every successive hit


Dashing attacks deal additional damage and inflict bleeding.

  • 1.5x damage when dashing


The first attack on a target marks it for death. After 5 secs, they receive part of the health difference suffered so far as additional damage. Can be re-applied after 10 secs.

  • Inflicts 50% of the health difference as damage to Health, which can only be resisted by Sanctuary
  • You can dispel the mark to avoid its final damage


Your go-to ranged weapon choice. Not much to say here. Enjoy!


Draw speed gradually increases while in combat.

  • Increases weapon speed by up to +100% after 5 shots
  • This also works well for NPCs when you have Ultra AI installed


Slow time while readying your shot.

  • A signature ability from Skyrim, which works exactly the same, by pressing the right mouse button when drawing your shot
  • Not (yet?) customizable... Who uses the default setting to open their inventory with the right mouse button anyway? :P


The third shot on the same target inflicts bleeding, +100% critical damage and knocks it down.


These additions are very similar to what you see in Oblivion. It's pretty much self-explanatory.

Merchants have 500 more gold at their disposal.


Can barter any type of item with any merchant.

Merchants have twice as much gold at their disposal.


Getting this one to have some impact gave me quite a headache. It's lower perks are still somewhat lacking, but this skill is hard to design in general, since you can just charm your way through the game with Illusion. It's Expert perk however ended up very useful and unique.

Failing a barter offer does not reduce a merchant's disposition.

  • Sets fDispBargainFailMod to 0


Having your weapon drawn intimidates others and being diseased has no
influence on their disposition.

  • Sets fDispDiseaseMod to 0 and fDispWeaponDrawn to 10 instead of -10, so you actually gain a benefit when talking to NPCs while having your weapon drawn


Bail yourself out for free as long as the bounty on your head is lower than 1000.

  • One of the few esp-related changes I made, adds some new info to guard dialogue


This one has been turned on its head entirely. With no real choice of weapon, I've implemented a number of ways to make it somewhat customizable. The end result should be able to keep up with other physical combat skills. As already stated in the Core module documentation, unarmed attacks now deal normal damage like weapons. If you still want some pacifist flavor for this skill, I'd suggest you install Bonk.


Gain different bonuses depending on the type of gauntlets worn: Light ones increase critical hit chance, medium ones grant critical damage and heavy gauntlets additionally damage armor and have a chance to daze.

  • Every light gauntlet increases critical attack chance by up to +15% at Hand-to-Hand level 100
  • Every medium gauntlet increases critical damage by up to +50% at Hand-to-Hand level 100
  • Every heavy gauntlet damages target armor by up to 2x of incoming damage and grants up to 25% chance to daze at Hand-to-Hand level 100
  • You can actually mix-and-match different gauntlets to get multiple effects, but weaker

Full forwards or backwards attacks knock the target back and have a chance to disarm.

  • 20% chance to disarm at Hand-to-Hand level 100 and Luck 100


Receive three different toggle spells, each representing a unique elemental combat style.

  • The toggles allow you to deal extra elemental damage on full swing, equal to half of damage dealt
  • On critical hit, these do much the same as the corresponding Destruction Expert effects, with an exception being Storm Fist, which just knocks down on crit

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